
Oct 27, 2017
It's sort of a problem about having to buy the same game twice. It's an understandable move from SQEX point of view, but it is also fair for a consumer to complain about having to buy a game twice.
They said that the Switch version would have exclusive content - could have waited for that version and then compare the offerings.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
We knew that the Switch version would release later and recieved exclusive content - before the Global PS4/Steam release.

It's obvious that SE didn't just include those features because they are massive Nintendo fans - they were secured by Nintendo.
Isn't it just as likely Square Enix wanted to offer further incentive for double dippers and those buying a full price game that released much later than other versions? I don't know why it's so obvious to people a platform holder is mandating this stuff, when it'd be kind of dumb for the publisher to not create a more appealing product despite releasing later, or having been purchased once already.

Of course there's plenty of years of Nintendo ports that didn't get exclusive content so maybe not.


Dec 4, 2019
Yeah I probably won't support the DQ franchise if they continue with this stupid exclusive content crap.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 3, 2019
It's sort of a problem about having to buy the same game twice. It's an understandable move from SQEX point of view, but it is also fair for a consumer to complain about having to buy a game twice.

Like Persona5 R ? This is a completely different issue and it doesn't seem to the main problem for OP.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't it just as likely Square Enix wanted to offer further incentive for double dippers and those buying a full price game that released much later than other versions? I don't know why it's so obvious to people a platform holder is mandating this stuff, when it'd be kind of dumb for the publisher to not create a more appealing product despite releasing later, or having been purchased once already.

Of course there's plenty of years of Nintendo ports that didn't get exclusive content so maybe not.
They went above and beyond with what was way SE does this without incentives from Nintendo. Hero was in Smash, the game got a massive ass demo on Switch and they added tons of QoL and content to the game. That's not their usual approach - they needed like 4 years to fix the FF7 sound bug and OG PS4 DQ11 was never updated with the western versions QoL enhancements.


Oct 30, 2017
Sony does makes these deals constantly. Why is it such a big deal now?

these features do make it the best version though. I played through it on pc before getting the switch version and it's hard to go back to the pc version.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Sony does makes these deals constantly. Why is it such a big deal now?
Care to give an example of a situation like this?

edit: This seems more to be par for the course with Japanese developers pulling this shit and not adding options to purchase add ons for ports. Square did this with Star Ocean 4 where Xbox owners never got the international version add ons. Also more recently with FF12 getting new stuff and the ps4 version being left in the dust. Eternal Sonata had extra content on ps4 that was also never available for Xbox owners and Capcom just releasing new stuff for DMC 3. I know they want to make their game attractive to new buyers but it's annoying as fuck for owners of the games already to get the shaft. Especially with gamers "fuck you I got mine" attitude towards people frustrated that this shit keeps happening.
Last edited:


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
This is going to come off bad and I apologize, but nobody is entitled to have all the content. You can make smart buying decisions, but again you're not entitled to anything but the game you bought. Not anything that comes after and wasnt promised for it.


Oct 26, 2017
It's not just DQ. Happened with FF12 too and I'm sure there are many other examples. It's a very bad habit to make some people double dip and I continue not to bite.

I wouldn't be surprised if FF7R port to other systems will have exclusive features/content.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't bought any of their games since they did this. (Besides DQ8 for PS2 used which they got no money from)


Oct 27, 2017
Wait longer, get more stuff. This is how things should be.

Buying a game over a year before doesn't entitle you to whatever new content is coming out on another platform, especially if said content is part of a "please be forgiving" edition.


Oct 28, 2017
Tampa, FL
Going into a thread about a new thread and whining about it not coming to a particular console is port begging. This is clearly discussing the unique circumstances of a release that had numerous variations on a topic entirely dedicated to the subject. I don't think they took anyone too terribly off topic but having a prevalent example.
Content begging.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Pretty sure Destiny and Crash Team Racing had / have exclusive content, despite being simultaneously multiplatform releases. There are others out there as well that I don't quite remember off of the top of my head
Destiny2 had exclusive content, cod had that exclusive mode .. just google it if you are really interested.
That's not even talking about the exclusive launch / preorder deals they get all the time.
Equally shitty but not the same sort of situation I was looking for.


Dec 3, 2019
They said that the Switch version would have exclusive content - could have waited for that version and then compare the offerings.

Well, I suppose they said that, but it is not in product description, and I didn't find this info when I did some research before buying it. I am not really sure they said that when they released the Asian version, which is the version I bought. Regardless, I certainly hope they can make this information more known in the future, though I doubt so.
Like Persona5 R ? This is a completely different issue and it doesn't seem to the main problem for OP.

Yes, the same issue with P5R.


Mar 20, 2018
Its only portbegging if you ask for a switch version.
Asking for other consoles than switch is a completely different thing.
Is that really so hard to understand ?
Oct 26, 2017
Equally shitty but not the same sort of situation I was looking for.
Well this exact same situation isn't something that happens often, considering most games are released simultaneously

Those were timed and not feature related. Can't think of anything comparable this gen.
Most other games also don't come out over a year or two later than the original release that requires them to justify charging full price for a game that's much cheaper elsewhere so I'd argue having timed exclusive content for simultaneous releases is honestly worse as there's no good reason for that

It's not just DQ. Happened with FF12 too and I'm sure there are many other examples. It's a very bad habit to make some people double dip and I continue not to bite.

I wouldn't be surprised if FF7R port to other systems will have exclusive features/content.
I'd imagine that would be more of a straight port, considering how much more ambitious the game is and it's split up into several parts anyhow over several years


Oct 27, 2017
Making the orchestral tracks exclusive was scummy as hell, no doubts about it.
I can excuse the rest (even if I don't like it), but the music? Come on.


Oct 30, 2017
It's not just DQ. Happened with FF12 too and I'm sure there are many other examples. It's a very bad habit to make some people double dip and I continue not to bite.

I wouldn't be surprised if FF7R port to other systems will have exclusive features/content.

what's the difference with FF12?
Oct 27, 2017
Mount Airy, MD
I mean yeah, it sucks that the objectively weakest system got the best version of the game, because I'd love to play through it in all its glory on PC, but it was also a really good time on Switch and easily one of my top games for the system, so I ain't too mad. That, and a lot of the added features aren't really that exciting. A whole separate version of the game in 2D was a cool thought, but it's pretty well missing a lot of the charm the "real" version has.


Oct 30, 2017
Oh lol I was wondering cause I got it Xbox last week and was trying find the switch differences. It is a great port ! I've only job switched once but it was a great help.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a switch myself, but some of the switch people on this site are actually unbelievably obnoxious. Get the fuck out of this thread criticizing shitty exclusivity practices and stop making it about your stupid ass console warz bullshit, port begging has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the topic at all. Get a grip.

My misgivings with square's shitty as handling isn't limited to the switch additions but I'll also have to content with additions made to the English release and that's the same goddamn console.


Oct 27, 2017
Platinum'd it last month on PC, I agree it's disappointing after looking at everything that was added.
I can understand the 3DS 2D version not being added to non-Nintendo environments, but things like the QoL changes, no excuses.
Oct 25, 2017
Platinum'd it last month on PC, I agree it's disappointing after looking at everything that was added.
I can understand the 3DS 2D version not being added to non-Nintendo environments, but things like the QoL changes, no excuses.

Yeah that is my only real problem, I never expected the 2D stuff to go to anything else and that is fine, even the added quests are a big whatever, but actual QoL features should have been patched in. In the end Square has done it with multiple games this gen, and has just helped me decide to wait until I can get the PS4 version of their games for cheap, cause I'm not playing 3rd party games on my Switch or buying Square games at full price anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
Since it hasn't been posted yet, here's a full list of the changes. Range from "anecdotal" to "OH GOD WHY DIDN'T I HAVE THIS" :
Just don't read it if you're currently playing a non-Switch version, it can be quite disgusting to see what you miss.

Some excerpts :
- Fun-Size Forge Can Be Used Everywhere
- Orchestrated OST (!!!) + DQVIII OST
- Photo mode (I'd have used the shit out of this , game's gorgeous)
- Party members are now viewable in the overworld (+)
- Cutscenes are immediately skippable (definitely would have shaved a few hours of playthrough, sometimes quitting and reseting game was faster than waiting for everyone to be killed)
- Summon horse from wherever (useful)
- Running over monsterd with mounts grants more XP (+)
- Some real good new rideable monsters
And the worst offender of all in my opinion :
- Battle Speed Selector - this is modern RPG 101 Square, you even offer that on most new titles and remasters !

And I omitted some more spoilery ones, check the list.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Since it hasn't been posted yet, here's a full list of the changes. Range from "anecdotal" to "OH GOD WHY DIDN'T I HAVE THIS" :
Just don't read it if you're currently playing a non-Switch version, it can be quite disgusting to see what you miss.

Some excerpts :
- Fun-Size Forge Can Be Used Everywhere
- Orchestrated OST (!!!) + DQVIII OST
- Photo mode (I'd have used the shit out of this , game's gorgeous)
- Party members are now viewable in the overworld (+)
- Cutscenes are immediately skippable (definitely would have shaved a few hours of playthrough, sometimes quitting and reseting game was faster than waiting for everyone to be killed)
- Summon horse from wherever (useful)
- Running over monsterd with mounts grants more XP (+)
- Some real good new rideable monsters
And the worst offender of all in my opinion :
- Battle Speed Selector - this is modern RPG 101 Square, you even offer that on most new titles and remasters !

And I omitted some more spoilery ones, check the list.
those are mostly the QoL changes and improvements, the major additions are:
- 2D mode, play the whole game like an SNES RPG
- revisiting worlds from the past 10 dragon quest games for special quests
- new story to bridge the gap between act 1 and 2, playing as each of the party members in their own adventure
- japanese voice acting

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
Since it hasn't been posted yet, here's a full list of the changes. Range from "anecdotal" to "OH GOD WHY DIDN'T I HAVE THIS" :
Just don't read it if you're currently playing a non-Switch version, it can be quite disgusting to see what you miss.

Some excerpts :
- Fun-Size Forge Can Be Used Everywhere
- Orchestrated OST (!!!) + DQVIII OST
- Photo mode (I'd have used the shit out of this , game's gorgeous)
- Party members are now viewable in the overworld (+)
- Cutscenes are immediately skippable (definitely would have shaved a few hours of playthrough, sometimes quitting and reseting game was faster than waiting for everyone to be killed)
- Summon horse from wherever (useful)
- Running over monsterd with mounts grants more XP (+)
- Some real good new rideable monsters
And the worst offender of all in my opinion :
- Battle Speed Selector - this is modern RPG 101 Square, you even offer that on most new titles and remasters !

And I omitted some more spoilery ones, check the list.
Doesn't the PS4/PC release have a photo mode?


Oct 27, 2017
those are mostly the QoL changes and improvements, the major additions are:
- 2D mode, play the whole game like an SNES RPG
- revisiting worlds from the past 10 dragon quest games for special quests
- new story to bridge the gap between act 1 and 2, playing as each of the party members in their own adventure
- japanese voice acting

Yes I was mostly concentrating on what could constitute an "easy" patch for every other platform, mainly QoL features except the OST one.
I still can't accept the basic OST, had to find a workaround after 30 min.


Oct 30, 2017
Las Vegas


Feb 22, 2019
cant play any more cause the overwrold theme, what annoying theme, geez

Dragon Quest OST has to evolve

Deleted member 47076

User requested account closure
Aug 25, 2018
It's a huge bummer. I hate having to choose between QOL features + content and the best looking version of the game. Went with Switch at the end of the day but it's hard not to wish I was playing in 4K to see the game at its best.

I recently went the opposite direction. Played the demo on Switch and it looked ok in handheld mode but really bad blown up to 55", so I got it for the Pro.

Squid Bunny

One Winged Slayer
Jun 11, 2018
Complaints about the Switch-exclusive features in DQXI or the "censorship" in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, what resurfaces on ERA more often?


Oct 26, 2017
Now, I know with the Switch version, it's not as bad as SNES-GB comparison, but still! Every single console should get every single content! That applies for EVERY SINGLE GAME! If you want to have content on just ONE console, then just make it exclusive to that console! Don't sell crippled versions at full price to consumers!
It's really more like going from PS2 to PSP. Still the same basic thing but a little reduced around the edges.

SNES to GB is more like the PS4 and 3DS versions. A whole different game essentially.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York
The funny thing about the SNES->GB thing is that that's exactly what happened to Dragon Quest III

There isn't a single version of DQIII that exists that has all the content from the SNES remake and GBC remake. Newer versions don't even have all the content from the SNES remake!