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Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
Wow some of you are dramatic! Popped in to see when the allies start their EA stream and see people act as if Kyle left the show. Lmao!!!! It's awesome that he gets to work e3 ! Let these guys branch out as much as possible. Easy Allies makes them some amount of money but c'mon now, if an opportunity arises you better expect them to take it. E3 is such a joyous occasion don't dampen it with doom and gloom! Bring on EA!!!!!


Oct 25, 2017
WHEN i am talked that patreon are bosses? WHEN? Im just comparing patreons and Geoff. To me patreons are more important that Geoff(my opinion), however the more important is, plz read again: What benefits does EZA receive from this? What benefits does patreons receive from this? Just fair questions.
Some patreons here questioned when Brandon and Collin happened( ok ok, let this thing to the past) but honestly i think its so weird at least.
And sorry but YOU did not get it a joke about "diva". This happened on Q&A recently when BRandon talked about Kyle, but some jokes have a little of truth sometimes...

SOrry again, but YOU ARE the only talking here about remove the pledge. YOU are the first. I dont need this "kind of action" "to say" a feedback. SO im doing fair questions,feedback and criticism.

Im a proud patreon since day one, i almost never do criticisms here(even when they deserve, cause i understand we "all mess up sometimes", we all need time to learning to do things going well), but at this time i think its fair. Huge push and specific funding drive to get them stuff for E3 to make the content better to just "vanish" and work for Geoff AND with these conditions?

If you can "accept" this, its ok to me. You can have a different opinion. Could i have other? Or Is the Love & Respect about only one specific opinion?

Sorry if i bothered you or Other people at this topic, with of my heart. I love Easy Allies, so i will I'll shut up so I will not bother you or other fellow about this conversation anymore. Sorry once more, cause i dont wanna receive a ban. I will See ALL the conferences with Easy Allies and again im proud be a patreon since day one. IF i had more conditions, i would like A LOT more money to them.

Love & Respect. IM almost sleeping on the keyboard.

It doesn't have to benefit EZA or patrons. Why should it have to benefit EZA or patrons? Kyle is not contractually obligated by Patreon to be there for every conference, nor is he restricted from doing a side job that he has been doing since he started EZA. Heck, Don won't be there for any conference - how is THAT benefiting EZA? Is Don a diva, too?

I honestly don't get the outcry about this in the first place. Yeah I love Kyle, and him not being there for all the conferences is a bummer, but I'm used to not every ally being at every conference, and he will be at 5 out of 8.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't know about you guys, but I'm actually interested in EA's conference this year: more of Anthem, perhaps a new Star Wars? Nice little conference to whet the appetite.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
While disappointing, I can understand that Kyle wants to work on a professional production set during E3. Even with his constant self-doubts, he knows his worth (same reason Final Bosman isn't on EZA but Dear Bosman was on Gameslice) and working with Geoff is way more beneficial to his CV than hanging out in the garage.


Oct 27, 2017
Woooooooowww at these reactions.

Any time an Ally is able to bring exposure to the company is a good thing. As fans, you should all be happy that Kyles getting out there to bring attention to EZA, even if tangentially.

I want to see them in a studio, I want to see them grow bigger. But that won't happen if you want to keep EZA all to yourselves and discourage any exposure.

Good for Kyle.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't care much about Anthem myself but i'm actually always excited about that crazy indie. The reveal of A Way out and the game the year before that (forgot the name of the game, but the developer had this little knitted character with him , edit: Unravel), thats alwzys fun to watch. Also SKATE 4 BABY
Fe was announced between those two games :p We already know about Unravel 2 but I hope they have more EA Originals than just that.

Otherwise, I think Andrea Rene will do her best hosting it but meh. Even if I was a Skate fan, this is the same company that brought us Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Dead Space 3, Burnout Crash! and Mass Effect Andromeda. They're the monkey paw publisher. And while every other publisher has moved on and modernised their conferences, EA is still stuck with 10 minute talking segments, lame celebrity appearances and, for some dumb reason, office tours. EA is such a downer way to start E3.

Woooooooowww at these reactions.

Any time an Ally is able to bring exposure to the company is a good thing. As fans, you should all be happy that Kyles getting out there to bring attention to EZA, even if tangentially.

I want to see them in a studio, I want to see them grow bigger. But that won't happen if you want to keep EZA all to yourselves and discourage any exposure.

Good for Kyle.
I don't want to get back into it because I'm over it but it sounds like he's mostly working behind the scenes.


Oct 25, 2017
Woooooooowww at these reactions.

Any time an Ally is able to bring exposure to the company is a good thing. As fans, you should all be happy that Kyles getting out there to bring attention to EZA, even if tangentially.

I want to see them in a studio, I want to see them grow bigger. But that won't happen if you want to keep EZA all to yourselves and discourage any exposure.

Good for Kyle.
This isn't what he's doing at all. I'm sure people would be a lot more forgiving if "Kyle Bosman from EZA" was co hosting with Geoff or something. I know I would.


Oct 27, 2017
Watching the podcast. Damn Sony could have best line up in a E3 conference of all time. Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, The Last of Us II, Devil May Cry V, RE 2 Remake, RDR 2, Shadows Die Twice. What a potential line up Jesus Christ.


Oct 27, 2017
This isn't what he's doing at all. I'm sure people would be a lot more forgiving if "Kyle Bosman from EZA" was co hosting with Geoff or something. I know I would.

Even if tangentially. Someone catches Kyle, thinks he's funny, looks him up. Easy Allies.

If it is behind the scenes stuff... Oh well, the guy is trying to network. Can't poo on him for that.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn, just tuned into the stream. This looks so great. Really professional.


edit: totally forgot there's an EZA@E3 thread.


Jan 15, 2018
I'll chime in with my perspective. Kinda bummed mainly about Kyle not being there for Nintendo but he can't let big opportunities for himself go like that. So yeah it's understandable.

As for EA, there's a part of me that thinks "It HAS to be better than last year" and another that says "Did you watch the Battlefield reveal?"
... So my expectations are as high as they will ever be for EA


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Some people are being way too dramatic though yes, it is disappointing that he won't be there for Nintendo and won't be on the floor getting impressions.

But if he's on the actual streams, I really hope they allow him to be introduced as "Kyle Bosman from Easy Allies." It's the right thing to do.

Edit: Also, it should be noted, just in case Kyle and the boys see the disappointment or harsher complaints: it's because we love what Kyle brings to the streams. Each Ally brings something unique.


Oct 25, 2017
The Deep North
It's a real shame to lose Bosman for 3 conferences - especially as he's such an able moderator - but no Ally should begrudge Kyle his opportunities to work with Geoff. I imagine that having restricted time on the showfloor is a sacrifice that Kyle feels keenly.


Oct 27, 2017
Whats with all these reactions? Hes literally done this every E3 since they started EZA? He even bows out on purpose sometimes to let the other allies shine.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
From chat

" Thanks! It was myself (Motion Graphics & Compositing), Joe David Ellis (Design), and Stuart Pomeroy (Programming) who made these graphics."
Thank you! I turned Chad off for reasons.

I hope they got paid an illegal amount of money because they deserve it. It elevates the stream to a whole new level. Can't wait to see what the rest of the production is going to look like.


Oct 27, 2017
Woooooooowww at these reactions.

Any time an Ally is able to bring exposure to the company is a good thing. As fans, you should all be happy that Kyles getting out there to bring attention to EZA, even if tangentially.

I want to see them in a studio, I want to see them grow bigger. But that won't happen if you want to keep EZA all to yourselves and discourage any exposure.

Good for Kyle.

Couldn't agree more. They've learned from the mistake of last year when Jones was almost completely absent from the conferences but missing a few is more than OK when the opportunity is as good as working with Geoff. That connection is invaluable for Kyle personally and the Allies in general so I'm glad they're maintaining those relationships.

Keith Stat

Oct 25, 2017
Whats with all these reactions? Hes literally done this every E3 since they started EZA? He even bows out on purpose sometimes to let the other allies shine.

Oy. This is completely incorrect. There's never been an E3 with EZA where Kyle missed out completely on giving game impressions. He's worked with Keighley on the Game Awards and that Live show on Youtube in the past, but not at this capacity around E3. He and others have appeared on other outlets for interviews and whatnot which is completely different then being absent from the show floor completely because you are working on behind the scenes stuff with another outlet. I honestly don't mind Kyle missing out on a few conferences (although Nintendo would be the #1 I'd like to see him at) as there are plenty of other great Allies, it's mostly the "meat" of E3 that I'll miss out on him such as game impressions, shooting the shit on the stream on Monday between conferences and just contributing to the "vibes" of them all going through the insanity of E3 together. Like I said earlier, this isn't a major issue, but EZA at E3 should be the ultimate for the group. I mean, look how absurdly professional their pre-pre-show for EA is right now! And they have an insane 4k plus in their room just watching a clock tick down.

This is going to be big for them and I'm absolutely thrilled things seem to be in place to capitalize on it.


Oct 25, 2017
Kyle and Geoff go way back and he's like a huge guy when it comes to these opportunities now and in the future. Totally get why Kyle would take this gig. Bummer for us but he's got a career outside of EZA to consider and we gotta respect that.

We still have Ben, Brad, HUBER, Ian, Damiani, Blood etc etc etc there's no shortage of hype.


Oct 29, 2017
Dang, hope that's not the video size for the conference streams, way too small imo.

Edit: nvm ea stream is much bigger.


Oct 25, 2017
Gotta admit I'm bummed about Kyle, love the rest of the allies and this is gonna be great either way but it definitely stings.

On a positive note, production values are brilliant this year.


Nov 6, 2017
Disappointed to hear Kyle will be missing the Nintendo Direct and some other conferences but I'll get over it. Still have my favourite allies in the mix so it's all good

Loving the quality of the stream at the moment. Definitely a step up from last year.


Apr 4, 2018
Wow these reactions. Kyle has a long standing professional relationship with Geoff...I thought it was pretty obvious he'd be doing stuff with him and might not be around. Dude's gotta hustle, and I don't think he really owed anyone an explanation or notice. I'm happy he has the opportunity to work with other people in the industry, and I'm sure EZA's coverage will be great both when he is and is not there.


Dec 1, 2017
my bad forgive me for hoping people I pay to talk about video games might actually do that

Bit late to reply, but does that mean every ally sbpuld be on every podcast then, as that's what we pay for?

He was working for Keighley last year as well and missed stuff.

The patreon doesn't pay them all a living wage, and big events are going to be when people can make more money.

There's enough allies to cover any missing people.

Alternatively buy out/ get bought by Keighley. Turn into a super channel. All the connections, all the videos and all the back door shady deals.


Oct 25, 2017
All those new cameras and can't have one on Ben? No patreon plugs in sight during the biggest time of the year? Was hoping for something different and better this year but it's still the same old stuff just with some new graphics.


Oct 29, 2017
Hearing no pvp is a plus for me. This games seems like it's going to be the game that I wanted destiny to be. Too bad I'm not a big third person guy. Kinda crazy that I'm going to be choosing between days gone on my ps4 pro or anthem on my X. Its gonna be a tough decision.


Oct 25, 2017
There were long periods of Ben talking during the post show it wasn't on. It came on for a sec there but then inexplicably it's right back off. Either keep the small cam on all the time or switch to full screen salad cam when Ben is talking.

Really hope they have a patreon pitch video to play in between conferences in the coming days. Seriously, promote your shit guys. I checked out KF stream just to see their setup (which was very nice) and Greg was in full sales pitch mode for KF. Not a single sentence about their stuff on EZA.

Edit: Don't think the world Patreon was uttered a single time that whole stream. Baffling.
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Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Why? They're not even switching. It would be the same.
Sorry, that came off harsher towards Damiani than I meant it. He's doing a fine job by all means. :)
I guess I was expecting a better presentation this year. I mean outside of graphics, it still largely looks the same which is fine I guess.

Not a huge deal because I still get to see and hear the Allies which is the whole point. :)
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