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Uno Venova

Oct 25, 2017
Man, Retro could have been on the level of Naughty Dog if they were given better, fresher, more interesting projects. Shame.
Oct 26, 2017
Man, Retro could have been on the level of Naughty Dog if they were given better, fresher, more interesting projects. Shame.
I mean their pedigree is pretty stellar so far.
One of the most highly acclaimed trilogies ever and two top tier platform era. Shame that they aren't making a new IP but they probably chose this. They did chose to make Tropical Freeze after all.
Jan 10, 2018
Come on, lets be honest here. Yes Prime 4 is coming, and Bayo 3, but I wouldn't really consider the new NMH anything more than what looks like a top down style hack and slash from what they have shown (and I am a huge NMH fan). There is no way you can compare the GC adult/mature/action oriented lineup that Nintendo 1st/2nd party/exclusives to the switch's lineup in those same genres atm.

Nintendo has yet to make a 3rd person action set piece style game, and I cant think of a single one on the system. Its understandable that people would want something like that from retro, which was seen as the best hope for a Nintendo studio to make that type of game. (hoping the new monolith game partially fills that void though).

Always a new asspull to dismiss a game.

Do real gamers TM even like games?

I agree that those games are coming. I'm just trying to understand where this resentment for the direction of Retro is coming from, and I really think this could be deep seated anger at Nintendo post Gamecube that is rising out.

That was the era where Wind Waker was met with reactions of incredible distaste and Twilight Princess received an infamous E3 reaction because of its tone.

Yeah, the extreme hate for Nintendo started with the Gamecube. The console itself, kiddie games like Toon Link, Pikmin and Luigis Mansion... it broke people.

The hate never stopped ever since.

But you would think atleast some people would grow up.

Guess not.


I shouldn't give in to console warrior bullshit


Oct 25, 2017
Man, Retro could have been on the level of Naughty Dog if they were given better, fresher, more interesting projects. Shame.

We have no reason to believe they haven't chosen this project themselves. After Metroid Prime they've picked basically every game they wanted to work on. Including fucking Donkey Kong, yes.

Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
I feel like people have a very particular mindset of what they consider to be "ambitious".
Well, obviously it's a clone of Uncharted!
Crazy Idea what if this is the game Retro WANTED to make? You know, like almost every other time they have made a game?
It would be a hoot if it turns out the folks at Retro are fans of old-school arcade racers.
I don't hate the idea of a Starfox racing game on principle but I really do think they should leave this franchise in the vault unless they're willing to actually give people what they want.
Considering the fans can't agree on what they want StarFox to be...
Oct 25, 2017
This is all speculative. Why doesn't Disney shove Mickey Mouse into everything they do? Isn't that a character that's as far reaching and timeless as Mario? Yet Disney expands into other properties, don't they? So why is Nintendo defended when there are other examples of companies such as Disney who also own ubiquitous and very long standing and cherished properties yet who make a much more concerted effort to broaden their catalog to further demographical appeal by not relying on them so much?

It's a testament to their talent and ability to come up with novel game mechanics, you'll get no disagreement from me there. But of what reason is there to experiment with old, proven IPs in new genres if not to give more assurance for their commercial success? Because if we're going to talk about getting real here, then let's not kid is the predominant reason they do so. It's more so (or at least equally) a corporate decision than a developmental one. Aside, experimenting with an old IP is no excuse not to create new ones, yet according to Miyamoto, it doesn't appear to be important at all.

I don't have a problem with Nintendo keeping their old IPs relevant and fresh, what I do have a problem with is them relying on them so much so that it's at the expense of other new entirely new IPs to the caliber that they extend their mainstays. Hell, if we're to be honest, Nintendo's fairly miserable at according decent effort to some of the best of their legacy. Wave Race, F-Zero, Pilotwings, all forgotten and left to rot (and no, for the latter I don't count a portable title as a genuine effort). But I disagree that Nintendo's games in their franchises are "soooo" different from one another. At ground level, these games still operate on a foundation laid decades past, and no amount of introducing gravity into platforming or dynamic interactions of the elements changes Mario from being Mario or Zelda from being Zelda. They are the same games with large mechanical tweaks, but they are in no way entirely new and fresh as Nintendo fans love to scream to the heavens.

Mostly, my whole issue is that I find Nintendo and Miyamoto's position to be a mindframe that advocates creative bankruptcy because it largely ignores half of what makes games so enjoyable. He's given interviews where he's stated a game's creation always begins with a new gameplay idea, and once that's been found and evolved to something workable, they search for an IP that's most suitable for it. This essentially relegates everything that defines the game other than mechanical implementation subservient to it. And as a gamer that gets a large amount of enjoyment out of seeing new art, new music, new worlds, (something I enjoy and crave in any creative medium)....I find this an awful philosophy to hold for any creatively-driven endevour. It's boring and leads to a large degree of stagnation, regardless of what new mechanical changes Nintendo sees fit to infuse into age old formulas.

It has a very real basis in reality and is not unfounded. I really don't know why you're even arguing against me on this.....Nintendo's top developer has come out and outright admitted they're reticent to create new IPs but instead are keen to place new gameplay ideas into established ones. That is exactly what I'm arguing against, and what you appear to be denying that they're doing. Mechanics are not the only thing that matter. Aesthetics and variety in world building do also.

And yet, we still get plenty of new IP every generation. Weird, huh?? Guess your worries are unfounded.

And don't give me that "They're not that different" bullshit. Again, this is something people like you try to argue all the time and it just doesn't hold up under scrutiny. If they weren't that different, they wouldn't be as long lasting and successful. If they weren't that different, you wouldn't have fans constantly talking about how they love one game in the series and absolutely hate another. If you feel that Galaxy2>3DWorld>Odyssey is no different from Uncharted1>2>3 then there's not much else to say than you're wrong. No creativity? No aesthetics and variety in world building? There's plenty of that even in just one franchise. How many other developers would be brave enough or creative enough to follow up the most critically acclaimed game ever at that point with Majora's Mask? And then follow that up with Wind Waker? Come on, your arguments are nonsense. Instead of worrying about what Miyamoto says in interviews how about you actually just look at their output and see what's happening and what we're getting. Making a new star fox game in a new genre isn't preventing them from making new ip. It's not preventing them from experimenting with aesthetics. It's not preventing variety in world building. It just literally is not.
Nov 18, 2017
Could they salvage something of Zero by remastering it for Switch with two modes?

A standard mode, and one where the ship moves on a predetermined path and you just use the tablet to look around.

Would free up space for a graphical boost, but would still be weak sauce without a major rework I suppose.


Oct 26, 2017
Man, Retro could have been on the level of Naughty Dog if they were given better, fresher, more interesting projects. Shame.
Man, Era could have been a really cool board if it was given better, fresher, more interesting posts that don't make up a bullshit narrative. Shame.
It's not insane to think a Star Fox racing game is a bad idea at this point in time and that it's a shame that a talented studio like Retro is stuck with it. You think I'm crazy, listen to yourself.
It's almost like Retro can choose which IP they work on, just like they did with DK. But that doesn't fit the narrative of poor misshandled Retro by the hands of the boogeyman Nintendo which is only a thing because you don't like what Retro is working on and in fact wants to work on.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, there's a chance for it. There's a scenario where this isn't a spin-off, but a new direction for the series: racing games with weapons. Add to it a complete redesign of the characters, and I might be interested.
I just don't think this is likely.
Also, I don't believe this is something we needed. MK8 was already pretty futuristic with its anti-gravity. And I hoped for a proper MK9 for Switch. I also dreamt about a new F-Zero, even faster and more spectacular than F-Zero GX. This SF GP sounds like lost somewhere in between those two, just with an IP I personally don't like.

I can see a pattern here. No matter how great DK Country Returns and TP were, it can't be said that Wii or Wii U were in dire need of 2D platforming. At some point, every second Nintendo game for Wii U was a 2D platformer. Likewise, Switch doesn't look like thirsting for another kart-racing (even if the vehicles fly) IP aside from Mario Kart and the still-rumored Sonic Racing. Still, it will get one.
You have not the slightest idea if this will be a kart racer. None. There is not a single hint to that. Seriously, stop jumping to conclusions and then forming your entire opinion of a game on it you haven't even seen a single second of footage of. It makes no goddamn sense.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Of course it is. Tomb Raider was rebooted. Kid Icarus was rebooted. Why can't Star Fox be?

And by killing a franchise at least I personally meant giving it some rest, since no IP is ever truly dead. And abandoning a franchise is always an option. If a franchise repeadetly fails to sell great or get positive reviews, it's not unreasonable to call for a stop. Do you know the definition of insanity?

And by the way, my points already prompted discussion, since one poster notices this might be a reboot, the one I was calling for. See? An exchange of thought where both parties can learn something new. Instead of forcing the mentality of "it's a great idea or you're dumb".

If you won't even discuss these options, perhap you're the narrow-minded, not the critics.
They just did 2 years ago, it was Star Fox Zero and it sold literally 60,000 copies. It was highly lauded for it's terrible control mechanics which I can attest I was practically fighting against the whole time I played it.


Nov 12, 2017
Retro chooses what they work on, you're making a fool of yourself.
Where are you getting this stuff? They said they wanted to make DKCR, but that was a different project. Where I'm getting my stuff: no functional adult would think that making a Star Fox racing game is the best possible use of anyone's time. If the other game doesn't happen, it's four years and ~130 paid staff for a Star Fox racing game.
Oct 26, 2017
Where are you getting this stuff? They said they wanted to make DKCR, but that was a different project. Where I'm getting my stuff: no functional adult would think that making a Star Fox racing game is the best possible use of anyone's time. If the other game doesn't happen, it's four years and ~130 paid staff for a Star Fox racing game.
Except it might be something THEY wanted to work on, which has been the case for pretty much all of their games, so, if it turns out good, which is fairly likely, it would be a good use of their time


Oct 26, 2017
They don't want to work on Metroid. They wanted to work on DK. And now it seems like they wanted to work on this. I know it's hard to accept for some folks here that they aren't forced by NIntendo to work on cetrain franchises to push their bullshit narrative of Nintendo harming Retro, but that's the reality.
Where are you getting this stuff? They said they wanted to make DKCR, but that was a different project. Where I'm getting my stuff: no functional adult would think that making a Star Fox racing game is the best possible use of anyone's time. If the other game doesn't happen, it's four years and ~130 paid staff for a Star Fox racing game.
They worked on one of the most critically acclaimed trilogies in gaming and then said they want to make fucking Donkey Kong instead and Nintendo said OK.
I'm certain as hell nobody back then outside the companies thought Donkey Kong is a good use of their time and talent, not even when the second game came around and the first was prooven to be a good game. And that took 4 years as well.
Your "stuff" is just not liking Retro working on this game and coming up with bullshit reasons as to why they are working on it.
Edit: LOL missed the "no functional adult" bit. You can't be serious.
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Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
Where are you getting this stuff? They said they wanted to make DKCR, but that was a different project. Where I'm getting my stuff: no functional adult would think that making a Star Fox racing game is the best possible use of anyone's time. If the other game doesn't happen, it's four years and ~130 paid staff for a Star Fox racing game.
"No functional adult". Dude just stop.

Deleted member 5764

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not ND like games, just interesting an exciting new IP's and franchises.

We have nothing to suggest that Retro didn't pick this project. We do have rumors that Retro was working on a new IP that turned into a hot mess and may have been cancelled as a result. I'm honestly not sure where this mindset that Retro are god-tier developers being forced to work below their talent level comes from.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, Retro could have been on the level of Naughty Dog if they were given better, fresher, more interesting projects. Shame.

What to you would be the "interesting projects"?

I've been looking for what exactly such projects are in this thread and the best I can surmise is Naughty Dog games and projects in tone with the mature Gamecube games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, if it includes shooting and/or different online modes that go beyond standard racing it'll be a thing on its own.

People often don't know what they want. A soccer game but with cars instead of people, who would want to play that?
You could say the same about BR games/modes right now; "who would want to play a shooter against 99 other players in a huge shrinking arena". Nobody knows what games will be really successful when they are different from the norm. if Nintendo has an awesome trailer at e3, a coming soon launch window, and has a big multiplayer component it could be a big deal.

Imagine if this has an online dog fight mod sort of like BR, not 100 arwings probably maybe more like 25. That could be tons of fun.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I agree that those games are coming. I'm just trying to understand where this resentment for the direction of Retro is coming from, and I really think this could be deep seated anger at Nintendo post Gamecube that is rising out.

That was the era where Wind Waker was met with reactions of incredible distaste and Twilight Princess received an infamous E3 reaction because of its tone.
I've been thinking about Gamecube a lot lately, especially after the Pokémon leak today.

Everyone always looks back at that era fondly because it was seemingly the last time Nintendo would do some wild stuff with their new IP without falling into complacency. Metroid as a first-person shooter. A game with Luigi as a protagonist, fighting ghosts with a vacuum cleaner. A Mario game where he runs around on the beach with a super soaker. A Zelda game with a cartoon aesthetic that draws a lot of from classic anime. An F-Zero developed by Sega. A Paper Mario game that had was almost like an anarchic parody of the series itself. A Kirby racing game with controls so simple you can play it with one hand.

Pre-release reception on most of these titles varied, but for the most of the part a good deal of them were levied with heavy skepticism, and at least the first half of those titles were outright negatively received before release. And yet, they're commonly remembered as some of the console's standout titles, having gone down as some of the most fan favorite titles, and one of the last major instances when Nintendo took bold risks with their IP. Ever since then, Nintendo had mostly been complacent with a lot of their properties, not really going out on a dare like they used to. With the exception of Galaxy, a lot of what they did ran into a feeling of being complacent iterations and takes with their IP, sans a few rare exceptions.

But in closing out the Wii U and going into Switch things have gotten really weird. We got Splatoon; a brand new triple A Nintendo IP that has instantly become a Nintendo classic. Mario was allowed to platform across worlds based upon realistic elements in Odyssey. Zelda went open world and eschewed a bunch of series' traditions. Mario was even allowed to team up with the Rabbids, and it was somehow a great game. And now Star Fox is getting turned into a racing game, and Pokémon is looking to get a reimagining that's likely going to discombobulate a whole lot of series' traditions.

What I'm getting at here is for as much as people have been yearning for the Gamecube days when Nintendo made some pretty wild and impressionable things, people seem to have forgotten how much of those ideas were often met with reservation and outright confusion at first. Because that's exactly what's happening now, on the Switch. It's the closest Nintendo has gotten to making games that fit into that "Gamecube mold" in a long, long time.
Oct 26, 2017
Where are you getting this stuff? They said they wanted to make DKCR, but that was a different project. Where I'm getting my stuff: no functional adult would think that making a Star Fox racing game is the best possible use of anyone's time. If the other game doesn't happen, it's four years and ~130 paid staff for a Star Fox racing game.
You should maybe wait until you are a fully functioning adult before assuming stuff.
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