
Oct 27, 2017
Mine? No.

Others? Sure. Everyone grieves their own way and mine is not around a bunch of family (strangers at this point) as I am forced to play host consoling everyone being devastated while I feel the same, if not worse. Dreading those days so hard, and they aren't too far off now that everyone is getting older.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Even if there is an afterlife, it's probably not you continuing as you are now, like the Hindu/Buddhist concepts of reincarnation. Something may follow that has your essence but not your thought or memory.

Mostly likely you as an entity will end at your dying breath (or really, the last thought to surface before the lights go out, which may proceed the dying breath by a bit).

There is some fear there, in the sense that if this is all there is, I should be making more of it (although I did just have homemade burritos and a teensy bit of Highland Scotch, so I'm in a good place right as this instant).


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
It never used to. I always said things I see in this thread like "it's inevitable, why fear it" or "life is a gift and we all die". But as I get older, it scares me more and more. I wish I has the peace I once did. Guess I've lost a lot of people over the past 10 years, so thinking about death went from a philosophical excercise to an impending reality.


Oct 27, 2017
I can think of a lot of scenario's that cause me dread and anxiety.

Death is just mercy.


Oct 25, 2017
Dying a drawn out painful death is horrifying, the actual being dead part? Not frightened at all.


Oct 26, 2017
Having accepted that I'm a non-believer in the last few years, it isn't death, but rather no 'after'. An irrational fear of which I know will be meaningless at my passing, of course.


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
I've had multiple near-death experiences and I'm doubtful there's an afterlife.

So yes. It scares the fuck out of me.

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
I'm more scared of becoming an invalid in old age, or having a debilitating illness that deprives me of mobility and agency in my later years than I am of dying.

Oblivion seems okay during the day, but sometimes at night the terror will bubble-up from the deep and assert itself -- "What if I don't wake up in the morning?" On the other hand, an eternal afterlife seems frightening as well. This life is all I've known and it's defined by dynamism and change. Some kind of eternal, unchanging afterlife doesn't seem very appealing, either.

Ultimately, it's best to use the fear as motivation to live life to the best of our ability, so when the inevitable happens the regrets will be few.
Oct 27, 2017
Being dead is not scary, there's nothing to experience and it only makes me sad for all the future I will be missing. Now dying on the other hand could be painful and/or drawn out and that is frightening.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Before I had a girlfriend, no. I've gotten over most of my existential thoughts. Now that I'm in a relationship though, losing eachother has become my biggest fear. Just thinking about it too long has caused me to get close to having a panic attack before.
Oct 26, 2017
Not in the slightest. The death of others doesn't frighten me either, although I don't like to think about it because I know how depressed I'll be.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes it does. I think about it fairly often. I want to sign up with a cryonics company like Alcor just for the small chance they are successful in the future but I can't afford it. I was born too soon in human history.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread's replies in a nutshell:

"I do not fear death."

Death is the unknown. I'm at the very least a bit skittish about it.


Oct 25, 2017
No honestly, at least not personally, but I don't like how it frightens others.


Oct 26, 2017
It didn't before I had a family. Now the thought of me dying and leaving a wife and baby without means of support scares the shit oit of me. Life insurance helps but I'm too selfish to want to leave them without me.


Nov 1, 2017
I think more than death, I fear what I leave behind when I die.
Like if I had a wife and kids, I'd worry about leaving them behind on their own. I don't but I do have 3 cats, that I love like they're my own kids. If I died on the way to work tomorrow, there's a good chance they'd starve and die alone in my place on their own. I have friends and coworkers who I 'think' would help them and promise to but who knows. At the very least they'd think I abandoned them, and the thought of that hurts.
These will be the last pets I ever own for sure, just to avoid that possibility.

Deleted member 2099

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
For myself, it is not death that frightens me, but it is life itself. I have this preset mentality and mind set that if/when death arrives me, I am ready for it. However for my loved ones (the little I still have left), yes, it is death that frightens me.


Oct 26, 2017
I am scared a bit of how I die (like horrific car crash) but it's hard for me to worry that much about death outside of that since there's nothing I can do about it.

I echo the sentiment about loved ones dying though. Both of my parents are senior citizens now for example so it's been creeping into the forefront of my mind more and more as the years go by.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Of course it happens, it's a human thing to realize our own mortality at some point.

I think the first time I realized was when I was like 20, so ten years ago, I was high as fuck with a good friend of mine and we started talking about our family member inevitable death with time and eventually friends and then being old and eventually pulling our last breath, how would we feel and all.

It was a fucking bad trip.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. Life is like if someone gifted you 50 puppies out of nowhere. Sure, the puppies are cute sometimes and they make you laugh but it's also a heavy burden that mostly involves a lot of shit. On the other hand, now that my consciousness was ripped out of the void, i'm scared of going back. The instinct to stay alive that has been burned into every cell in my body is too strong. So i kinda vacillate between hating that im stuck in this flesh prison for another 50 or so years and the deep, unnerving fear that ill eventually stop existing. The result is the giant ball of anxiety and stress that is me.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
Im working towards having a life im not totally dissatisfied with, mortality is a bitch but as long as i can continue helping the people i care about, keep taking care of myself, don't letting toxic people come around me anymore and learn to enjoy the little things, at least i know im doing fine, but realizing that took precious years off my life.


Oct 25, 2017
Ive had enough brushes with it thanks to health issues, Im not particularly afraid, more sad that I will miss out on things.