
Oct 27, 2017
Some would argue what I did was defenseless, given it was a library. Others would say it's definitely a crime. But I would say it was an impulsive, passionate, if entirely impotent, act of defiance.

Right before midterms, I was at a library in Indianapolis and they had all these new pro-Trump books on display, multiple copies.

I threw them all out in their own bathroom trashcan and buried them under toilet paper.


Oct 25, 2017
Some would argue what I did was defenseless, given it was a library. Others would say it's definitely a crime. But I would say it was an impulsive, passionate, if entirely impotent, act of defiance.

Right before midterms, I was at a library in Indianapolis and they had all these new pro-Trump books on display, multiple copies.

I threw them all out in their own bathroom trashcan and buried them under toilet paper.
So now the library has to pay those publishers more money to replace them.


Oct 30, 2017
They wont know they're gone until they do a stock check. Until then they'd just assume they were really unpopular. ;)
Oct 26, 2017
That sounds miserable. I'm sorry for you confessor.
I hope this doesn't sound rude or disrespectful to people who are in a terrible situation, but I can't understand how a lot of people end in awful marriages with people who they have nothing in common.
Is it because religion reasons, lack of communication, family pressure, lack of experience?

Again, I'm not being judgemental and really hope they find hapiness in their lives.


Oct 27, 2017
Some good ones! And by good I mean odd mostly. Teacher fucker though, you seem a good guy and I think you should go for it.


Oct 30, 2017
I hope this doesn't sound rude or disrespectful to people who are in a terrible situation, but I can't understand how a lot of people end in awful marriages with people who they have nothing in common.
It can easily happen over time even if you did have a lot in common to start with. I'm a massively different person in my late thirties to who I was in my early 20s.
Oct 25, 2017
Pfft....I just wanna know if that dude decided to go for his cousin and the shitstorm it caused.
We at least know how that ends regardless of an update.

Imagine having to tell a grown adult not to try to fuck his cousin. His cousin who will definitely flip out and tell everyone in his family.

Eithers confessor is that dumb or she's that hot .

Impetuous Imp

Oct 27, 2017
I hope this doesn't sound rude or disrespectful to people who are in a terrible situation, but I can't understand how a lot of people end in awful marriages with people who they have nothing in common.
Is it because religion reasons, lack of communication, family pressure, lack of experience?

I had a friend tell me once that it had never occurred to him that he should or could be friends with a romantic partner. It kind of blew my mind. He did not have a happy marriage at all. I don't know how common that is, but it wouldn't surprise me that some people see "romance" and "friendship" as completely different categories.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 29, 2017


You need to realize that your partner is dragging you down to the bottom. For you sake, cut that out. Live your life, find someone that will not take advantage of you.
Walk away, motherfucker. This ain't no relationship, this be a parasite.


Oct 25, 2017
A fluffier confession than the others so far, however, it's something I want to get off my chest.

I'm pretty adamant that I'm bi, however, despite feeling this way for a long period of time, I've never had the confidence to post in LGBT era or ask for the discord info.

Part of me feels like because I've never had relationships or anything else with someone of the same sex that I don't belong. I worry that if people found out, they would be like 'but you've only been in a straight relationship, how do you know you are bi?'

But I know I feel attracted to the same sex as much as I do the opposite sex, I'm just way too shy to do anything about it even though my partner is really supportive of me.

How do you know you are bi? You seem to know that you are bi.


Oct 25, 2017
So my bad, I confused this confessor with the guy who left nails everywhere:

not-nail-cutter-confessor returns:

Hey, I am not the calling card guy. I've read that post and it touched on nails so I thought of skin cutting.

The point being, I don't know, if this reminds someone of medical condition or something. Lack of pain there is weird on logical level.

Here's some more kompromat. Flashing lights drive me nuts. Not the screen stuff, separate lights. Not the turn indicators, think 20 Hz, I guess. Now most of the wall and store lamps nowadays seem to be only do that when btoken. But cyclists seem to have them blink like that by design. And these are clearly battery lights since they keep blinking while bike stops. Often on the other side of a crossing. Light at my eyes. One day I will punch one of these cyclists, I'm afraid.

Cool story bro


Oct 25, 2017
not-nail-cutter-confessor sent two

Library guy reminds me.

There was much mess years ago when teach wanted us to watch a movie but didn't have a copy. I found it on a web shop for a three dollars with delivery or something, but she wasn't interested.

So I went and bought it and it arrived pretty much the day she has played it to us. I didn't like her very much, and I hated the movie, so I went to school library and put my copy where it would be if it was a library film, then asked the next day why did we spent so much time looking for it while I've seen it there.

She immediately responded "Yes, it was bought last week".

The heck?

She didn't want to look bad lol


Oct 25, 2017
I had a good friend growing up that was a sexual pervert. Didn't know the extent.

One time I'm helping him clean his room and I touch his spooge sock not realizing what it was.

Another time while sleeping over he said something (I cannot remember exactly what). I push for him to spill the beans and he makes me promise not to judge and if I participate I have to follow his exact instructions. I say sure. He tells me he sneaks into his sisters room and plays with her breast and vagina while masturbating. To this day I've never said anything to ANYONE and I still think about it every time I see her pictures or their family pictures pop up on Facebook (Basically that your brother right next to you got off for years using your body while you were sleeping).

I would have cut my hand and burned it if I had touched... that.


Oct 25, 2017
NSFW, Trigger warning:

Gross warning (I'm so sorry):

Once I had to pee during sex. My then gf kept me from going to the toilet and instead crawled closer to me and put my semi boner into her mouth. I was confused as hell. She made it clear via gestures and not so clear words (she had something in her mouth after all) that I should let it out inside her mouth.

And so I peed. Into my gf's mouth. And it wasn't even a small pee, no, it was one of those pees where you'd typically stand in front of the toilet for a good minute, just letting it flow. And that's what I did. Except into my gf's mouth.

I could hear her desperately trying to swallow everything. She succeeded. What didn't succeed was our relationship. I tried, but this 'event' grossed me out so much that kept getting a gag reflex whenever I saw her, especially when she wanted to kiss. Didn't work. So I broke up.

Advice for everyone: toilets exist for a reason.

Sounds like you saw her as just a toilet after that event.


Oct 25, 2017
Harmless confession here.

I almost lost my right nipple when I was younger (I'm a guy btw). Completely serious.

Scratching my body, my nipple was itchy.

It was at least half way off/staying on before I realized I should really stop/resist scratching it until it heals.

Anyone ever had something like this happen? I never went to the doctor about it though I probably should have. It's fine now but it certainly scares me to know I could have lost a nipple like that.

You could have been the One-Nipple-Confessor!


Oct 25, 2017
Hi, Era.
I'm a 19 year old man and I've had sex a few times. Sex has been great and I've enjoyed it the relatively few times I've had it. Honestly I could have sex a lot more often, but I find myself turning down/rejecting the advances from women often (when out clubbing, etc). I still go out with friends though, so that's fine. The thing is, I turn the girls down because I don't like them or need them. This probably sounds super misogynistic, but trust me I have plenty of friends in different genders and I guess you'll have to take my word that I'm not sexist. The only reason did sleep with people was to try it out. Everyone has been a teenager before. Now I just think about whether sleeping with someone is going to give me something good to masturbate to later. Often I find myself answering no. Yeah, that's right. I only sleep with people to give myself something to masturbate to later. I'm sure you can imagine why I've never told anyone this. I sound like a class-a narcissist. I don't feel like one though.
I don't ever want a girlfriend or a wife. No one could ever be enough to make me happy. I know that about myself and I'm not enough of a prick to ever make someone believe they can make me fulfilled. You know when people ask you what they want in the world? I always answer "the world". I know that won't ever be enough though. I feel like there's nothing that could ever make me happy. Not really. :)

I mean, you could have said that porn wasn't enough, but then you went on to say that one can be ever enough to make you happy.

Yes, you are a narcissist.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
You know what? I think I'd be ok with having someone else drink my pee. What if they were my soul mate and I just blew them off because I didn't want them drinking my pee?

I mean, as long as I don't have to do anything else besides just pee in their mouths I'm cool with it. When you really think about it they're the ones being weird, not me. I'd still be normal as hell.


Oct 25, 2017
Hello Resetera, here is my story. English is not my first language so excuse the strange writing.

Back when I was a teenager, we went on vacation with my parents and my brother. We were staying with some extended family, my father's cousins and uncles plus their own families, people we usually never see. If we had to count everyone we were easily 40 or 50 men, women and child, staying in a building almost entirely owned by one great grandfather or something like that. The place was huge and very luxurious, they usually rented it to tourists but with this big family meeting they cancelled the reservations to allow everybody to stay for cheap. We had our own flat were we had a kitchen, bathroom, different bedrooms... Very nice and cosy.
As every family meetings, we were eating a lot. Things like grilled porks, a lot of potatoes, butter everywhere. It was an infinite show of gourmet cuisine. The drinks were also fantastic, the old grandfather owning the place was always going to the basement and bringing back wines and champagnes from forgotten times. The weather was hot, people were friendly, everything was going great.

Everything but my stomach. I thing the combination of the high heat, rich food and old alcohol was slowly clogging my bowel. I have to say that we also drove a long time to get there, in an old and rusty car. The dry heat was nice when outside but when you stay 6+ hours in a car without AC and equipped with old black seats, you begin to feel it. Let's say it, I was constipated as hell. The first days were ok, but after the fourth day of continuously feasting and celebrating, I was in a dangerous position. I tried many time to relieve myself, but nothing was working. Pushing hard was like hitting a brick wall.

So comes the fifth day and it's supposed to be the big day. I can't remember if it was a birthday or a wedding anniversary that brought us together in the first place but it was that night that we would all celebrate and then leave for our daily lives. The big idea was to go to an old cabin in the nearby woods, also owned by the grandfather, located one walking hour from any civilization to have a party to remember and make all the noise that we wanted. The walk to that place was hard but ok, my belly was full and I knew the liberation was close. I had to stay strong and wait a bit more, my last try was just before leaving and the thing would come out of me.

We arrived at the cabin and it was a pleasant surprise, the meal was already there (brought by some more cousins during the day) and we all began to eat as soon as we arrived. The night was slowly coming, and my belly felt that it was time to get serious. It started to make strange noises, almost like an old truck's transmission. My spider senses tingled my butt and I went looking for the bathroom. to my horror, the thin wooden bathroom door was right in the middle of the room where everybody was singing and laughing, leading to a hole in a piece of wood. The place was old, it was a composting toilet. I could never do my thing and get out of here without killing people from the noises and smells... As the howling were getting louder in my stomach, I ran slowly outside. It was dark, most of the family was inside the cabin, I went 10 meters away and sat in the grass to get the thing out of me. I pushed and the liberation came... Partially. It was stuck. I tried to push it with all my might, but the turd was stuck in and outside me. I tried to grab some grass and wipe but the dark night plus the despair made it impossible. As I was trying to decide what to do butt naked with a shit half out my ass, I heard my father calling me to get going, we were going back to the apartment. It was late and I didn't pay attention to the party, but yeah, people were slowly leaving.

So I decided to try to go back to the appartement and then release the kraken. I clenched my cheeks, buttoned my pant and walked to my parents and brother hoping for the best. A one hour is a long walk, and ten minutes after the beginning of the journey, my body betrayed me. I felt a heavy thing falling in my pant. but more was to come. I screamed "wait, I don't feel well!" and sat against a tree. As soon as they saw me taking off my pants they began to understand that something was wrong. As I was trying to expulse the log, my bladder decided to make me piss all over my legs and unbuttoned pant. My father rushed to me, helping me staying sit and not falling over the brown stuff, holding my hand. My mother was yelling at my brother to stop saying holly fuck and laughing.

After something like 5 minutes of defecating like an old dog, I was able to get up on my shaking legs and put on my soiled pant. My father still holding my hand looked at the disaster and yelled "my god, it sure is a lot! We are close to the cabin and to the path, go with your mother, I'll take care of it »
As I began the 50 remaining minutes of walking back to the apartment with my mother and brother, I was full of shame, stinking of piss and poop, crying and trying to remain as silent as possible. I was truly at the lowest, as a teenager it was looking like the end of the world. And my father was trying to hide the biggest shit he ever saw to keep the rest of the family to walk in it or ask questions about the wild beast that produced this atrocity.
In the end all was ok, I'm proud of my parents reaction and I only think about this before going to sleep…

This is my confession

I shat myself in front of my parents and my father cleaned the turd.



Oct 25, 2017
Tik Tok Confessor returns

Just wanted to stop by and give an update on the bonbibonkers situation. The russians over at 2chan have hacked her icloud and tiktok accounts, and the whole thing is making me feel awful.

she's probably going through hell right now and i'm this loser creep watching her videos. i want to mention i get no sexual feelings from watching them, just this weird feeling of calm.

Somebody was asking about my age last time you posted my confession-- I'm 30. I lost my virginity at 25 and was with the girl for a little over a year. i grew up around abuse and since the relationship was pretty tame (aka healthy) i grew bored and ended it.

i haven't been in a relationship since.

about therapy, my therapist is clearly trying to end our time together, since he thinks I know my issues and can move ahead on my own, but honestly I feel more fucked up than ever. i just really hate the person i am.

I don't think I'm a pedophile or anything, like people have said to my confessions; I have no desire to have sex with teenagers or children or hurt them or anything like that, but like I said before I do have this feeling of missing out on young relationships, and it's because back then I hated myself more than I even do now.

Anyway thanks for making the confession threads. Saying this stuff actually helps in a way.

You need to start loving yourself confessor.


Oct 25, 2017
Narcissist Confessor is back

Hi, again. It's the guy who only sleeps with women to have something to masturbate to later guy. Back again with a long-arse confession that's really just shit that's been playing on me lately and I feel bad about. Sorry about the long, dumb story I did remove some stuff to try to anonymize/shorten it, but it's still a shitload of words, so enjoy!
You know how I ended the last confession about how the world isn't enough? Well to be honest, the only reason I go on is the hope I can live a successful life, with lots of money and shit. I don't really want the money for myself. It's for my parents. Mostly my dad. My dad is actually my "step dad". He raised me with my mum since I was 18 months old. Not just me, but my older brother and my younger brother (his actual biological son). Even my older brother calls him dad and he was 6 when they met. Shows how great of a dad he is, right?
Anyway, my dad is an addict. Heroin. He'd been on methadone for 18 years until this summer. He was slowly weaning himself off of it - taking smaller doses - and started drinking kinda heavily towards the end.
One night I went to the shop with him to get a takeaway for us all to welcome me home from uni. He was pretty drunk already, so I guess we thought the fresh air would do him some good. I was in the shop waiting for the food to be cooked, whilst he went across the street to get drinks (fizzy shit not alcoholic shit). Anyway I saw him come out with three miniatures of some brown shit and he drank them in a phone box, so I wouldn't see. We were walking home and I was pissed. I was walking at my quickest pace and he was struggling to catch up. We were arguing and he said something along the lines of "why do you care about how much I drink?" I said something like "why do I care!? [blah, blah blah] You're just swapping one addiction for another. [Blah blah blah]" Anyway I delivered the food and walked off to the pub I knew my friends were at because I had blown them off earlier. I didn't explain to my family what had happened I was so angry I just up and left.
I got home later that night and it turned out my mum had kicked him out and said he's going to spend the rest of his time somewhere else until he gets clean. He spent a week or two at a friend's house and then went to rehab. He's 100% clean now! He goes to group as often as he can, sometimes twice a day when he's not working and he's currently holidaying in New York. He couldn't return since the 80's because he was on methadone, so great for him.
A while ago we were talking after he got back from rehab and he said to me that I was the reason he actually bit the bullet and got clean. He said it was because of me that he was motivated to actually do it - to be honest with himelf and just stop. He doesn't drink anymore, he's done with that. He's amazed at how much he's developing emotionally because he stopped when he started using (at age 16 iirc). He started using because he was abused as a child and I guess that was one way of dealing with it. Won't go into detail on that because it's not fun for anyone. I feel horrible, era. I'm glad he's clean and everything, but because of me? I'm just a guy. I didn't do anything for him. After everything he's been through and everything my mum has been through (also a victim of sexual abuse as a child and being in two abusive relationships as an adult), I just don't think I'm worthy of all they give me. All I feel is guilt. Everytime my mum or dad worked an overtime shift or everytime they went without so we could have ice-cream, etc. I knew they did it for us and I just don't think I deserved it. Plus I feel like such a dick for complaining about having parents who give you everything, when there are other confessions about the opposite. I don't like feeling this way. I just want the guilt to go away, era.

Just try to do the best you can, and don't squander the opportunities you get. They worked hard to give then to you. Glad he is clean.


Oct 25, 2017
Hi Neoak,

I saw how you created a new thread of another user for potential advice. I thought it was a great! I was wondering if you could let fiction know if she can start an anonymous question thread for sex ed questions. I know it can be abused though. Just a thought. Thank you.





Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy straight shota hentai, which is a genre involving grown women and young boys. Here's the thing, I know its rape, I don't condone it irl. I actually identify with the boy in the scenario, and enjoy the fantasy of being a young innocent boy that is abused by a horny older lady, you see? I really like femdom, and this fits in with that. It's extra good if there is some combination of crossdressing, pegging and futanari in there too. Not really into incest, but brother and older sister is ok (titty monster comes to mind).
Now go ahead and call me a degenerate or whatever.

You are a degenerate or whatever


Oct 25, 2017
Day 27 is doneeeeeeee.

No update yet on what you guys are expecting. Maybe tomorrow.

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
Narcissist Confessor is back

Just try to do the best you can, and don't squander the opportunities you get. They worked hard to give then to you. Glad he is clean.
Wow. Don't feel guilty about it. If they were able to raise 3 kids, have stuff for you guys, and deal with an addict father on top of all that, you actually deserve to feel good about getting him clean. Your not some guy, you're somebody else's kid who he decided to raise and see as his own because he loved your mother. Despite any issues in the last, those two tried their best to raise 3 kids, no small feat. Be glad he is clean, and try to enjoy your time with him and have your existence as a constant reminder of why he should stay clean. Be happy, you did a good thing. Now get that man some grandchildren so he can have something to look forward to in his twilight years.
You are a degenerate or whatever
I mean I don't agree with his source of entertainment, but I get it. First girlfriend was 17 when I was 15, and since I've been working in the food industry from 19 I haven't dated a woman younger than 25. But hey, you do you.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup, the titles CesspoolofHatred makes are some of the best things about Confessember


Oct 25, 2017
Back to regular programming:

Short story about the low point in my life:

Couple years ago my son (11) had a friend stay over for the weekend. They'd go on a day-trip on Sunday. I saw that his friend's 3DS was lying there and out of boredom I turned it on to see what he's up to.

Turns out he was big into Pokemon Sun. I've been playing Pokemon, too, on my own 3DS. As I looked through his pokedex, I found that he had lots of legendary Pokemon, some of which were given only at special events.

In short: I connected our 3DSs and transferred all his rare Pokemon to mine.

I never saw that boy visit us again, but I didn't care. I got my Pokedex :D

You monster. That's stealing.


Oct 25, 2017
Confessor with weird parents is back

I guess I have a trove of confessions to make when I think about it. I am the psychopath who confessed about their parents. I would rather just email some confessions as a digest/collection. So here are a few:

Yes, I'm a psychopath. It's been slightly disturbing to find out that I'm a psychopath. No one would suspect me of it and in fact I surround myself with empathetic caring people hoping that surrounding myself with them would make me mimic them and become like them. I don't have the natural proclivity for compassion, empathy is easy, but I am good at mimicking people and reciprocating what they give me emotionally or otherwise. Spending more time with them can make me want to act better in general. It is an artificial thing but I am trying to become a better person even if it isn't my natural inclination. I mean, I don't have issues hurting people and I am a little sadistic but I do care about consequences even if I lack guilt. I do wonder how it would feel to be a normal person who actually was able to genuinely care about people. Even if I don't have the capacity for it, I still want to try.

A short confession: I know of a murder committed by a member of the royal family of a smaller nation which was dismissed as a heart attack. The deceased was shot. His body was never released to his relatives and it was all wrapped up nicely. The man was a close family friend and we also knew this particular ruler had issues with this man.

A confession: I used to be a paedophile hunter. I've been a victim of sexual abuse when I was young. It is true that abuse victims attract each other. In my case I tend to draw young people who confess to me about the things that were done to them and when I find these perpetrators I inflict some mental games on them and see how far I can make their lives miserable. I am not the law. I am not Dredd or Death. But some people do not have the right to get away with things. It gives me a weird sadistic pleasure knowing I'm making the lives of people who have committed crimes that they've gotten away with a bit miserable. I don't feel anything towards them. I used to find this fun but it's been years since I've involved myself in hunting them down. The internet was a lot more private before. Ashton Kutcher can take care of these predators with his organization.

A strange confession: I recreate my life and change my story and have lived many lives under many guises. I'm still the same person but I've changed my name, my identity a few times but only ever so slightly and in new places. It helps that you can't tell the difference when I'm lying or telling the truth. In fact my truths seem more like lies than my lies. I've erased entire records of my existence to the fact that no one knows what I've really done between 2003 and 2015 (not even people who lived with me or shared a life with me). Sometimes I myself can't distinguish which is real and which isn't because everything I fake isn't that removed from what happens to me normally or something I would do.

Psycho confession: When I was younger I would get others to kill smaller creatures - frogs, lizards, snakes, etc for me. It wasn't out of fear or wanting to protect myself. I just wanted to see them die. Ages 8-12. I never wanted to kill cats or dogs and in fact love and grew up with them. Though there was one cat I hated and used to throw stones at it when it entered my house. I was 14 at the time. I am thankful for a few relationships who have taught me more about compassion and empathy and stunted/stopped what this could have become. I wouldn't be inclined to do something like that today.

I've discussed some of these with a therapist. Not the second or parts of the fourth confession. I don't want to discuss it beyond that. I do like a nice private life away from all kinds of attention.

Psychopath indeed.


Oct 25, 2017
I do believe only a few family members exactly know why I was let go from my retail job. My mom, dad, and sister do for sure along with maybe an aunt and uncle.

I was fired for employee theft. I was an idiot who stole money, soda, and candy. I was 20 when I did this, and wish I didn't do it. I am glad the police were not called, and I was just told to pay them back. I ended up trying hard to find a new job, but always never heard back. I am in my late 20's now and am living on welfare and social security for the time being.

Lesson learned, but now I am afraid to use this employer on my resume now. So kids, don't steal and do stupid shit like I did.

While I do not condone what you did, I hope you manage to get back in your feet.


Oct 25, 2017
My brother isn't missing or dead...he's alive and well. I'm the sole person who knows this. My brother and my family had no love for each other. My dad and mom were abusive to him because his sexual orientation and life choices. He disappeared and faked his death, changed his ID and everything. Well, it was a rouse to disappear and start again. I've been in contact and meeting with him regularly since that day. He's still adamant about never telling the truth. He has a family now, kids, a nice job but, refuses to return.

If he is happy now, it's better to let it be, confessor.