
Apr 28, 2018
"bad" though, i'm finding it's a game that's objectively better than a lot else out there yet the reviewers don't reflect on that. the glitches will be ironed out, what makes this any different to skyrim which is a game people love?

I don't think anyone here is saying you shouldn't enjoy the game. If you like it, that's fine. But just because you like it doesn't make it a great game for everyone else. I myself have enjoyed bad games in the past.

I wouldn't hold my breath on the glitches being ironed out though, this is Bethesda we are talking about. Skyrim has some bugs that they didn't even fix for the special edition, many years later. But maybe the "hate train" will make them work on this. I mean they already unlocked fps and were talking about FoV slider coming soon.


Oct 25, 2017
no of course i can't. i'm just pointing out how extreme these opinions are.

But they're not extreme? As it stands, the game sits on 56 on OpenCritic. That is literally the sweet spot of mediocrity. Extreme would be sitting at under 20 or something. Opinions in here mostly seem to reflect that as well.


Jun 15, 2018
well the hate train is in there too, but at least there's some middle ground. there is talk of seeing the flaws and seeing how it can be improved.

The thing is...I don't want huge glaring flaws that need to be fixed in my full priced release with microtransactions. Especially when those same technical flaws have been around for years in the dev's other games. I want a finished product, that works, and is fun to play. Fallout 76 is none of those, so I'm not going to buy it, and I'm going to call out the devs who are trying to palm off a shoddy product to me.


Oct 26, 2017
You can have subjective enjoyment of something while acknowledging that it is also of an objective poor quality. People are ragging on Bethesda here because they're a massive publisher and they released a shoddy product and deserve to see repercussions in some way for what some people feel amounts to a scam.

The game itself isn't a scam, but releasing a $60 product this unpolished and without really properly explaining in advertising what the gameplay loop is, is shady. They've gotten a pass so many times because at least effort was seemingly put into their product. This feels like an overt cashgrab with very little passion put behind it.


Oct 27, 2017
"bad" though, i'm finding it's a game that's objectively better than a lot else out there yet the reviewers don't reflect on that. the glitches will be ironed out, what makes this any different to skyrim which is a game people love?

Skyrim was 7 years ago, we have had plenty of more technically advanced, polished open world games this year alone nevermind this generation, stripping out the NPC's and having VATs be an auto aim that doesn't pause only leaves you with all the flaws of a Bethsada RPG via reduction with nothing added to compensate in a beneficial way.

Mi goreng

Oct 28, 2017
But they're not extreme? As it stands, the game sits on 56 on OpenCritic. That is literally the sweet spot of mediocrity. Extreme would be sitting at under 20 or something. Opinions in here mostly seem to reflect that as well.

i guess you're right at the overall metascore, it's just the 3/10's that seem a bit excessive along with the reports of selling dismally in the UK


Oct 27, 2017
It can't be emphasized enough that this mess of a game is $60. SIXTY DOLLARS. It's fine if you enjoy it but, like others have said, you can't just release a game in this condition at full fucking price. Maybe scores would be less harsh. Or maybe they wouldn't because the gunplay is Fallout pretty damn bad.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
i guess you're right at the overall metascore, it's just the 3/10's that seem a bit excessive along with the reports of selling dismally in the UK
The reason why people use this data is because

a) it's available

b) UK's buying pattern is quite similar to the UK.

It would be surprising if Fallout 76 is a hit in the US, not the other way around.

Mi goreng

Oct 28, 2017
Or countless reviews by renowned gaming sites and personalities and tech breakdowns . But if that's your definition for "biased opinions" then sure knock yourself out I guess

i saw how hyped you were for rdr2 in past threads. those personalities could have trashed it for its "bad" controls while glossing over what makes it "good". a 3/10 wouldn't seem right for that game would it? it didn't happen but it always could have


Oct 26, 2017
Still unsure whether to give this a go. I love Fallout 4. I love the basebuilding stuff. But i don't like playing with other people...
As a huge fan of FO4's settlement system myself, 76's CAMP system was a big let down. If you just enjoyed the settlement system for making hideouts and your own personal bases, then you might be alright here. But If you liked building larger towns to attract settlers, setting up trade routes between all your locations, and gradually recolonizing the map, then you'll be disappointed. You only get one location to build on at a time in 76, can't attract any settlers (even robots) to them (so no farming communities, trader stands, elaborate bars and taverns etc), and perhaps worst of all your "workshop" has a weight limit of 400 now so you have limited building materials too. They should be addressing the weight limit in the future, but until they allow you to build big, and in multiple locations, it all seems moot to me anyway.

Also worth noting that Bethesda made a big deal out of allowing you to build anywhere in this game rather than in predetermined locations only, but it's still very restrictive. You can't build around any existing structures or locations. I found a giant tree for example that had entire buildings up in its canopy and tried to build up there for the view, but wasn't allowed. So trying to build somewhere with character is difficult.

The biggest potential for this game imo was server persistence, where players could really take the role of NPCs like Bethesda suggested, by allowing us to build permanent structures that don't vanish when we log off. We could have seen how different servers evolve in different ways, with some players banding together to create city-sized trading hubs, and others banding together to create their own Raider strongholds. It's such a shame they couldn't make that happen.

i saw how hyped you were for rdr2 in past threads. those personalities could have trashed it for its "bad" controls while glossing over what makes it "good". a 3/10 wouldn't seem right for that game would it? it didn't happen but it always could have
Reading through all your posts here, I'm reminded of that joke about the crazy old man who is convinced that everyone else is crazy and he's the only sane one in the world, oblivious to his own condition...

It really is great that you're enjoying the game yourself, but could it be possible that all the bad reviews, the overwhelmingly bad public reception, and the terrible sales, are because the game is objectively bad? Like, really, quite bad? I know that's a lot to consider, but just maybe...
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
i guess you're right at the overall metascore, it's just the 3/10's that seem a bit excessive along with the reports of selling dismally in the UK

From what i've seen, the game is very lacking in all departments. The shooting is mediocre and the VATS implementation is beyond ridiculous, the exploration can be fun but it gets old fast with no contextualization, the looting is essentially garbage collection, the building is broken both by design and by glaring bugs, no meaningful quests for the most part, no one to interact with to flesh out the world, even the audiologs are broken by design as well, shitty endgame, godawful PVP, spotty at best online to add to the already semi broken Bethesda experience. And these are the fundamentals of the game. That's before going into a deeper analysis of writing, tone, thematic consistency, mechanical balance, game feel and flow, etc.

When a game can't even achieve the basic tenets of functionality, 56 sounds too high tbh.

Since you brought movies into it, imagine sitting at a theater and being presented with a movie where lines were recorded with a cassette tape, some scenes were missing, other scenes were shot with no lighting or sound recording and edited poorly, half the actors were nowhere to be seen and the other half didn't know the lines, the script was written by a 3 year old and the director was a dog. I'm kinda joking here but i'm not joking when i say that Uwe Boll's movies are more competent than Fallout 76.


Oct 27, 2017
i saw how hyped you were for rdr2 in past threads. those personalities could have trashed it for its "bad" controls while glossing over what makes it "good". a 3/10 wouldn't seem right for that game would it? it didn't happen but it always could have

Why are you hanging onto that 3/10 so much? It was 1 review. Its at a 56 as others have mentioned. Right where it belongs.

And besides. RDRs controls may not be great but its world and story elevate it. Elevate it enough that people can give it a bit of a pass. And its a poor comparison anyways. You know it and i know it.


Oct 29, 2017
i saw how hyped you were for rdr2 in past threads. those personalities could have trashed it for its "bad" controls while glossing over what makes it "good". a 3/10 wouldn't seem right for that game would it? it didn't happen but it always could have

If after RDR 1, RDR 2 was an always online sandbox survival shooter with a light narrative that you have to piece together from newspaper articles, and no npc's only horses then I'm sure it would have been punished much harder for its clunky controls, because of hw much the game would have been stripped down to its mechanical core, and all the things people loved in RDR 1 would have been taken away.

FO4 got 9/10 reviews across the board because most people found its narrative, npc's, companions, VATs, choices, etc compelling enough to overlook the poor gunplay and bugs. FO76 removed all those good things and now the game is exposed for having... poor gunplay and bugs.


Oct 30, 2017
Been saying it for years about how pathetic this company's quality assurance is but everyone was jumping to its defense...

Filled with bugs, tech almost 1 generation behind and an animation system that seems straight out of a ps2 game.

Not to mention the almost guarranteed shit performance.

But hey, the game lets you fill a room with all kinds of crap, so somehow this is revolutionary and absolves Bethesda of any of the above shortcomings.

Hopefully its wake up call to Pete Hines and bunch, so that they can realize they can no longer sell shit for gold.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
"bad" though, i'm finding it's a game that's objectively better than a lot else out there yet the reviewers don't reflect on that. the glitches will be ironed out, what makes this any different to skyrim which is a game people love?

The glitches may or may not be ironed out, but the reviewers aren't reviewing the promise of what may or may not come, rather what actually exists and was there on day one, reflected in their real world experience with it at the time.


Oct 27, 2017
Been saying it for years about how pathetic this company's quality assurance is but everyone was jumping to its defense...

Filled with bugs, tech almost 1 generation behind and an animation system that seems straight out of a ps2 game.

Not to mention the almost guarranteed shit performance.

But hey, the game lets you fill a room with all kinds of crap, so somehow this is revolutionary and absolves Bethesda of any of the above shortcomings.

Hopefully its wake up call to Pete Hines and bunch, so that they can realize they can no longer sell shit for gold.

I wouldn't blame the QA staff here, more than likely they have found alot of the problems but the management just deemed them "fine to ship with" and will fix later.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Good. I hope it bombs commercially as well, so that this may serve as a lesson for Bethesda. They can afford the hit, so there shouldn't be any layoffs or anything. There's a limit to the amount of shit their fans can endure. That letter a few weeks ago sealed the deal for me. If a big AAA-developer like themselves so openly, so arrogantly, and so cheekily tell us to expect bugs because "it's their first time!!1!", then they deserve all the crap they get.


Oct 29, 2017
i saw how hyped you were for rdr2 in past threads. those personalities could have trashed it for its "bad" controls while glossing over what makes it "good". a 3/10 wouldn't seem right for that game would it? it didn't happen but it always could have
Ahh of course you go that route. The thing is...the "bad controls" of RDR2 don't break the game nor does it make it a necessarily worse game. But a $60 always online game that was launched in an early access state and constantly boots you from lobbies is a bad game. No matter how "good" the controls are. It's a fundamentally bad game that's bad at its core


Feb 5, 2018
"bad" though, i'm finding it's a game that's objectively better than a lot else out there yet the reviewers don't reflect on that. the glitches will be ironed out, what makes this any different to skyrim which is a game people love?
You are kidding.. right? One of best games of all times in a sentence like that.


Oct 28, 2017
Guess it's too much to hope that future updates might improve the story.

I've only played around 4 hours of the B.E.T.A. but it felt so empty.

Why didn't they just go all in on robot NPCs and just give them all interesting personalities and stories, like the Robobrain murder mystery in Fallout 4 Far Harbor? Following instructions from disembodied voices and starting and finishing most quests via computer terminals sucks.

I also really didn't like how most of the terminal entries were more or less contemporary, boring stuff about the Responders and Scorched. Would much rather more of the interesting pre-war vignettes you get in other Fallout games, what people were doing the day the bombs fell, etc.

I did enjoy the gameplay from what I experienced, felt like far better solo potential than Elder Scrolls Online, but if the story/worldbuilding isn't there.. eh, I dunno. I wanna see how Bethesda responds to the negative reactions, if they'll do any kind of overhaul or major update that fixes stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Man ign are really trying hard not to give it a final score.

Review in progress #2 .

Never seen them try so hard to dodge a final review . Pretty sure after 50 hrs you have played it enough to give it a final score.


Oct 25, 2017
Still unsure whether to give this a go. I love Fallout 4. I love the basebuilding stuff. But i don't like playing with other people...
Its going to be on sale already for black friday. Worst case scenario out 40 Dollars. Though if you want to base build the CAMP system in it's current form is too limited. You will probably be disappointed in this aspect.

You barely run into other people on a server anyway. The choice for this game being multi player on such a big map with only 24 people is kind of strange.


Oct 25, 2017
80% of the playerbase would've buggered off by the time the first DLC ceoms out for this game. Bethesda really screwed the pooch with this game.

Shows how bad it is when a self-admitted Fallout "fanboy" like the streamer CohhCarnage starts shitting on Bethesda for the way they've acted.


Oct 28, 2017
i saw how hyped you were for rdr2 in past threads. those personalities could have trashed it for its "bad" controls while glossing over what makes it "good". a 3/10 wouldn't seem right for that game would it? it didn't happen but it always could have


RDR2 would be like Fallout 76 if the only element of RDR2 were its controls. If you would cut out the story, characters, wildlife, fantastic world, visuals, animations, random encounters and quests. Then yes, it would be a 3/10.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Why is there even a review in progress at IGN? You've seen everything after 2 hours, what are they waiting for? Seriously.


Oct 27, 2017
Why is there even a review in progress at IGN? You've seen everything after 2 hours, what are they waiting for? Seriously.

Easy answer is waiting for the check to arrive . However I actually think it's more with the stupid new review structures they are trying to put in place . Probably to try squeeze out a few more hits.

- black ops gets 3 seperate reviews for each of its game types (single, multi, battle royale)
- battlefield getting 2 reviews for its single / multi

How about we just review games as a single package ? Make longer reviews if need be .

Might be ok if they were consistent with every release but I have a feeling not every AAA game will get multiple reviews.

Not sure what they are doing over there but they are starting to lose what little credibility they have left.

Bung Hole

Jan 9, 2018
Auckland, New Zealand
Been saying it for years about how pathetic this company's quality assurance is but everyone was jumping to its defense...

Filled with bugs, tech almost 1 generation behind and an animation system that seems straight out of a ps2 game.

Not to mention the almost guarranteed shit performance.

But hey, the game lets you fill a room with all kinds of crap, so somehow this is revolutionary and absolves Bethesda of any of the above shortcomings.

Hopefully its wake up call to Pete Hines and bunch, so that they can realize they can no longer sell shit for gold.
This. Omg this.
Skyrim jank. Fallout jank. I'm surprised it lasted this long.
Why people would pay money for these games that run like shit I have no idea.


Nov 7, 2017
Gothenburg, Sweden
Thanks for the tips guys. Will wait for sale/patches. Was thinking of going Hitman 2 -> Fallout 76 -> RDR2. May as well up RDR2 in the pecking order until sale and Fallout being in a better state.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Fucking YIKES at those reviews. I mean I was already not gonna try it after seeing Jim's video on it, but his view seems to be rather common. I can't believe Bethesda sunk this low.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn this game got destroyed at metacritics. For those complaining about the tech and animation being PS2-3ish levels, did you feel the same with Fallout 4?


Oct 25, 2017
If they're independent, why didn't they delay the release?

And where the fuck are the reviews from the big sites?