
The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The new Doctor looks great

The new show runner looks... eeeeeeh. I'll reserve judgment. I'll always watch it. But I'm ready for the show to take a dive.

Yeah, I have no affinity or love for Chibs. I loathed S2 of Broadchurch, and find his DW episodes to be mediocre at best. The shorter season and seeming serial storyline isn't doing much to draw my eye either.

But I committed I'd give him one season to wow me, and unless the first few episodes contain a Fear Her/Forest of the Night level stinker, I'll stick around for all 10. Hopefully he does it well, because I would hate for the show to die during Jodie's tenure.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, I have no affinity or love for Chibs. I loathed S2 of Broadchurch, and find his DW episodes to be mediocre at best. The shorter season and seeming serial storyline isn't doing much to draw my eye either.

But I committed I'd give him one season to wow me, and unless the first few episodes contain a Fear Her/Forest of the Night level stinker, I'll stick around for all 10. Hopefully he does it well, because I would hate for the show to die during Jodie's tenure.
Looking forward to the Christmas special at the very least. Loved Bradley's Hartnell's Doctor (?) and have adored Capaldi's run, so will be quite a special indeed.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to the Christmas special at the very least. Loved Bradley's Hartnell's Doctor (?) and have adored Capaldi's run, so will be quite a special indeed.

I can't quite get past Walder Frey Doctor, myself. But I hope he does a good job, as long as Peter gets to be the star of the show for his finale.

Also, I know it's going to get some arrows shot at me, but I hope they filmed a stealth Clara cameo even if it's super short. I just don't feel like 12 and Bill had the same kind of friendship and we know he remembers her again now. It would be weird for that loose end to not be completely tied up now.
Oct 25, 2017
Now I'm a year or two out of date with the 8th Doctor, but up until that point I had fully completed his audio library. After that I moved on to the 6th Doctor and it went swimmingly throughout his run.

After the War Doctor audios I sort of fell off the bike and I've really got to get back on task. A couple preorders have probably unlocked on the website already and I haven't even checked. I think I had some 8 and 10 stuff on order, and I should really jump on that new David Bradley stuff.

Edit: Just checked my account and I've got this hotness waiting for me:
Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhh. Also, 10th v2 this month and War Master next month? And Bradley 1st Doctor January? It's a good time to be a big finish fan.

Edit2: Went ahead and ordered the Bradley 1st Doctor v1&2. Also noticed that Billie Piper is in 10thV2. Hnnnnnng.

I can't wait to get to The Time War! I've really enjoyed the Matt Fitton and John Dorney stories so far. They've got a great feel for the Eighth Doctor so hopefully that'll be more of the same. Let me know how it is?

I've heard good things about the 6th Doctor's Big Finish stuff - Charley ends up traveling with him, doesn't she? I love her character so much.
Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait to get to The Time War! I've really enjoyed the Matt Fitton and John Dorney stories so far. They've got a great feel for the Eighth Doctor so hopefully that'll be more of the same. Let me know how it is?

I've heard good things about the 6th Doctor's Big Finish stuff - Charley ends up traveling with him, doesn't she? I love her character so much.

I definitely recommend the 6th Doctor audios in general, not just with Charley. It was very easy to start up with him after finishing with the 8th. Comparatively I've had a more difficult time adjusting to the 5th or the 7th.

This is how I feel checking the site and seeing all the goodies (past and upcoming) in my account.



User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
And when the pair return to 1965 London, there's this really bizarre montage of sorts of them running around and playing with pigeons, and shit. Really strange and an unfortunately poor way to leave behind two of the original three companions. At the very least, Hartnell's "I shall miss them" was touching.

I remember Ian and Barbara's return to London from the first time (I haven't ever watched it as an adult). Thing is, for a child who had witnessed the revolutionary social changes of early sixties Britain, that montage stood out as a beautiful way to express the great surprises Ian and Barbara had on returning. We were all like "yeah, Beatles, Carnaby Street, Harold Wilson", and full of the feeling that everything had changed. "Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, and to be young was very heaven", as that noted mod poet Wordsworth put it.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, I know it's going to get some arrows shot at me, but I hope they filmed a stealth Clara cameo even if it's super short. I just don't feel like 12 and Bill had the same kind of friendship and we know he remembers her again now. It would be weird for that loose end to not be completely tied up now.
I still sorta expect the reason for time stopping in the Christmas special is Clara not returning to Gallifrey and that's how we're getting her to be there before 12 regenerates.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I still sorta expect the reason for time stopping in the Christmas special is Clara not returning to Gallifrey and that's how we're getting her to be there before 12 regenerates.

That would be interesting - and would close the biggest remaining hole in Capaldi's story - but I doubt it. If Jenna is in the episode, it's a tiny cameo. She's been crazy busy with Victoria and was out of the country doing other things during the bulk of filming.

I'm still holding out hope for a surprise, but if she's in the episode they're doing a real good job hiding it.


Oct 25, 2017
That would be interesting - and would close the biggest remaining hole in Capaldi's story - but I doubt it. If Jenna is in the episode, it's a tiny cameo. She's been crazy busy with Victoria and was out of the country doing other things during the bulk of filming.

I'm still holding out hope for a surprise, but if she's in the episode they're doing a real good job hiding it.
Oh I'm not expecting it to take a large part of the episode, enough to fit within a day's worth, maybe day and a half, of filming.

And Capaldi really didn't make much of an effort to hide it on his latest Con circuit.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Oh I'm not expecting it to take a large part of the episode, enough to fit within a day's worth, maybe day and a half, of filming.

And Capaldi really didn't make much of an effort to hide it on his latest Con circuit.

Yeah, I guess it really depends on how much they'd need to shoot and if they did it all on the closed set instead of in public.

What was he saying on the con circuit? Last I saw he, was basically just saying "of course she's still out there" but no more than that.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I guess it really depends on how much they'd need to shoot and if they did it all on the closed set instead of in public.

What was he saying on the con circuit? Last I saw he, was basically just saying "of course she's still out there" but no more than that.
Can't find it atm, maybe it was in the NYCC one, but someone did ask him point blank if she's coming back and he smiled and said she might


Oct 25, 2017
Clara gonna show in in Capaldi's send off like that one person from work who shows up way too early for a party and leaves way too late and no one is sure who invited them in the first place since no one likes them.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Clara gonna show in in Capaldi's send off like that one person from work who shows up way too early for a party and leaves way too late and no one is sure who invited them in the first place since no one likes them.

I dunno. I liked her more than Bill, but it took a while to get to my current thoughts about the character. I get that she's not hugely popular - and the Danny Pink stuff was a huge misfire - but her finished arc felt a lot more interesting to me than any other companion's in the current era aside from Donna. S9 is one of my favorite seasons of New Who.

Bill felt, by comparison, like a totally back to basics companion who didn't hugely stand out in any particular way until World Enough. I like her, but outside of her sexuality being handled surprisingly well, she won't last in my memory like some characters did.


Oct 29, 2017
Bill would have been better if Moffat had treated her as a burner companion from the off instead of treating her with kid gloves until it was clear Chibnall didn't want her. It feels like she lacks a character arc for most of the season because she's being saved for a second season that will now never come.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Hmm, thought she was already confirmed by v early set reports. Might be mistaken though.

BBC Radio "announced it" a few months back, based off of some sort of set rumor, but if memory serves, no confirmation or denial statement was ever actually issued by BBC One or Moffat.

The silence is curious, but it's also possible they're just avoiding saying something either way to keep people from getting upset whichever way it happens.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd have left Bill and Clara out if it, personally, but then I was sick of Clara and Bill didn't do much for me. The idea of the two Doctors getting each other through the inevitable was plenty enough hook for me.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno. I liked her more than Bill, but it took a while to get to my current thoughts about the character. I get that she's not hugely popular - and the Danny Pink stuff was a huge misfire - but her finished arc felt a lot more interesting to me than any other companion's in the current era aside from Donna. S9 is one of my favorite seasons of New Who.

Bill felt, by comparison, like a totally back to basics companion who didn't hugely stand out in any particular way until World Enough. I like her, but outside of her sexuality being handled surprisingly well, she won't last in my memory like some characters did.
Plus, regardless of how people feel, she's hugely important to 12 and it's a bit odd to feel so hostile towards a "Raggidy man, good night" moment anyway :/


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'd have left Bill and Clara out if it, personally, but then I was sick of Clara and Bill didn't do much for me. The idea of the two Doctors getting each other through the inevitable was plenty enough hook for me.

If the mind wipe held, I think I would've been alright with them never addressing Clara again. But it was clear he started remembering her in Class, his memory of her is what made him take Bill along in the first place, and he remembered her while he was dying, so that complicated things.

Plus, regardless of how people feel, she's hugely important to 12 and it's a bit odd to feel so hostile towards a "Raggidy man, good night" moment anyway :/

Exactly. It's just a final cameo. Having Bill come along after her arc was completely closed up but not addressing Clara one last time would just be weird.
Oct 25, 2017
Do you have some kind of subscription that covers The Time War and stuff? I thought the only sub was for the main range.
I've just been ordering each collected bundle as they're announced. Once orders go up, they usually have a bundle listing. Then as each one is released it unlocks in your account.

For instance, today I purchased the bundle of "The First Doctor Adventures" for $40 that includes volumes 1 & 2. I don't have any sort of subscription that covers the entire time war related stuff, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Got real excited about Big Finish announcing that The Meddling Monk was returning in some of their audios. But I didn't know that he has already returned in some of their audios. I thought it was a new thing. Oh well.
Oct 27, 2017
Got real excited about Big Finish announcing that The Meddling Monk was returning in some of their audios. But I didn't know that he has already returned in some of their audios. I thought it was a new thing. Oh well.

He was pretty important to the last series of the Eighth Doctor Adventures, I think he pops back up in one of 8's later boxsets, and he's also appeared against the Third Doctor in one of the narrated short trips stories. Him appearing in a Third Doctor Adventures story is still pretty neat.

Their tease of the second story in the set, saying "it features an enemy that listeners have been asking for since The Third Doctor Adventures started" has me far more interested. Apart from The Master the obvious choice is the Cybermen and that would be enough of a hook to get me in right away on a line that I'm otherwise pretty whatever about


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
Got real excited about Big Finish announcing that The Meddling Monk was returning in some of their audios. But I didn't know that he has already returned in some of their audios. I thought it was a new thing. Oh well.

I wonder who plays that role for Big Finish. In the original, he was played by the comic actor, Carry-On film veteran Peter Butterworth. He must have died long ago.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
Here we, here we, here we fucking go


Assume public filming is kicking off pretty soon; they only do these to avoid the leaks from long lens pap shots...


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
TARDIS is back to the RTD-era colours and very similar dimensions (so it's smaller, darker blue and looks like wood again, RIP fairytale bright blue), though the Police Box bit at the top is more like the shape from the 80s. HMM.


Oct 25, 2017
Where did you find that? It looks like one of those children's sticker books where you take the TARDIS sticker and plonk it down anywhere in the scenery.
Official twitter accounts tweeted it.

The black sign on the TARDIS is no bueno, but I'm very biased as I much prefer Moffat era's TARDIS exterior.
I mostly like the outfit. The coat especially. Suspenders, I'm not too hot for, even if she's pulling them off.
Oct 25, 2017
Not the direction I'd have gone with, but it's not bad (aside from the suspenders). Very reminiscent of all the 80's era Doctors.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
bbc doctor who twitter + instagram

I'll write this down to teething problems. It will probably work on screen, but on Twitter these still photos make the cast look like refugees from a 1970s edition of the BBC's Play School.

Edit: I'm already warming to the culottes look. I'm going to miss the St Johns Ambulance notice on the TARDIS, though.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm uh, not sure on the detail of the outfit, but I like the coat. We'll see how it varies through episodes I imagine.

TARDIS is also nice, |'m a fan of the RTD shape and colour (as I guess it was my first one as a viewer?) but not keen on the black sign on it. NITPICK!


Oct 25, 2017
I'll write this down to teething problems. It will probably work on screen, but on Twitter these still photos make the cast look like refugees from a 1970s edition of the BBC's Play School.
Doctor Who promotional pictures are notoriously terrible, though... Things got better with Capaldi, but I guess we're back to it now.

I hope we don't fall back to s7's horrendous posters. The thought makes me shudder :s


Oct 25, 2017
Presumably we're going to be seeing filming out and about some time soon- they normally give out pictures like this when there's imminent danger of the costume leaking through a blurry potato photo.