
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely not. It's gonna be a spectacle devoid of the finer character moments that defined the first three seasons.


Oct 26, 2017
I've never been too invested in the show itself, but since it's pretty much the last "watercooler" show out there, I really enjoy watching every episode live and chatting about it with friends/family/coworkers afterward.

So, while I don't think the last season will be that great--maybe not even good--I'll have fun watching it.


Oct 26, 2017
I expect Sapochnik to take me on one big last ride and have zero expectations for anything else.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd honestly be shocked if they manage to create a competently written final season. At least it will probably look nice because of Sapochnik.

Not really. Sure it's popcorn entertainment, but it's lost momentum since seasons 3 & 4. But that's fine with me.

It's Westworld season 2 I'm more anxious about living up to standards. Season 1 was phenomenal.
Yep, Westworld Season 2 is the HBO show to look forward to. Game of Thrones is just closure.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't take it very seriously, and my wife really likes it, so I have faith that I will watch the remaining episodes with my wife on the couch while eating ice cream. Which is all I ask.


Banned for alt account
Oct 26, 2017
After the shit they pulled to get Jon's crew north of the Wall? Gendry turning out to be the Flash? The magical ravens? Hell nah. They don't even have enough episodes to tie it all up neatly.


Oct 25, 2017
No, there's really no way it'll end satisfactorily. For one, they've built up the WW as this huge, humanity-ending threat, and we'll get maybe 4 episodes about the war, while shit like the War of the Five Kings spanned whole seasons. The writing in general has gone downhill too, it's mostly spectacle now. And that'll be great for the battles, but wrapping everything up after the battles are done isn't going to go well

Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Season 1 belongs in the tv hall of fame. That shit was amaaaaaaaazing. It started a slow decline in 2 and crashed in 3 imo. I'll still watch because my wife loves the show but I'll probably be covertly playing on my phone during it again.


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't have faith in D&D to write their way out of a paper bag, much less a conclusion to this show.


Oct 26, 2017
After the shit they pulled to get Jon's crew north of the Wall? Gendry turning out to be the Flash? The magical ravens? Hell nah. They don't even have enough episodes to tie it all up neatly.

Cold open: Almost the entire the cast is dead because whitewalkers. Jon and Daenerys just spend the next 6 episodes having sex.


Oct 29, 2017
Probably not, but let's be real here: keeping the same pace with good character development would probably mean 20 seasons of this show, thanks to GRRM completely going off the deep end starting at AFFC (Mereenese Knot anyone?) and also taking a decade in between books. I don't blame them for not wanting to spend their whole careers on this show, and they deserve to finish what they started. Yeah, it's definitely weird that starting two seasons ago they just started moving shit along at 10x the speed but how else were they going to ever finish?

It's gotten to the point for me personally where I just wanna know how it ends and I probably won't even bother finishing the books. ASOIAF got me back into fantasy when I started reading it 12 years ago, but since then I've completed fantasy series that are much better and actually completed. So whatever, I'm done.


Oct 25, 2017
Expecting some spectacle (Sapochnik will deliver), a curveball here or there and a mediocre ending. So I think I'm safe.


Oct 26, 2017
lol @ some faith. As if it won't be one of the highest watched shows during the final episodes :D

But yeah overall especially people love the show. I don't know how that could really even be in question right now. It's the most popular thing on TV and tons of people are looking forward to it having loved season 7. A large percentage of book readers won't like it, but they were never going to from the start. That's how it works for book to film adaptations 99% of the time, so there's nothing shocking there.
Nov 1, 2017
If they rush like they did with that one episode? No, but if they take their time they can do well. I've been enjoying things for the most part but it all depends on what they decide to do and how they handle matters. Can only wait and see.
Nov 9, 2017
lol @ some faith. As if it won't be one of the highest watched shows during the final episodes :D

But yeah overall especially people love the show. I don't know how that could really even be in question right now. It's the most popular thing on TV and tons of people are looking forward to it having loved season 7. A large percentage of book readers won't like it, but they were never going to from the start. That's how it works for book to film adaptations 99% of the time, so there's nothing shocking there.

It's great, looking at the super high review scores posted for the series and watching people try to find ways to undercut it. Is it so hard to admit that the show is critically and commercially hugely successful? It's certainly not perfect, but the extremely negative opinions of the book readers is clearly a small minority at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
Jon and Dany are gonna fuck on a dragon's back and the Night's King will be all like,"TILL NEXT TIME WESTEROS!" as he runs back into the frozen North.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
It's great, looking at the super high review scores posted for the series and watching people try to find ways to undercut it. Is it so hard to admit that the show is critically and commercially hugely successful? It's certainly not perfect, but the extremely negative opinions of the book readers is clearly a small minority at this point.

I mean Game of Thrones has nearly 100 % in 99 % of its episodes. I can't take it seriously. I have to imagine that TV reviewers have low bars. Can people honestly say every episode of GOT is near-flawless?


Use of alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I don't know why everyone's like "it jumps the shark after season 3" when season 4 is a direct continuation of the same book that 3 is adapted from and lots of very important stuff happens. Season 2 is much weaker than 4.

Anyway, 8 will probably feel as sparknotes as 7 did considering they ran out of material to adapt, but I'm expecting mostly action and bombast, and if I get that plus a satisfying conclusion (as Martin intended) I'll be content.


Oct 25, 2017
Its going to end like The Matrix Reloaded with Bran suddenly finding himself in a room with GRRM like Neo did with The Architect and he basically lays out all the story details in a heavy handed exposition filled manner.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean Game of Thrones has nearly 100 % in 99 % of its episodes. I can't take it seriously. I have to imagine that TV reviewers have low bars. Can people honestly say every episode of GOT is near-flawless?

They're judging the series by its entertainment value and spectacle rather than the quality of the writing or the overall story they've destroyed.


Oct 25, 2017
I stopped having faith in them after Season 5. So at this point I am along for the ride just to see the ending.


Feb 15, 2018
Probably not, but let's be real here: keeping the same pace with good character development would probably mean 20 seasons of this show, thanks to GRRM completely going off the deep end starting at AFFC (Mereenese Knot anyone?) and also taking a decade in between books. I don't blame them for not wanting to spend their whole careers on this show, and they deserve to finish what they started. Yeah, it's definitely weird that starting two seasons ago they just started moving shit along at 10x the speed but how else were they going to ever finish?

It's gotten to the point for me personally where I just wanna know how it ends and I probably won't even bother finishing the books. ASOIAF got me back into fantasy when I started reading it 12 years ago, but since then I've completed fantasy series that are much better and actually completed. So whatever, I'm done.
D&D only ever really wanted their paw prints over an adaption of the Red Wedding, and never really gave a shit about anything else. You and a lot of other people seem to understand that, or near enough, but then for some reason think the show is still somewhat in line with the books and that the show ending will have something to do with the book ending. Why? This is fanfic with a production budget, complete with playing favourites with characters and catering to the lowest common denominator viewer. All theme and arc is out the window. I'm sure there would be literal fanfic endings to ASOIAF out there on the web written by people with more of a clue and care about the series than D&D.


Oct 27, 2017
I have faith that it will deliver a finale in line with the quality of the TV show.
Nov 9, 2017
I mean Game of Thrones has nearly 100 % in 99 % of its episodes. I can't take it seriously. I have to imagine that TV reviewers have low bars. Can people honestly say every episode of GOT is near-flawless?

You don't find it odd that essentially all of the critics love the show? If the quality of the show has taken such a nosedive lately as some love to keep suggesting why aren't we seeing this reflected in reviews? RT has season 1 as the lowest rated season and Metacritic has seasons 1 & 7 at around the same review score. Is it not much more likely that some book readers will just never be satisfied by an adaption of a series that the author intended to be un-filmable?

They're judging the series by its entertainment value and spectacle rather than the quality of the writing or the overall story they've destroyed.

A TV show being judged for its entertainment value, the horror. The entertainment factor is the most important thing, who cares how well written a show or book is if you aren't engaged and entertained by the product? Of course writing and story contribute to that, and the vast majority of people find GoT's efforts in those departments good enough these past few seasons.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
I'm in for the laugh. Writing is so hilariously bad now that I just wait for some silly epicness like the Magnificent Seven in the snow, Bronn the Dragon Slayer and many more fuckery.

Gimme !


Feb 19, 2018
I haven't had faith in the show since they sent Sansa to Winterfell and gave Stannis that rushed ending. There will be some fun moments, but the writing to get us there will suffer more than ever.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. Will be a total rush job with plenty of moments leaving you saying "But why didn't the characters just do this?"

Should be some nice action setpieces though.

This is how I feel too. I still love the spectacle, but so many plot points last season were just Walking Dead levels of bad. I'll be watching live though because when it's good, it's really freaking good.
Nov 9, 2017
Why? This is fanfic with a production budget, complete with playing favourites with characters and catering to the lowest common denominator viewer.

The show's ending is going to be THE ending for this series. Sure, Martin will get TWOW out sometime, can you honestly say to yourself that ADOS will be finished? Not to mention it's been suggested that last book may be split into two and Martin is very upfront about destroying all his notes if he passes and not letting anyone else finish the series. If anything, since Martin is watching how D&D finish his series and can adjust his own ending based on fan reaction that makes it so Martin's own ending is more fanfic tbh.


Oct 27, 2017
Ive invested so much time into the series that im obviously going to watch it but id be lying if I said I felt hyped for it like I have in the past. The long break between season 6 > 7 followed by the absurd wait now for only 6 more episodes has really taken away most of the fucks I give.


Oct 29, 2017
D&D only ever really wanted their paw prints over an adaption of the Red Wedding, and never really gave a shit about anything else. You and a lot of other people seem to understand that, or near enough, but then for some reason think the show is still somewhat in line with the books and that the show ending will have something to do with the book ending. Why? This is fanfic with a production budget, complete with playing favourites with characters and catering to the lowest common denominator viewer. All theme and arc is out the window. I'm sure there would be literal fanfic endings to ASOIAF out there on the web written by people with more of a clue and care about the series than D&D.

I'm not necessarily disagreeing - but at the same time the show is the fastest way for me to just get some closure after all the time (in years of waiting, reading time and show-watching time) I've put into this series with no end in sight. I don't know or care at this point if it has anything to do with what GRRM will do. There were rumors that D&D knew the major plot points of the ending... and I wouldn't put it past GRRM to just change shit just for spite or to make it different than the show.

When the show ends, my relationship with ASOIAF ends. There is so much good fantasy and sci-fi out there to read. Happy to provide recommendations for anyone looking to get out


Oct 26, 2017
The show's ending is going to be THE ending for this series. Sure, Martin will get TWOW out sometime, can you honestly say to yourself that ADOS will be finished? Not to mention it's been suggested that last book may be split into two and Martin is very upfront about destroying all his notes if he passes and not letting anyone else finish the series. If anything, since Martin is watching how D&D finish his series and can adjust his own ending based on fan reaction that makes it so Martin's own ending is more fanfic tbh.

What kinda nonsense..

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
This revisionist history that 2, 3 and parts of 4 are just bad TV hurts me.

Bran Van

Oct 28, 2017
No but I'll watch and enjoy for what it is

I think the strengths of earlier seasons was how organic and unpredictable it was. It didn't feel like the whole story was trending down one particular road. Now that all narrative paths are converging its gotten a lot more predictable. And they're essentially eliminating story lines as the focus gets tighter and tighter. It is leading to nonsense like people having to teleport all over the world. I don't think GRRM will ever approach it like this.