Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
What a joke of a game. What would it take for people to realize that this is a car that keeps crashing that they're riding. And yet after every crash they're willing to get in and ride it again and again and again...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Care to elaborate about this... particular character? (Don't really care if it was some spoiler or whatnot)

She's NOL, a side character who tags along for a quest in Phantasy Star Online. PSO was the first online RPG for consoles, which unfortunately meant it had some growing pains. NOL herself is a fairly inconspicuous character, but where she comes in for this particular thread is that hackers found a way to turn players into NPCs in version 1 of PSO. NOL was the lowest level NPC who had the worst equipment that they could use, so she became a favorite of ill-meaning hackers to hurt other players.

Usually such people would turn another player's character into her after killing them and taking their items. So imagine if you're, say, level 80 and have some great equipment and suddenly some jerk kills you, takes your stuff, and then turns you into a level 5 NPC with absolute crap. Potentially erasing hundreds of hours of effort. There were things you could do, like removing your memory card before it saved, but no matter what you would lose any non-equipped items/weapons/armor, etc by doing this. Part of PSO's gameplay was rapidly switching between equipment to deal with different situations/groups of enemies, so you could be carrying very valuable items even if they're not equipped.
Oct 25, 2017
She's NOL, a side character who tags along for a quest in Phantasy Star Online. PSO was the first online RPG for consoles, which unfortunately meant it had some growing pains. NOL herself is a fairly inconspicuous character, but where she comes in for this particular thread is that hackers found a way to turn players into NPCs in version 1 of PSO. NOL was the lowest level NPC who had the worst equipment that they could use, so she became a favorite of ill-meaning hackers to hurt other players.

Usually such people would turn another player's character into her after killing them and taking their items. So imagine if you're, say, level 80 and have some great equipment and suddenly some jerk kills you, takes your stuff, and then turns you into a level 5 NPC with absolute crap. Potentially erasing hundreds of hours of effort. There were things you could do, like removing your memory card before it saved, but no matter what you would lose any non-equipped items/weapons/armor, etc by doing this. Part of PSO's gameplay was rapidly switching between equipment to deal with different situations/groups of enemies, so you could be carrying very valuable items even if they're not equipped.

Oh oof, that sounds absolutely nightmare as this one.


Nov 14, 2019
Equating anyone's situation with this game to an abusive interactions in the real world is insulting to people who are actual victims of real crimes. Like, just download your t-shirt again and move on.


Jan 27, 2018
I'm willing to bet that the reason why all these exploits and cheats are so prolific in FO76 is because of the Creation engine. The exploiters are probably using every tip, trick, cheat and exploit they've accumulated from FO4 and are just retrofitting them into FO76. Bethesdas refusal to drop that useless bug riddled engine even when it's obviously not fit for purpose is biting them in the ass again, and I'm guessing that ESVI and Starfield won't be any different in that regard.


Oct 30, 2017
Kinda amazing that no matter how extremely shitty and irredeemable a game is, there will always be an audience for it.


Oct 25, 2017
i dont get why people are hostile to those that like the game. If people like it, they like it. Why be rude and insulting to them?


Oct 27, 2017
One reason that there is animus toward people who continue to play FO76 may be that their continued support of a company that apparently cares little for due diligence and product quality degrades the market for other consumers.