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Oct 28, 2017
You're both correct and wrong.

Racist Cancer is killing the country... But it didn't start at the brain....

It started at the heart, from the very beginning this country was doomed as it never made amends to fix its injustices.

The MAGA tumor is a symptom of not cutting and exocising the cancerous Confederacy from the body of America when they had the chance. They chose to let it fester instead. Everything else is a symptom afterwards.
This. The apathetic of this nation allowed this cancer to fester and grow. And we minorities are its victims


Oct 25, 2017
This story is so cartoonish sounding that it almost sounds staged. Or like a scene from Empire. Even has a note with cut out letters. This shit is nuts and disturbing.

There's definitely more to it than a couple of opportunist racists. There's some "backwards B" speculation in the TMZ dumpster fire of comments (I knew I shouldn't have read them) and some "TV show" ratings conspiracy stuff too.

There's a weird subtext there of people hoping it's not real racists rather than just accepting that open racism is on the rise, as if this story is the only example, or that it's an outlier. Even if we find out he staged the whole thing himself for some bizarre reason, that doesn't erase the current climate that our president and elected officials have encouraged and stoked and fomented to the point where random ass white people think they should just be allowed to say and do racist shit all the livelong day, but not be held responsible or HEAVEN FORBID accused of.... being racist.

Also, the people who defend the MAGA hat sound exactly like the weird Confederate flag fliers from Philadelphia and Idaho.
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Oct 25, 2017
2000 fucking 19. This fucking country. :(

This would absolutely have to be pre-meditated. I'm still kinda confused how two men knew where the victim was, were camped out for him just in case he walked out of his hotel at 2 AM, then followed him, subdued him, choked him, and had bleach on them. It's just a really bizarre situation, and goes without saying also horrific.

Don't they film in Chicago? Could be they noticed him a while ago and decided to do this now.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I really hope my neighbours to the south,
can heal this tumour that is getting out of control...


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I'm a little suspicious? It seems so incredibly cartoonish (especially with the letter) that I can't help think it's like in 2008 when that woman said that Obama people attacked her and drew a B on her face (but she did it herself and drew it backwards because of the mirror lol), or when that black church in Mississippi said that Trump people burned down their building and wrote VOTE TRUMP on the side but it was actually a parishioner.

It was -1 degrees. These guys were waiting outside of a subway station in the freezing cold on the off chance that Jussie showed up? That seems unrealistic? And I'm confused -- it doesn't appear in the police report that anyone said "this is MAGA country"? It also doesn't say in the police report that Jussie broke his rib? I guess I'm just very confused -- this has to be premeditated if it happened as described, but it also seems extremely unlikely they'd be able just to come upon Jussie at the time described.


Oct 29, 2017
Jesus H Christ. Fuck everyone who thinks Trump supporting bigots should be coddled when they are consistently perpetrating racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic violence. The GOP is now full of people who want to do this kind of violence or want to excuse/ignore it. We need to stop playing and start realizing how hostile a major portion of this population and sadly populations around the world are to the disenfranchised. This kind of shit should stop being played off as a "different opinion" or "rational anxieties". It's a fucking sickness.


Nov 16, 2017
This. The apathetic of this nation allowed this cancer to fester and grow. And we minorities are its victims

On top of that, they fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo.

They try to deny us positions of power in society, in government. Try to deny us from money.

Demonize and slander us in their media

Make excuses for those who perpetuate racist bullshit, ignore those close to them who perpetuate racist bullshit

Try to blame us for the problems they cause

Try to gaslight us whenever they fuck up and show their cards

Kill others senselessly and without provecation

This shit really wears you down after a while. Just tired of all the bullshit


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I guess I'm a little suspicious? It seems so incredibly cartoonish (especially with the letter) that I can't help think it's like in 2008 when that woman said that Obama people attacked her and drew a B on her face (but she did it herself and drew it backwards because of the mirror lol), or when that black church in Mississippi said that Trump people burned down their building and wrote VOTE TRUMP on the side but it was actually a parishioner.

It was -1 degrees. These guys were waiting outside of a subway station in the freezing cold on the off chance that Jussie showed up? That seems unrealistic? And I'm confused -- it doesn't appear in the police report that anyone said "this is MAGA country"? It also doesn't say in the police report that Jussie broke his rib? I guess I'm just very confused -- this has to be premeditated if it happened as described, but it also seems extremely unlikely they'd be able just to come upon Jussie at the time described.

It does sound a bit outlandish. But I really can't believe Jussie would make this up because, well, he's a celebrity. He doesn't have much to gain by making this up, but a whole hell of a lot to lose if he did make this up and is caught.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I'm a little suspicious? It seems so incredibly cartoonish (especially with the letter) that I can't help think it's like in 2008 when that woman said that Obama people attacked her and drew a B on her face (but she did it herself and drew it backwards because of the mirror lol), or when that black church in Mississippi said that Trump people burned down their building and wrote VOTE TRUMP on the side but it was actually a parishioner.

It was -1 degrees. These guys were waiting outside of a subway station in the freezing cold on the off chance that Jussie showed up? That seems unrealistic? And I'm confused -- it doesn't appear in the police report that anyone said "this is MAGA country"? It also doesn't say in the police report that Jussie broke his rib? I guess I'm just very confused -- this has to be premeditated if it happened as described, but it also seems extremely unlikely they'd be able just to come upon Jussie at the time described.

I mean, that's the thing. It's so unbelievable it actually boomerangs back around to believable. Who the fuck would make something this insane up? Jussie has nothing to gain from putting himself in the hospital.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I wonder when the assailants will get their NBC interview.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Sounds like two people that should be beneath the ground. Horrific.


Oct 28, 2017
On top of that, they fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo.

They try to deny us positions of power in society, in government. Try to deny us from money.

Demonize and slander us in their media

Make excuses for those who perpetuate racist bullshit, ignore those close to them who perpetuate racist bullshit

Try to blame us for the problems they cause

Try to gaslight us whenever they fuck up and show their cards

Kill others senselessly and without provecation

This shit really wears you down after a while. Just tired of all the bullshit
I hear you man. It's frustrating


Oct 25, 2017
I guess I'm a little suspicious? It seems so incredibly cartoonish (especially with the letter) that I can't help think it's like in 2008 when that woman said that Obama people attacked her and drew a B on her face (but she did it herself and drew it backwards because of the mirror lol), or when that black church in Mississippi said that Trump people burned down their building and wrote VOTE TRUMP on the side but it was actually a parishioner.

It was -1 degrees. These guys were waiting outside of a subway station in the freezing cold on the off chance that Jussie showed up? That seems unrealistic? And I'm confused -- it doesn't appear in the police report that anyone said "this is MAGA country"? It also doesn't say in the police report that Jussie broke his rib? I guess I'm just very confused -- this has to be premeditated if it happened as described, but it also seems extremely unlikely they'd be able just to come upon Jussie at the time described.
Where did you find the police report? I don't see it at the TMZ link.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a fan of calling this a hate crime, it feels inadequate. Call it what it is: attempted lynching.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess I'm a little suspicious? It seems so incredibly cartoonish (especially with the letter) that I can't help think it's like in 2008 when that woman said that Obama people attacked her and drew a B on her face (but she did it herself and drew it backwards because of the mirror lol), or when that black church in Mississippi said that Trump people burned down their building and wrote VOTE TRUMP on the side but it was actually a parishioner.

It was -1 degrees. These guys were waiting outside of a subway station in the freezing cold on the off chance that Jussie showed up? That seems unrealistic? And I'm confused -- it doesn't appear in the police report that anyone said "this is MAGA country"? It also doesn't say in the police report that Jussie broke his rib? I guess I'm just very confused -- this has to be premeditated if it happened as described, but it also seems extremely unlikely they'd be able just to come upon Jussie at the time described.
So you're saying the previously sent letter to Fox was all part of this elaborate scheme to beat himself up, and left out in the cold as well.

And then afterwards, wraps a noose around himself, and then pours bleach onto himself.

What would be the purpose of it? Do you think maybe some others beat him up, and he's just blaming it on MAGA supporters because that'll show the right?

Do you think somebody as famous as he is doing it for more fame than he already has?

Is there some sort of conspiracy that he is trying to take down MAGA by pulling a stunt like this, and having paid people in advance to beat him up?

I'm more curious as to why you're so skeptical other than some of those anecdotal cases from before, and why they would correlate to this one.

That's not to say I'm not skeptical about all of the details in this incident, but it just feels weird to imply it's fake, rather than just saying you still have questions about all of the details.


Oct 29, 2017
I guess I'm a little suspicious? It seems so incredibly cartoonish (especially with the letter) that I can't help think it's like in 2008 when that woman said that Obama people attacked her and drew a B on her face (but she did it herself and drew it backwards because of the mirror lol), or when that black church in Mississippi said that Trump people burned down their building and wrote VOTE TRUMP on the side but it was actually a parishioner.

It was -1 degrees. These guys were waiting outside of a subway station in the freezing cold on the off chance that Jussie showed up? That seems unrealistic? And I'm confused -- it doesn't appear in the police report that anyone said "this is MAGA country"? It also doesn't say in the police report that Jussie broke his rib? I guess I'm just very confused -- this has to be premeditated if it happened as described, but it also seems extremely unlikely they'd be able just to come upon Jussie at the time described.
I'm inclined to believe him until proven otherwise when bigoted violence like this is becoming more and more common.
Oct 27, 2017
I guess I'm a little suspicious? It seems so incredibly cartoonish (especially with the letter) that I can't help think it's like in 2008 when that woman said that Obama people attacked her and drew a B on her face (but she did it herself and drew it backwards because of the mirror lol), or when that black church in Mississippi said that Trump people burned down their building and wrote VOTE TRUMP on the side but it was actually a parishioner.

It was -1 degrees. These guys were waiting outside of a subway station in the freezing cold on the off chance that Jussie showed up? That seems unrealistic? And I'm confused -- it doesn't appear in the police report that anyone said "this is MAGA country"? It also doesn't say in the police report that Jussie broke his rib? I guess I'm just very confused -- this has to be premeditated if it happened as described, but it also seems extremely unlikely they'd be able just to come upon Jussie at the time described.
That's why they investigate. If these guys were actually waiting around for him to come outside, they'll be on a bunch of CCTVs.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
It does sound a bit outlandish. But I really can't believe Jussie would make this up because, well, he's a celebrity. He doesn't have much to gain by making this up, but a whole hell of a lot to lose if he did make this up and is caught.
That's kind of why I'm more confused than anything, but it wouldn't be the first poor decision that a celebrity made. At the same time, learning more of the details involved did not make me feel necessarily more confident in his story because it sounds like something you'd literally make up about Trump supporters to paint them in the worst light? I don't know, I do feel terrible having some suspicious

That's kind of why I'm more confused than anything, but it wouldn't be the first poor decision that a celebrity made for reasons that seem incredibly obtuse at the moment. At the same time, learning more of the details involved did not make me feel necessarily more confident in his story because it sounds like something you'd literally make up about Trump supporters to paint them in the worst light? And some of the details that are mentioned in the TMZ article are omitted in the police statement, which is odd?


Oct 25, 2017
It does sound a bit outlandish. But I really can't believe Jussie would make this up because, well, he's a celebrity. He doesn't have much to gain by making this up, but a whole hell of a lot to lose if he did make this up and is caught.

Wouldn't have to be him personally. Could have been enemies at work, angered ex's, an insurance swindle etc etc. But obviously more shoes are going to drop so until that happens, there's nothing impossible about it being some racist "fans" stalking and then beating someone they decided was offensive to their credo. Obviously it wasn't "random" if it's connected to the letter. But there's also the possibility they're two unrelated matters. Ask Leslie Jones if she thinks more than one racist hates her or if more than one racist or homophobe or misogynist or pig has @tted her.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
That's not to say I'm not skeptical about all of the details in this incident, but it just feels weird to imply it's fake, rather than just saying you still have questions about all of the details.

I didn't say any of that -- I said I'm a little suspicious about how it went down, which you also seem to agree with!
Oct 25, 2017
Where did you find the police report? I don't see it at the TMZ link.
This article has the police statement:



Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck

Yesterday i literally spent the whole afternoon listening to Good Enough on repeat, he's really talented.

That's so fucked up, wow. Hope everything will be alright for him



Oct 27, 2017
I didn't say any of that -- I said I'm a little suspicious about how it went down, which you also seem to agree with!
I didn't say you did, but the anecdotes you provided seem to imply (at least to me) that there was an ulterior motive involved since those other instances there were.

Just felt like it wasn't really necessary to bring them up since the only reason to bring those up would be to question the victim's credibility.

Again, I'm sure there was nothing nefarious about it, but I just don't like seeing those kinds of posts, and it's often a victim blaming kind of approach.

Steve Winwood

Oct 31, 2017
Yup, exactly. We'll see what happened either way.

Yeah. I understand the outrage -- certainly the events as described are worthy of outrage -- but I can't help but think we should wait for some investigation before drawing broad societal conclusions, pointing fingers at the media climate, etc. Sadly there are people whose goal it is to exacerbate these sorts of fault lines.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I didn't say you did, but the anecdotes you provided seem to imply (at least to me) that there was an ulterior motive involved since those other instances there were.

Just felt like it wasn't really necessary to bring them up since the only reason to bring those up would be to question the victim's credibility.

Again, I'm sure there was nothing nefarious about it, but I just don't like seeing those kinds of posts, and it's often a victim blaming kind of approach.

I am merely saying that I have no idea what happened, but the details as are are so unbelievable that I'm a little suspicious they happened as described. We'll most likely get a clear picture of what happened due to security cameras. But there's a thick line between waiting for more information given what was described and calling Jussie a liar -- I was not doing the latter.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
If we're to ponder the idea that this is somehow a hoax, the question that needs to be answered is what for?

To paint MAGAs in a worse light doesn't quite make sense to me? Because Jussie is a celebrity largely popular with Black audiences and, well, there's really no painting MAGA hatters in a worse light than we already see them. It would be a largely redundant exercise.

Maybe someone at FOX has an axe to grind? Well, this is an incredibly elaborate way to go about revenge that also carries to risk of getting caught.

I mean, I'm thinking about it, but so far, that Jussie was legitimately the victim of assault is the simplest scenario here.
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Oct 25, 2017
Be careful! You'll get a warning for inciting violence here! Think of the poor racist scum bags. We can't threaten then with violence no sir.

Hello, I am the other "don't do violence" European poster back on the other place in 2016, and I would really like to add that the point where violence has entered the picture is where any courtesy previously adhered to goes out the window.

That, and even a passing glance at black history month would tell you how violence would really end.
Oct 27, 2017
Someone mentioned it but the MAGA country stuff is not in the police report. Does anyone know where TMZ is getting that info?

Do police reports usually have quotes? Idk. Anyone know?
Police reported that the accused used hate speech. That could mean anything. I assume the victim or his associates filled TMZ in on the specifics of what was said.


Oct 25, 2017
That's kind of why I'm more confused than anything, but it wouldn't be the first poor decision that a celebrity made. At the same time, learning more of the details involved did not make me feel necessarily more confident in his story because it sounds like something you'd literally make up about Trump supporters to paint them in the worst light? I don't know, I do feel terrible having some suspicious

Trump supporters don't need other people to paint them in the worst light, they do a good enough job all on their own.

There's also a thick line between being a "false flagger" and wanting more information given the events described!
Be prepared for a lot of "I'm just asking questions!" responses. Because.... I mean, you know how this looks, right?


Nov 16, 2017
I am merely saying that I have no idea what happened, but the details as are are so unbelievable that I'm a little suspicious they happened as described. We'll most likely get a clear picture of what happened due to security cameras. But there's a thick line between waiting for more information given what was described and calling Jussie a liar -- I was not doing the latter.

You've made about 3 posts in here expressing your 'doubt'

Cool, we get it already. Wait for more info.

You being so insistent about how it 'doesnt add up for you' isn't helping your case that you claim to not be dismissive of the event taking place.


Oct 28, 2017
You've made about 3 posts in here expressing your 'doubt'

Cool, we get it already. Wait for more info.

You being so insistent about how it 'doesnt add up for you' isn't helping your case that you claim to not be dismissive of the event taking place.
Why are people always giving racists the benefit of the doubt and the "we need to see the whole picture" excuses?


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
You've made about 3 posts in here expressing your 'doubt'

Cool, we get it already. Wait for more info.

You being so insistent about how it 'doesnt add up for you' isn't helping your case that you claim to not be dismissive of the event taking place.
A poster who I have been posting with since the old forum replied to me so I replied to him, then I saw I had a bunch of notifications and thought people were misreading what I said. This seems to be reading into motivations.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I'm thinking about it, but so far, that Jussie was the legitimately the victim of assault is the simplest scenario here.
Also where I've arrived.

There are some small inconsistencies - the lack of "MAGA country!" or a broken rib in the police report - but there was an attack. He did go to the hospital.

I believe him until I have an ironclad reason, such as a contradictory conclusion from a thorough investigation, not to.
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