
Oct 25, 2017
Considering what Beast Wars is relative to the Transformers universe I wonder if it will be the future setting of Bayverse.

Regardless of that question I am worried about how they will handle their "organic" transformations.

The original series got away with using mediocre but uniform cgi design. That won't fly with realistic settings and thus they'll have to craft a story that plausibly integrates their ability to look like real animals when transformed.

Obviously the animal forms rip themselves to pieces in brutal fashion

Scarlet Spider

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
I can picture it now. A Zookeeper at the San Diego forms a bond with a Gorilla and when the Zoo comes under attack the Gorilla saves him, transforming into Optimus Primal. Suddenly multiple animals come to his side transforming as well.

DELETE this post. DELETE IT!


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
It will be set in modern era and have humans adopting Maximals and Predicons from a Bernie Mac like petstore clerk.

Or be a film from the perspective of cave men, like that flop 10,000 BC.

You know it will
Or..or they can run into time traveling humans also stuck in the past.... every option with any humans just sounds terrible.
Feb 13, 2018
If Michael Bay isn't attached to the project and it doesn't take place in the main movie universe then I might be interested in Beast Wars. That show rocked


Oct 25, 2017
Adored Beast Wars as a kid! I had so many of the action figures, it was nuts.

I feel like I'd see this regardless of how it looks or how reviews turn out... much like the recent Godzilla movie.

Shaun Solo

Oct 25, 2017
Screenwriting is an inconsistent racket.

Look up almost any screenwriter's output and most seem very inconsistent unless they also direct (ala Tarantino, Wes Anderson, etc.). And it's because scripts get processed through a grueling grind of casting, directing, etc. And sometimes you take jobs because they pay.

Yeah, you're absolutely right. I just didn't wanna get too excited for something prematurely, but that goes the other way too I suppose!

Get Gary Chalk and (especially) David Kaye back or there's no point to any of this.
Man I hadn't even considered this. Them still using Peter Cullen makes me think it's not outside the realm of possibility.


Look in your heart, you know what's coming.
tbh, I didn't hate the similarly overdesigned Scorponok from the first live action movie. And I'd mind this even less if they use it if they ever get to the transmetals era of Beast Wars.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This series became a guilty pleasure of mine. For how stupid some of the storylines are (the Witwiccans, lmao), the action is so fucking over-the-top that I can't help finding it fascinating to watch. Bumblebee felt like a good step backwards, but to have more relatable human characters and interactions they sacrificed some of the action. At this point I have to wonder what is actually gonna happen with this franchise. They keep saying back and forth that they want to continue the original saga but they don't seem committed. They flip-flopped back and forth between whether Bumblebee is a full reboot or not. They mentioned they want to do an Optimus Prime origin movie; they talked about working on that Hasbro universe to crossover with GI Joe, Ninja Turtles and other properties; they mentioned they'll still continue the storyline of the first 5 movies eventually; now there's these talks, too.

Feels like they don't really know what to do right now, stuck between a low critical reception but great viewer numbers of the original movies, the much better reception for Bumblebee, and the fact they're also sitting on tons of Hasbro stuff, Transformers stories or otherwise.


Oct 29, 2017
Yes!!! Damn, now I need to rewatch the show. Please tell me it's on a streaming site somewhere


Nov 4, 2017
Low levels of faith that they get this right at all. There were 5 horrendous trashfires of cinema, and one spin-off/reboot that ended up being atleast enjoyably cute.

The odds are against this...

Eh, there were 2 horrendous trashfires of cinema, 1 comically mediocre movie, 2 enjoyable if unremarkable movies, and 1 very enjoyable spin-off/reboot that's outright good.


Oct 25, 2017
A Beast Wars film would be the first Transformers film I watch.

It only succeeds if they don't include any human characters like the show. Some early humans being glimpsed is fine.
Oct 25, 2017
Just remember the original show isn't going anywhere, if the end result is garbage it isn't going to ruin what's come before in any way.

Now, with that said, the show is beloved but it probably can't have a run or trilogy/etc that's going to "ape" the old seasons without throwing in some thing different. I hope they do mess with fans expectations in that way.

Pun intended.

Season 3 had too little world building too late.

Hell, Season 2's finale/Season 3's opener should have maybe been the end if I'm being honest.

I love the show warts and all, I just watched the Black Arachnia Transmetal episode last week for the hell of it - Silverbolt is probably one of my faves if not my fave, he's MVP in that one - but damn it I want my Beast Wars Battle Royale video game before too long.


Oct 27, 2017
Is that "Bumblebee universe" project the sequel that was in development, or another spin-off type thing? I was really surprised by how much I liked Bumblebee in tone and style, so more of that would be welcome.

As an OG TF fan and a huge fan of the 1986 movie, I really enjoyed Bumblebee. The sequence at the beginning in particular was perfect. More of that please.

Beastwars can fuck right off.


Oct 25, 2017
Beast Wars has always been the best thing that came out of this franchise. I have no faith that they will do it justice. They will absolutely shoehorn humans into this and set it in modern day instead of prehistoric Earth.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
There's a 90s nostalgia boom on the horizon, and I have long held that Beast Wars is the secret weapon of Transformers that Hasbro has completely ignored.

I'm so happy by this news. Hope they both made it to screen--I adore Bumblebee.


Oct 25, 2017
There's a 90s nostalgia boom on the horizon, and I have long held that Beast Wars is the secret weapon of Transformers that Hasbro has completely ignored.

I'm so happy by this news. Hope they both made it to screen--I adore Bumblebee.
Shit youre right. People have been stripping through 80s properties for so long, I guess it was bound to happen. If you were born in 1980, you were 4 when Transformers started and 27 when the first live action movie came out, and now you'd be 40. Now they want the 90s kids.


Oct 30, 2017
Completely forgot that Beast Wars was called Beasties in Canada. I had to look up the opening on YouTube and BEASTIES being shouted with all the same enthusiasm and intent as BEAST WARS in the American opening is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

I usually just shrug at regional differences like this but this an absolute loss for Canada lmao



Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Beast Wars. Oh man. I have very fond memories of that show. Does it hold up today? Should I bother finding a way to re-watch it?

Also I think Beast Wars really resonated with me because at the time I was heavily into Pokemon, and in Beast Wars, the machines undergo transformations of their own, acquiring new powers and skins. It really reminded me of leveling up or evolving.


Jul 17, 2019
"I prefer to defeat my opponents the old fashioned way...BRUTALLY!"

Beast Wars is so damn good, I'm actually scared they will fuck this up.


Oct 28, 2017
There's no way they're going to do Beast Wars, unless they find someway to force a predominately human plot into a time period hundreds of thousands of years before homo sapiens.


Oct 25, 2017
I need explanations, when did Transmutate go from this

to this

The collectors club/convention retconned* in that the protoforms on the Axalon had a life as transformers on Cybertron before the show, so they have pre-BWs bodies. They then did a bunch of toys that were representing those bodies, but couldn't afford to produce any original tooling (other than the odd new head), and just repainted existing toys. So if Transmutate had a body before the protoform pod malfunctioned then it would probably look more generic as a transformer, and the only female mold that hadn't been used to death elsewhere at the time was the Transformers Prime Arcee toy, so they repainted it in to Transmutate.

It was an odd chain of events that sort of all make sense in and of themselves at the time but come across as a bit... ehhh as a whole.

*this is perhaps a little unfair as the show does contradict itself a bit on this point. But it was definitely a weird fit for Transmutate.