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bork bork
Oct 25, 2017
How big do the allies have to get before they start landing the bigger sponsers like Casper, blue apron, etc? Or is that not of interest to them?
Jones has talked about this a couple of times on Cup of Jones, and my understanding is that A) they would likely have to go through a third-party vendor that specializes in setting up sponsorships between podcasts and companies (would have to be done outside of Patreon); B) there are specific ways that companies want their ads to be read (i.e. harder to customize things since they would have to do it through the vendor); and C) there is not a good way to integrate these type of sponsorships with Patreon sponsorships (since the Podcast Halftime and Caught in a Frametrap segments already exist).

So because of all these, they aren't sure that it would be worth it at this point to try to do these (both monetarily and in terms of devaluing the Patreon sponsors). This is what I got out of what Jones said, so I hope I'm not misrepresenting anything. Instead, they're more interested in partnerships for events like E3 (e.g. this stream/segment is sponsored by so and so company, etc.).


Oct 25, 2017
TBH I think some of you are over-analysing and nitpicking why the Frame Trap sponsor slots aren't full and being too harsh on Ben. He's no Jones (who is?) but I think he's been doing a decent job and has improved dramatically since he started doing them. There's been times when the EZA Podcast sponsors haven't been full either, that doesn't mean Jones is doing a bad job.

Ya really, if someone decided not to sponsor because the read isn't good enough I'd like to see those receipts.


Oct 29, 2017
How big do the allies have to get before they start landing the bigger sponsers like Casper, blue apron, etc? Or is that not of interest to them?
I am not sure if those companies are open to sponsor the way EZA does it right now, next to other sponsors (and on patreon). I am also not sure if the current sponsors are open to be in a podcast that has a big blue apron, Casper advertisements in the beginning and the end.

I don't think it will work with the current way they do sponsorships. So they will probably lose all or most of the other sponsors.
I am personally not sure they need companies like that to sponsor them and I hope they won't do it to be honest.

It will kill the "family' vibe I get when I listen to the sponsors. The current sponsors sponsor EZA because they like listening to EZA and because they are fans of EZA. Companies like those don't care about the content.

Btw, I have to agree that I don't have a problem with the way Ben is handling the sponsors on FT. I think it's done well.
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if it would help or what makes a good advert, but I find Ben's reading to be fine, but always room to improve of course. Maybe some background music during the ads? All the podcasts I listen to (including EZA!) have background music for the ad and I have no idea why, but maybe it's effective aha.

Jones has talked about this a couple of times on Cup of Jones, and my understanding is that A) they would likely have to go through a third-party vendor that specializes in setting up sponsorships between podcasts and companies (would have to be done outside of Patreon); B) there are specific ways that companies want their ads to be read (i.e. harder to customize things since they would have to do it through the vendor); and C) there is not a good way to integrate these type of sponsorships with Patreon sponsorships (since the Podcast Halftime and Caught in a Frametrap segments already exist).

So because of all these, they aren't sure that it would be worth it at this point to try to do these (both monetarily and in terms of devaluing the Patreon sponsors). This is what I got out of what Jones said, so I hope I'm not misrepresenting anything. Instead, they're more interested in partnerships for events like E3 (e.g. this stream/segment is sponsored by so and so company, etc.).

Yeah, Linus hired someone specifically to handle these sponsor relationships on his channel and he talks about how he flips out when he improvises the read on some of the sponsors during the live show. They also want occasional breakdowns of your listenership and things, it's almost a full time postion.


Oct 25, 2017
I would love a limited run watch along series.
A movie, a particular episode of a television show, Anime films etc.
Maybe have it be patreon voted or the allies pick it themselves.
I think Bosman and Jones did that once with chat while watching a Pokemon series I believe.

I would love to watch an episode of classic simpsons for example.


Oct 28, 2017
Let's be honest, Ben isn't the most natural podcast host. Helping him in terms of pre-recording the sponsor segments would go a long way I think.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Really? I thought he nailed the hosting very early on and is one of my favourite podcast hosts. He's extremely good in bringing people into conversations about games even if they haven't played it.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Linus hired someone specifically to handle these sponsor relationships on his channel and he talks about how he flips out when he improvises the read on some of the sponsors during the live show. They also want occasional breakdowns of your listenership and things, it's almost a full time postion.

In fact they are actually hiring another person recently to do that role as well. So there will be 2 full time people just working on getting sponsorships etc.

Let's be honest, Ben isn't the most natural podcast host. Helping him in terms of pre-recording the sponsor segments would go a long way I think.

Yeah really disagree here, maybe in the first few frametraps but he is a great host now and very natural in the role.


Oct 29, 2017
Let's be honest, Ben isn't the most natural podcast host. Helping him in terms of pre-recording the sponsor segments would go a long way I think.
I have to disagree. I really like the way Ben hosts FT. I think he is a good host of the Q&A as well.

I remember the first time Ben was on the GT podcast (can't remember which one). I believe he was an intern and he was clearly very nervous (who can blame him).
I think all of the Allies grew a lot by being in EZA (you can see it on the groupstreams when somebody else than Jones speaks to the audience in the beginning of the stream), but even if you compare the first few Frame Traps to now, you have to agree how good Ben has become in being a host.

I really don't see what you are seeing. I think Ben is as good as Bosman or Jones in hosting/steering a podcast/stream.
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Oct 26, 2017
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Ben is a fantastic host. You don't have be radio host like to be a good podcast host.

But yes, the sponsorship segment is a bit underwhelming. And the humor style (e.g. caught in a frame trap) might be too cringy for some sponsors?

But nope, folks from Polygon straight up typing them out in detail. Super peeved at this.
If you're talking about Pat Gill then it's a joke and a review for what to expect from this game.
Oct 27, 2017
Need some Ben rhymes to liven it up

i think there might be something to this. and an easy way to kill two birds with one stone. maybe on the day that tabletop is done, ben could take 5 minutes to record a sketch of the guys coming across a scroll or billboard or something with a list of 'patrons of a greater good'. and then you could have them react to the names in character or something. record it once a month and youre good to go. during frametrap ben could just 'cut to a message from the tabletop escape guys/bulvach/potbelly/etc'. i think the weirder, the wackier, the better. i'm waay more likely to tune in and focus if the segment is DIFFERENT than just a reading off of a list. and it could be done in a fun way for ben to record to so its not so hard.

some of the best ad reads ive heard are when bill burr just goes off script and fucks up the ads for sherrrries berrries or meundies or whatever. i think ben and the tabletop guys could totally do it. and if more people are interested in hearing the mini ad sketches, it might be more incentive for people to insert their name/brand into it.


Jan 15, 2018
I'll agree with the ctiticism of the reading of the sponsors on FT feeling somewhat flat but otherwise Ben's an excellent host that brings different things to the table (comparing to Kyle).


Oct 25, 2017
The last Frame Trap had six non-mega sponsors (all time high or close to it?) and basically none were businesses. The only plugs were for a couple of peoples twitch channels.
Now what would you conclude from this?


May 15, 2018
Let's be honest, Ben isn't the most natural podcast host. Helping him in terms of pre-recording the sponsor segments would go a long way I think.

Ben and Kyle are easily my favourite podcast hosts, and I'm a fan of Kinda Funny too. Ben asks the most thoughtful and well-considered questions of his panelist's whether he is familiar with the game or not.

Mr M

May 19, 2018
I don't think the Frame Trap sponsor thing is to do with Ben's reads as much as it is to do with just general views/exposure and the fact the length of the show is so wildly variable so ad placement is a bit harder to predict.

Ben could improve at it and you should always try to improve anyway, but he's alright as it is for me, and in the end I'd probably skip the best ad read ever regardless

False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
Ben is an excellent ghost who really excels at drawing opinions out of people and getting them to talk for quite a long while.


Oct 28, 2017
Yes last month but due to a 1000$ buggy bump that disappeared. This time its for real so i think we can expect a Top 10 :)
I was watching it like a hawk, and I never saw it cross the $47K mark even in those few hours when that bug appeared. Highest I saw it get to was around $46.7K. As far as tracking records go, I prefer using the graphtreon daily graph. Always updates just after 9:00 PM Pacific so it's a consistent snapshot. So as far as I'm concerned, we've been in record territory for funding since May 12 and record patrons since April 22nd.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Ben is an excellent ghost



Oct 29, 2017
The last Frame Trap had six non-mega sponsors (all time high or close to it?) and basically none were businesses. The only plugs were for a couple of peoples twitch channels.
Now what would you conclude from this?
I would conclude that $250 is easier to spend for "non-businesses" than $500 is?
I honestly don't know what we can conclude from that.

Except if you mean the fact that FT has quite a lot of sponsors, for which I would conclude that people are happy with the way it is presented.
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Oct 25, 2017
Isn't Huber getting married tomorrow?

Seems odd to do a Talking Syndrome on the day you're getting married.


Oct 25, 2017
Ben is an excellent host, loved every frametrap. They should just have jones read the advertisement package and play during the required segment. He is the voice in the biz.
Oct 27, 2017
I was watching it like a hawk, and I never saw it cross the $47K mark even in those few hours when that bug appeared. Highest I saw it get to was around $46.7K. As far as tracking records go, I prefer using the graphtreon daily graph. Always updates just after 9:00 PM Pacific so it's a consistent snapshot. So as far as I'm concerned, we've been in record territory for funding since May 12 and record patrons since April 22nd.
Oh ok great! I must remember it wrong. Congrats then!


Oct 29, 2017
Ben is an excellent host imo. He's very good at steering a conversation and making things interesting.

On the topic of frametrap viewcount. I have to imagine that a lot of its views are from people who watch the podcast in segments because of how long it is. It's very rare for me to turn on framegraph and make it through the whole thing in one sitting. With that being said, I still think frametrap pulls incredible numbers.


Oct 28, 2017
Ben is a great host! I also think his style would lend itself well to one-on-one interviews, hopefully when the studio comes we'll get video's of Ben interviewing some devs, kinda like GameInformer does. (I really like GameInformer)
May 10, 2018
I've never had an issue with Ben's hosting, in fact, I really enjoy his take on being a host. As for the sponsor readings, I can't say it has ever crossed my mind that it is "boring".


Oct 25, 2017
The Deep North
Nice to see Talking Syndrome back with a spicy topic. Might actually pop in for that.

Ben is a great podcast host not only for what he brings to the table in terms of knowledge and well-considered opinions, but also his excellent discussion-management skills. Frame Trap is a 2-3hr + plus podcast that barely has an ounce of fat on it - a lot of that is down to Ben's hosting, in my opinion.
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Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
Just to add to the voices of acclaim for Ben as a host. He is exceptional at extracting deeper insights into the games people are playing, beyond the normal it's fun, or the obvious observations. These make conversations so deep and interesting and also make you understand the people playing the games and how that affects their perception. It's a completely different vibe from the Easy Allies Podcast, and I hope it stays just as it is.

As for the advert section, I think sometimes it gets confusing because the frametrap game itself can be confusing - it's perhaps the only part I can imagine being tweaked, and the one I tend to care about the least.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Yeah don't normally jump in on this stuff but Ben is a fantastic host and just keeps getting better.
Oct 25, 2017
Has the next spoiler mode been chosen? Detroit has to be somewhat high on the list of options if not. Would be great if they could get a guest into the updated garage, too.

Mr M

May 19, 2018
Man alive I would kill for an Easy Dreamin' pajama party playing Detroit and shuffling the controller scene to scene

False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
With Best Buy's GCU ending soon and Amazon being spotty as fuck when it comes to what gets the 20% discount and what doesn't, I might just switch to all digital. Not only that, being robbed on Christmas this last year kind of made me realize how convenient digital was for lost/stolen games. I can't finish the sidequests in AC: Origins or any of South Park: The Fractured, but Whole because of that thieving fuck, but everything I owned digitally was right there for me to download as soon I bought my new console.

Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Let's be honest, Ben isn't the most natural podcast host. Helping him in terms of pre-recording the sponsor segments would go a long way I think.
I'll be honest then. Ben is a fantastic podcast host who adapted to the job abnormally quick. I really only had a problem with the sponsor reading.

Also this reminds me, anyone else kinda dislike how in conversation we say stuff like "to be honest" or "honestly" and the like? It's like, wait were you lying to me before that then lol. It just seems like a way to be like "hey you may disagree but..." and when you think about that for a second, you realize that it's pretty much worthless because no one will agree with everything one says anyway.

Ben is an excellent ghost


Oct 27, 2017
If you're talking about Pat Gill then it's a joke and a review for what to expect from this game.
Unfortunately as much as it seemed like a joke, it is definitely in the game. He tweeted that out after retweeting an article from GamesRadar about the secret ending. It's an absolutely hilarious thing that almost seems too much like Cage parodying himself but it's real, and as much as it seems like it's inconsequential to the actual main story, I'm sure there are others who would rather not have that spoiled.

Usually what happens on twitter happens and I can't get mad because I could mute stuff but this happened before anyone could even have a chance to play it themselves, on embargo day, where the last thing being published should be ending spoilers lol. But I know people are eager to poo poo on Cage and QD so any etiquette goes out the window for situations like that.
Oct 27, 2017
Is this Todoroki avatar week?

Ben hosting is fantastic and is particularly suited towards the purpose of the Frame Trap podcast. Heck, even his hosting of the panel at the NISA presser last year was slick. His tone is more conversational than Jones which means the sponsorship reading comes across differently, but I would hesitate to compare them too closely when you have someone who has a voice for VO, who has practiced VO for many years.
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