Do JKR's recent statements negatively impact your interest in a new Harry Potter RPG?

  • Yes, I am now less likely to purchase the game.

    Votes: 654 23.4%
  • No, her statements have had no bearing on my interest in the game.

    Votes: 1,614 57.7%
  • I have no interest regardless of her comments.

    Votes: 530 18.9%

  • Total voters
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Oct 27, 2017
What does she have to do with that game? I would get boycotting the new movies since she writes them (they suck hard anyway), but how is she connected to the game?

She can sat what she wants, i am still going to support hard working devs if the game turns out to be good.
Oct 27, 2017
Not at all. I can dissociate the work from the artist
This. I'm not going to dismiss Volkswagen or Mercedes for links to Nazi Germany. I prefer to remove politics from most of the facets of my life, and I'm way happier for it.

My country has freedom of speech, and I can't tell anybody how to feel. I can disagree with it, or even hate their opinions but I can't stop someone from having them. I'm not going to limit myself in terms of art and media just because I disagree with their stance on something. If you choose to not purchase something because of that I fully support it because it makes you happy to do so.

Terrible people have created amazing things, and amazing people have created terrible things and so is life.

Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
I don't think it's fair to say that J.K. Rowling is a vile person. Does she have an incorrect opinion about a scientifically proven subject? Absolutely. But to call her flat out, a vile person is just exaggeration. She wrote a whole book about the importance of love, humanity and the necessity to learn how to sacrifice certain things for a greater cause. I do believe she has a lot of humanity to her... She just does not understand, and does not want to further understand her views about gender. Does that make her any less problematic? Absolutely no.

It's like discussing with my parents subjects they are uneducated about, like sexual health, because they were not lucky enough to have this discussion or brought up in an environment where sexuality was not vilified. I would never say my parents are vile, but do I strongly hate talking about sexuality with them, because they have apparent ancient views about it.

Rowling needs to push past her ego, and understand that being a trans woman does not take anything away from her being a woman. I'm a gay man, and I did not understand the concept of being trans, before educating myself on the subject. I was lucky enough to not have to do that in the public light as well, and I'm sure a lot of you can say the same thing. Let's all not pretend we were all born with the notion of equality for gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual people.

Hopefully, she'll choose to let go of her personal ego.
This is bullshit, just fucking bullshit.

She is a public face, a very important one for an entire generation and she is infecting them with hatred and bigotry with this shit.

Her Ego even if she lets it go won't be able to help cure the young minds she poisons each and every fucking day and has been for years.

To spread and infect this shit is vile as fuck.


Oct 26, 2017
Pretty much where I'm at.

This is a rather good plan. Buying it used will at least alleviate some of my concerns.

The issue is not really buying it second hand but how much you sell it for, or if you sell it at all

For example, if you buy it for $60 and sell it for $50 you pay less than if you buy it third hand for $20 and keep it


Nov 4, 2017
She most likely earned the money when she sold the rights to the Studio making the game, so boycotting the game would just hurt the developers I think, so no, I'm still excited.

Fuck her tho.
Depends on the contract, Star Wars for example , EA has to pay like 15-20 % per sale of game to Disney because it's such a big IP, in fact I think that's why BioWare didn't want to make KOTOR 2 and instead focused on making their own sci fi IP which turned out to be Mass Effect. So I wouldn't assume she would get none of the money from you purchasing a copy.

Deleted member 925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's fair to say that J.K. Rowling is a vile person. Does she have an incorrect opinion about a scientifically proven subject? Absolutely. But to call her flat out, a vile person is just exaggeration. She wrote a whole book about the importance of love, humanity and the necessity to learn how to sacrifice certain things for a greater cause. I do believe she has a lot of humanity to her... She just does not understand, and does not want to further understand her views about gender. Does that make her any less problematic? Absolutely no.

It's like discussing with my parents subjects they are uneducated about, like sexual health, because they were not lucky enough to have this discussion or brought up in an environment where sexuality was not vilified. I would never say my parents are vile, but do I strongly hate talking about sexuality with them, because they have apparent ancient views about it. I do not have a relationship with them, but I can't say that they are bad or vile people, although they did wish me dead at one point in their lives because they were consumed with the notion of pride and ego.

Rowling needs to push past her ego, and understand that being a trans woman does not take anything away from her being a woman. I'm a gay man, and I did not understand the concept of being trans, before educating myself on the subject. I was lucky enough to not have to do that in the public light as well, and I'm sure a lot of you can say the same thing. Let's all not pretend we were all born with the notion of equality for gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual people.

Hopefully, she'll choose to let go of her personal ego.

This is not it. At all.

She is a vile person, but keep trying to dismiss the things she says on a large platform.


Nov 27, 2018
What does she have to do with that game? I would get boycotting the new movies since she writes them (they suck hard anyway), but how is she connected to the game?

She can sat what she wants, i am still going to support hard working devs if the game turns out to be good.
She profits from it. I personally see it as me supporting the devs and not here but she does get money off of the game.

I personally will buy and most likely enjoy the game the same way I purchased Kingdom Come: deliverance and enjoyed it despite one of the creators comments. I don't usually take stands when purchasing games. Not that doing so is bad I just think there are so many people with different views making AAA games right now chances are you are enjoying a game that has some one on the team or someone that profits from the development that has a shitty view.

Deleted member 64666

User requested account closure
Mar 20, 2020
This is bullshit, just fucking bullshit.

She is a public face, a very important one for an entire generation and she is infecting them with hatred and bigotry with this shit.

Her Ego even if she lets it go won't be able to help cure the young minds she poisons each and every fucking day and has been for years.

To spread and infect this shit is vile as fuck.

I agree with you. It's not okay to share that mindset with people. Unfortunately, her being an influential individual will not change the fact that she does not have a good answer to everything.

She will feel the heat, and I really really really hope she learns about the subject. I lost all interest in the HP world since she came out with her TERF mindset.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's fair to say that J.K. Rowling is a vile person.
Nah, I think that's a pretty fucking fair thing to call her


ah the good old "trans are rapists actually" argument


Oct 25, 2017
I've gone from "I don't care about Harry Potter" to "Fuck Harry Potter". I'm not gonna pretend that I'm not gonna buy this game because of this, since I actually never was interested in the first place, but this seals the deal.


Oct 25, 2017
For me action needs to be meaningful and felt in the right places, which is why I typically don't support boycotts. Even if ,by some miracle, a movement sprang up that was impactful enough to make this game flop, JK Rowling would still be near the bottom of the list of people truly affected.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, I am not going to pay for anything that benefits JK, also, her bigot ideas becomes evident that they are completely infiltrated in the Harry Potter universe once you start investigating. You can't even separate the books from her, JK's ideas can be seen in the books.

Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
lol this is era in a nutshell. say you support trans rights or poc rights or whatever but when it comes to putting your money where your mouth is y'all aint shit

also it's not like her politics are divorced from her works. look at how the books treated hermione for speaking out against slavery
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really care about HP. But if I did I'd probably rather support Avalanche, who are an entire studio treated like shit by Disney, than not support one author.


Oct 25, 2017
It certainly makes me sad but with respects to this game, no. Harry Potter is too entrenched in me and my own history with reading and growing up to write off what so far sounds to be the game I wish I could play back when I was renting the PS2 titles after the movies came out. Can understand if people don't respect that stance. I can't offer a rebuttal and won't try to. It's just a real shit feeling to love something that the person who made it ends up being a real piece of shit as you grow older.


Oct 26, 2017
Harry Potter was always over rated anyway. So I am glad I will not participate in adding piles of money to that trans phobic bitch.

Deleted member 925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
lol this is era in a nutshell. say you support trans rights or poc rights or whatever but when it comes to putting your money where your mouth is y'all aint shit


It comes from straight privileged white men but also from people even in the queer community. We see it with the Persona or even Chik Fil A threads all the damn time.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
While I cannot disassociate the artist from the art, and think everything JK has said is unforgivably idiotic.

Enough people and fans have really seemed to have "adopted" the Harry Potter franchise and "stolen" it from her in a way that I'm able to feel okay still enjoying Harry Potter content. I think Daniel Radcliff's recent statement made it pretty apparent that he's aware how many people love the franchise that are also affected by her words, and how it's okay to still like it because it's not just hers anymore.

It feels a little similar to Minecraft and how it managed to worm away from it's scumbag creator.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Had a passing interest to see what it's gonna be. But her gross ass comments over the years (and especially now) just sour the whole franchise for me.

Edit: I personally can't engage in that franchise anymore without thinking about how much she sucks. Thinking on it more, probably wouldn't even get it used :/
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Oct 26, 2017
But she isnt the one making the game (well at least I hope so?) so I am not sure why I should punish the devs because of her terrible views


Oct 27, 2017
Developers could always introduce pro-transgerder messages in the game and why being TERF is wrong. That would be amazing.


Nov 1, 2017
I'd like to imagine all the people who "must" support the developers despite the creator would say if JK Rowling held the view that, say, black people should exist, rather than hold the actual view of "trans women aren't women" that you all seem to be cool about supporting financially.

Everyone pretending that JK Rowling is "suddenly" transphobic and that WB wasn't making a decision to support a transphobic person based on public knowledge years ago are doing a great job of supporting pride month.
It's era, most people here only pretend to care about lgbtq+ issues but don't you dare touch their vidya.


Oct 27, 2017
While I cannot disassociate the artist from the art, and think everything JK has said is unforgivably idiotic.

Enough people and fans have really seemed to have "adopted" the Harry Potter franchise and "stolen" it from her in a way that I'm able to feel okay still enjoying Harry Potter content. I think Daniel Radcliff's recent statement made it pretty apparent that he's aware how many people love the franchise that are also affected by her words, and how it's okay to still like it because it's not just hers anymore.
That mindset is understandable when
A) The author is dead
B) The author no longer benefits from the work (Notch and Minecraft)
C) The author's ideas are not evident in the universe they have created.


Oct 27, 2017
Boycotting the game because of her comments is totally valid, but I don't think it would be effective way to send a message that her behaviour is unacceptable at this day and age.

In the end, boycotts would hurt more the hundreds of (until now) unknown developers working in this game for years, and, what is worse, the boycott itself might not even be recognised by the publisher, which might consider that "oh, we should have invested more on marketing since the sales were a bit less than expected".

In the end, I believe that we would be punishing more the (likely) 400 working on the game, directly and indirectly, in which 98% of them would really the money to make a living. Meanwhile, the one person that the boycott is aimed for, already is one of the richest people in the world.

Complaining directly to her and giving voice to the right people, for me, would be the way to go. I'm really glad that people like Daniel Radcliffe is taking a public stand against her comments, for example.

Edit: I just found out that the game is not even officialy announced. I was absolute sure that there was a AAA game being made by Warner and everything. Sorry if my post makes no sense because of it. :P
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Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
Well, see I did not even know that she said that. That's disgusting.
Come on, seriously this is 1st base for Public Transphobes.

1: Protecc Little Girls and Women from the scary Tranny male rapists (Also make sure never to mention Trans Men as they don't actually exist.)
2: Say you know Trans People and they are good but still dudes that are distorted by mental disabilities or society.


Oct 25, 2017
Layton, UT
But she isnt the one making the game (well at least I hope so?) so I am not sure why I should punish the devs because of her terrible views
Because it takes place in a fictional world created by her and shaped by her views. All of them. Very obviously. It's continued existence and franchisement is endorsing her and her views, guy.

I could come up with an absurd analogy here but I'm tired.


Oct 27, 2017
Developers could always introduce pro-transgerder messages in the game and why being TERF is wrong. That would be amazing.
JK Rowling oversees all of the Harry Potter content. She even writes the new movies, so gay Dumbledore is not going to be seen.

That is why you do not see more spin offs (Comics, series, whatever), everything has to go through her. So yes, she is going to intervene in the video game and no, she is not going to allow messages contrary to her own.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Never was very into Potter but by no means uninterested or put off because of it if the game looks good, but I have zero interest in supporting or enriching, directly or extremely indirectly, such a vile and prominent Transphobe like Rowling.
Oct 27, 2017
I understand that I would be indirectly supporting her, but this is a very hypothetical situation. First off, we don't even know if the game exists. Secondly, if it does, we don't know what deal she'd have struck with regards to royalties. As one person mentioned in this thread, for all we know it's an initial payment for a legal license to use the Harry Potter universe, meaning my individual purchase of the game would support the studio and developers, not JK Rowling who would already have laughed her way to the bank.

I think she's a POS, but I think it's perfectly valid for someone to be interested in a game taking place in the Harry Potter universe without JK Rowling's explicit and direct participation.

As for your first point... come on now. Of course this is a hypothetical situation. You can't dismiss my argument because the game doesn't exist. The whole premise of the topic is if the game existed, would you buy it?

Secondly, this idea of "the damage is done, might as well buy the game" sounds to me like an easy way to justify yourself if you participate in something you know you shouldn't. I honestly don't understand this way of thinking. You think she's a POS, but you'll gladly pay for a product from which she has already made money. Excuse me if I feel this is a massive contradiction in itself.

Anyone can do with their money whatever they want, of course. I just find the results of the poll flooring. Incredibly heartwrenching.

But she isnt the one making the game (well at least I hope so?) so I am not sure why I should punish the devs because of her terrible views

I don't get the idea of "punishment" here. Do you owe anything to this devs? Do you feel you're "punishing" any and every dev you don't buy a game from?

Castor Archer

Jan 8, 2019
Absolutely, I was thinking of watching all the movies and playing the game but now I couldn't care less about the works of that asshole
Meg Cherry

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
A little too early to cancel a game that's not been announced yet.
To be honest, I'm mostly interested in this situation from WB's perspective. Had E3 not been cancelled, they likely would be announcing this game TODAY. Current circumstances give them an easy way to push this announcement, but it feels like this isn't going to go away for Rowling any time soon. It's possible WB wants this game out in a matter of months. They're in a uniquely fucked marketing situation.

So do you formally dismiss her position entirely? Actively try and use the game as a way to work against her messaging? Just stick fingers in your ears and act like this isn't happening?


Dec 18, 2018
To everyone talking about "separating art from the artist", "supporting the devs" or whatever: Rowling profits off anything made with the Harry Potter IP. Rationalize it however you want, but buying this game is supporting a transphobe.


Jun 7, 2019
I don't think it's fair to say that J.K. Rowling is a vile person. Does she have an incorrect opinion about a scientifically proven subject? Absolutely. But to call her flat out, a vile person is just exaggeration. She wrote a whole book about the importance of love, humanity and the necessity to learn how to sacrifice certain things for a greater cause. I do believe she has a lot of humanity to her... She just does not understand, and does not want to further understand her views about gender. Does that make her any less problematic? Absolutely no.

It's like discussing with my parents subjects they are uneducated about, like sexual health, because they were not lucky enough to have this discussion or brought up in an environment where sexuality was not vilified. I would never say my parents are vile, but do I strongly hate talking about sexuality with them, because they have apparent ancient views about it. I do not have a relationship with them, but I can't say that they are bad or vile people, although they did wish me dead at one point in their lives because they were consumed with the notion of pride and ego.

Rowling needs to push past her ego, and understand that being a trans woman does not take anything away from her being a woman. I'm a gay man, and I did not understand the concept of being trans, before educating myself on the subject. I was lucky enough to not have to do that in the public light as well, and I'm sure a lot of you can say the same thing. Let's all not pretend we were all born with the notion of equality for gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual people.

Hopefully, she'll choose to let go of her personal ego.

She has literally been flat-out transphobic for years & doesn't acknowledge that trans women are women. People have been trying to change her mind for ages, but all she ever does is double down. She doesn't want to change. On top of that she also shared some transphobic & lesbophobic shit from a cis lesbian friend of hers as to say "look!! lgb ppl agree with me!!!". Her now somehow acting like trans women are erasing lesbians is incredibly hurtful & both transmisogynistic & lesbophobic. The lesbian community is filled with trans & non-binary lesbians & some cishet cunt acting like she is worried the cis ones in our community will somehow get erased is utter dogshit. Yes, there is a fuckton of lesbophobia in the LGBT community (just like there's transphobia, homophobia & biphobia), but fucking saying that trans women are the reason for it is fucking insane. If anything, trans, non-binary & gnc lesbians get much more lesbophobic shit thrown at us than the cis ones for "not actually being women" or being "confused (trans) men". Fuck that TERF, she is incredibly fucking vile.


Oct 29, 2017
Honestly, yeah. I know that she's not involved with the game, but by buying it I'm still financially supporting her and it just feels wrong now. I guess there's a point to be made about how hypocritical these decisions are when by buying anything you're supporting a lot of people, some of which will certainly have vile and harmful views. But like, she decided to publicly ostracize an oppressed minority group, why why why use your gigantic platform in such a hateful way? Fucking hell, as someone who engages in local LGBT support groups and sees the shit trans people have to face every day, seeing someone whose work has resonated with a large young audience using their influence to spread hate is disheartening to say the least. Just... log off JK.


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 month): Hostile dismissal of concerns around transphobic rhetoric
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Deleted member 64666

User requested account closure
Mar 20, 2020
Come on, seriously this is 1st base for Public Transphobes.

1: Protecc Little Girls and Women from the scary Tranny male rapists (Also make sure never to mention Trans Men as they don't actually exist.)
2: Say you know Trans People and they are good but still dudes that are distorted by mental disabilities or society.

I honestly did not know she said that. I just don't understand where these preconceived notions come from. Upbringing? Can you change the mindset of someone who is above 50 years old, when they've convinced themselves of something? I don't know. I'm really not here to make her seem better than she is, I just think we understand that while she's spewing that shit, UNFORTUNATELY, a lot of people share that opinion, so hopefully, while that creates a very unfortunate discussion, it will also educate thousands or millions of people on the subject - so undo this thinking that trans woman are not woman. I just hope this does not take too much of a toll on the trans community.

It's only when you realize the amount of sacrifices the trans community has done in bettering this world, that you truly understand the enormous impact and their importance in this world. This seems to be something Rowling does not seem to grasp in the slightest. Not that they have to do any form of sacrifices to be valuable beings. Any human life, regardless of their gender or their origins, should be treated equally, and should be given this right to exist, beyond any sorts of prejudice or obligation to prove their worthiness.

It's such an unfortunate situation.
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