leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Rockstar must be thinking how long they can make the response time in GTAVI before their MC starts taking any sort of hit.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
It would be interesting to test this on a certain mission that involves chasing something through a narrow corridor-like environment while maneuvering around multiple objects. The movement isn't too much of an issue in the wide open areas but turns pretty sour in towns/object dense areas.

There's a mission like that at the first two hours of the game, the train mission.

The cover system is mighty annoying there, haha.


Oct 27, 2017
Regular brain: Heavy animations that convey a feeling of weight

Galaxy brain: Heavy animations that convey a feeling of weight after a full third of a second of input lag


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I just don't even notice it? It's not like it's a twitch shooter or something. Maybe when online launches I'll feel it more, but I've played *a lot* of this game and from moment to moment I don't think I could ever call it unresponsive
Oct 27, 2017
Interesting thread here with even ND's animator chiming in

Dean Evans makes a good point in that thread. Aim a weapon or move at high speed and the input lag isn't as severe (to me it feels easily 65% - 75% more responsive).

I know it's become a meme and shit, but I do think this is intentional. Maybe this was the best way for them to make the walking seem more realistic without having to add extra animation?

(I have no issue with the handling in Red Dead, or GTA for that matter. I'm used to it and am able to control the characters with ease. The only thing I wish they did was have the character take a few steps backwards before turning around, this way you could precisely move around without feeling like you're spinning on the spot trying to pick up a carrot. I see the NPCs taking a few steps back so it would be lovely if we could too.)


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
What I think is happening is the general gaming audience wants games to be homogenized to a certain extent, at least within genres.
I don't think it's that complicated, I think it's more people just want something to happen quickly when you press a button. I think it's safe to say most people prefer a responsive experience.

Deleted member 49132

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2018
It depends how bad it is. I'm sure other games have similar issues. Not sure what you point is.
When the game has so many possible actions that you can do at any given moment, something has to give, and in this case it's the buttons having multiple actions mapped to them.

If you want to have a diary that you can pull out and read, or a satchel inventory you can look at, - while also keeping all the other actions available to the player - you have to start coming up with ideas on how to make it all possible.

I believe this is why many buttons have multiple actions mapped to them. There's more actions available to the player at any given moment in this game than most others.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What's worse is the fact that contextual menus appear in the corner and the accompanying tips will be on the other end of the screen. It's maddening and makes learning the game a more frustrating experience than it should.
Oh god the UI management is maddening. I don't understand why save load option is under Story Settings when that's all it is.

Not to mention even reading documents after you find them is a problem. Most of the time I accidentally hold the button a little too long and enter the satchet UI instead.

They want it to be immersive with you having hold the document in your hands and forgot you have to wrestle with the UI to even read it.


Dec 22, 2017
It's an issue, but for me it's the general feel of the controls that I notice more than the responsiveness. It just doesn't feel like the game reacts the way I want it to a lot of the time.


Oct 28, 2017
I'll never fucking understand why it takes a second to start moving the character, its even worst in first person

i'd pay twice the amount of money to have it removed, because i'm probably not going to finish rdr2, just like i didn't finish witcher 3


Oct 26, 2017
I'll never fucking understand why it takes a second to start moving the character, its even worst in first person

i'd pay twice the amount of money to have it removed, because i'm probably not going to finish rdr2, just like i didn't finish witcher 3

I'm playing Witcher 3 GOTY version now and the responsiveness is pretty decent, definitely a farcry from RDR2.


Oct 26, 2017
When he says on Twitter that he found variance of 10-26 frames, I feel like that should be stopping people in their tracks in terms of whether this shit is intentional. The high end of what he found in his limited testing is 865ms of fucking delay before the first response to analog stick input. That is legitimately one of the worst results I have ever heard. Hell, ~365ms is awful enough to warrant fixing but if it is fluctuating so much higher than that... I mean if it is intentional, it's one of the worst ideas I've heard in a long time, and worse than if it were just a result of a bug. A lot worse.


Oct 26, 2017
did they add another quicker option besides the one that added in 1.5 (i think)

He does this stupid half step leap and starts moving, which is still better than nothing

I spam sidestep a lot and it actually works. Rarely had to dodge roll anymore. Speccing from light attacks to heavy with the "heft" enchantment was game changing.


Oct 27, 2017
uh ok that's cool and RDR2 sure has a lot of delay, but Destiny does not have 1 frame lag, does it?

I'd count from the start of the deflection, and that gives 6 frames of lag, and 16 for RDR2. Unless there's some heavy deadzoning here, but I doubt that would make things speedier more than one frame.


Dec 29, 2017
I just don't even notice it? It's not like it's a twitch shooter or something. Maybe when online launches I'll feel it more, but I've played *a lot* of this game and from moment to moment I don't think I could ever call it unresponsive

It does not have to be a twitch shooter to have responsive controls though. Like that delay in the video adds nothing to the game no? Would you experience have been lessened if he responded immediately but with the same quality of animation?


Dec 29, 2017
When he says on Twitter that he found variance of 10-26 frames, I feel like that should be stopping people in their tracks in terms of whether this shit is intentional. The high end of what he found in his limited testing is 865ms of fucking delay before the first response to analog stick input. That is legitimately one of the worst results I have ever heard. Hell, ~365ms is awful enough to warrant fixing but if it is fluctuating so much higher than that... I mean if it is intentional, it's one of the worst ideas I've heard in a long time, and worse than if it were just a result of a bug. A lot worse.

865 is unpardonable. Like what? Anything over 120 and it starts to feel awful imo.


Nov 21, 2017
I wonder if this kind of testing is truly neutral since the tester himself is working at EA. I myself will doubt the result since to truly test something, you should not associate any personal feeling to it

Edit: sorry. A mistake. I thought destiny was published by EA :|


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
It does not have to be a twitch shooter to have responsive controls though. Like that delay in the video adds nothing to the game no? Would you experience have been lessened if he responded immediately but with the same quality of animation?
I'm not defending it, I'm just saying with the style of game and how it leads me to naturally play I don't feel it at all, where as input lag in a CoD or Destiny or something is instantly more noticeable. It would probably be better without it, but the pace and style of the game means it doesn't even register with me. That's why I think Online will be so interesting, because if it ever was going to register it'd be there, especially if it's exclusively free aim

I'll never fucking understand why it takes a second to start moving the character, its even worst in first person

i'd pay twice the amount of money to have it removed, because i'm probably not going to finish rdr2, just like i didn't finish witcher 3
I haven't played in first person, but I bet it would stick out a lot more with it. FWIW I played through the entirety of GTA V in first person and eventually got used to the movement (and prefer it over third person), but with the lag being greater here idk if I would even want to try first person for log periods of time


Oct 27, 2017
rockstar is just trying to get us all used to how it will feel to play any real time action game on cloud streaming services


Oct 26, 2017
uh ok that's cool and RDR2 sure has a lot of delay, but Destiny does not have 1 frame lag, does it?

I'd count from the start of the deflection, and that gives 6 frames of lag, and 16 for RDR2. Unless there's some heavy deadzoning here, but I doubt that would make things speedier more than one frame.

Yeah, in terms of overall input delay Destiny 2 does not have 1 frame of lag. His metric here is a bit odd (and one I personally wouldn't use), but you can pretty safely compare these results within this specific context at least.

Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
I didn't see the video, but did the author subtract frames of lag added by his TV, like for example DF does when doing this kind of analyses?
He must have, I guess, otherwise the Destiny measurement would be impossible.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Literal quantification of what I've been saying, the controls are shit. And yet people will keep defending them. The game is great, but in spite of the controls.


Oct 26, 2017
I didn't see the video, but did the author subtract t frames of lag added by his TV, like for example DF does when doing this kind of analyses?
He must have, I guess, otherwise the Destiny measurement would be impossible.

The little graph is mostly comparing the time between full stick angle and animation response in the video playback. So the initial stick angle is some frames earlier than that (in Destiny's case 5 or 6 frames I think), but it includes the delay of the display since we're counting frames from a video recording of the display itself.


Nov 21, 2017
People in the 1800's moved slow guys, it's realistic.

A bit out of topic since there is no better timing than this. But i think a bit too realistic ruins the fun. I want the environment and the vibe be realistic, not the control. There should be a limit to that

In gaming, you cannot simulate control movement as realistic as it is in real life. Our technology hasnt reached that part yet. After all, we are playing a game, we cannot simulate movement as we want to in the game in precise way


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
This seems pretty intuitive for anyone who's played these games, but still cool to see the hard data.
Oct 28, 2017
This game is puzzling.

The missions, the combat, the controls are all mediocre to bad with some good reviews as well saying the opposite.

Seems really mixed reception so far. It's like, I want it but hearing the negative things about it makes me not want it. Ugh.

Noob Pilot

Jun 10, 2018
This video is misleading. Not everything in RDR2 has this slow of input lag.

It is only comparing 1 thing in the video, flicking the left stick > character moving to reflect it

Don't get me wrong, that is BAD, and I am in no way defending input lag. I am merely pointing out that this video is misleading.

That action in RDR2 has absurdly high input lag compared to everything else.

For example, when you aim your gun, and press the trigger to shoot, the input lag is the same as any other 30fps shooter, as is the aiming response.

This video is literally cherry picking ONE action in this game that was, for some unknown reason, programmed to have higher input lag than anything else.

There are other actions in the game that are programmed to have higher input lag - however for a reason - because the buttons serve as 2 functions, a tap and a hold.

L1 is the button you use to holster/unholster your gun, however is also the button you hold to bring up your weapon wheel.

There is a large amount of input lag from when you hold down L1 to bring up the wheel, to it actually showing up on screen.

This was intentional, as a cushion so that way there's no confusion between the two actions.

Same thing with the R3 button. Click for dead-eye, hold to look behind character. There's a lot of lag when you hold it down, so that way the game recognizes that's what you actually wanted to do.
My sentiments to the tee. Shooting feels as responsive as any other shooter. Everything else was intentional.

It's been this way with GTA for a long time already, so i don't get why everyone is so surprised at how heavy moving around feels in RDR2.


Oct 25, 2017
It was much worse on GTA V but yeah, even that isn't good enough either.

Between that and the momentary pauses that your character makes between transitioning to different animations... it makes for a good game with slightly annoying quirks.

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
I'm not defending this but should all games really be as responsive as possible, is it really that bad when they don't and can it affect realism?


Oct 27, 2017
What's even worse than that is that their games keep getting praised to high hella and selling like crazy which gives them zero reason to make games that actually play well.

On the head. Regardless of how much stock you put in world-building/narrative versus gameplay, Rockstar's movement model is objectively dated, unintuitive, and feels very poor. As others have said, it can and has been done without sacrificing responsiveness/satisfying feedback.

In an ideal critical world that doesn't embarrassingly froth over open worlds and superficial minutiae, outlets would be docking serious points for your RDRs of the industry, which are – to a point – video games that really don't play that well.


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
When he says on Twitter that he found variance of 10-26 frames, I feel like that should be stopping people in their tracks in terms of whether this shit is intentional. The high end of what he found in his limited testing is 865ms of fucking delay before the first response to analog stick input. That is legitimately one of the worst results I have ever heard. Hell, ~365ms is awful enough to warrant fixing but if it is fluctuating so much higher than that... I mean if it is intentional, it's one of the worst ideas I've heard in a long time, and worse than if it were just a result of a bug. A lot worse.

Just to clarify, that seems to be a typo and he seems to have meant 10-16 frames.


Which is still very bad and way beyond the 5-6 frames that only the most sensitive people can notice.
I'm still really surprised it was basically never mentioned in the various reviews.

I also don't really agree that it's only the left stick movement which has the input lag.
Other actions might be slightly lower, but it's not going to drastically drop down to 3-4 frames for some actions after hitting 10+ frames for a simple action.
I played around last night and even simple actions like drawing and holstering your gun feel like they have a half second delay.

The reason why it feels more responsive while moving for most people is because it's basically impossible to see the various state changes/response times
because it is expertly masked with the complex animations. It might be slightly lower in those cases than the walk animation, but it was still noticeable in other simple actions for me.
I am fairly sensitive to input lag however.

I really feel like the idea that someone is actively programming the game to increase input delay on actions is one of the craziest things ever.
It's R* though so it almost seems likely. lol

With modern engines and consoles baseline input lag is higher than ever and most teams put a lot of resources into reducing it as much as possible.


Nov 1, 2017
If I'm not dodge rolling out of attacks while counting invincibility frames, what even is the point of video games!?

Lord Error

Oct 27, 2017
My sentiments to the tee. Shooting feels as responsive as any other shooter. Everything else was intentional.
Input lag has not once, to my knowledge, been intentional. If it was, then it would have been there in equal amounts in the PC releases of various games, and would not decrease with higher frame rates. But that's never been the case. Reason for input lag is always that the systems affecting character or camera movement are too slow and conplex.

Does GTA V on PC have less input lag than the console version? Just curious because I know PS3 was bad, PS4 was slightly less bad... don't know how the PC version fared.
Of course it had much less input lag. Especially if you'd run the game in 60FPS. On top of that, PC monitors have way less processing lag than just about any TV set.
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