
Oct 25, 2017
It kinda does though. Take the dropkick for example, it`s unlocked in a tutorial in the prologue. In the first game you needed to unlock it in the skill tree.
What about blocking? Wasn`t possible in the first game until you had a shield, a breakable item that can`t be crafted until Survival Skill Level 8(!). In Dying Light 2 you can block with your weapon, from the get-go.
That's good but it also makes it even weirder to lock the slide deeper into the skill tree. You can dropkick before you slide?
Hey man this is game design welcome to the choices they made. Sliding might be standard in MP Shooters these days but its really not elsewhere.
And this is a review thread, welcome to the discussions about some of those design choices. My main point of contention was also your weird "gamers and their instant gratification these days" take in response to valid criticism, (whether you personally agree with it or not). Also I wasn't even mainly talking about MP Shooters (though it is pretty common for those to have a slide). The Dishonored games have it, Prey has it, so do Deathloop, Far Cry and Wolfenstein, just to name a few others.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
I absolutely adored the first game and everything I've seen makes me think I'm going to adore this as well.

1080p does not bother me in the slightest - can't wait to explore every inch of this world at a seemingly locked 60fps. I hope it arrives tomorrow because I could really use a boost this week sooner rather than later.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Watching Gerstmann's VOD of this and, yeah, all of his complaints and observations are 100% fair.


Nov 13, 2017
One of my friend try to get me into and I have hard time having fun with the first one. It sure i'll not go with the second.


Oct 27, 2017
The disappointing narrative was almost expected at this point though, at least for me. The game has been delayed so many times, rumored to be on the brink of cancellation, and I don't know how much impact Chris Avellone had on the final product considering he parted sometime during development (?). I was almost certain it wouldn't live up to those initial showings, narrative wise at least.

Besides the narrative and bugginess, the reviews are reading fairly positive. Dealbreakers for some, but the positives actually got me a bit more excited. Some enjoyed the narrative, and even though I was looking forward to numerous decisions leaving a grand impact on the state of the game world, I can live with a more timid approach.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Damn, and here I was hoping that with all the branching paths they'd have a decent narrative for once.

I loved the first Dying Light, but the awful story really weighed down the incredible mood and atmosphere it had.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017

Why is slide a locked feature? Why is vault a locked feature? Going fast in the game feels like something you won't be able to do for a good...4 or 5 hours in.

Most of the level 1 and some of the level 2 abilities feel like they're only locked to pad out the game experience.

I agree with the ludo narrative issues he had as well, but that's more an individual complaint.

Do you have a link to the VOD? I got busy at work and missed the stream.


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't care about the narrative in this kind of game and everything else seems on par with what I'm expecting from a sequel so this should be good. I loved both Dead Island and DL1.


Feb 20, 2018
I just replayed the first 1 and really enjoyed it. I know that one got a 74MC. I'm just wondering for anyone that has played DL2, is it an improvement from the DL1 or more of the same? Cuz if so I still might might pick it up cuz I'm dying to play some more Dying light.


Oct 25, 2017
I think people who loved the first game will really dig this one. The story did disappoint in the sequel, but I still enjoyed bits in this. One mission in particular will go down as one of my favorite single-player story missions in an open world game in YEARS. It was a great moment, and I wished the game had reached those highs more often.


Jul 14, 2020
Sorry if this has already been covered extensively, but how is the PC version looking for those playing it?


Oct 25, 2017
Any mentions of a FOV slider on consoles? Default looks about as terrible as usual.


Dec 2, 2017
CD keys, but the price gone up in the last couple of days so you may want to check.
Yeah, as much as I love cdkeys they just love pulling shit like this, I was gonna wait to get it from them but they ramped the price up to $59, to add insult to injury, what they love doing is claim a different "base price" so that their discount still seems big, in this case apparently DL2 is being sold at $75 at retail, ridiculous lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Game did not get the reviews the better sequel should.
Hopefully it sells as much as the first game or more so Techland can produce more games and learn from their mistakes.

In terms of quality of the game, reviews seems divisive. Some praise story and quests, while others mock it completely. Same goes for graphics and so on. Weird.
Mar 19, 2020
Why is slide a locked feature? Why is vault a locked feature? Going fast in the game feels like something you won't be able to do for a good...4 or 5 hours in.

Most of the level 1 and some of the level 2 abilities feel like they're only locked to pad out the game experience.

I agree with the ludo narrative issues he had as well, but that's more an individual complaint.

To each their own. It was the same in Dying Light 1 but I loved the feeling of progression personally.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, as much as I love cdkeys they just love pulling shit like this, I was gonna wait to get it from them but they ramped the price up to $59, to add insult to injury, what they love doing is claim a different "base price" so that their discount still seems big, in this case apparently DL2 is being sold at $75 at retail, ridiculous lol.

I've noticed that the price on CDkeys goes up as launch approaches. I mean, not a major deal, but if it's something you know you want it's best to order from them early.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Tbh I don't even remember the narrative in the first one. Shame it isn't better here because they put a lot of work into it.


Dec 2, 2017
I've noticed that the price on CDkeys goes up as launch approaches. I mean, not a major deal, but if it's something you know you want it's best to order from them early.
I have nothing against them raising the price as demand increases prior to launch, but it does bug me that they raise the "base" price in order to make their discount seem big, when it's not, I mean right now it's basically full price on their site lol


Oct 27, 2017
- generic as fuck protagonist (Aiden, really?)
- boring/pointless side quests
- horrible narrative that doesn't pay off at all (though i expected this due to the awful story in 1)
- All the fun stuff is locked at the start (parkour)
- Jank animations that look weird

I think ill wait for a deep sale.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
shaping up to be one less february purchase

For the life of me (I guess unless you're a super fan) I can't figure out people buying games like this day one. They are going to be so much better a few patches in. I'll wait a year or so for the rest of the work to be done and the game to be half of what it launches at.

But I pretty much feel that way about all titles.

Yu Narukami

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 26, 2017
For the life of me (I guess unless you're a super fan) I can't figure out people buying games like this day one. They are going to be so much better a few patches in. I'll wait a year or so for the rest of the work to be done and the game to be half of what it launches at.

But I pretty much feel that way about all titles.
So many games are unfortunately now like this. Or they get a "Director's Cut" version after a year.
Mar 19, 2020
Just saw a video review where the guy said he was playing alongside a friend and after discussing with one another, they felt they had completely different branching stories. He said this is one of the games strengths. I find it so interesting how the reviews are so divisive but I'm just hearing a lot of conflicting information. Cant wait to try it.


Nov 10, 2017
Will play it sometime along the coming months or years. Looks like it can do with some more polishing


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Pretty middling reviews, but it was the same for DL1, and I absolutely loved it soooo... unless my fave youtubers reviews are overwhelmingly negative, this is still day one.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone know if this has a lengthy solo only part at the start? (I'd ask for the end too but i doubt anyone knows yet?) like the first game. Was really hard to get my partner to do that alone so we could play together lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone know if this has a lengthy solo only part at the start? (I'd ask for the end too but i doubt anyone knows yet?) like the first game. Was really hard to get my partner to do that alone so we could play together lol.
The solo introduction can take up to 90 minutes, maybe even a little more if you take your time.


Nov 20, 2017
Hmm. I liked 1 but I got it on deep sale. I think I'll wait. Not really a game I want to pay $60 for but it looks cool. I expected the reception to be better but Techland does an awesome job supporting their games so no rush.