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Oct 28, 2017

But you can tell he really cares about preserving the word. I tend to see a lot of white people say they find his vids awkward to watch because of his excessive use of the word, but like, isn't that on you and not him? Maybe you should think about why you personally find it awkward.

Is is okay to say that his use of the word just sounds stupid and lazy? I'm watching one of his videos now where he's referring to a dragon in a game as an "n word" as well as being generally hyperactive and shouty. He's just annoying to me. Needs to grow up.


Oct 31, 2017
Unjustified ban, and that's before you even take into account twitter allowing so much actual hate speech to run free on their platform. Fuck twitter for this.


Jul 5, 2018
While I don't think Twitter and whoever else should be banning people for saying a bad word, they did make it very clear that that word isn't allowed on their website.

It's like going to your friend's house, and they say "whatever you do, don't touch the cat" and you go out of your way to repeatedly touch the cat. Isn't it within their right to kick you out of their house?


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Etika is unironically one of the best YouTuber out there. He may look ridiculous for a lot of people but he's passionate and really caring about his public. He's a breath of fresh air in the sea of white alt-right assholes.

Yeah I agree here, so many people come out as alt-right or "centrist" (but still alt-right) that my videogame YT nearly only exists out of GamExplain, Arlo and Jim Sterling.

I should watch Etika more.


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
I respect his passion but as a streamer, he's waaaaaaaay too high on the decibel meter for my tastes.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 3, 2017
Twitter is a Nazi cesspool. Stop using Twitter. Delete your accounts. Stop giving Jack money. It's the only way.

I have and it was so very, very freeing.


Oct 27, 2017
I've never been the type of black man to cherish this word no matter what the context.
I feel he uses that word too damn much, it became his catchphrase and it is corny as fuck because everything gets called this word when Etika wants to express anything positive or negative.
Learn to move on bro, grow the fuck up we are all trying to get to a better world. If you are going to fight for freedom of speech for this shit that freedom should apply for everyone to be able to say it would you feeling a kind of way.
And if I am not ready for my white friends to call me that, I'm not ready to weep for Etika's 7 day twitter ban.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait wait wait. Twitter banned a black dude coz he used the N-word? Seriously? Who the fuck in their right minds thought this was a good idea? There's an army of Neo-Nazi/alt-white trash on twitter making trash "jokes" and you single out a black dude for a ban? This is twice in as many days I've been surprised by corporate stupidity and callousness.

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
You remember how we were celebrating that deplatforming altright assholes works?
Well, it seems altright assholes are catching up.
What's the plan when they get systemic about it?
Oct 26, 2017
The problem is that it was shown again and again that twitter does not understand about ANYTHING related to use of hate speech =/
I remember responding to someone on twitter complaining that twitter can advertise them food that they like, but can't ban racists.
Context is incredibly hard for Ml algorithms,and twitter posts provide such little amount of testing data for classification.You can't please everyone here, some speech hate is gonna seep through, or some users are gonna be banned incorrectly. Therefore twitter is tasked with an incredibly hard balancing job. The humans understand, the algorthims don't, I'f you can improve them, go ahead, get paid a lot of money, from a lot of people.

Super Havoc

Aug 24, 2018
The Haven
I don't know who he is and I honestly don't really care but any black man or woman using the word excessively during gaming sessions in mixed company strikes me as someone using it for the wrong reasons.

As an example, I'm a black man and I'm the lead singer of my band with white guys and I don't ever say the word around them both not to give them the wrong impression that they should ever feel comfortable saying it, or to disrespect myself as I see it as degrading in excessive use. I've seen some younger black dudes/girls allowing/being perfectly fine with their white associates saying it to and around them in normal conversation and it makes my skin crawl and I see someone like this guy using these platforms doing it similar.


Nov 5, 2017
He said in the comments that his ability to stream has been stripped from his channel as well? Is that referring to his Twitch ban or is that for his YouTube channel?


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
Really not a fan of this dude at all but that Twitter ban is so stupid.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
what the heck is 'the hard r' ?

For some reason, some people believe that ending the word with an 'a' instead of an 'er' changes its meaning.

I don't know who he is and I honestly don't really care but any black man or woman using the word excessively during gaming sessions in mixed company strikes me as someone using it for the wrong reasons.

As an example, I'm a black man and I'm the lead singer of my band with white guys and I don't ever say the word around them both not to give them the wrong impression that they should ever feel comfortable saying it, or to disrespect myself as I see it as degrading in excessive use. I've seen some younger black dudes/girls allowing/being perfectly fine with their white associates saying it to and around them in normal conversation and it makes my skin crawl and I see someone like this guy using these platforms doing it similar.

That's a good point. I'm black and I don't use it in mixed company either, because I get a sense that it genuinely confuses non-blacks about where they stand. We've come to a point where some black people give their white friends and associates a "pass", then these people get in trouble when they encounter other black people who don't feel the same way.

Its always going to be a tricky subject. But I think it's pretty clear that this guy wasnt using hate speech.
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Oct 29, 2017
Irvine, CA
I love his charisma, I love seeing someone with the black experience cover gaming topics I love, but I can never get with throwing this word around, just can't. Not with people who aren't black. You won't catch me using it online or in public. I've literally got into Fist fights with randoms who think they can call me "their nigga", nope, never. Took me a long time to see past that and enjoy his videos, tbh

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
For some reason, some people believe that ending the word with an 'a' instead of an 'er' changes its meaning.

How's the weatha? I'm not talking about the sun and rain my dude I'm talking about your family. So how's the weatha?

Yeah I don't use the word at all cos I don't need to or care for it in my day to day. Nor do I care for Etika but yeah the ban was stupid.

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
You remember how we were celebrating that deplatforming altright assholes works?
Well, it seems altright assholes are catching up.
What's the plan when they get systemic about it?


This isn't new. The alt-right has been doing this for years. Left youtube has an outright "repost to support" policy against this kind of thing from the alt-right, for example, why are you pretending that this is somehow something we "taught" the alt-right?


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
How's the weatha? I'm not talking about the sun and rain my dude I'm talking about your family. So how's the weatha?

Yeah I don't use the word at all cos I don't need to or care for it in my day to day. Nor do I care for Etika but yeah the ban was stupid.

Ha, I'm kind of fascinated that the "a" excuse took off the way it did. It's literally the same word, pronounced with a lack of enunciation.
certain communities and regions commonly prounance all "er" words with an "a" as a learned habit. In fact, I know I do unless I'm actively code switching.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd have no problem with twitter disallowing the word in its entirety, but seemingly they don't want to do that.


Oct 30, 2017
Should Twitter track people's race so they know who is ok for to use which slurs?

Should celebrities with a lot of followers get preferential treatment and extra scrutiny and leeway over some random guy with 30 followers when it comes to the enforcement?

On the other hand, if Twitter finds some words so objectionable they warrant an automatic ban(which frankly I might even agree with) then why areal it's usage to even occur? Why not throw up "Error: Tweet could not be posted due to containing racial slur" if they actually don't want it in their site, instead of relying on user reporting which is biased in favor of the intolerant right, because people who are more tolerant and liberal tend to let things slide and reply with a snarky comment instead of reporting.

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Ha, I'm kind of fascinated that the "a" excuse took off the way it did. It's literally the same word, pronounced with a lack of enunciation.
certain communities and regions commonly prounance all "er" words with an "a" as a learned habit. In fact, I know I do unless I'm actively code switching.

Lol yeah I had a white dude use the 'A' version and say it was a term of endearment when confronted on it.
Sounded like justification to me.

I definitely pronounce all 'ers' with an 'A' at the end, cos I'm a commoner.


Oct 29, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Attempting to dictate the terms of reclaimed language.
The n-word is a word that should be erased from the history completely, as should any other slur. No men, from any Race, should use such a ugly word. So in my opinion the ban is justified. Everyone who uses such a language on social media should be banned.

He just should grow up ans stop using this word. He already did loose his twitch Account because of it. So his 7-day twitter ban is absolutely his fault.


Oct 17, 2018
this is my generations fault, these kids black and white walking around saying wassup my N word to each other they are influenced by the 90's hip hop/street culture. do I like it not necessarily but I feel the word is starting to become a universal term of endearment although I advise people not to use it, real street dudes will clap you for saying it.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Yeah, the tweet wasn't even hateful in any way, so I'm on Etika's side on this one.


Nov 1, 2017
The n-word is a word that should be erased from the history completely, as should any other slur. No men, from any Race, should use such a ugly word. So in my opinion the ban is justified. Everyone who uses such a language on social media should be banned.

He just should grow up ans stop using this word. He already did loose his twitch Account because of it. So his 7-day twitter ban is absolutely his fault.

Absolutely this! It's not a tricky subject at all. Everyone regardless of race and/or culture needs to stop using this word. It is no secret that the minute those racist assholes get called out the first thing they say is well black people say it all the time. There is no way to reclaim the N-word. It is hate. It is degradation. It is vile. And young black people need to stop thinking that they have reclaimed this ugly, racist shit that should have died long ago into some kind of universal word of friendship and brotherhood. That's bullshit.

I didn't know who this guy was before this thread but I watched his video and I will say that this brother needs some help. I just feel like perhaps he has become to wrapped up in whatever persona he is portraying on youtube and has lost perspective. Perhaps he needs some time away from social media to think about how he is portraying himself to the world and if this is really all that he has to say.

Can he not be hyped up and cover video games and provide commentary from a black experience without using the N-word every other word? He doesn't seem like an unintelligent guy so I doubt it is a vocabulary issue. So what makes the word so addictive to him? Is he really planning on fighting Twitter, Twitch and probably in the future Youtube all for his right to constantly say the N-word? That is crazy.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
Fuck that, this guy uses the word way too excessively, to the point where it's embarassing

Probably because he's from New York, and folks in new york be using it every sentence

I don't know who he is and I honestly don't really care but any black man or woman using the word excessively during gaming sessions in mixed company strikes me as someone using it for the wrong reasons.

As an example, I'm a black man and I'm the lead singer of my band with white guys and I don't ever say the word around them both not to give them the wrong impression that they should ever feel comfortable saying it, or to disrespect myself as I see it as degrading in excessive use. I've seen some younger black dudes/girls allowing/being perfectly fine with their white associates saying it to and around them in normal conversation and it makes my skin crawl and I see someone like this guy using these platforms doing it similar.
this is why i agree. Strange behaviour
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Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
this is my generations fault, these kids black and white walking around saying wassup my N word to each other they are influenced by the 90's hip hop/street culture. do I like it not necessarily but I feel the word is starting to become a universal term of endearment although I advise people not to use it, real street dudes will clap you for saying it.

Black people co-opted the word long before the 90s.

The return of White kids feeling comfortable using it freely in public is definitely a newer thing, possibly associated with contemporary hip-pop culture.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Twitter's moderation is all over the place.

On one hand you have this and on the other Trump insulting a national leader and comparing missile sizes.


Mar 15, 2018
I am white and raised in Europe in a country that is predominantly white, so I do not feel informed and sensitive enough to say anything about the controversy, but I know one thing. The guy has just got himself another subscriber.

LatAm here, and saying the same. I can't even understand that 'n-word' euphemism. It makes that word even heavier in its semantics.
But, well, that guy is cool and I understand (and love) the usage he gives it with friendship, and enthusiasm.

There's a tendency to acomodate language to avoid discrimination.
But discrimination adapts to language changes. We must not forget that.


Oct 31, 2017
This is bizzarre and it's something I think is only up to the black community to discuss. It's their word, they get to dictate how it's used. If you take direct action to moderate a black person using the n word you need to be 200% sure of what you're doing in. And I don't see how you can be, honestly.


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
The troll account attention in this thread is interesting. I see at least three of them so far.


Oct 28, 2017
Idk growing up in NYC in predominantly black/latino communities the word "nigga" in the context of a term of endearment or just referring to someone you know is used regularly. I myself am Puerto Rican (most PRs identify with having mixed ancestry including black ancenstry) and most of us use it freely and no one can tell me shit. It is a staple also of the hip hop culture with artist in the past saying please dont de censor the word because thy weren't using it in a racial way. Even the few white guys who grew up in the hood also used it and no one was bothered by it. Obviously those neighborhoods dont represent the world or how other pp think but we are far past the word just meaning a racial derogatory word. Big difference between nigg "er" and my "nigga".

Idk I think tht ban is bullshit!!


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I find it fucking ironic they banned him for that when it clearly wasn't meant in any hateful way, and when Twitter is a cesspool of actual hateful shit. It might have just been an automated thing though, because how do you police millions or billions of tweets everyday otherwise.

But yea, Etika does need to chill a bit. I don't know if he has any particular issues or anything, but the guy seems constantly highly strung, over reactive, and routinely behaves abnormally or extremely. I don't know if this particularly video is actually impassioned per se or just him acting his usual overt self. Just take it down a few notches and better explain your feelings or sentiments.
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