Materia Man

Apr 29, 2020
Genuine question to some of you, does Biden seem like a creep to you?

I think he's handsy and it gets cherrypicked and overblown by the left and the right.
I mean just looking at Liz's endorsement video of Biden and he is touching and grabbing basically everyone. Old men young men, old and young women and children.

But of course only the Women and children would edited out to be presented without context and force the creep image. He has probably crossed the line for some women though.


Oct 27, 2017
Actually (AKCHALLY!) that's exactly what it is. A career is a trajectory of opportunities rather than just a job or discipline or calling.

Indeed the dictionary calls it out specifically:

"an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress."

anyhoo this won't stop till Election Day so as uncomfortable as it is for y'all- You're going to have to take millions of years of evolution of your brain and do two things at once: believe women AND assume innocence until guilt is proven- you're all grown adults and anyone jumping to their favored conclusion with insufficient evidence is guilty of the same thing.

if you're unfamiliar with a source, look it up. If that source seems legitimate, go nuts.
Well put.
It's ridiculous how easy accusations of misogyny get thrown around.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Even in her retraction she doesn't mention specifically what she's referring to-she's very unclear and vague about everything apparently.

well considering tweets from other journalists, it looks like the lack of vetting on Murry's allegations was why she pulled. The evidence proving false has been vetted.

Uh so her debunking of the story could be fake...?



Aug 27, 2018
Well the damage has already been, probably has just begun to catch fire on Facebook and Twitter to fuel the damage.

She failed at her job and has no place anymore on trying to provide news to the people, how can anybody believe that journalist from now on.
It wasn't anything that she reported that was false, it was how she went about it.


Oct 25, 2017
Well the damage has already been, probably has just begun to catch fire on Facebook and Twitter to fuel the damage.

She failed at her job and has no place anymore on trying to provide news to the people, how can anybody believe that journalist from now on.

I've already seen tweets claiming she was planted by the Biden campaign to undermine the "real victims" so we're going to be in full on steel beams territory for the whole campaign. This does a disservice to real victims of course - Tara Reade deserves to be taken seriously and until such time as her accusation is disproven or becomes undeniable - we should assume that a combination of bots, trolls, useful idiots and well meaning advocates are going to be making lots of noise and our job as consumers is to seek signal.

the press has a responsibility to help us tune to that signal and the fact that fucking Fox is providing facts should tell you everything you need to know about this period.

2016 was a practice run. 2020 is the real thing. Tara Reade and the women she represents are to be believed. Joe Biden is to be granted his constitutional presumption of innocence. The media is to be viewed as a vector of information not an arbiter of its veracity and the social media companies need to be held to account.
if bad information is a disease then Twitter and Facebook are walking into kindergartens hand in hand — and sneezing in children's faces while the media aerosols pepper spray into the air ducts.


Oct 25, 2017
Is that clip of grossly inappropriate touching doctored in some way?
A teenager not wanting to be kissed on the head by an old person isn't some unique event, particularly when it's in front of cameras. And I think it's also fair to say that it's not uncommon for old people to be touchy feely with kids. I'm not saying something nefarious couldn't be going on, but people pass around these gifs as if their some brilliant video evidence. I mean that particular clip is of Biden with Chris Coons daughter. The families are close, and her father is standing right next to them in the shot. Coons himself addressed the particular photo itself last year:

Coons addresses infamous photo of Biden, daughter during swearing-in ceremony

“She did not think of it as anything,” Sen. Chris Coons told The Washington Post. “All three of my kids have known Joe their whole lives.”


Oct 26, 2017
Bay Area, CA
For those sharing the Joe Biden creepy gifs, Is it not possible that Joe is an extremely touchy person, sometimes
uncomfortably so to a problematic degree but also at the same time not be a rapist or a sexual predator?

I mean, he is the same way with women, men, boys and girls. There are lots and lots of photos.

I am not saying that his touching is OK, especially for those who it made uncomfortable, but to me there is a big leap of logic from "Joe is too handsy and needs to respect people's personal space" to "Joe is a sexual predator and pedophile and these photos prove it!"




meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
It's scary to see how low the GOP will go to smear anyone. I had a feeling this particular accusation was false but I didn't want to risk a ban by speaking up. Prepare for more of this in the future.
You can dispense with the underplayed modwhining. Had you made a sensitively-worded post to the effect that you were dubious about the blog source for this story, there's no possibility you would have been banned. Several posts of exactly that nature were made in that thread. None of them were actioned.

Spreading a false narrative yourself is no way to address an issue of a false narrative being spread.
Oct 26, 2017
You can dispense with the underplayed modwhining. Had you made a sensitively-worded post to the effect that you were dubious about the blog source for this story, there's no possibility you would have been banned. Several posts of exactly that nature were made in that thread. None of them were actioned.

Spreading a false narrative yourself is no way to address an issue of a false narrative being spread.
That's not really true. Some will come down on you just for that. There's not really a uniform reaction to things like that across this forum.

I feel this topic is safer to discuss simply because of the evidence in play.


Oct 25, 2017
Very good post. A prevailing mentality of a lot of people here seems to be "I don't like person X already so I want accusation Y to be true regardless of it's merits and integrity". As much as some people on here try and kid themselves they really aren't neutral open minded free thinkers, they have serious biases, dogmas and closes mindedness as well.
thats humans


Oct 28, 2017

Yeah, and it's important to attempt to be aware and fighting against your biases. That is what "Believe all women" is about -- acknowledging and actively fighting the cultural biases to not initially to believe allegations of harassment.

There appears to be a group of people that don't take that active step in moderating their biases, and jumping to conclusions that match their biases.

It's tough, and calling it out -- and educating people in how to recognize and mitigate their biases and inertia against confronting them -- is important.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
That's not really true. Some will come down on you just for that. There's not really a uniform reaction to things like that across this forum.

I feel this topic is safer to discuss simply because of the evidence in play.
Point me to a post in that thread of this nature that was actioned? Is it too much to ask that people take a moment to suss out the difference between saying an assumed victim is probably lying, and saying that the source peddling the story is of a questionable nature?

Apparently, it is. Because far too many folks here are anxious to exploit these accounts in order to win an argument. The potential victim's feelings and situation are decidedly secondary to them.
Oct 26, 2017
Point me to a post in that thread of this nature that was actioned? Is it too much to ask that people take a moment to suss out the difference between saying an assumed victim is probably lying, and saying that the source peddling this story is of a questionable nature?

Apparently, it is. Because far too many folks here are anxious to exploit these accounts in order to win an argument. The potential victim's feelings and situation are decidedly secondary to them.
What I'll tell you is that posting in topics like this makes me nervous because I don't know what would be considered actionable. To even mention inconsistencies on that front is considered modwhining and could resort in action against the person.

It is for that reason alone that I won't reply to any further replies to this post.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry but that "apology" isn't sufficient. She deleted the entire thing and couldn't even be bothered to leave the things to show it was incorrect. Is doesn't even read as if she is taking on all of the blame either and the way I'm reading it comes off a bit vague.

What she did is incredibly dangerous and should never be acceptable from anyone in journalism.

She should be fired or she should resign. I know I wouldn't trust news from her considering she can't even spend an hour or so to make some phone calls or do some investigating before running with a story containing such a horrible claim.


Oct 24, 2017
I'm sorry but that "apology" isn't sufficient. She deleted the entire thing and couldn't even be bothered to leave the things to show it was incorrect.

What she did is incredibly dangerous and should never be acceptable from anyone in journalism.

She should be fired or she do resign. I know I wouldn't trust news from her considering she can't even spend an hour or so to make some phone calls or do some investigating before running with a story containing such a horrible claim.

I would add that certain journalists/bloggers whatever you want to call them who instantly blasted this across twitter should be doing more than deleting their tweet and pretending like it never happened.


Oct 25, 2017
At the very least she should make it her mission now to find out not just why this woman lied, but to also find out why her Aunt lied about it as well making up fake quotes.
Oct 27, 2017
It's shameful and absolutely disgusting to see the damage those on both the right and left are doing to sexual assault victims by weaponizing it for political gain.

This is expected from the right. Those on the left who don't actually give a fuck about sexual assault victims and will selfishly use anything in the hope of destroying a candidate they despise are no better and are part of the problem.

Sad to say that there is a lot of the latter on Era.


Oct 25, 2017

ffs even fox is doing a better job than the initial reporter...2020 man

For those sharing the Joe Biden creepy gifs, Is it not possible that Joe is an extremely touchy person, sometimes
uncomfortably so to a problematic degree but also at the same time not be a rapist or a sexual predator?

I mean, he is the same way with women, men, boys and girls. There are lots and lots of photos.

I am not saying that his touching is OK, especially for those who it made uncomfortable, but to me there is a big leap of logic from "Joe is too handsy and needs to respect people's personal space" to "Joe is a sexual predator and pedophile and these photos prove it!"




Yep. This should be common sense. But alas the left is no better than the right in pushing these narratives


Oct 27, 2017
I think people need to really consider what "believe women" means given the society and criminal justice systems that we currently have and the fact that in a lot of cases there will be a complete lack of any silver bullet evidence for either the accuser or the accused. It feels like so many of the arguments here stem from that.


Oct 25, 2017
It's shameful and absolutely disgusting to see the damage those on both the right and left are doing to sexual assault victims by weaponizing it for political gain.

This is expected from the right. Those on the left who don't actually give a fuck about sexual assault victims and will selfishly use anything in the hope of destroying a candidate they despise are no better and are part of the problem.

Sad to say that there is a lot of the latter on Era.


As I've stated earlier in this thread the fact we see some posts saying things like "Now I have doubts about other stories" goes to show how dangerous this is.

The biggest victims out of all of this are those who have real stories that need to be told.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Still no response from Murry?

There is.

"The Biden campaign is now trying to make it seem like Joe Biden never even attended the event (that year) they are saying he had a sinus infection and sent some one is his place, only that year," she wrote. "They are saying he attended all the other years EXCEPT the one year my incident happened. This is crazy to me and saddens me."

"I just wanted to post this to say, I am NOT lying I never was lying and I stick with my original truth, and that won't change," she added.

Murry's friends and sister still confirm that their memories as detailed in the Law&Crime story are accurate.

"I don't think Eva would have gotten the person wrong," Murry's older sister Jenna Murphy told Law&Crime when asked if her sister had a case of mistaken identity at the dinner that year. "She named him really specifically at the time and saw him several times after and recognized him as the person who made the comment. If anything, maybe she could have confused the date, but I really don't think she could have gotten the person wrong."

Biden Campaign Provides Documents to Dispute Eva Murry Sexual Harassment Allegation | Law & Crime

The Biden campaign denied Eva Murry's sexual harassment allegation by providing a series of documents that cast severe doubt on whether Biden even attended the event in question.

The relevant documents are posted in the link.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017


Dec 3, 2019
How the hell is Biden campaign trying to make it seem like he never even attended the event when there was the local newspaper literally saying he didn't attend?


Nov 26, 2017
Not to mention that it would be fairly easy to prove that he attended. There must be a kg or two of photographs from the event.
Lying about not attending would be beyond stupid.


Oct 28, 2017
I think people need to really consider what "believe women" means given the society and criminal justice systems that we currently have and the fact that in a lot of cases there will be a complete lack of any silver bullet evidence for either the accuser or the accused. It feels like so many of the arguments here stem from that.

Sure, but it also should be considered that it is unfair to potentially innocent parties that are accused if you treat allegations as proof without some reasonable level of confirmatory evidence.

If you jump directly to guilty upon accusation, then accusations become indiscriminate weapons, and not the beginning of a fair and logical investigation as they should be.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm skeptical by default, but my best guess is she named the wrong person. I'd rather assume it happened but she made a mistake, than outright lying about.. cause that stuff honestly pisses me off. Don't lie about such serious things, that shit ruins lives wether it's true or not.


Oct 25, 2017
So here an idea.

What other event in May 2008 has Murry, her Aunt and Joe Biden on the invitation and guest list?

Shouldn't be that hard right?


Oct 27, 2017
Assuming it's a lie it's extremely lucky for Biden that he didn't attend that one year.


Nov 19, 2017
There's gonna be plenty more of this leading up to November. The likelihood we will know something is true or not before the election is not high.

Just think of the shit the FBI pulled with Hilary days before the election. Had a causal impact on the elections but we only knew she was clear months after it.

Things will only get worse from here

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
I think not publicly judging people before a case has actually been tried is always important, no matter what it's about. Is it a problem that women often are not heard in situations like this? Absolutely, it's awful. But better that 100 guilty people go free than a single innocent person have their life ruined. Always, no matter the situation. You won't change my mind on that point.
A "single innocent" person's life has already been ruined, in a countless number of cases. You know who it is? Hint: that person people always seem to forget about. The victim.

And who knows how many millions of guilty men have gone free because of eternally imposing the legal concept of "innocent until proven guilty" onto the confusing, traumatized, vilified reality victims have to live following their assault?

If this whole thing hasn't made it clear who's here to participate in good faith and who isn't then I dunno what else could.

Pretty disappointed this behavior continues to be tolerated here.
There's been bad faith arguing on both sides. However, irrespective of political convictions or agendas, there's one thing the bad faith arguers tend to all have in common: expending precious few, if any, remarks on what the victim might be going through, while filling up page after page with debates about the political ramifications for the (male) accused. You shall know the tree by his fruit.


Oct 25, 2017
He's responding to the insinuation that Biden's campaign is scrambling to provide an alibi when the archived newspaper provides it. It's trying to paint a narrative that the Biden campaign is looking for excuses.

Which is why some people will never change their minds. They had them made up before this story even came about.