
Apr 14, 2018
Yall will think everythings fun and games until Disney brings out their new patented anti-account-sharing tech

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
So, can someone explain to me if this will feature any content that's not, how do I call it, PG-13 or under family friendly Disney stuff?

Because as I understand it, this will come to Europe pretty quickly, and honestly, if Disney can't be assed to invest in some actual good content and goes for pure entertainment,


and I'll wait for HBO Max instead which is gonna arrive in early 2020 here in good old yurop.

EDIT: Although that also will depend heavily on if they have all the HBO content here or if the legacy stuff remains with Sky


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
So, can someone explain to me if this will feature any content that's not, how do I call it, PG-13 or under family friendly Disney stuff?

Because as I understand it, this will come to Europe pretty quickly, and honestly, if Disney can't be assed to invest in some actual good content and goes for pure entertainment,


and I'll wait for HBO Max instead which is gonna arrive in early 2020 here in good old yurop.

EDIT: Although that also will depend heavily on if they have all the HBO content here or if the legacy stuff remains with Sky

Disney+? No. Disney will put that stuff on Hulu. And before you say you don't have Hulu, chances are when they roll Disney+ out, they'll have plans for the alternative too.

Also how can you say they can't be assed to invest in good content? They already are doing that from the looks of it.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm kinda for the PG-13 stuff, it's getting increasingly hard to watch stuff with family on Netflix, everything is either way too explicit or way too kid friendly.

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
Disney+? No. Disney will put that stuff on Hulu. And before you say you don't have Hulu, chances are when they roll Disney+ out, they'll have plans for the alternative too.

What alternative? There is no Hulu in Europe, so all the stuff they put on there is probably gonna end up at the usual suspects here anyway.

Also how can you say they can't be assed to invest in good content? They already are doing that from the looks of it.

Marvel Shows and Star Wars Spin Offs is not what I'd consider good content. That's some lowest common denominator shit. At least with Netflix and Amazon, while most of their own shows are middling, you have the good stuff that comes from other studios but runs as an original here (because of course we don't have AMC or The FX or something like that).


Oct 25, 2017
Sollefteå, Sweden
What alternative? There is no Hulu in Europe, so all the stuff they put on there is probably gonna end up at the usual suspects here anyway.

Marvel Shows and Star Wars Spin Offs is not what I'd consider good content. That's some lowest common denominator shit. At least with Netflix and Amazon, while most of their own shows are middling, you have the good stuff that comes from other studios but runs as an original here (because of course we don't have AMC or The FX or something like that).
The alternative to hulu in Europe is hbo Nordic and in some cases amazon prime


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
What alternative? There is no Hulu in Europe, so all the stuff they put on there is probably gonna end up at the usual suspects here anyway.

The alternative would be their own equivalent distribution service for that content. Do you really think that Disney is only going to roll out half the service worldwide? Disney+ is just one half of their video distribution plan. Hulu is the other. They aren't going to give one but not the other.

Marvel Shows and Star Wars Spin Offs is not what I'd consider good content. That's some lowest common denominator shit. At least with Netflix and Amazon, while most of their own shows are middling, you have the good stuff that comes from other studios but runs as an original here (because of course we don't have AMC or The FX or something like that).

The Star Wars and Marvel stuff is to grab eyes but it's already clear they're investing a lot of money in original content for the service. Stuff like The Mandalorian shows this. There's so much content and infrastructure for creating content within Disney's various companies that there's much more to what they own that goes beyond just Marvel and Star Wars. All of that is at their disposal and you can't be serious to think that it's all going to be between those two IPs. Look up a company org chart of what Disney owns and that will show you what you can expect in the long run.

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
The alternative would be their own equivalent distribution service for that content. Do you really think that Disney is only going to roll out half the service worldwide? Disney+ is just one half of their video distribution plan. Hulu is the other. They aren't going to give one but not the other.

Well, if they bring Hulu (or an equivalent) to Europe I'm probably there, depending on the content they manage to bring over. But on the other hand, Hulu has been a thing for years now, yet crickets ...
One of the problems here in Europe is, that the rights are often severly fractured between multiple content providers across the whole continent. People shouldn't forget that when talking about these things. Netflix has kinda changed the game here though.

The Star Wars and Marvel stuff is to grab eyes but it's already clear they're investing a lot of money in original content for the service. Stuff like The Mandalorian shows this. There's so much content and infrastructure for creating content within Disney's various companies that there's much more to what they own that goes beyond just Marvel and Star Wars. All of that is at their disposal and you can't be serious to think that it's all going to be between those two IPs. Look up a company org chart of what Disney owns and that will show you what you can expect in the long run.

Where did I say that they're not investing in content? I just said I have no interest in family friendly entertainment TV, a) because I don't think it's very good most of the time and b) because it's simply not relevant to my interests. And by all accounts and the things I have read in this thread, this is what they want to focus on. I can watch the interesting stuff if there is any through either a friends sub or by subbing one month a year or something like that.

Now if something like the FX shows were also on Disney + this would probably be a whole different conversation, but as you yourself said, this is not the thing they are going for. It's not like Disney doesn't own enough interesting stuff, it's just buried between mountains and mountains of shit or "family entertainment".


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
Well, if they bring Hulu (or an equivalent) to Europe I'm probably there, depending on the content they manage to bring over. But on the other hand, Hulu has been a thing for years now, yet crickets ...
One of the problems here in Europe is, that the rights are often severly fractured between multiple content providers across the whole continent. People shouldn't forget that when talking about these things. Netflix has kinda changed the game here though.

Hulu wasn't completely controlled by Disney until very recently. The big difference is now it's pretty much all Disney and Disney clearly has plans for making Hulu the other half of their streaming plans. I'm sure Disney is well aware of what they've licensed out and Disney is going to let those licenses expire moving forward. This won't affect original content either since they'll leverage that with the service. It's pretty clear what Disney is doing here.

Where did I say that they're not investing in content? I just said I have no interest in family friendly entertainment TV, a) because I don't think it's very good most of the time and b) because it's simply not relevant to my interests. And by all accounts and the things I have read in this thread, this is what they want to focus on. I can watch the interesting stuff if there is any through either a friends sub or by subbing one month a year or something like that.

Now if something like the FX shows were also on Disney + this would probably be a whole different conversation, but as you yourself said, this is not the thing they are going for. It's not like Disney doesn't own enough interesting stuff, it's just buried between mountains and mountains of shit or "family entertainment".

They're focused on launching the service and attracting as many people as possible. That's why you see a lot of talk about Marvel and Star Wars right now since that's what's grabbing people's eyes but again looking at The Mandalorian and if you look beyond it being a Star Wars IP, it's clear they're putting a ton of money into it which proves how serious they are invested in this platform and it's probably pushing the family friendly bounds in its theme in content. You can bet if they are this serious, they aren't going to limit to just Marvel and Star Wars stuff nd know they need to reach a wide audience by having diverse content that appeals to different people. They know damn well already they can't just rely on those IPs either since Solo bombed and they cancelled future movies for the time being. It's naive to think they don't understand this. Did you even look at the trailer or did you immediately write it off cuz it was Star Wars related?

The FX style content will be on Hulu though. Again, look at a company org chart and what IPs Disney owns. It might surprise you as I think a lot of people don't realize how wide reaching they are. People need to start understanding that Disney+ isn't the equivalent of Netflix. Disney+ and Hulu is the equivalent to Netflix. Disney has made it clear that Disney+, Hulu and ESPN is the complete package except you can pick and choose which parts you want unlike with Netflix.

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
Hulu wasn't completely controlled by Disney until very recently. The big difference is now it's pretty much all Disney and Disney clearly has plans for making Hulu the other half of their streaming plans. I'm sure Disney is well aware of what they've licensed out and Disney is going to let those licenses expire moving forward. This won't affect original content either since they'll leverage that with the service. It's pretty clear what Disney is doing here.

Yeah, this might change things, but as I said, the rights situation here in Europe is a mess and will have to clear itself up over the next decade.

They're focused on launching the service and attracting as many people as possible. That's why you see a lot of talk about Marvel and Star Wars right now since that's what's grabbing people's eyes but again looking at The Mandalorian and if you look beyond it being a Star Wars IP, it's clear they're putting a ton of money into it which proves how serious they are invested in this platform and it's probably pushing the family friendly bounds in its theme in content. You can bet if they are this serious, they aren't going to limit to just Marvel and Star Wars stuff nd know they need to reach a wide audience by having diverse content that appeals to different people. They know damn well already they can't just rely on those IPs either since Solo bombed and they cancelled future movies for the time being. It's naive to think they don't understand this. Did you even look at the trailer or did you immediately write it off cuz it was Star Wars related?

I did now. There are 9 words spoken in that trailer. 9. I counted them. Whatever argument you're trying to make, this ain't it. And the ability to pump a lot of money into a project is completely and utterly irrelevant. If that was any kind of indicator for my TV watching habits I'd be watching Lost in Space on Netflix right now.

Not that a lot of money has to be a bad thing. The Crown was wonderful and I doubt that project would have turned out the way it did if it wasn't for the budget it received.

The FX style content will be on Hulu though. Again, look at a company org chart and what IPs Disney owns. It might surprise you as I think a lot of people don't realize how wide reaching they are. People need to start understanding that Disney+ isn't the equivalent of Netflix. Disney+ and Hulu is the equivalent to Netflix. Disney has made it clear that Disney+, Hulu and ESPN is the complete package except you can pick and choose which parts you want unlike with Netflix.

Like I said, I know that they own interesting stuff. A lot of it. If they do anything with it remains to be seen. Because as much as you insist on the Disney+ & Hulu strategy, this is pretty much the first I have heard of it. And it could be years until Disney actually does anything with it. Let's not forget that they don't own Hulu outright. They just have a controlling stake.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this might change things, but as I said, the rights situation here in Europe is a mess and will have to clear itself up over the next decade.

But that won't impact any new original content and content moving forward in general. Older stuff might be tied up but that will expire over time and there's still probably a big pool of existing content to pull from that isn't tied up.

I did now. There are 9 words spoken in that trailer. 9. I counted them. Whatever argument you're trying to make, this ain't it. And the ability to pump a lot of money into a project is completely and utterly irrelevant. If that was any kind of indicator for my TV watching habits I'd be watching Lost in Space on Netflix right now.

There's two trailers which is what I'm basing my impression on. The first one has more dialog and the second one shows more of the scale and tone to expect. Pumping a lot of money isn't irrelevant. It tells the commitment Disney has in developing original content. They could have half assed it and left the major stuff for the big screen. They effort, talent involved, scale, and tone gives a lot of insight. It's a much darker tone than what one expect than how people are throwing around family friendly Disney around here.

Like I said, I know that they own interesting stuff. A lot of it. If they do anything with it remains to be seen. Because as much as you insist on the Disney+ & Hulu strategy, this is pretty much the first I have heard of it. And it could be years until Disney actually does anything with it. Let's not forget that they don't own Hulu outright. They just have a controlling stake.

They're not just going to sit on it. The level of commitment and the moves they've made show how serious they are about this platform. They're going big with this and it should be obviously they're going to leverage what they have across the board to make this a success. Disney will own Hulu in the end. The moves they've done to secure a controlling interest with an outlined endgame to own it in the end should clue anyone in that Hulu is part of their long term streaming strategy. They didn't make those moves for no reason. Comcast is the last major owner and it's already clear that they plan to wind down their interest in Hulu by moving their content to their own platform. Disney has been very aggressive about pushing for this. You can't be serious to think they did all that to just drag their feet with it. Buying Fox to expand their diversity should also clue you in how they're approaching this. All the signs are there of what they're doing if you look at the moves they've made and put them all together. I don't know how you can say Disney+ plus Hulu is a surprise when Iger himself has connected the two many times and they've talked about bundling for awhile now with now a confirmed bundle price.


Nov 11, 2017
People need something to be angry about. This is an insane value.

No, it's because corporate consolidation, especially by the company that has absolutely ravaged the public domain as a concept whilst simultaneously choking the culture with lowest common denominator bullshit, is objectively bad.

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
There's two trailers which is what I'm basing my impression on. The first one has more dialog and the second one shows more of the scale and tone to expect. Pumping a lot of money isn't irrelevant. It tells the commitment Disney has in developing original content. They could have half assed it and left the major stuff for the big screen. They effort, talent involved, scale, and tone gives a lot of insight. It's a much darker tone than what one expect than how people are throwing around family friendly Disney around here.

I can't find the second trailer. Youtube is just littered with reposts and reactions. Also couldn't find anything on the Star Wars YT channel. And to be honest, I still don't see how The Mandalorian is not peak Disney. Seems about on par with Rogue One (at best). I really don't see any of that darker tone you constantly mention. Not that I would actually want that out of Star Wars anyway.

Also, family friendly may be the wrong phrase because it obviously includes smaller children. There's a reason I put it in quotes in one of my posts above. As a non native speaker I'm having problems coming up with a better phrase though. I don't wanna use the term mature as something I'm looking for because people often confuse that with blood and guts or nudity or swearing. Let me use an example. Is there a chance I might get to see a Disney equivalent to HBOs Chernobyl? Or FXs Fargo? Or hell, let's not even go that far but stay in Disney's comfort zone, might there be a chance to get a Disney equivalent to Legion? Because if not, I'm not really interested to be honest.

They're not just going to sit on it. The level of commitment and the moves they've made show how serious they are about this platform. They're going big with this and it should be obviously they're going to leverage what they have across the board to make this a success. Disney will own Hulu in the end. The moves they've done to secure a controlling interest with an outlined endgame to own it in the end should clue anyone in that Hulu is part of their long term streaming strategy. They didn't make those moves for no reason. Comcast is the last major owner and it's already clear that they plan to wind down their interest in Hulu by moving their content to their own platform. Disney has been very aggressive about pushing for this. You can't be serious to think they did all that to just drag their feet with it. Buying Fox to expand their diversity should also clue you in how they're approaching this. All the signs are there of what they're doing if you look at the moves they've made and put them all together. I don't know how you can say Disney+ plus Hulu is a surprise when Iger himself has connected the two many times and they've talked about bundling for awhile now with now a confirmed bundle price.

Doesn't change the fact that I haven't found anything regarding Europe. I mean, Hulu in the US is a known quantity, bundling them makes sense. As for Europe, we will have to wait and see. So, would it make sense? Definitely! Will it happen? Probably! Could it be a few years until we actually something substantial. Likely, if you ask me!


3D Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
Any news on when it might come out in Japan?
Disney deluxe isn't exactly this..
Dec 31, 2017
Its cool but until they have the original content at the level of netflix I'm not really looking into subscribing. Shows such as Stranger Things, Narcos alone make Netflix more appealing.

The movie library on this will be pretty amazing though.


Oct 28, 2017
No, it's because corporate consolidation, especially by the company that has absolutely ravaged the public domain as a concept whilst simultaneously choking the culture with lowest common denominator bullshit, is objectively bad.

Yeah for sure, let's all go back to the comic book movies and tv quality of the 90s and early 2000s, that was way better than what we have now. Objectively! /s


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused by how few of Marvel movies they have on the service... a series with 20+ movies and you've got like 4/5?


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused by how few of Marvel movies they have on the service... a series with 20+ movies and you've got like 4/5?
Oh really? What ones are on there? They definitely made it seem like this was going to have everything. I wonder if that will change when the service is fully live in November.

Edit: I just looked it up and I guess it's just those 4 for launch. That's pretty disappointing. Avengers Endgame in December.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe the sheer extent of Disney's amazing back catalog now they have Fox, Marvel and Star Wars. It's insane!


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Any info on these: 4k? HDR? Ads?
There's no way a service launching in this era won't have support for 4k and hdr, especially given how many of their big films have both.

As for ads, iirc in the UK at least Disney have never had ads on their own TV channels so I doubt anything will change. They don't need ads, people buying merch for all of the ip they own is more than enough.
Oct 25, 2017
"Do you trust me?"

I feel like that was meant for people like me who fear how massive Disney has become.

My wife loves Disney, though, and we've got a little girl now who will likely be raised on Disney anyhow.

It's a losing battle.


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Netflix have circa 150m subs right now.

I'd be very interested in how long it takes Disney to get the same. The market is more receptive than it was when Netflix launched, more people have suitable broadband and... Well.. It's Disney, star wars, marvel etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Recently subbed to DisneyLife to watch Clone Wars and the app is a giant POS, so I truly hope it'll be much improved once Disney+ hits.

Sad there's no date for a UK launch as well :(


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
Another streaming service to pay for: Strike 1.

Disney monopolizing yet again: Strike 2.

Disney Stans at it in force: Strike 3.

I'm out. The lack of original content is a deal-breaker. They don't have the variety of content that Netflix or Hulu have to keep up right now. Maybe if they make some original films and TV shows that go in new directions, it'll be worth paying out over other streaming services. Until then, I can't see it.

I could understand those other issues, but saying "Other people like it so that's a negative for me." is some of the pettiest crap I've ever seen...

Give me seasons 4 and 5 of The Muppet Show and the two seasons of Muppets Tonight. I will call 911 every day until you do it, Disney.

Yeah, this would be great! Also classic Darkwing Duck please.

The Last Laugh

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 31, 2018
Another streaming service to pay for: Strike 1.

Disney monopolizing yet again: Strike 2.

Disney Stans at it in force: Strike 3.

I'm out. The lack of original content is a deal-breaker. They don't have the variety of content that Netflix or Hulu have to keep up right now. Maybe if they make some original films and TV shows that go in new directions, it'll be worth paying out over other streaming services. Until then, I can't see it.

Day one, and knowing that it even remotely irritates someone still using the term "stan" in 2019 makes me wish I could sub even faster. As far as lack of original content, I do not even know where to start.