
The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I changed my mind. Watch them all simultaneously.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Deadfall. Only Deadfall. Burn the rest.

lol, on it.

I have no idea why most of these films are on my list, I only add stuff because I read about them, or someone mentions them -basically, anything that seems vaguely interesting for any reason, I add it. I have no idea what prompted me to add Deadfall, but here we are, your random internet endorsement can't be wrong!

edit: holy shit



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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
After all of the obvious classics, May I suggest panic room? Great film.

I've been meaning to start building a similar list myself


Oct 27, 2017
I started from the last page.

I vouch for The Witch, Moonlight, Porco Rosso, Redline, Inglourious Basterds, Suspiria, The Favourite, Millennium Actress, Eyes Wide Shut...


Oct 27, 2017
song of the seaaaaaa

also how have people not heard of letterboxd. I thought it was at the point where it was the go-to for cinephiles that imdb used to be


One Winged Slayer
Yo what the fuck there are a lot of really dang good movies on that list. I actually went through the whole thing and forced myself to narrow it down to 10 recommendations. I tried flipping through your other ratings to get a better sense of which you would enjoy but it is tough because you don't write any reviews. The star system isn't too helpful since I don't know why you did or did not like something. For example, you gave Under the Skin 3 and a half stars but Hereditary 4 and a half, which has me guessing maybe it was the pace, in which case you may not like stuff like It Comes at Night and The Witch, which are some of my favorite horror movies. Or you gave Tucker and Dale half a star, which means you will likely hate Cabin in the Woods and I can't imagine you will care much for Army of Darkness either.

Anyway, the following 10 recommendations are in no particular order:

The Big Sleep - An absolute classic in crime cinema, easily one of my top 5 for the genre. If you enjoy it, strongly consider bumping Double Indemnity up higher on your watch list, and maybe consider checking out Angels With Dirty Faces, Witness for the Prosecution, and Strangers on a Train.


Titanic - James Cameron's best movie. A love story that is beautifully paced with humor, drama and action. Kate Winslet and DiCaprio are both beautiful and amazing in this.


Reservoir Dogs - Tarantino's first film, and a damn good one with an incredible cast. Some of his other films are more divisive but I don't think I've ever met a single person who didn't like this one.


Punch-Drunk Love - Proof that Adam Sandler can act and that he really has been phoning it in for years now just collecting checks. Philip Seymour Hoffman is also hilarious in this.


The Princess Bride - A kids movie, but also an absolute classic love tale. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."


Fight Club - Ed Norton in his prime. If you haven't had the story for this one spoiled for you yet you should check it out ASAP.


Django Unchained - My personal favorite Tarantino film, I love the shootouts in this one. You highly rated a lot of action movies which suggests to me you'll love this one too.


Kill Bill: Volume 1 - Even more action than in Django. You'll get a kick out of the Crazy 88 scene.


Casino Royale - Easily the best James Bond film, and you don't need to have watched any other movies to jump into this one. While it is an action movie with lots of action, there is also a lot of time spent just watching people play poker and it is kinda the best part of the whole movie.


Citizen Kane - It is the Citizen Kane of movies.



Sep 28, 2018
I'm not gonna scroll through 31 pages.

Watch :
Oldboy (original, NOT american)
Survive style 5+
The Imposter
Mad Max: Fury road

if you've seen those, you've pretty much seen all of cinema in 6 movies


Oct 27, 2017
Watch what you want to watch, not because some films are more "important" than others. You can get to those when you want to.


Oct 25, 2017
Watch the imdb top 250. I mean, it's not the greatest list in the world, but it's a mix between classics and mainstream hits.

You could also do it by directors, regions or periods.


Oct 26, 2017
I see you have Silence of the Lambs on your list.

I watched that for the first time on Saturday just now and I thought it was absolutely brilliant.


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't seen a lot of the movies on your list, but skimming through these are a few personal favorites that stuck out to me:

  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest- Young Jack Nicholson owns
  • Almost Famous- Maybe this came out at the perfect time in my life, but this is one of the few movies where everything shut down around me as I watched
  • Saving Private Ryan- I'm not generally a war movie guy, but this movie is amazing. Watch with surround sound if you have the option
  • Clockwork Orange- Prepare for your mind to be fucked
  • Fight Club- Not the mind blowing movie that it once was and the internet kind of overhypes everything, but still a super fun movie
  • Casino Royale- I enjoyed the first scene better than a lot of entire movies
  • Batman (1989)- This movie is my childhood in a nutshell, so I may be a bit biased
  • Robocop- it's fucking Robocop


Oct 27, 2017
These are in the order I notice them in your list, not in any particular watching order (but with some remarks). Anyhoo, these are the ones I've seen that I'd put on top of the pile:

-Song of the Sea
-Man on the Moon
-Run Lola Run
-Cabin in the Woods
-Hachi: A Dog's Tale (this isn't a cinematic masterpiece, but maybe watch this in between heavier movies as a palette cleanser/somewhat lighter (though sad) viewing)
-Cloud Atlas
-Sunshine (my favorite hard(ish) scifi movie of all time, even with a certain twist)
-Tokyo Godfathers
-The Fountain
-Millenium Actress
-Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2
-Grave of the Fireflies
-Room (no "The" :P )
-Dark City
-The Tale of Princess Kaguya
-Perfect Blue
-The Breadwinner
-Loving Vincent
-Casino Royale (2006)
-Donnie Darko
-Fight Club
-Green Room
-Fifth Element
-What We Do in the Shadows
-Black Swan
-Reservoir Dogs
-Shaun of the Dead
-The Witch
-Inglorious Basterds
-The Departed
-Fantastic Mr. Fox
-Red Turtle
-Kick-Ass (only the first one, the second one is trash)
-Kubo and the Two Strings (<- A-mazing)


Oct 28, 2017
Watch the imdb top 250. I mean, it's not the greatest list in the world, but it's a mix between classics and mainstream hits.

You could also do it by directors, regions or periods.

Eh, I wouldn't recommend it. OP has a ton of foreign film on his watch list and the imdb lists sucks for foreign film.


Oct 27, 2017
Films in that list I consider 10/10s:
Woman in the Dunes
Sansho the Bailiff
Hannah and Her Sisters
The Deer Hunter
Why Don't You Play in Hell?
Hoop Dreams (the best documentary ever made)
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
The Silence of the Lambs
Fallen Angels
All That Jazz
Rosemary's Baby
Love Exposure (my third favourite film)
Confessions (my second favourite film)
Yi Yi
A Brighter Summer Day
L.A. Confidential
Dark City
Fight Club
Sympathy for Mr Vengeance
A Bittersweet Life
The Good, The Bad, The Weird
Still Walking
High and Low
Saving Private Ryan
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Castaway on the Moon
The Princess Bride
Taxi Driver
Seven Samurai
Lawrence of Arabia
That knocks ~900 down to a nice and manageable... 42!

Ones I'd prioritise, that are a fun, manageable watch:

1. Confessions (107 minutes, twisty as fuck plot, structurally dazzling)
2. Fallen Angels (96 minutes, bounces between three stories, cause it's cool)
3. The Princess Bride (99 minutes, features one of the best sword fights ever)
4. Trainspotting (94 minutes, absurdly fun, awesome soundtrack, choose life)
5. Love Exposure (237 minutes, and I wish it was longer)

That said, you gave EoE only a 9/10, The Truman Show a 7/10, Oldboy a 4/10, and Rashomon a 6/10, so OP...


(You gave Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind a 10/10 though, so check out Being John Malkovich)
Last edited:


May 20, 2019
I've seen maybe 40/865 of these. My top recommendation is Mean Girls. It's just superb. Vox Lux and Mid 90s are great. Two of my favorites of the last couple years. I also really liked Brokeback Mountain, American Beauty, and Unbreakable. Though I would not classify them as must watch, only if the synopses really interest you.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh, I wouldn't recommend it. OP has a ton of foreign film on his watch list and the imdb lists sucks for foreign film.

Definitely, that's why I also recommended going by regions, but I saw films like Shawshank, Bicycle thieves, Deer Hunter, Citizen Kane, M, Apocalypse Now, Pulp Fiction, Metropolis etc. on the list, so I thought it could be something to get that type of movies out of the way (classics a lot of people have seen).

OP, do you have a Criterion Channel subscription? You will find a lot of the movies on your list there. When in doubt, watch Kore-Eda or Wong Kar Wai movies, when you are in the mood, watch Tarkovsky, Bergman or Kubrick


Oct 25, 2017
Anything by Scorsese, starting with Taxi Driver. I assume you've seen Goodfellas already since it ain't on the list.

Deleted member 14735

Oct 27, 2017
what's a good place to start in Tsai Ming Liang's filmography? i was thinking of starting at Stray Dogs.
It'll be a bit hard to detach from my own experience but I went through them in release order and feel that his filmography really benefits from that. There's a core group of returning characters in most of his films (but they're carried over loosely, you absolutely can start anywhere don't get me wrong) and his work builds on itself. It's hard for me to imagine seeing Stray Dogs as my first since it so perfectly works as his last "traditional" feature (his shorts and experimental films are worth it too!) but it would probably be fine in the sense of it being Tsai at his most Tsai. If you enjoy it, you're bound to love his other work. It's kinda jumping into the deep end though.

The only problem with starting at the beginning is that Rebels isn't really indicative of the style he grew into. If that concerns you and you just want to get a sense of whether you'd be into him or not I'd suggest watching Vive L'amour and The Hole, both are excellent and give you a taste of his more traditional style as well as his musicals. But if Stray Dogs looks most interesting, watch it! I'm sure it'd be fine.


Alt account
Feb 7, 2019
My top ones you haven't seen:

Yi Yi

The Red Shoes


Wild Strawberries


Boogie Nights

Blow Out

Mystery Train


Upstream Color


Meek's Cutoff

Personal Shopper


Oct 25, 2017
First let me just say you have a really great watchlist, I'm going to look through again and steal some I haven't heard of later. I think you and I have similar tastes. Based on the ones I've seen (Probably 1/10th of them) you could pick any random movie and chances are you'd be happy.

Of course leaving some out because there's so many, these are the movies that I'm happy I've seen from your list trying to avoid anything I think you'll hear too much:
-Blue Valentine
-John Wick 3
-Cabin in the Woods
-Blair Witch Project
-For a good Korean revenge movie: The Man From Nowhere, I Saw The Devil, Bedevilled
-Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
-Shin Godzilla
-Brokeback Mountain
-After the Storm
-Blue Ruin
-Green Room
-Castaway on the Moon


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Some of my favorites:

- Titanic
- Harakiri
- Citizen Kane
- 12 Angry Men
- Amadeus
- The Godfather
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Rosemary's Baby


Oct 26, 2017
Is there any way to lock the lists? My Films list is auto-organized to Release Date (recent first), and my Watchlist is auto-organized to When Added, even when I change them :/

Deleted member 2779

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I've only seen just over a hundred of your watchlist so someone who's more well-versed could help you out better but I think themed-weeks or viewings might help in structuring your watches.

Identity: Perfect Blue, Vertigo, and Persona.

Crime: Heat, Infernal Affairs, and New World.

Love: Chungking Express, Punch Drunk Love, and Fallen Angel.