
Oct 25, 2017
May as well go all the way and ban public protests altogether.
Wouldn't protesting be more like everyone stopping spending money in game, or (god forbid) stop playing altogether? Review bombing isn't protesting, it's more like egging someone's house. If you're going to go on steam, leave a bad review, then carry on playing the game, you're not too invested on sending a message.


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking Valve, you know they won't do anything. Hell that Bolsonaro game is still up.

People that are trying to downplay that this was said in a pub match, so what? Valve needs to control their community, they are in charge of banning people, otherwise the report function should not even be there.

Of course Valve won't do anything, at least that shit company Riot Games made good example of the player who did this racist shit by banning him from the first half of the World Tournament back then.


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't protesting be more like everyone stopping spending money in game, or (god forbid) stop playing altogether? Review bombing isn't protesting, it's more like egging someone's house. If you're going to go on steam, leave a bad review, then carry on playing the game, you're not too invested on sending a message.
They can do both if Valve refuses to take proper action, and we can't say they are not. However, only review bombing is visible to us for the time being.

Deleted member 1287

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Seriously fuck all you people who think this isn't racist. I grew up with ignorant ass kids pulling their eyes narrow at me and chanting shit like ching chong. Fuck your dismissal of this.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
EE chimes in again

I didn't expect the Skemberlu incident to blow up so much and after thinking about it a bit more I realized why it should be blown up. Having played in every region except China for a extended period of time. It's quite apparent that there's a lot of racism/sexism/weebism? that affects gameplay. Just yesterday for me 3 out of 5 of my games were ruined and everyone was just all chatting some hate about Peruvians. Although those Peruvians did indeed ruin my game, it doesn't mean all Peruvians should be shamed from a select few idiots. I believe this Skemberlu incident should be compared with the Solo 322 incident. Just someone being stupid and should be punished but can be a push in the right direction for us Professionals. I hope all pros or players aspiring to be pros take some time to think about just how much pointless hate happens in our pubs and take a stand against it. I just want a better pub experience honestly fuck you assholes.

Deleted member 5545

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
EE chimes in again

"It's quite apparent that there's a lot of racism/sexism/weebism? that affects gameplay. Just yesterday for me 3 out of 5 of my games were ruined and everyone was just all chatting some hate about Peruvians. Although those Peruvians did indeed ruin my game"
fucking jacky


Oct 27, 2017
Wouldn't protesting be more like everyone stopping spending money in game, or (god forbid) stop playing altogether? Review bombing isn't protesting, it's more like egging someone's house. If you're going to go on steam, leave a bad review, then carry on playing the game, you're not too invested on sending a message.

No, arranging a DDoS attack is like egging a house. Review bombing is like protesting outside a place of business. It's visible not only to the company itself, but also the general public, and explicitly states what the message is. If your best suggestion is "don't play the game" you may as well be telling them to send their grievances straight to Valve's paper shredder.


Oct 25, 2017
Reminder that IceIceIce was a thing. The DotA community has a history of looking the other way when it comes to racial slurs. Skem and Kuku should be penalized for the things they said, and I would say SsaSpartan as well, but he hasn't been relevant for quite some time.

Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Haha, what? No they didn't. The community made Dota. Literally.

But Valve is mantaining that community by overseeing/sponosoring tournaments and continuing to update the game.

They are a huge part of why DotA has grown this past 6 years(or so) as the game itself.

They are responsible to respond to a player being racist. They certainly can, and if they decide to remain hands off, they're complicit in allowing the player/s continue with their problematic stances.


Oct 31, 2017
Y'all are lucky you don't see the local response to this incident. People have doubled down on the racist tirades and have been echoing western rightwing talking points. I wish this incident could bring up a discussion within the local community about people's absolute cluelessness when it comes to racism but it seems all it's doing is fanning the surging fascist nationalist sentiment, aided by the Philippines current precarious political relationship with China.


Oct 28, 2017
Y'all are lucky you don't see the local response to this incident. People have doubled down on the racist tirades and have been echoing western rightwing talking points. I wish this incident could bring up a discussion within the local community about people's absolute cluelessness when it comes to racism but it seems all it's doing is fanning the surging fascist nationalist sentiment, aided by the Philippines current precarious political relationship with China.
Nov 1, 2017
Valve has needed to fix up its in-game chat in Dota for years now.

Good to see it's finally biting them in the ass.

Rofl you don't know what you're talking about. Try reading the OP next time.

I don't think the DOTA community will care, I mean they had this guy turn into one of their prominent casters after he said this

You forgot to post his apology for saying this: "it is not ok, that is rage combined with [the other player's] jokes to create a completely inappropriate comment which I am sorry for making."

People make dumb mistakes and are allowed to apologize for them.


Oct 28, 2017
I think my favorite part of this thread is all the posters that seem more offended by the review bombing than the racism.

Well this is Era lol. Their big beloved game company is more important than real social problem like racism or cultural erasure.

Also, highly focused on NA also lead them to be overly reacting on whatever racist on based on their community while people saying shit on Asian is just given a tap at the back.


Nov 7, 2017
While I do think this is an important topic, I'm surprised how little discussion is happening about the Jewish Dota player that is barred from playing Dota 2 in an event in Malaysia simply for being Jewish.


Oct 25, 2017
this is a disgrace to the gaming community in the Philippines

this has been going on in pubs everyday, and not just filipinos. racist remarks are being thrown by everyone and it's insane. this only blew up because a pro player did it. i hope for a day where i can play and state my nationality without being called a peenoise/pignoise, indog, malayshit, etc


Oct 26, 2017
While I do think this is an important topic, I'm surprised how little discussion is happening about the Jewish Dota player that is barred from playing Dota 2 in an event in Malaysia simply for being Jewish.

Well its simple, Malaysia doesn't want any Israeli entering the country. No embassy, no visa.

A game or outroar won't change that.


Nov 3, 2017
Y'all are lucky you don't see the local response to this incident. People have doubled down on the racist tirades and have been echoing western rightwing talking points. I wish this incident could bring up a discussion within the local community about people's absolute cluelessness when it comes to racism but it seems all it's doing is fanning the surging fascist nationalist sentiment, aided by the Philippines current precarious political relationship with China.

Not so lucky. I've seen it.

I don't understand Filipino but I do understand the Chinese half of this shitstorm.


Oct 25, 2017
Rofl you don't know what you're talking about. Try reading the OP next time.

You forgot to post his apology for saying this: "it is not ok, that is rage combined with [the other player's] jokes to create a completely inappropriate comment which I am sorry for making."

People make dumb mistakes and are allowed to apologize for them.
Yeah, what Tobi did was awful, and he should have been punished for it (but wasn't). He apologized, and since this incident in 2012, he hasn't said or done anything racist. It's been 6 years, I don't understand why people keep bringing this up. If he was continuing to say racist shit, then yes, he should be banned from casting at tourneys, but it was a one-time incident for which he apologized.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017

Valve official response

We've been spending the past few days talking to various pro players and community leaders about this. From all the interactions we've seen over the years, we know that deep down professional players respect each other immensely. However, we want to be very clear that Valve will not tolerate racist language between pro players in any form. We think it is really damaging to the entire Dota community whenever even a single professional player uses discriminatory language. It pits fans against each other, belittles and demeans entire groups and makes them feel like they are not as important. Going forward, we expect all teams who participate our tournaments to hold its players accountable, and be prepared to follow up with strong punishments when players represent Dota and its community poorly.


Oct 25, 2017

Valve official response

We've been spending the past few days talking to various pro players and community leaders about this. From all the interactions we've seen over the years, we know that deep down professional players respect each other immensely. However, we want to be very clear that Valve will not tolerate racist language between pro players in any form. We think it is really damaging to the entire Dota community whenever even a single professional player uses discriminatory language. It pits fans against each other, belittles and demeans entire groups and makes them feel like they are not as important. Going forward, we expect all teams who participate our tournaments to hold its players accountable, and be prepared to follow up with strong punishments when players represent Dota and its community poorly.

so they expect teams to do it, but they're not going to commit to taking any action themselves


Deleted member 2779

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Writing PR statements for tech companies has gotta be the easiest thing in marketing - wouldn't be surprised if it's automated.


Oct 28, 2017
A lot of Filipinos are racists though but it stems more from being colonized by white people for more than 300 years. It's like Filipinos always have to prove something and in doing so puts others down which sucks. This is how this filipino pride noise is born.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017

Valve official response

We've been spending the past few days talking to various pro players and community leaders about this. From all the interactions we've seen over the years, we know that deep down professional players respect each other immensely. However, we want to be very clear that Valve will not tolerate racist language between pro players in any form. We think it is really damaging to the entire Dota community whenever even a single professional player uses discriminatory language. It pits fans against each other, belittles and demeans entire groups and makes them feel like they are not as important. Going forward, we expect all teams who participate our tournaments to hold its players accountable, and be prepared to follow up with strong punishments when players represent Dota and its community poorly.

Why can't they at least throw a "give strong punishments or we will take action against your team/organization"? This is just deflecting to tell the teams to handle it themselves.

I had really hoped Valve would take action and promise to take action on incidents like this.

Even better I had hoped they would go one step further and go full Rainbow Six Siege on this one: Bans for racism straight up, and I'm talking about pub games too.


Oct 26, 2017
What does review bombing actually accomplish? I've seen a lot of this lately.

It lets consumers know about major controversies that are often overlooked by gaming press and reviewers.

I've used it often to find out about restrictive DRM, poor performance/bugs, bad behaviour by developers, pay-to-win monetisation etc.

People try to downplay review bombing as the "usual entitled gamers" and say it's pointless, but I will always advocate it as a form of consumer protest. People deserve to know what they're getting into when shopping for a game to play.


Oct 25, 2017
Why can't they at least throw a "give strong punishments or we will take action against your team/organization"? This is just deflecting to tell the teams to handle it themselves.

I had really hoped Valve would take action and promise to take action on incidents like this.

Even better I had hoped they would go one step further and go full Rainbow Six Siege on this one: Bans for racism straight up, and I'm talking about pub games too.

Don't you think the teams should be the first to install discipline and mould how their own players that they themselves pay conduct themselves in a professional basis?

It's quite right that the teams should be the first focus on how team members behave in tournaments such as this. They are representing an organisation. It's common sense, not a deflection.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Why can't they at least throw a "give strong punishments or we will take action against your team/organization"? This is just deflecting to tell the teams to handle it themselves.

I had really hoped Valve would take action and promise to take action on incidents like this.

Even better I had hoped they would go one step further and go full Rainbow Six Siege on this one: Bans for racism straight up, and I'm talking about pub games too.
I feel like they are hoping this response will put a stop to it all.
If some kid is dumb enough to test Valve then they will just make an example of them with draconian effects.


Oct 28, 2017
Review bombing is useless as well as the action against it

Use it as an opportunity to teach tolerance not retribution

No culture should exert a disproportionate influence when more moderate steps including teaching and sharing cultural exchange is possible as an alternative

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Review bombing is useless as well as the action against it

Use it as an opportunity to teach tolerance not retribution

No culture should exert a disproportionate influence when more moderate steps including teaching and sharing cultural exchange is possible as an alternative
China flexing it's muscle.
They are releasing Steam in China and they have a lot of tournaments and the International this year.


Oct 25, 2017
Curious if this'll be a life time ban or a timed one. With China clamping down on gaming in general, expecting Valve will cater to their whims. The racist shit from the D&G incident recently prob doesn't help things either in calming things down.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Curious if this'll be a life time ban or a timed one. With China clamping down on gaming in general, expecting Valve will cater to their whims. The racist shit from the D&G incident recently prob doesn't help things either in calming things down.
The way it's going in Dota losing one year of prize money is basically a career's worth