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Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't expect anything and then 2 dupe 5* artifacts (Violet Talisman and Iron Fan) and Vildred Dupe plus 2 4* artifacts, weird luck. Sadly nothing new


Oct 25, 2017

Is your Ingame name by any chance Lmeta ?

While I understand and agree with what you're saying re: variety, and I've complained about it since forever, you're describing how the game currently is. At high levels, ppl are going to beat your defensive team nearly every time regardless. The attacking player just has too many advantages. My win percentage has been 95% on offense since forever, and it could be higher if I truly cared. Enemy team is known. AI is dumb. Giving every player every unit isn't going to change that. What they need to do is to make defensive teams hidden, so you don't know who you are attacking. Or only show 2 characters. I'd also like the A.I. to be a bit better. Yes, I'd win less, but it'd be more challenging and more skill based. As it is now, pvp is solely about units and gear and less about strategy outside of knowing which unit the dumb A.I. will attack.
I mean...

Not every time. Real time arena with banning out characters is the fix. Hiding arena characters is not a good idea, because it removes any sort of skill/decision making and makes it completely RNG. There's nothing to play around, you either take in a generic comp that can handle most enemy comps or you lose!
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Oct 27, 2017
Got my first vanilla Rose and Church of Ilryos Axe today with the 10 summons. I've wanted both for a while, especially the latter as I've wanted an Axe God forever. Time to grind out some runes for his SC.

Gacha Santa Alter

"This guy are sick"
Feb 9, 2019
Gacha Hell
Just noticed the preview for the Reingar Festival event next week. I love it how the key art has Tenebria just chilling at the festival with all the Reingar kids like it's no big deal. Guess most people don't know her human form.


Oct 27, 2017
All my pulls were crap as well today - but worst case scenario is still half of a Gold Stone per day.
Wont evolve any unit to 6* until those 10pull days are over because i could pull a dupe pr more interesting unit xD
Uh it's a good thing she's slower than Dizzy since she needs to go after to cleanse and CR push everyone... but she needs to be the fastest on your team, whoever that is.

I'm guessing if you're lacking gear you could run the weak Destina build and run waters origin to get pushed after Dizzy goes.

At highest levels now Dizzy is pretty much built to go slow to go after Iseria/Tama as well as running a counter set, it's pretty much required now since Tama/Iseria walk all over speed Dizzys....

Someone did a post on reddit about top 100 global teams and Dizzy is only featured in 30% now.... compared to C Armins 92% and A Vils 70%.

There is only 5 Dizzys in top 20 Asia right now.... compared to 16 A Vils.....
Yeah, actually thats what i meant - getting Destina slower than most Dizzys is the easy part....getting her slow ass to perform before my other units might be the issue.
But im gonna look into - gonna decide what makes most sense between Destina or buffed Klarissa.
One counter my friend uses for dizzy is building Destina as fast as you can with low hp, and trying to get Water's Origin leveled up as high as possible. So that when Destina is hit by dizzy, her hp drops and water's origin will push her to the front. Then she can ult and push everyone else into the front, cleansing dizzy. This is a strat that I don't know much about, but my friend is still using it. His Destina is 167 spd.
Interesting, hadnt rhought of using Water Origin to somewhat compensate for Destinas low speed.....this could help push her above my other units.
I just got out of masters, and I can vouch that starting at around masters 3, you start seeing a lot of teams sporting at least one ML5 or ML4. It's not easy to get through them, especially when you occasionally run into a 230+ speed Dizzy or something silly like that. I don't think I would have gotten out of Masters if I wasn't lucky enough to get Celeste, and even then a lot of people simply outsped her with crazy gear, and I had to pick my matches carefully.

I found that going full cleave left me with too few options because I couldn't do it well. So I ended up trying to make my arena offense less about killing the other team instantly (as I didn't have the units or gear to do that), and more about taking out the biggest threat on the enemy team fast (usually Dizzy), then grinding the rest down more slowly. So some degree of sustain was important, as was some ability to brace the team to survive the first turn well enough to fight back. Making your units so that they have some health/defense is important too, because you're not going for an instant kill.

I agree that if you don't have a fast CR pusher or your own Dizzy, Destina is probably your best answer.
Gonna work towards a more reliable team as well, getting tired of the all or nothing Cleave team where everything depends on who hits first.
Maybe in 2-3 weeks ill have come up with a good solution.

PS. I also have Celeste and her kit is very interesting - didnt knew she was one of the fastest units in the game. I might just end up using her.

Moral Panic

Oct 28, 2017
You shouldn't be concerned about entering Top 100 if you're not spending the money AND time to do it. It's not "either" "or" up there, it's both.

Let's not use Top 100 as if it is some sort of accessible metric when people up there highly likely don't do anything EXCEPT play Epic Seven.

At the moment selector's aren't a good idea at all. More opportunities to pull are, which they are giving. At the end of the day RNG is the very basis of the game you're playing. If that aspect is too much of a hurdle for some people then they're literally playing the wrong genre.

You make it sound like playing the game is some intensive process. It's literally about whether you are able to press repeat every 3 mins. That's it. There is no skill or ability needed.

Selectors are a great idea. If you can't handle selectors then maybe it's you who is playing the wrong genre? Because in the gacha genre selectors are an actual thing in case if you aren't aware.


Oct 25, 2017
All my pulls were crap as well today - but worst case scenario is still half of a Gold Stone per day.
Wont evolve any unit to 6* until those 10pull days are over because i could pull a dupe pr more interesting unit xD

Yeah, actually thats what i meant - getting Destina slower than most Dizzys is the easy part....getting her slow ass to perform before my other units might be the issue.
But im gonna look into - gonna decide what makes most sense between Destina or buffed Klarissa.

Interesting, hadnt rhought of using Water Origin to somewhat compensate for Destinas low speed.....this could help push her above my other units.

Gonna work towards a more reliable team as well, getting tired of the all or nothing Cleave team where everything depends on who hits first.
Maybe in 2-3 weeks ill have come up with a good solution.

PS. I also have Celeste and her kit is very interesting - didnt knew she was one of the fastest units in the game. I might just end up using her.
I have a counter Destina and she's pretty fun, especially with the new Unique Weapons. If you give her Celestine, she can output a ton of healing.

I ran her yesterday during GvG if you want to see a preview of how she can work. We got paired against a really easy guild, so we kind of ran them over.



Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
You make it sound like playing the game is some intensive process. It's literally about whether you are able to press repeat every 3 mins. That's it. There is no skill or ability needed.

Selectors are a great idea. If you can't handle selectors then maybe it's you who is playing the wrong genre? Because in the gacha genre selectors are an actual thing in case if you aren't aware.

What's ease of being able to be press repeat got to do with anything I said?

Do you have the time and $$$ to spend however many hours a day rerunning hunts & flags? No. The majority of people don't. That's what people in the Top 100 are doing. It's not accessible, especially in genre designed for jibbing money out of people for whatever the advantage may be where people are willing to pay. Skill and ability or lack thereof required to be play game are irrelevant to that fact.

Do you just selectively read? Or are you being deliberately obtuse? I said "at moment", how did that translate to you as me "not being able handle selectors"?


Oct 25, 2017
PS. I also have Celeste and her kit is very interesting - didnt knew she was one of the fastest units in the game. I might just end up using her.
She's fantastic when paired with cdom, and 100% the reason why I got out of Masters. Her natural speed makes it less risky to play chicken against other CR push teams (though I still get outsped my fair share because of gear), and her four crits often pushes Cdom to move next as long as she isn't super slow. Then cdom gets her own CR push and a free shot before you follow up with whatever.

Downside is that this setup gets completely hard countered by G.Purrgis because of his CR push passive. It also ensures an SBell S2 by the time your Cdom fires. I love the combo, but I have to dodge a fair number of units.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Is there a, bigger voice to looks mismatch than Wanda? She looks like she's ready to go rip someone's heart out and then "this is so fuuuuuuuun!!!! :D"

Deleted member 23381

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Is there a, bigger voice to looks mismatch than Wanda? She looks like she's ready to go rip someone's heart out and then "this is so fuuuuuuuun!!!! :D"


I fucking love Wanda's look, as soon as I got her I was chuffed as fuck.

Then I took her to a fight and never touched her again, doesn't sound anything remotely like she looks, instant turn off.

She's still my Rep portrait tho, will probably forever stay it too until I get ML Ken or Eligos becomes a thing.

Moral Panic

Oct 28, 2017
What's ease of being able to be press repeat got to do with anything I said?
people up there highly likely don't do anything EXCEPT play Epic Seven.
This part? Spendiing all day playing an e-sport such as dota and spending all day "playing" epic seven are very different.
Do you just selectively read? Or are you being deliberately obtuse? I said "at moment", how did that translate to you as me "not being able handle selectors"?
How does "at the moment" change the meaning of your post? Whether you don't think selectors are a good idea "at the moment" or in two weeks or two months or ever then that is your opinion and you are free to have it. What I take umbrage at is you saying that people don't like an aspect of the game that is reduced by the existence of selectors then "they're literally playing the wrong genre", which is complete and utter nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
Dropped Kluri for Sigret, at least until I can get her Specialty Change, the event boost is helping her catch up pretty quick.


Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
This part?
Spendiing all day playing an e-sport such as dota and spending all day "playing" epic seven are very different.

That's got nothing to do with it.

It simply says people in Top 100 most likely only play E7 all day and pump money into it because they can/have the time to/can afford to. Hence the mention of time and money.......and nothing else. You mentioned intensive process for no reason.

How does "at the moment" change the meaning of your post? Whether you don't think selectors are a good idea "at the moment" or in two weeks or two months or ever then that is your opinion and you are free to have it. What I take umbrage at is you saying that people don't like an aspect of the game that is reduced by the existence of selectors then "they're literally playing the wrong genre", which is complete and utter nonsense.

I mean, it changes the statement quite a bit. Because it implies I think there is a place for selector tickets, while your response implies I've acted as if they should never be implemented. But we move.

As for the genre, the entire (pulling) system is based on RNG. Adding selectors does not change the core system that makes some people unhappy. It is just a momentary fix until they get unlucky or don't get what they want.

Yes there are other aspects of the game to enjoy (Visuals, story..) but if you are going to...or are the type of person to hitch your enjoyment of experiencing that on a unit or two, yelp.

And that's before units you may "need" to fulfill your team(s) in order to complete hunts to gear them (oh, more RNG) to do harder content when it comes....if it comes. It's a shitty rabbit hole of lost time to go down instead accepting something's not for if a selector is gonna resolve that. I'm gonna leave it at that.


Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
So for the last 3/4 hours I've been autoing A11 with a 100% success rate while I binge Black Sails....and then my runs just failed 6 times in a row wth.


Oct 16, 2018
As a side project, I'm making a general PVE/Raid team that brings an interesting gimmick that will take advantage of the upcoming buffs to some units.

It's a team based on Yuna.

Yuna is geared to prioritize Attack over CritD, have 200+ Speed and some HP for safety.
She currently has 3600 attack, 210% CritD, 200 Speed, 10.500 hp.
Her Crit Chance is 45%.

Yuna uses a Reingar Drink, that I plan to max level 30 as soon as I get enough materials.

The Reingar drink with her stats, assuming defense 900 monsters and an attack buff, adds raw 1800 damage.
This is quite huge for her S1 that is normally lackluster, basically more than doubling her damage output in regards of S1.

S3 is the MVP of the show, hitting over 18k with attack buff vs defense 900 monsters.

This Yuna is paired with Kitty Clarissa that triggers double attacks on her.
Every time Yuna or Kitty Clarissa dual attacks her, Yuna will self CR push herself (6% per target) and will CR push everyone else (2% per target).

Yuna's rotation will be at this point:

Starts with S2 (buff attack/speed aoe) > gets 2/5 focus
Kitty Clarissa S3 into S1, Yuna dual attacks > gets 3/5 focus
Yuna attacks by herself > gets 4/5 focus
Kitty Clarissa triggers a dual attack on Yuna > 5/5 focus
Yuna unleashes S3, attack buff still active.

Meanwhile C.Dominiel is taking advantage of the spammy nature of Yuna's attacks and Kitty dual attacking her.
She's also providing the Crit Chance buff for Yuna to 100% crit all the times S1.

Everytime Yuna does an S1, C.Dominiel will get CR pushed by 12% per target.
It's important that C.Dominiel's attack must be slightly lower than Yuna's, to guarantee Kitty Clarissa dual attacks on her.

4th party member is either Blaze Dingo (morale 28), to add some dps and constant healing, and to avoid long Tamarinne's animations.

Tamarinne obviously works better thanks to her kit CR pushing more, doing more AOE crits with S1, dual attacking more with Yuna.

It's overall a really funny team to use.
It's not something I would advice anyone investing in unless you are pretty much endgame with over 20+ heroes well geared, it's a side project but it's quite funny to use.


Aug 5, 2018
Got Taranor Guard 6*'d and fully awakened, while currently grinded out 300 of the 440 blue triangles needed for Mont's SC. Pretty successful first day so far.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I've read you can sell penguins for gold, but how? Whenever I go to Hero Transmit they don't show up.


Oct 25, 2017
Double post, but I'm going to try something out:

I want to see how many mystic summons I can accumulate in a month. The goal is to not spend gold to save it for secret shop purchases. I'll merge phantasmas and dupe 3* but thats about it. If I happen to get a really game changing piece of gear I'll improve it and track it, but I'm mostly curious to see how viable the new summon system is if you play smart. So for record keeping I'm starting with:

Leifs: 54
Gold: 805k
Skystones: 25k
Bookmarks: 42
Mystic: 650
5* Phantasma: 7

Should be easy since I'm starting with a good pile of skystones but for the most part I'll just be running hunts/altars with my normal stamina. I'll also do alchemist steeple for the charms each week.

I'm sure they'll throw something our way that makes me cave but I've been considering how much I've been wasting on upgrading mediocre gear and crafting with no results that I'd rather have the next ML unit.

Thought it would be fun to update on this...I've managed to only spend 100k on gear upgrades (for the dailies), bought 5 BM and 1MM in the secret shop (so ~1m ish), and spent a lot of skystones to pity Vivian.

Liefs: 68 (up 14)
Gold: 24,650,000 (up 23.8m)
Skystones: 17.6k (down 7.4k, bought the epic pass)
Bookmarks: 209 (up 160)
Mystics: 1292 (up 642)
5* Phantsma: 7 (even, but 6*'d Vivian so up 5)

I'll do a bunch of Gold grinding with the event coming up but in 18 days I've managed to net ~24m gold while still having fun with the game and increasing my leif count. The only activity I'm actively avoiding is gear upgrades and crafting (I still craft charms every week). 13 more days to generate 24m for my goal of being able to buy the next ML hero if I want within a month (assuming my skystone hoard can get me the Mystic Medals in the SS).
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Oct 25, 2017
Thought it would be fun to update on this...I've managed to only spend 100k on gear upgrades (for the dailies), bought 5 BM and 1MM in the secret shop (so ~1m ish), and spent a lot of skystones to pity Vivian.

Liefs: 68 (up 14)
Gold: 24,650,000 (up 23.8m)
Skystones: 17.6k (down 7.4k)
Bookmarks: 209 (up 160)
Mystics: 1292 (up 642)
5* Phantsma: 7 (even, but 6*'d Vivian so up 5)

I'll do a bunch of Gold grinding with the event coming up but in 18 days I've managed to net ~24m gold while still having fun with the game and increasing my leif count. The only activity I'm actively avoiding is gear upgrades and crafting (I still craft charms every week). 13 more days to generate 24m for my goal of being able to buy the next ML hero if I want within a month (assuming my skystone hoard can get me the Mystic Medals in the SS).
Next week is J. Kise.


Oct 25, 2017
Next week is J. Kise.

Is that a suggestion I go for her? Didn't know she was next but do know she's a monster. I'll still only be able to reach ~240 speed.

What extra equip are you running on Destina? I've pulled two dupes so I think I'm going to 6* and build a counter set. I have a fully limit broke Celestine although not upgraded yet. So I might buy the equip from the shop for her.

Edit: hmm Ken and Uberius Tooth at the same time along with ML Leo. That's a pretty stacked pool and plenty of time to start saving again for the next month.
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Oct 25, 2017
Is that a suggestion I go for her? Didn't know she was next but do know she's a monster. I'll still only be able to reach ~240 speed.

What extra equip are you running on Destina? I've pulled two dupes so I think I'm going to 6* and build a counter set. I have a fully limit broke Celestine although not upgraded yet. So I might buy the equip from the shop for her.

Edit: hmm Ken and Uberius Tooth at the same time along with ML Leo. That's a pretty stacked pool and plenty of time to start saving again for the next month.
I mean it depends. I'm going for it because I want Ken, lol. J. Kise is pretty worth if you have ALots and 240 is good enough for most scenarios, especially if you guys do approx enemy speeds when doing GvGs on discord. I'm not a huge fan of the strat since I love bruisers, but I cannot deny its effectiveness. A couple of guys in my guild swear by it and they just brag about their 5 arena flag clears in like 2-3 mins.

Basically if you have A. Lots, J.Kise is very worth. As far as my destina, she actually has super junky gear, but rocking counter + eff res set. HP neck, eff res ring, speed boots. I have the s1 dispels debuff weapon accessory thing also which boosts her eff res a bit as well. I recommend building her. I don't use her all the time, but whenever she fits the bill, she's super good.


Oct 16, 2018
I have (two) J.Kise and while she hits very hard paired with A.Lots, that's something you can use only in Challenger and low level arena.
Champion and Legend defense teams rarely give you an opening for pure cleaving.

To give you some stats, my J.Kise has 3200 attack (a lot for her due to her low base attack) and 310% Crit Damage.

That's not enough to cleave a well tuned arena defense team.

D.Corvus is the way, really.


I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest
I'm not a huge fan of the strat since I love bruisers

Alright. Count me in on the bruiser team. Who do you recommend I invest into next?
I have these three already Ravi, Ken & Violet (can't believe I slept on Violet for so long).

I'm looking at possibly going
ML Ravi

I read that ML Ravi is a bit subpar but she is also the only hero I have who can revive. I'm considering switching gears on my Ravis but my red one is built with attack and ML seems to favour HP.

Maybe post buff

Deleted member 23381

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Violets amazing with a life steal set, so many arena fights end up with my team dead and him soloing the enemy team with counter spam, especially good with all the blue out there. He also seems pretty applicable in pve so far.

If I don't get an ml ken, grey lazy gun guy, or edgy red sword girl son imma make him my next 6 star, especially since I already have a dupe anyways.

I kind of just want to make a counter team.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean it depends. I'm going for it because I want Ken, lol. J. Kise is pretty worth if you have ALots and 240 is good enough for most scenarios, especially if you guys do approx enemy speeds when doing GvGs on discord. I'm not a huge fan of the strat since I love bruisers, but I cannot deny its effectiveness. A couple of guys in my guild swear by it and they just brag about their 5 arena flag clears in like 2-3 mins.

Basically if you have A. Lots, J.Kise is very worth. As far as my destina, she actually has super junky gear, but rocking counter + eff res set. HP neck, eff res ring, speed boots. I have the s1 dispels debuff weapon accessory thing also which boosts her eff res a bit as well. I recommend building her. I don't use her all the time, but whenever she fits the bill, she's super good.

Still no A.Lots, why is he so essential to the cleave? I figured opening by reducing their cool down would be more than enough to neuter a team without straight cleaving.


Oct 27, 2017
All 10 pulls today were 3* - didnt expect much but that was disappointing lol.
Maybe ill have some more luck tomorrow.

Mostly just farming runes right now for Kluris skill-tree.
I have a counter Destina and she's pretty fun, especially with the new Unique Weapons. If you give her Celestine, she can output a ton of healing.

I ran her yesterday during GvG if you want to see a preview of how she can work. We got paired against a really easy guild, so we kind of ran them over.
Sounds good, i need to start farming counter gear and set - i have like 3-4 units that would benefit from them but i lack the gear. Destina, Charles and Ravi would be fun on counter sets.
She's fantastic when paired with cdom, and 100% the reason why I got out of Masters. Her natural speed makes it less risky to play chicken against other CR push teams (though I still get outsped my fair share because of gear), and her four crits often pushes Cdom to move next as long as she isn't super slow. Then cdom gets her own CR push and a free shot before you follow up with whatever.

Downside is that this setup gets completely hard countered by G.Purrgis because of his CR push passive. It also ensures an SBell S2 by the time your Cdom fires. I love the combo, but I have to dodge a fair number of units.
Yeah, if i had CDom i would work immediately on her as well. Though she would be quite useful even without CDom , i lack resources right now to justify investing her.

Did you 6* her as well or kept her at 4/5* ?


Oct 25, 2017
Still no A.Lots, why is he so essential to the cleave? I figured opening by reducing their cool down would be more than enough to neuter a team without straight cleaving.

You can build Judge Kise to be fast with high effectiveness, which is how I used to use her. Reducing the full team cooldown was a great strategy back in, like, January. Now everyone runs immunity, high resist, on. I don't use her much anymore because I don't have the gear or the team setup to make her work.

The idea behind A.Lots is you're abusing the sheer damage she has now post-buff by building her entirely for offense with no speed. He can carry Tagehel's for her, which means she gets an S2 soulburn followed by an S3. The problem is you need to completely crush your opponent's gear for this to work in the first place. Aux Lots isn't the fastest character around and getting him to 240 is fucking crazy, but even if you had him like 220 or whatever then you could still use him against slow teams or in GW where people can scout for you. I've seen people with Judge Kise so jacked up in damage that it doesn't matter if they're a tanky 'second turn' team like mine. If they don't have C.Armin there's mathematically no way to survive. So Lots wouldn't need to be hyper fast to secure the win.

Either way, if I had Aux Lots I'd just drop my arena rank to the level where I could use Judge Kise to farm points. 30 second matches sure sound better than the 15 minute slogs I usually get. I never have enough arena points to buy anything because I literally don't have the time to fight people in champion. Funny thing is Judge Kise is still keeping me in this tier...because people see I don't have C.Armin and think they can use her to kill my defense. But my ML Ken is pretty beefy and I get a lot of defenses from them. Streamer whales still just one shot me though.


Oct 25, 2017
Quick question, can you use dupes to promote regardless of their rank? I got my 3* Tieria up to 4* lvl40 and my 2 lvl1 3* dupes are showing up as promotion fodder.

If so, I guess the best option for leveling 3* units is to use Phantasmas for 3-4*, then the dupes for 4+?


Oct 25, 2017
Quick question, can you use dupes to promote regardless of their rank? I got my 3* Tieria up to 4* lvl40 and my 2 lvl1 3* dupes are showing up as promotion fodder.

If so, I guess the best option for leveling 3* units is to use Phantasmas for 3-4*, then the dupes for 4+?

No, they need to be the same star level.

They're showing up because dupes raise Devotion level. The letter ranking in the bottom left on their character sheet. It provides small passive bonuses to other teammates based on their position in the team formation (doesn't work on the hero itself). You still want to use dupes to promote when possible - for example if you get 4* Corvus to level 50 and four Corvus dupes, you can raise him to 5* with the duplicates and his devotion rank will be S or SS. But if you feed him more 4* Corvuses when he's already 5*, it will only raise devotion level.

You can do this with regular versions of moonlight characters and vice versa as well. For example you can raise Assassin Cartuja's devotion level with regular Cartuja. So it can be worth holding on to dupes even if you don't like the character.


Oct 25, 2017
Ahh ok, so I guess I'll use the dupes early then, thanks. Will check if there's a moonlight version 1st though.
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Dandy Crocodile

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Alright, yeah, great day for pulls for me. All 3* artifacts and a couple of the Banshees but then I got my first Tenebria and Etica's Scepter so I'm pretty dang happy overall.
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"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
I got 4 Carrots today to compensate my insane Fallen Cici pull yesterday lol

Carrot SC when?


Oct 25, 2017
Alright. Count me in on the bruiser team. Who do you recommend I invest into next?
I have these three already Ravi, Ken & Violet (can't believe I slept on Violet for so long).

I'm looking at possibly going
ML Ravi

I read that ML Ravi is a bit subpar but she is also the only hero I have who can revive. I'm considering switching gears on my Ravis but my red one is built with attack and ML seems to favour HP.

Maybe post buff
Ken and Violet absolutely no questions asked. They're both super good. Violet needs more specialist gear since he needs damage, but he's also super squish so he needs tankier stats as well. Ken is now built with Crit Damage neck / high crit / and a ton of HP. Hopefully 18+k HP and the portrait artifact. He's rather good as long as you dump a bunch of HP into him, but that's the meta build.


Still no A.Lots, why is he so essential to the cleave? I figured opening by reducing their cool down would be more than enough to neuter a team without straight cleaving.
Mupod Got it right. There's immunity, there's ML Baals (soon to be dead rip), and a bunch of other stuff that makes turn 1 debuff a la dizzy rather lackluster. So she was originally used for the CDR increase, until immunity came out, then she made a reappearance as a teamslayer after she got buffed + A. Vildred got buffed.

The strat in theory is she comes in with alots with max book (or two books on the mages) and usually a C. dom for the imprints (ark/crit) and cleanup. ALots outspeeds, boosts up J. Kise and buffs her attack/CR, J.Kise soul burns and kills A. Vildred, she takes an extra turn due to soul burn, she s3s and kills A.Vildred. It coincidentally so happens that everything on the other team is also dead because her scaling is insane. That's why ML Vildred with moonlight blade is a thing.

So yeah, she's built pure damage with no speed or survivability.

Reddit JKise below for build setup ideas.

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Oct 25, 2017
Got spooked by a 4* artifact and my 2nd ML zerato and furious.

I need to see wtf my arena defense team is doing. I almost always lose against A. Vildred but my defense team has a lot of wins against him. I'm guessing it's my Baiken, but I've rarely been able to kill him after a revive.
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