
Oct 13, 2018
I see no good outcome from this, if maduro stays everything stays terrible with a nuts dictatorship. If this guy uses the army to depose they may end up with a military dictatorship.

Even if he turns out to be telling the truth and he's great I suspect there will still be civil unrest. Feel for the Venezuelan people.

Maduro is backed by the military. Realistically, Maduro will just call in the military to suppress the protesters and arrest the National Assembly. Which is why it's important for the U.S to threaten to further sanction Maduro and his government. For example, Senator Rubio is warning if the government fires on protesters and arrests the National Assembly, the U.S will impose further sanctions.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
This is a super shitty take from both the people in this tweet. The situation in Venezuela is horrific and backing those trying to force Maduro out is the right thing to do in the face of the humanitarian disaster.

Liberal imperialism right there. Sanctions are literally killing Venezuelan people and the guy who's leading this coup is a right-winged comprador who is getting the support of US fascists. What the hell are you thinking?

Like Trump and Pence are supporting this, how is this not a huge warning sign already for supposed "liberals" on this site? And that's even before listening to the people who know their stuff on the geopolitics of the region. Or do non-American lives and self-determination mean fuck all when it comes to serving the interest of the US?


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
US imperialism at its finest and people are lapping it up. Gauidó is basically just a right-winged comprador who'll serve the interest of US/foreign investors to go in and grab Venezuelan natural resources without any of it benefitting the Venezuelan people.

Say what you will about Maduro, but it should be a huge warning signal to liberals that Trump and Pence are backing this coup. The facists of Latin America are converging on Venezuela with the help of US imperialism and people should wise up about what's going on.
Canada is also backing this... This has little to do with Trump/Pence backing it.

Deleted member 9986

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How is it a dictatorship? At most it is a multi party state where only the left participates. Like come on people.

Does someone feel the need to explain their reasoning?


Oct 30, 2017
Liberal imperialism right there. Sanctions are literally killing Venezuelan people and the guy who's leading this coup is a right-winged comprador who is getting the support of US fascists. What the hell are you thinking?

Like Trump and Pence are supporting this, how is this not a huge warning sign already for supposed "liberals" on this site? Or do non-American lives and self-determination mean fuck all when it comes to serving the interest of the US?
Yes it's the sanctions, not the regime refusing to take humanitarian aid while Venezuelans are literally dying due to a lack of medicine and food.


Oct 25, 2017
"They may end up with a military dictatorship" implies they dont already have one.
A dictatorship itself implies military support, besides to me a military dictatorship is someone like General Pinochet otherwise we would call every dictatorship a military dictatorship. I'm sorry I didn't use the exact language you wanted.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
Uhh let's hope AOC and the others don't fall for this trap. Maduro needs to be taken the fuck out. Their left is NOT your left.

Imagine saying this about anyone in the US - the fallout would be huge. But apparently other non-American countries are fine and dandy to "intervene" and kill people? What gives you the right to somehow determine who should be assassinated ?


Oct 13, 2018
How is it a dictatorship? At most it is a multi party state where only the left participates. Like come on people.

Does someone feel the need to explain their reasoning?

Oh come on, read this from Vox:

As a result, Maduro has become deeply unpopular: His approval ratings have rarely topped 20 percent in recent years. And in December 2015, for the first time in two decades, Venezuelan voters gave opposition parties a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly. The hope was that those lawmakers would check Maduro's power and perhaps work with him to put the country back on a better economic path.

That's not what happened, though. Instead, Maduro fought back — and kicked off a series of events that led to his current predicament.

Maduro usurped power. Now he faces a major backlash.
The dictator and his allies made three stunning moves that demonstrate how much control he aimed to wrest for himself.

  1. In October 2016, the country's Supreme Court — which Maduro stacked with his cronies — removed the National Assembly's authority to have any say over the economy.
  2. Then, in March 2017, the judicial branch straight-up dissolved the National Assemblyaltogether. After an international outcry, the court reversed its decision, but it still greatly reduced lawmakers' powers.
  3. And just a few months later, in July 2017, Maduro moved to replace the National Assembly. His government held an election to create a new body that would have the authority to rewrite the country's laws and constitution. The dictator's allies won all 545 seats.

How the fuck isnt it a dictatorship?!?!

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
How is it a dictatorship? At most it is a multi party state where only the left participates. Like come on people.

Does someone feel the need to explain their reasoning?
Dude, you really need to inform yourself before posting something like this.

Long story short, opposition won many seats in the National Assembly. Maduro, instead of recognizing it and working with them, declared them illegitimate and made a new assembly with his lackeys having seats.

Last year, there were 'elections'. But, of course, Maduro used fraud to reelect himself.

So please, don't come here again saying Maduro is a legitimate president or that Venezuela is living in a democracy. That's an insult to the millions of Venezuelans suffering there, trying to survive each day while Maduro, his lackeys and the military are stealing everything.


Oct 30, 2017
Imagine saying this about anyone in the US - the fallout would be huge. But apparently other non-American countries are fine and dandy to "intervene" and kill people? What gives you the right to somehow determine who should be assassinated ?
No one's intervening or assassinating anyone at the moment though?


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
Wow, so Era has China supporters, Russia stans AND Maduro backers. Fascinating.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad many leaders are rising up against Maduro! His cruel socialist dictatorship is about to end! We South Americans have suffered long enough watching our brothers and sisters from Venezuela being murdered by the regime.

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
US imperialism at its finest and people are lapping it up. Gauidó is basically just a right-winged comprador who'll serve the interest of US/foreign investors to go in and grab Venezuelan natural resources without any of it benefitting the Venezuelan people.

Say what you will about Maduro, but it should be a huge warning signal to liberals that Trump and Pence are backing this coup. The facists of Latin America are converging on Venezuela with the help of US imperialism and people should wise up about what's going on.
Dont worry about the millions that already left the country because they didnt have anything to eat under their socialism

Mr. Fantastic

Apr 27, 2018
Imagine saying this about anyone in the US - the fallout would be huge. But apparently other non-American countries are fine and dandy to "intervene" and kill people? What gives you the right to somehow determine who should be assassinated ?

lmao I wasn't asking for him to be assasinated chill out


Oct 13, 2018
I mean Christ, people were frothing at the court-packing with Kavanaugh, yet we have people saying its not a dictatorship to things that would compare to Trump and the Supreme Court literally saying fuck you to Congress, and imposing their own budget without Congressional approval, or Trump literally making his own Congress. Seriously, how can anyone look at that and say, yup, democracy is fine, remove your blinders fools.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017

So since Guaidó wasn't elected and the Imperialismo is supporting him, it is bad? That all those Venezuelans must suffer daily because Maduro is, according to you and all those Maduro stans on Twitter, the legitimate president of Venezuela? Got it.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure how to feel about this one; Maduro is assuredly not a great leader but I can only imagine that we're recognizing this interim leader is because the US and other countries can get something out of it. A tough situation. I'd also feel that the diplomats still in the country are at very high risk.

I suppose i'm not surprised that some form of statement was made. The protest images are incredible. Seems like everyone is out in the streets up in arms.


Dec 4, 2018
Like Trump and Pence are supporting this, how is this not a huge warning sign already for supposed "liberals" on this site? And that's even before listening to the people who know their stuff on the geopolitics of the region. Or do non-American lives and self-determination mean fuck all when it comes to serving the interest of the US?
Because some of us "supposed" liberals live in neighbor countries and are in constant contact with poor Venezuelan people who literally would rather have thrown a nuke over Caracas than stay in the way Maduro's regime is doing things.


Oct 25, 2017
So since Guaidó wasn't elected and the Imperialismo is supporting him, it is bad? That all those Venezuelans must suffer daily because Maduro is, according to you and all those Maduro stans on Twitter, the legitimate president of Venezuela? Got it.
My political view its more important than the life of millions of people

Deleted member 9986

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So since Guaidó wasn't elected and the Imperialismo is supporting him, it is bad? That all those Venezuelans must suffer daily because Maduro is, according to you and all those Maduro stans on Twitter, the legitimate president of Venezuela? Got it.
Don't act like everything is one the shoulders of Maduro, you know America has decades in experience in toppling governments. By force but also economic warfare. Venezuela and Maduro had both shaky fundamentals and bad policy but the jist of the current situation is artificial. Either due corruption (military) or hoarding/sabotage (shop owners), price maximums worsen the effect of the former.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
My political view its more important than the life of millions of people
Political view? Really? I don't care if Maduro is a socialist, communist, conservative or whatever you want to call it; Maduro is a fucking dictator, criminal and has ordered countless innocent people killed or imprisoned. The fucker needs to be removed from power, peacefully if possible.

Don't act like everything is one the shoulders of Maduro, you know America has decades in experience in toppling governments. By force but also economic warfare. Venezuela and Maduro had both shaky fundamentals and bad policy but the jist of the current situation is artificial. Either due corruption (military) or hoarding/sabotage (shop owners), price maximums worsen the effect of the former.

And I agree with this about the US and its intervention in Latin American countries. Must I mention Chile and Pinochet after the US helped the military topple Allende's Government? That was disgusting, and everyone involved in that should spend their lives in jail.

Saying the situation in Venezuela is artificial is quite an insult though. You guys really need to inform yourself to know the hell that is happening right now in Venezuela.


Oct 25, 2017
Maduro is backed by the military. Realistically, Maduro will just call in the military to suppress the protesters and arrest the National Assembly. Which is why it's important for the U.S to threaten to further sanction Maduro and his government. For example, Senator Rubio is warning if the government fires on protesters and arrests the National Assembly, the U.S will impose further sanctions.
Sanctions are a tool that hurts everyone not just the leader, but sometimes a blunt tool is the only one you have. Suspect there will be some UN involvement soon.


Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Don't act like everything is one the shoulders of Maduro, you know America has decades in experience in toppling governments. By force but also economic warfare. Venezuela and Maduro had both shaky fundamentals and bad policy but the jist of the current situation is artificial. Either due corruption (military) or hoarding/sabotage (shop owners), price maximums worsen the effect of the former.

Having price ceilings create shortages, this is well known.

The article you posted is not about that, it just says people eat up Maduro propaganda about what is causing the shortages.

Deleted member 9986

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Saying the situation in Venezuela is artificial is quite an insult though. You guys really need to inform yourself to know the hell that is happening right now in Venezuela.
Was talking economics (the country produces enough theoretically), not human suffering. The situation is horrible and has been for a very long time, worse in some regions. There looks no end in sight soon.

Having price ceilings create shortages, this is well known.

The article you posted is not about that, it just says people eat up Maduro propaganda about what is causing the shortages.
How do price ceilings create shortages? Because of hoarding/illegal export to free markets. So you can't be right without me being right.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Was talking economics (the country produces enough theoretically), not human suffering. The situation is horrible and has been for a very long time, worse in some regions. There looks no end in sight soon.

How do price ceilings create shortages? Because of hoarding/illegal export to free markets. So you can't be right without me being right.
Even if the US or other countries didn't put sanctions in Venezuela, do you honestly believe the situation would be better there? Don't be so naive.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
No one's intervening or assassinating anyone at the moment though?
lmao I wasn't asking for him to be assasinated chill out

"taken out" usually implies assassination.

Dont worry about the millions that already left the country because they didnt have anything to eat under their socialism

How is doing foreign intervention via the fascist governments in the US going to help the starving people of Venezuela? And how much does the foreign sanctions and coup attempts have had a hand in their starvation and deprivation?

Sure, Maduro is a piece of shit, but blindly following the interest of capital and shitheads like Trump is not the way to go about it. Basically:

So since Guaidó wasn't elected and the Imperialismo is supporting him, it is bad? That all those Venezuelans must suffer daily because Maduro is, according to you and all those Maduro stans on Twitter, the legitimate president of Venezuela? Got it.

See above.
Because some of us "supposed" liberals live in neighbor countries and are in constant contact with poor Venezuelan people who literally would rather have thrown a nuke over Caracas than stay in the way Maduro's regime is doing things.

See above
Lmao the left guys are delusional as always

Lmao imperialists don't care about non-Americans.


Oct 25, 2017
"taken out" usually implies assassination.

How is doing foreign intervention via the fascist governments in the US going to help the starving people of Venezuela? And how much does the foreign sanctions and coup attempts have had a hand in their starvation and deprivation?

Sure, Maduro is a piece of shit, but blindly following the interest of capital and shitheads like Trump is not the way to go about it. Basically:

See above.

See above

Lmao imperialists don't care about non-Americans.

Yeah because calling out Maduro is equal to condor plan and imperialism

Argentina took back a good part of its oil and nothing happened wonder why

The Archon

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a firm Trump hater, but a lot of people probably think this is a bad thing because it's something Trump does.
I've already said it earlier in this thread: even a broken clock is right twice a day.
This is the problem with some modern day people. They develop an "us vs them" viewpoint and are unable to see that somethings aren't in black or white.

Trump backing up the correct choice doesn't make him a good person. But his backing doesn't guarantee it's an immoral choice and you have to disagree with him and defend Maduro.

Dictatorships are bad and so far I haven't seen a single example where a dictatorship is beneficial to the country. So removing Maduro from power should be a priority, but I believe a military invasion will do more harm than good.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
"taken out" usually implies assassination.

How is doing foreign intervention via the fascist governments in the US going to help the starving people of Venezuela? And how much does the foreign sanctions and coup attempts have had a hand in their starvation and deprivation?

Sure, Maduro is a piece of shit, but blindly following the interest of capital and shitheads like Trump is not the way to go about it. Basically:

See above.

See above

Lmao imperialists don't care about non-Americans.
Leaving Maduro in power won't make the situation better in Venezuela. In fact, it will make it worse than it is now. Why millions of Venezuelans have left the country?


Oct 27, 2017
Like Trump and Pence are supporting this, how is this not a huge warning sign already for supposed "liberals" on this site? And that's even before listening to the people who know their stuff on the geopolitics of the region. Or do non-American lives and self-determination mean fuck all when it comes to serving the interest of the US?
What about the red flags that Maduro is backed by Russia, China and Turkey?
Oct 25, 2017
US imperialism at its finest and people are lapping it up. Gauidó is basically just a right-winged comprador who'll serve the interest of US/foreign investors to go in and grab Venezuelan natural resources without any of it benefitting the Venezuelan people.

Say what you will about Maduro, but it should be a huge warning signal to liberals that Trump and Pence are backing this coup. The facists of Latin America are converging on Venezuela with the help of US imperialism and people should wise up about what's going on.
Facts. Shit's another episode in the age of fucked up imperialism.
I'll never trust it, however noble they think they are being.

With all that said, fuck Maduro. I just don't know what's right.


Oct 25, 2017
Was talking economics (the country produces enough theoretically), not human suffering. The situation is horrible and has been for a very long time, worse in some regions. There looks no end in sight soon.

How do price ceilings create shortages? Because of hoarding/illegal export to free markets. So you can't be right without me being right.
The country is capable of producing enough. It is not producing enough currently because of bad decision-making directly at the hands of Chavez/Maduro.

Price ceilings create shortages because it disincentivizes further production if costs of producing more exceed the price cap. No one's gonna voluntarily take a bath if they can avoid it. This is a basic econ 101 thing.


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2018
Leaving Maduro in power won't make the situation better in Venezuela. In fact, it will make it worse than it is now. Why millions of Venezuelans have left the country?

What about the red flags that Maduro is backed by Russia, China and Turkey?

Maybe we should be critical of both? Basically a lot of people need to understand this simple point:

It would improve both the thread and people's understanding of a complex issue.

Deleted member 9986

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The country is capable of producing enough. It is not producing enough currently because of bad decision-making directly at the hands of Chavez/Maduro.

Price ceilings create shortages because it disincentivizes further production if costs of producing more exceed the price cap. No one's gonna voluntarily take a bath if they can avoid it. This is a basic econ 101 thing.
Do you really think that after what I had written that you need to drop econ 101 on me? At least pretend to respect my intelligence like I do with you. Price ceilings do multiple things.

Anyway I want nobody to ever complain about international law anymore when they show to use ad-hoc reasoning to defy it when it suits them