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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
EZA has one of the smallest drops in the top 20 Patreons anyway, as always. So, no big deal.

EDIT - Top of the page, here's a Michael Bosman gif for you:

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Oct 28, 2017
There's gotta be a way or tool to see repetitive accounts resubbing/unsubbing at the last minute no? Even if not huge numbers, it still sucks that people might wanna do this. Is there a ban system on Patreon?

(I'm still wondering if that's what happened with Trillhouse...)
There definitely aren't huge numbers of people unsubbing at the last minute, but yes, we can block people if necessary. Jones confirmed that the payment never went through for Thrillhouse and another sponsor last month. That amounted to $2500 combined. We don't want to assume the worst, but we had to block them to re-open those slots.
Oct 27, 2017
There definitely aren't huge numbers of people unsubbing at the last minute, but yes, we can block people if necessary. Jones confirmed that the payment never went through for Thrillhouse and another sponsor last month. That amounted to $2500 combined. We don't want to assume the worst, but we had to block them to re-open those slots.
Thanks for the explanation. :)

Ps: I'm the guy that tweeted you about the GRIP game. Hope you'll lile the game


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Box Peek update is out.

The plan now is to have it be two seasons of 5 episodes each, with the first five to drop late October, and the other half in February.

Scoops first: I just finished filming Episode 4 last night. Editing takes 2-3 days, so I'll be able to start Episode 5 Monday or Wednesday. What this means is that I'm finally willing to come to terms with the reality that I can't make more than one episode in a month.

With that in mind it is now my plan to divide Box Peek into two seasons of five episodes, which was actually an idea brought up in this very comment section last month. The Basic Plan (Subject to Change as Always) will be to premiere the first five episodes probably in late October (after a wedding trip I have to make) and then the last five probably in February.


bork bork
Oct 25, 2017
Box Peek update is out.

The plan now is to have it be two seasons of 5 episodes each, with the first five to drop late October, and the other half in February.
Here's the link to the Patreon post for the full message:

It'll be interesting to see how natural the split between the first 5 eps and the second half turns out to be. Also, thank goodness he decided not to go with Plan F, the one where he'd switch to a simpler animation style to get things done faster. As Huber says, let it cook.
Oct 25, 2017
We were just made aware that pay up front is an option for us the other day. After looking it over, it's not likely that we'll be switching over anytime soon. The main sticking point is that it doesn't renew on a monthly anniversary date like Twitch, Adobe, or most monthly charges. Instead, if you pledge $50 on the 31st, you'll get charged the next $50 on the 1st. For us, that just sounds like a bad deal that could rub new patrons the wrong way, make them feel like they were ripped off, or make them decide to wait until the next month only to forget about it later.

We haven't seen a huge number of people trying to game the system, and for the big tiers like sponsorship, we wait until payment goes through anyways. So unless that becomes a huge problem, we'll carry that risk rather than alienating people with the charge up front system, particularly since we can't change back if people hate it.

I say leave it alone.

EZA growth has been phenomenal and it seems like you guys are breaking personal records at the end of each month.

Last thing you guys need right now is to stifle that growth. If you guys JUST started, I would say maybe switch. But you have 50k, and 7500 Patrons and growing. Don't rock the boat.

If someone wanted to game the system, they'll always find a way. Its really easy to share youtube links.


Nov 3, 2017
How many alerts do we think they're going to get in Metal Gear Solid? My bets on a solid 20, pun intended.

Also, from what I've seen elsewhere, upfront payment seems to cause more confusion than its worth. As you said youself Bloodworth , new patrons tend to get confused and feel like they've been short-changed.

Mory Dunz

Oct 25, 2017
People didnt want the index. So here ya go

I found it entertaining
but it's clear sales isn't their forte. Which is fine.
But it's weird how often they bring up sales when they don't actually care a huge amount about them.

their industry insight and historical gaming knowledge from guys like bloodworth and Jones is more interesting to me.

i didn't really mind the index. but it was clear kyle wanted more arguments over the rankings, but that didn't happen. And people didn't use the power much.


The Million Post Man
Oct 25, 2017
People didn't want the index anymore?? Come on guys

I'm 2 podcasts behind atm


Oct 27, 2017
So I made these posts about wanting crossover episodes a few days ago, only to realize Huber Syndrome late nights is already doing this??

I love it. Syndrome wasn't in my regular rotation but it just cemented its spot. Had no idea what I was missing out on.


May 15, 2018
Hoping we get Ben on the podcast next week, seems like a long time since he was on. Without Ian as an actual panellist there's very little variation.


Nov 22, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
Not after Damiani ruined it
I think Kyle was going to keep this segment on until somebody did what Damiani did (I feel like Kyle was hoping somebody would do that for a couple of episodes).

It was created to piss people off and make the allies troll each other.
It did what it was made to do (Damiani took the bait) so Kyle stopped the bit.

I honestly liked it, but it was never meant as a serious segment. It was just Kyle trolling everybody with a bit that was spread out over multiple episodes. I don't think Damiani did anything wrong at all, he just did what Kyle wanted all along.

I am surprised it took this long and nobody else did the same thing a couple of episodes earlier.

It seems to me most people were fooled by the bit.
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Oct 25, 2017
I think Kyle was going to keep this segment on until somebody did what Damiani did (I feel like Kyle was hoping somebody would do that for a couple of episodes).

It was created to piss people off and make the allies troll each other.
It did what it was made to do (Damiani took the bait) so Kyle stopped the bit.

I honestly liked it, but it was never meant as a serious segment. It was just Kyle trolling everybody with a bit that was spread out over multiple episodes. I don't think Damiani did anything wrong at all, he just did what Kyle wanted all along.

I am surprised it took this long and nobody else did the same thing a couple of episodes earlier.

It seems to me most people were fooled by the bit.
Damiani didn't even try to break it. It was Kyle breaking his own rules about the last word to create chaos


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Damiani did the best thing possible & it's a move that should be lauded.

Don't let DARKNESS fill your hearts.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't even recall Kyle saying anything about Last Word and Desire Index. I only remember that Everybody Shut Up, couldn't place a game in the top 3.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Damiani didn't ruin the desire index. They talk about this in the Community Showcase. Damiani did exactly what Kyle wanted to happen with the Desire Index; it was the other allies not really fighting (or trolling) when they didn't agree with a placement that "ruined" it. Kyle wanted shenanigans, wild fluctuations week to week, back stabbing, etc.


Oct 29, 2017
Kyle Bosman loves chaos.
That seems to be the case for sure.
He likes to poke the hornets nest with a stick. Damiani does that sometimes as well, so I am sure Kyle was hoping that Damiani would do something more "radical" with the list and that's why he "forgot" his own rule.

It was all meant to be. The fact that we are still talking about it makes it a win for Kyle.

And let's be honest, they all know Kyle well enough to understand what Kyle tried to do with the Desire Index.
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The reason the objective was dropped was because everyone refused to betray each other after all


Oct 26, 2017
Tbh, Objective was pretty bad so I'm glad it's gone. The new one is more fun, although I don't understand why Kyle insists on replacing opening segments so often.


Oct 26, 2017
I really want to know where the person who sent their last L&R game got their numbers cause Fifa 17 selling only 3.1M on PS4 has zero percent chance of being correct.


Oct 25, 2017
Blood has played it and mentioned writing a review for it. I'm sure we'll hear about it when he's on FT next as well.

The art style and genre have always interested me and the fact that the 3 games are on Switch now makes me feel now is the time to play them. Backlog woes though
yey I played the first 1 and somehow missed out on playing 2 so far but I really liked the first game I always meant to return to it and finish it out.

Mory Dunz

Oct 25, 2017
Can't remember if it matters or not, but the podcast was recorded before NPD released this month, I think.

it was about Q1 reports and historical game sales, so no not really

I really want to know where the person who sent their last L&R game got their numbers cause Fifa 17 selling only 3.1M on PS4 has zero percent chance of being correct.

yeah, there was a lot of stuff that was way off.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
That seems to be the case for sure.
He likes to poke the hornets nest with a stick. Damiani does that sometimes as well, so I am sure Kyle was hoping that Damiani would do something more "radical" with the list and that's why he "forgot" his own rule.

It was all meant to be. The fact that we are still talking about it makes it a win for Kyle.

And let's be honest, they all know Kyle well enough to understand what Kyle tried to do with the Desire Index.

The Desire Index wasn't a win for anyone. Most boring segment in podcast history.


Oct 29, 2017
The Desire Index wasn't a win for anyone. Most boring segment in podcast history.
I personally enjoyed listening to them talk about those games, but it's not that I will miss it either.
It was an ok segment and it did what it was intended to do.

It was created to piss people off (and to have something to talk about as there wasn't a lot of news to talk about) and it did exactly that, so yeah, I am sure people complaining about it is a win for Kyle.


Oct 29, 2017
y'all take the podcast segments waaaay more serously than the actual panelists, lol
I completely agree. It for sure wasn't meant as something serious. The same with the Hall Of Greats, Trailer Jones or whatever list they do (I guess that their GOTY awards is somewhat more serious of course).

It's all in good fun and it's usually very enjoyable to watch (at least to me), so that's all that matters.


Oct 25, 2017
I completely agree. It for sure wasn't meant as something serious. The same with the Hall Of Greats, Trailer Jones or whatever list they do (I guess that their GOTY awards is somewhat more serious of course).

It's all in good fun and it's usually very enjoyable to watch (at least to me), so that's all that matters.
There was a guy on Cup of Jones who was very concerned about how they were dealing with potential bias of those giving out trailer scores XD

If EZA were treating actual reviews like jokes I would get it, but they do a great job with those
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