
Oct 30, 2017
So the start of this was spent waiting for my truce with France to end. And then waiting for the most useless war in the history of mankind to end. Christian brother against brother, over what? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Complete and utter nonsense.

God agreed though, because when the dust settled, they gave the emperorship to Saxony.

When the league war was finished, we could finally attack France. The only good thing about the League war is that we managed to siege their entire country by the time the French armies returned from wherever the fuck they were.


So peace was signed and vassal were fed. Taking a 97% peacedeal and only France really cared about it. Love it!


Afterwards we signed an alliance with the Pope and were called in immediately in a war that apparently escalated a bit. But we decided to help and the war was swiftly ended.

End of session the bordergore was only worse. But as they say, it needs to get worse before it gets better.

We also took Viborg, long lusted after, but the financial situation would not allow us to maintain that fort without being dragged back into debt. Seeing that the Swedes are still disloyal and chomping at the bit to be independent from the Danes, with the greedy, aggressive nation of Provence allied to the equally aggressive Denmark, we released Finland's people as a vassal nation, knowing that there are a good many core lands that can be retaken if the Provencals come to their senses and cease being friends with the Danes.

Provence being allied with Denmark is just a very mature diplomatic response to you being allied with my Arch-nemesis France... YOU STARTED IT!


Nov 4, 2017

While waiting for the integration of our vassal Fezzan , a few Malian provinces were annexed to connect our colonies with the mainland. But not to much was taken, since everyone was getting with the not so peaceful Andalusian expansion.

After 5000 days Fezzan was finally annexed and we got a bunch of claims on the Mamluks. They were swiftly subdued, but sadly not every province could be taken, since fighting a coalition between half of Europe and the Middle East seems a bit much right now.

A problem that should be dealt with in the future is Portugal and Castile, who sit on there little islands next to our coast and hurl insults at us and try to rile up the rest of Europe against us innocent Andalusians, not sure wahr we ever did to them to deserve such treatment.

New colonies where also founded in the Caribbean to get some of that sweet sugar money back to us.

The next session will probably be used to focus on our economy and to humiliate the Ottomans, so our neighbors can cool down a bit and accept there inevitable fate of becoming a part in the glorious Andalusian Empire. The drilling of our troops has also slowed down, since our force limit has become too big for our own good.



Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Game time in an hour. I'll have the server up in 40 minutes, at 20:10 BST. I'll add the details below, as well as in the Discord server.

Geido Titik KingSnake Jegriva Lausebub Wanace Messy

If you've not already, please download the save file and place it in your save game folder (Users\Your Windows User Name\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\save games) It means you won't have to sit around waiting for the file to be transferred at the start, which speeds things up a lot. Or stick it in whatever save games folders you have at that location.

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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Latest save below

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Nov 4, 2017
Not much happened this session. I took a few provinces in Africa, but everyone is pissed at me. And since I want to take some provinces from the Mamluks for my Mission and a second Missionary as soon as possible, I am waiting for my truce with them to run out.


Oct 29, 2017

Entering the year 1583 Kurland is looking very, very good.

At the beginning of the session, the Horde was eating Chernigov, who was going to be our next easy target except for Muscovy's Guarantee, which somehow didn't stop the Horde from attacking them but was preventing me from doing so by a measly 3 reasons. Finally, as the Horde took Chernigov's capital, Muscovy ceased to be willing to defend them, and so we vassalized them, planning to come back later and punish the eastern hordes to return their core lands.

Next came Poland, who didn't have much to defend with when we attacked alongside our Prussian allies, and we took the entire state of their capital lands, adding mightily to the Kurland coffers and strengthening us immeasurably. Prussia gained the lands of Stettin, and due to a diplomatic faux pas by our peacemaking diplomats, accidentally ceded the lands to them instead of causing them to be vassalized.

Next an opportunity was seized to attack the Danes and get our core lands back, and again our allies helped us regain those lands and also return all the Finnish cores from Sweden, thanks to our Prussian and Bavarian friends.

During the midst of this battle, the idiocy of our diplomat came back to haunt us when a coalition war fired against the Prussians, we immediately finished our siege of Stockholm and once the Bavarian armies sieged down the Danish capital, made our peace with Denmark and headed back to defend our allies, gathering the tinier armies of our war allies and proceeding to punish troops in Germany. A handy victory against the coalition was had.

Returning home triumphant and wealthy, with Deus Vult on our minds thanks to newly completed Religious ideas, the Bavarians pressed their claim for the Austrian throne, and our troops marched south to help. Rumors of an Ottoman declaration against Austria reached our ears as we began to siege Austrian lands. If the throne falls to Bavaria soon, the Ottomans may find themselves facing the full might of the Holy Roman Empire, and men from Kurland may be even more battle-tested.

One funny note: After all the wars, we had 412 development and Prussia did too, so I developed one click to remain the 8th Great Power. We will see how long that lasts!
Bavarian Booklet Part 10 | 1573 - 1583


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Featuring the adventures of Duke Christoph I von Wittlesbach, Defender of the Protestant Faith

We started off today's session with two very quick wars, firstly one against Gelre in the Low Countries, which secured the province of Geldern and access to this big blue watery thing called an ocean? Unsure if it'll catch on to be honest. Then, secondly, a war against the hated Bohemians, which almost finished them off, seizing the provinces of Koniggratz and Pardubitz, leaving them with just their heavily developed capital of Rudohori.

Aggressive Expansion concerns, as well as the theoretical idea of filling out my economic idea group, limited further expansion, though I did manage to secure Badan's fealty after noticing that they were allied to the Austrians and so weak that I could diplomatically vassalise them with a few helpings of lager and lederhosen.

The latter half of the session was taken up with two major wars involving my Protestant brothers to the north. First Kurland decided that we weren't going to wait on the Swedes declaring their own independence war against the Danes, and instead went for conquering some territory for their Finnish vassal. We were rooting for you Sweden, we were all rooting for you! But alas. The Danes were allied to Provence, but that turned out to be an alliance on paper only, as Provence quickly peaced out, leaving Denmark virtually alone against Bavaria, Prussia and Kurland. This was a fairly trivial war, especially with the Danes rebel issues and some remarkable naval skill from Lubeck allowing my siege stack access to Sjaelland.

During this war, word leaked from Augsburg that they were seeking to trigger their coalition against Prussia. Which was terribly rude, I thought, so I quickly allied Prussia (as Augsburg, being Protestant themselves, wouldn't have let me defend Prussia), leading to us all getting dragged into a damnable coalition war. Still, I wasn't about to allow my Prussian brothers the glory of facing off against that mess alone. No biggie, just a bit of devastation in my home provinces while my stacks wiped out the enemies.

Both wars came to a successful conclusion, Kurland retaking some provinces lost to the Danes ages ago, while expanding Finnish holdings, and Prussia taking even more territory and walking into another coalition, though sadly my alliance was force broken at that point.

Provinces Gained: Geldern, Koniggratz and Pardubitz
Vassals Gained: Baden


OH YEAH, totally forgot, at the end I declared a Restoration of Union war on Austria, who since losing the Emperorship had inherited Hungary and gotten quite big. They'll be mine now. Though, my declaring war on them seems to have started a fair few other wars, with the Ottomans jumping in (shockingly) as well as Cilli (even more shockingly). If I secure the union before the Ottomans win their war, I'll be fighting them next session. Exciting times. Duke Christoph I von Wittlesbach is gonna make the Habsburgs kneel.


Oct 30, 2017
Totally forgot to make screenshots, but luckily all of Provence is present on Uzzy's screenshot.

Anyway, while waiting on our truce with France to run out, we declared on Scotland and finally broke the Delusibeta curse. All the English forts were taken back and all this without even seeing the Scottish army. They were off fighting some war in the colonies. Idiots.

And we also spent some time working on our economy and internal state business. We're finally out of debt and making a very hefty profit. Only 1 tech behind in Admin and Diplo but unfortunately maxed out on Governing Capacity. Building a few counting houses helps a bit, we we're going to need to manage this a bit better. Taking 100 dev would put us on Empire rank though, so I think we'll manage.

Just continuing on trying to kill France. And maybe, just maybe, I'll change my colors next session.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Game time in an hour. I'll have the server up in 40 minutes, at 19:40 BST. I'll add the details below, as well as in the Discord server. I'm also going to start the game when we have around 5 people in, and everyone else can hot join. Hopefully this should work smoother.

Geido Titik KingSnake Jegriva Lausebub Wanace Messy

If you've not already, please download the save file and place it in your save game folder (Users\Your Windows User Name\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\save games) It means you won't have to sit around waiting for the file to be transferred at the start, which speeds things up a lot. Hopefully at least :)

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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
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If you join and the server is busy, that'll be because someone else is hotjoining. Message me on discord/steam and I'll let you know when the server's free.


Oct 29, 2017

The Beautiful Map of the Kingdom of Kurland and Vassals, on the cusp of the 17th century turning, skewed as the vision of our leader during the battle haze this session.

Kurland started at war with Austria, with less than 2,000 manpower, but a competent army lead by magnificent generals and full coffers. We helped the Bavarians siege a fort or two before we were called into battle to defend Prussia, victim of yet another unfortunate coalition of nations offended by their nature.

The war took a deep toll on our manpower as we had early victories against small wandering armies, picking up a quick lead in war score for the Prussians. Unfortunately the number of enemies fighting across multiple fronts was too many. With two decidedly ill-chosen and ill-timed battles, our armies lost even with the help of Prussian arms, which, unfortunate to say, were mildly snickered at by the Kurland troops.

Finally the Prussians were forced to seek peace and the Kurland troops retreated to avoid expensive losses. Our treasury was still ample and the Great Horde to our east was involved in a campaign in Iraq, and none of their allies would defend them.

We attacked, intent on regaining the cores of our Chernigov vassal friends. This set off a chain of events which was to greatly alter the landscape of Eastern Europe and set the stage for Kurland's massive growth.

Unfortunately some wandering troops from the Horde's enemy made their way north and sieged out a fortress that belonged to our vassal, so we sieged down a large portion of the Great Horde's lands that we could see and bided our time. While we waited, we took advantage of Lithuanian weakness and quickly sieged them down and took our claims and some claims of our vassal. To our surprise, an obtuse, ancient document and the will of the local people gave us a core on a Lithuanian province which was also taken. Peace was made with the Great Horde and the Lithuanians at the same time.

During this period, Poland suffered a civil war, causing the rise of a nation of Galicians from Volhynia, or something. We rule over these people and still know nothing of them except that they were forced to become Protestant and bend to our wishes. The nobles of our realm demanded we subjugate them and so it was done.

And then, the truce with the long-hated Poles was up and they were quickly eliminated from contention, while the Lithuanians, unable to break themselves from the cycle of Polish abuse, defended them and paid with full annexation. There is still a state the Kurland people have their eyes on if the opportunity presents but for the most part, our western expansion is complete.

For the 17th century, a new Kurland Century, the long hated Muscovites, with their conniving, cowardly ways must be dealt with. Unfortunately, they have allied with the Ottomans, who after bankruptcy are willing to finally defend their allies. We must poke the bear and find its weakness, and strike hard when we find it.
Bavarian Booklet Part 11 | 1583 - 1597


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
First, we kill the Habsburg

So we started off deep in our war against the hated Austrians, seeking to overthrow the Habsburgs from their throne and sit our own fine von Wittelsbach rears down on it. 41 days later, our forces had captured Wien and for the second time in a few decades Bavarians feasted on the riches of Vienna. Only this time we were staying for good. It didn't take long for the pressure against the Austrians to tell, and they were soon willing to seek our loving protection instead, possibly due to the Ottomans also rampaging through their lands.

Still, with the personal union over Austria secured, this presented a new problem, as we found ourselves at war with said Ottomans, as well as Cilli. The latter was quickly peaced out, but the former.. that took some hard fighting. Even with the wiping out of a few enemy stacks deep in Austria proper, the Ottomans could field 100k troops easily, with 3 star generals everywhere. Even attacking them on defensive forts proved to be a slog. But we slowly but surely turned the tide against them, helped by the Ottomans sending their forces on wild chases deep into Germany, presumably hunting down Saxon stacks. This allowed our own siege general, the monstrous Ludwig von Freising, to whom castles are nought but sand, free reign over Ottoman territory. Even after a 45 day siege of Kostantinyye, the Ottomans refused to give up. It took the occupation of all of Anatolia from the Andalusians, as well as all of the Balkans from myself and Austria, to force a worthy peace out of them. By this time they were bankrupt, but I still helped myself to a pile of ducats, as well as returning a bunch of land to Austria, the former provinces of Wallachia.


With my own administration focusing on economic policy, I decided to keep feeding my new Austrian subject more land, conquering Serbia and Moldova in quick order, before returning to Cilli and Ragusa. The Austrians were rather pleased, or at least distracted, with all this new land, so they had few complaints when I ordered them to embrace the one true faith of Protestantism. My aggressive expansion with the rest of Europe was looking pretty good by this stage, so I figured what's a few more territories anway? My clergy wanted me to unify with our Protestant brothers in Wurzburg, and with the economic idea group complete, my admin points were free.. so I declared on them, and annexed the entirety of their ally Trier, a two province county I had claims on. Wurzburg stubbornly holds out, trusting in the Knights to come and save them. Or hey, maybe the coalition that's forming will fire and save them. Europe seems to love me right now.


Personal Union Subjects Gained: Austria
Provinces Gained for Austria: Severin, Oltenien, Tergowisch and Giurgiu (from the Ottomans) Syrmien and Belgrade (from Serbia) Busau and Moldau (from Moldova) Cilli, Krain and Ragusa (from Cilli and Ragusa)
Provinces Gained for Bavaria: Trier and Coblenz (from Trier)
Idea Groups Completed: Economic


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Also the save game is below

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Nov 4, 2017
After not getting to fight many battles in the last decade, the Andalusian armies were excited to finally have the opportunity to show the famed Ottoman warriors, what professional soldering looks like. But after years of occupying Ottoman land no Ottoman army could be found. We heard they had a quarrel with some Germans, probably stole some of their beer, which ended badly for the Ottomans.

After taking a province and their honor from the Ottomans, it was time to continue our conquest towards the birthplace of Islam, which involved the occupation of Mammlukian and Ethiopian territories.

During all this our colonist did fine work and the colonial nation of Cuba was established.

To the dismay of the Great Sultan Yusuf III Marinid, he had to find out, that all his heirs were a bunch of useless idiots and only the fourth child was deemed adequate to rule the Empire one day. This lead him to think about establishing a estates general in the future, although it had been decided against that in the past.

A trade company was established for the first time and seeing great potential in this, the Andalusian leadership is thinking about adding almost every province in Africa to our trade company, which would solve the problem of all those different cultures not being properly integrated into our empire.

Since the claims on the middle eastern lands are permanent and all of the trade value created there not flowing back to us, the conquest of Africa has now priority. Maybe this will help combat the bordergore committed by our European brothers and sisters, by leading as a shining example of what borders should look like.



Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Game time in an hour. I'll have the server up in 40 minutes, at 20:10 BST. I'll add the details below, as well as in the Discord server. I'm also going to start the game when we have around 5 people in, and everyone else can hot join. Hopefully this should work smoother.

Geido Titik KingSnake Jegriva Lausebub Wanace Messy

If you've not already, please download the save file and place it in your save game folder (Users\Your Windows User Name\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\save games) It means you won't have to sit around waiting for the file to be transferred at the start, which speeds things up a lot. Hopefully at least :)

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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
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Oct 29, 2017

Kurland, at the beginning of the 17th century, has expanded Finland, helped (?) Bavaria fight off a coalition, chastised Opole and the Emperor for thinking about another coalition against Prussia, and dipped their toe into international diplomacy, with failure:

Next round is finally going to be Muscovy, who wouldn't even defend the Ottomans, and will finally pay for their treacherous cowardice that the people of Kurland have never forgotten.
Bavarian Booklet Part 12 | 1597 - 1608


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
In which Duke Christoph I von Wittelsbach learns that Aggressive Expansion is just a number, and is always zero if everyone else is dead.


Some of these nations will be embracing Bavarian dominance soon.

So I started off today's session waiting to polish off Wurzburg, slowly waiting for the warscore and exhaustion to tick up. While waiting, I noticed that the coalition was slowly building up against me, but saw that the hated Bohemia, long since reduced to a one province minor, was allied to four of the members of the coalition, while not yet being a part of it themselves. So, naturally, I declared war on them, dragging four of those nations out of the by now rather large coalition against me. This war went rather well, with only Wolgast offering any real resistance. From that war, I was able to take Frankfurt, Utrecht and feed last remaining Munsterian province of Osnabruck to my lovely vassal Cologne. Sure, they weren't co-belligerents so they gave me a ton of Aggressive Expansion, but if you've already got a coalition against you, more AE is just a bigger number.

Before I could take the final Bohemian province of Erz, however, leaks came from the Court of Wurttemberg, emboldened perhaps by the arrival of the Papal States in the coalition, that they would be declaring war against me soon. I quickly merced up, bolstering my forces to the limit, and prepared for war. Thankfully, when the war was declared, my Protestant brothers to the North, Prussia and Kurland, stood with me against the hordes, and while their numbers told in a few battles, especially around the Northern Rhine area, we were able to triumph over them, to the point where I even managed to take more land from them! Again, AE is just a number. I fed Ravensburg to Cologne, and took Julich, Erfurt and Nurnberg for myself, as well as giving Prussia the province of Rugen. This eliminated five more nations from the map, ensuring that my AE against them was zero! That's the real way to deal with coalitions.

Anyway, I finally took Wurzburg and Erz as well, leaving my borders much neater than before, without any ugly independent nations sitting surrounded by my own provinces anymore.


With Central Europe suitably chastised, I turned my attention back to the Ottomans, who were embroiled in their own wars in Asia, both against Andalusia and Persia. This left their Balkan holdings relatively undefended, and I was quite happy to help my Austrian subjects bring more of them into the fold. The Ottomans did have one large stack around to hold me off, but after sieging down Wien, their 3 star general died.. and they weren't able to put someone new in charge before I wiped the whole 40k of them out.


Satisfying truly. I managed to occupy all the Ottoman's territories west of the Bosporus, including Kostantiniyye without any further incident, and the Ottomans were more than happy to hand over stacks of ducats, as well as five provinces for my Austrians. Widin, Nikopol, Tirnovo, Silistria and Tolcu.

With that, I returned my armies back to Bavaria proper for peace and relaxation for the first time in a long while, waiting for the next coalition to build up.

Provinces Gained for Austria: Widin, Nikopol, Tirnovo, Silistria, Tolcu
Provinces Gained for Cologne: Osnabruck, Ravensberg
Provinces Gained for Bavaria: Utrecht, Julich, Frankfurt, Wurzburg, Nurnberg, Eger, Erfurt
Coalitions Defeated: 2
AE: Just a number


Oct 30, 2017
Haha I opened this topic and just noticed that I never posted the update below. Better late than never. So this is from last Sunday!

Somehow I feel that all this talk about bordergore is directed at me? It gets a little worse before it gets better guys. The smart play isn't the best looking unfortunately.

But third war against France, as we were setting up some more vassals for the next reconquest, we could only take 6 provinces. Might need to think of a way to speed this up.

And we declared on Scotland again, England is almost back to its former glory. Also I found out that they picked exploration and expansion. I didn't think they did that if you vassal release them. But now they're colonizing for me, so it's all good.

Also, we had 7 vassals, all at 0% LD this session. Pretty insane!

This will probably be the last you'll see of this beautiful blue, so take it in!



Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Game time in an hour. I'll have the server up in 40 minutes, at 19:40 BST. I'll add the details below, as well as in the Discord server. I'm also going to start the game when we have around 5 people in, and everyone else can hot join. Hopefully this should work smoother.

Geido Titik KingSnake Jegriva Lausebub Wanace Messy

If you've not already, please download the save file and place it in your save game folder (Users\Your Windows User Name\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\save games) It means you won't have to sit around waiting for the file to be transferred at the start, which speeds things up a lot. Hopefully at least :)

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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
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Bavarian Booklet Part 13 | 1608 - 1624


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
In which Duke Christoph I von Wittelsbach approaches the 70th year of his life, master of Europe but without an heir. Yet.


An example of successful Bavarian Diplomacy. Can't imagine why most of Europe wants to coalition against me.

We started today's session with a quick war against Hesse, in order to keep them out of the coalition that had been steadily building up. This was a very brief war, with both Hessian provinces going to Cologne, and their East Friesian allies lands being handed over to Oldenburg. This was, of course, another large chunk of AE coming my way, but that is just a number. Juggling coalitions is the real challenge.

As we recovered from that brief engagement, the Papal States attacked our Protestant brothers in Milan, who cried out for aid. This we gladly gave them, marching down to occupy the Papal vassals of Bregenz and the Three Leagues, before scaring them out of Milan. Then, when enough time had passed, I sent a peace deal to the Pope, The Three Leagues would be mine, and Bregenz would be independent (they only escaped because someone else had occupied them, the bastards.) This was happily accepted, and I marched my troops straight back out of Milan, where presumably the Papal soldiers played hopscotch with them. I'm the best defender of the Protestant faith, I really am.

I then waited for the truce with Wednesday's coalition to expire, seeking to declare war on Wurttemberg, which would drag Augsburg and Brabant into the conflict. I could even co-belligerent both of them, isolating other nations and keeping them out of truce timer with other nations. Coalition dealing 101.

HOWEVER, as I was clicking the buttons, Brabant joined the existing coalition, with such nations as Prussia, France and Denmark in that one. Which triggered that coalition war. It was a tough one, but my armies emerged triumphant, eliminating a few nations, including the current Holy Roman Emperor Saxony, which flipped the crown to.. Holstein. Honestly.

Anyway, during my conflict with that coalition, some of the other nations that had just ended their truce with me started joining another coalition, and eventually found enough courage to declare their own war against me. This was far easier, and I ended up getting up to 99% war score, taking out some more nations. Again, can't have AE against the dead.

With those two coalition wars out the way, I decided to take advantage of the Ottomans inability to defeat Persia, and attacked them again, seeking to feed some more of the Balkans to the Austrians. However, that'll have to be finished off next session.


Provinces Gained for Cologne: Hoya, Dortmund, Oberhessen, Niederhessen and Gottingen
Provinces Gained for Austria: Mulhausen
Provinces Gained for Oldenburg: Ostfriesland
Provinces Gained for Bavaria: Stuttgart, Ulm, Augsburg, Chur, Illanz, Dresden, Zwickau, Leipzig, Weimar and Vogtland
Coalitions Defeated: 4


Oct 29, 2017

Today Kurland took the final Provinces from Poland that we wanted when Prussia declared their own war to take their claims. Shortly afterward we marched east and finally took our revenge on the hated Muscovites, with our armies marching directly to Yaroslavl, which had been mothballed, blew the walls down and assaulted to set up our own defensive garrison in the heart of their country. From then it was as easy as picking them apart piece by piece. Their armies were no match for our own, and we took a 100% warscore deal, including their capital state and driving them deep into debt.

Then we marched our armies all the way to the borders of what used to be France to assist the Bavarians in defending from a coalition, something Kurland troops have become used to doing as the Holy Roman Empire plunges further into irrelevance, with larger powers taking shape that have no need of its protections or restrictions.

On the non-military front, we finally converted into a Republic, conceding that our country will never be as large and powerful as the Andalusians, Germans, or whatever the hell the abomination called Jerusalem is supposed to be. Our economy is suffering horribly, probably because of our poor capital and trade city locations, which we cannot change at this point due to suffering severe penalties for not embracing global trade. Something to look at for the future of our country, in which we most likely will commit to helping a hegemonic nation achieve its goals.

Integrated Chernigov, started to integrate Galicia-Volhynia.
Vassalized Riga peacefully.


Oct 30, 2017
In which Duke Christoph I von Wittelsbach approaches the 70th year of his life, master of Europe but without an heir. Yet.


An example of successful Bavarian Diplomacy. Can't imagine why most of Europe wants to coalition against me.

I'd be careful, look at the weapons of mass destruction I'm sporting there. You can see why my diplo rep is 11.


Nov 4, 2017
I forgot to do a write-up last session, but I don't have to much going on right now.

We ende the war with Hejaz and now the holy city of Mecca is now under our control. The other holy city of Medinah is at the time held by a Persian vassal, but the Andalusian people are happy to share.

In our quest to get hold of all of Africa, we the Andalusian armies marched down the Ethiopian coast taking control over it, one of our armies shamefully lost a battle because of a incompetent general who lost pretty much every roll.
Those borders in the east will hopefully be fixed next session.

The western coast is now almost cleaned up, after the conquest of Mali, there is only our vassal Jolof, Timbuktu and a lonely English province left. Most of Yemen was also conquered and turned into a trading company.

After years of financial help our colony Cuba finally started to colonize themselves. Our next goal in the Caribbean is to take over the Portuguese holdings there.

In the administrative side, we embraced global trade, started economic ideas and got a bunch of absolutism. The high forcelimit is still a problem and training a 63 stack only gives 0,1 army professionalism per year.



Oct 30, 2017
As the time is rolling by, the vision that our forefathers started out with seems to be creeping closer. We formed Jerusalem, we're beating France into a pulp. It shouldn't be long until we're able to form the big blue blob ourselves.


Using some excellent truce-reducing techniques and allowing The Papal States to separate peace for some Italian cores, we managed to shave years from our truces and the goal of forming France. Right now France is sitting at 104% warscore. Destroying a colony here and there and choosing the right CB might allow us to full annex them the next session. If not, we might just truce break. Bavaria's eating all our AE anyway.

Also fun thing, during Bavaria's delerium, we declared on Wolgast, took some provinces and managed to force Holstein to revoke the one and only reform that the HRE had passed.

Say goodbye to you 5% dev cost decrease guys! Mwahahaha!


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
If people aren't too warm, game time will be in an hour. I'll have the server up in 40 minutes, at 20:10 BST. I'll add the details below, as well as in the Discord server. I'm also going to start the game when we have around 5 people in, and everyone else can hot join. Hopefully this should work smoother.

Geido Titik KingSnake Jegriva Lausebub Wanace Messy

If you've not already, please download the save file and place it in your save game folder (Users\Your Windows User Name\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\save games) It means you won't have to sit around waiting for the file to be transferred at the start, which speeds things up a lot. Hopefully at least :)

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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
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Oct 29, 2017

The world as the people of Kurland know it (minus the New World).

Kurland ate up a piece of the Ottomans today and waited around to see if Sweden would become independent but they never did, their Pretender rebels bounced back and forth between the capital and another fort, sieging them down interminably and then the Danes and Swedes would resiege it, despite the fact that Sweden is 100% disloyal.

So we integrated Galicia-Volhynia and prepared to go back to war with the Muscovites, even though the Danes are fanatical in their support of Muscovy, though, I'm afraid they don't know that the feeling isn't quite as mutual as they'd like, since we all know how cowardly and gun shy the Muscovites have been ever since they broke our alliance in the 15th century by refusing to defend us. No, Kurland doesn't have a long memory at all.

Thanks to an international team of advisors, we got our economy in a better place as well, though we did have to rely on the Burghers to get money to embrace Global Trade. Kurland is feeling better about themselves this session.


Oct 30, 2017
Mission accomplished!

The goal we set out almost 200 years ago. After a century of bitter warfare. We finally did it... We... became the thing we swore to destroy. Our own worst enemy...


Hmmm. Existential crisis? Check! I guess we're France now.
Bavarian Booklet Part 13 | 1624 - 1635


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
In which Duke Christoph I von Wittelsbach finally passes, disallowed from declaring themselves a King due to the rules of the nearly irrelevant HRE, something his new heir Wilhelm will do something about.


Ottoman boats barred us from crossing the Dardanelles, so our forces simply marched all the way around the Crimea and over the Caucuses, swiftly besieging the heart of Anatolia. Dark Days for the Ottomans, as they went bankrupt (a delightful sight), and every neighbouring power declared their own wars of conquest. Even Albania managed to expand into Ottoman land. For our own part, I fed Austria some more provinces, including the City of the World's Desire, as well as humiliating the Ottomans for the final time. Unsurprisingly, with everyone piling on, they soon became invalid rivals.

With the Ottomans dealt with, we moved back to Germany proper. Truces were expiring, so it was a just a matter of time before another coalition started, so I quickly declared a Conquest war on Wurttemberg, splitting the coalition in half. Which was good timing, as soon enough the likes of Prussia and Switzerland would join another coalition. Not that they couldn't be dealt with, but it'd just cost a bit too much.

During this war the now legendary Christoph passed from this world, but not before an heir was found, Wilhelm, a glorious 5/4/6. With the regency being held by the 80 year old consort, I was not confident of being able to declare war against the likes of Holland and Wolgast when their truces expired, and this sadly proved to be the case. At least I got the 'Education for a Duke' event, which will boost Wilhelm's stats even higher. As long as he doesn't go hunting.

6 more HRE provinces were added to Bavaria proper with the Wurttemberg war, and so we settled down to a long regency, awaiting the ascension of Wilhelm to the throne before continuing the conquests. And with the re-emergence of France on the world stage, and continued irrelevance of the HRE, I noted that I was only 4 provinces and one administrative tech away from this button being pressable.




Provinces Gained for Austria: Kirkkilise, Sofya, Filibe, Kostantiniyyye
Provinces Gained for Bavaria: Aachen, Bregenz, Groningen, Oversticht, Memmingen, Urach
Vassals Gained: Brabant
Coalitions Defeated: 5


Oct 25, 2017
Since I missed the last 2 sessions and I will not be available on Sunday either I guess I have to let Kurland and Bavaria battle for the Prussian lands.

See you in the CK3 multiplayer.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
Since I missed the last 2 sessions and I will not be available on Sunday either I guess I have to let Kurland and Bavaria battle for the Prussian lands.

See you in the CK3 multiplayer.

See you then! I'll be looking to start that late September/early October, provided CK3 doesn't launch in terrible shape.


Nov 4, 2017
This will be another short update, but next session the Andalusian Empire will undergo some radical changes and expand into new continents.

A few more provinces Africa were taken some Scottish territories in the new world were seized. The Ottomans got so beat up, that I lost my only rival,
which put my power projection into the dumpster. But while making the screenshot I noticed I can rival Bavaria, but that probably isn't enough.
Maybe I have to March over to Munich and get some of that Bavarian beer and power projection Bavaria seems to have plenty of both.
