
May 18, 2018
Exeter, UK
Big Rigs has got potential to be a great game if they sort the collision detection, graphics, controls, bugs and physics.

My point being (probably a bad one), reviewers should be reviewing the product they are given not some apparent potential which may never be fulfilled. Also if some of those reviews looked at the game on the base PS4 and not the Pro, so what? Most people still play in the base PS4, it's a system the game is available on, it's completely fair.

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
People aren't honestly accusing gamers of starting up a "hate train" against this ? As much beloved and apologized for as Bethesda has been for years? It's not some vocal minority with an agenda here. The blowback from this messy release is widespread among critics and gamers alike. Yet somehow your " bug free, fun time" personal anecdotes mean more than that , uh huh


Oct 25, 2017
Damn this game got destroyed at metacritics. For those complaining about the tech and animation being PS2-3ish levels, did you feel the same with Fallout 4?

Though I wouldn't call them PS2/3 levels, that's a misnomer, because there are technical aspects that just wouldn't fly on those consoles. However the presence of technical features doesn't magically make them good, they're just bad when compared to contemporaries.


Oct 27, 2017

Though I wouldn't call them PS2/3 levels, that's a misnomer, because there are technical aspects that just wouldn't fly on those consoles. However the presence of technical features doesn't magically make them good, they're just bad when compared to contemporaries.

I feel the same.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Even if some of the critique against the game and Bethesda is possibly overblown, I can't really feel sorry for Bethesda.

The game is not what a lot (most?) people expect from a Fallout game, and the IP is still used to entice people to buy this very different kind of game. They could have lessened the blown by building a new IP for this experiment, and possibly move Fallout to this later on, when they were more comfortable with this model. It's not like they're a company that lack resources, and/or have to rush things out. But they decided that patience wouldn't be applied here, and moved full steam ahead with this game. With a pretty expected result.

Fallout 4 was enough of a bastardization of the IP to make me weary of their plans for Fallout, and I hope that this game really makes them rethink things.

Green Yoshi

Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Cologne (Germany)
Maybe they should have given Obsidian the assignment to to do a Fallout 4.5 in West Virginia.
Fallout: New Vegas was a success back then and I think it could have worked again.


Nov 1, 2017
I wonder what Bethesda will end up doing with this game. I see publishers pushing GaaS titles desperately while instantly cutting their losses with SP games like ME:A. I guess Bethesda doesn't really have anything in the meanwhile so all they can really do is try to make the best out of it. That said I hope games like FO76 and Anthem fail so bad that they never again waste their time with mp GaaS and get back to what made them a success in the first place. If they're successful with this crap, you can only expect more of it, and if they fail, at least they'll serve as a warning for everyone else that this isn't the easy money they though it would be.
Oct 27, 2017
Eurogamer review

Even after tens of hours of play, Fallout 76 has failed to claw its way under my skin. All of Bethesda's games - from Fallout to The Elder Scrolls - instantly got inside my head, so much so that I'd think about them even when I wasn't playing them. I haven't thought about playing Fallout 76 since my last game-breaking bug.

This is why I think Fallout 76 is best avoided at this point. Can Bethesda turn the game around? I remain hopeful. The Fallout multiplayer dream is worth chasing, after all. It's just a shame that, as it stands now, Fallout 76 must go down as a failed experiment.

Score is Avoid

Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Fallout 76 will be used as an "ethical" terrorist interrogation tool. Stick someone in a room with no windows and make them play this for 12 hours straight. Some might say it's torture, Todd Howard would say it's interrogation as a service.

Eight times in my 30 hours of play, the game disconnected from its servers and crashed, and when I reloaded I was outside whichever building I had been in and all the enemies had respawned. Bugs and the occasional crash are to be expected for online open-world games, but their frequency is a real issue in Fallout 76. Over time the game will become more stable through patches and updates, but in its current state it seems to be held together by duct tape and sheer will.

Fallout 76 has no supporting characters; every person you see is another player. But real people don't provide what written characters bring to a world: context, story, connections and a sense of life and place. Real people usually run around erratically and babble into their headsets. Instead of using characters and dialogue, the meagre story is told almost entirely through written logs and audiotapes left behind after the bombs fell, which although well written and voice-acted are overused to the point of absurdity. Every time you are sent on a quest to find someone (and this happens a lot), you already know that either: they're dead, they're not there, or they will turn out to be a robot or a computer. At first there is melancholic interest in figuring out what happened to the previous inhabitants of Appalachia, but constantly reading about and listening to interesting things that you didn't get to be a part of makes the entire game feel like you've arrived late to a party and are left to clean up the mess.

Half-baked conflict and witless quests to unearth the dead – this soulless sequel is perfect if you enjoy picking up rubbish in a wasteland

When even The Guardian is serving up a review to ordinary folks to know how crap this is.


Oct 27, 2017
holy shit?


these are the only 2018 games on ps4 that have reviewed worse

Fallout competing with The Quiet Man.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Reviewers should review the present, not something that might happen.

"Oh yeah, game X is good, they just need to fix Y"

What if they don't? As far as I've read, there are still bugs in the Switch version of Skyrim that existed in the original release. That's ridiculous.


Dec 15, 2017
Watching the Bethesda defence force in a precarious position like this is quite a thing. Should have ordered some ribs and beer to go with the show


Oct 28, 2017
I wonder how much the main BGS in Maryland was involved in this, and how much of it was just Austin and Montreal. Not to mention all the other studios that Todd claimed was helping out.

I just wish that the Maryland studio is focusing on Starfield / TES VI, and did not waste a bunch of years on this.


Oct 29, 2017
This game has all the usual bethesda games issues without having the benefit of the modding community fixing shit. By the time they implement modding tools the game will probably be already dead.

Xiao Hu

Chicken Chaser
Oct 26, 2017
Maybe they should have given Obsidian the assignment to to do a Fallout 4.5 in West Virginia.
Fallout: New Vegas was a success back then and I think it could have worked again.

The funny thing is some of the rudimentary world building they were able to include, Appalachian Free States, First Responder, Provisional Government of Charleston etc., already offered a basis for interesting narratives and storytelling. They could split the work between the two studios with Obsidian taking over quests design/implementation and Bethesda Austin and co dealing with the technical aspects.

This game has all the usual bethesda games issues without having the benefit of the modding community fixing shit. By the time they implement modding tools the game will probably be already dead.

Watch a modding team overwholing the game, fixing bugs, adding proper questlines and mainstory, breath fresh life into a failed product. As awesome as the modding community is, it also serves as a grim reminder of Bethesda's own horrendous shortcomings...
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe they should have given Obsidian the assignment to to do a Fallout 4.5 in West Virginia.
Fallout: New Vegas was a success back then and I think it could have worked again.

Now that Obsidian is owned by Microsoft any slimmest chances of such thing happening have evaporated.

Maybe we get Halo: New Fallout from Obsidian "soon".


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Surprised we don't have more reviews already. I really don't expect reviewers to play this game all the way to the end of the story and so on. I played about 20 hours and I felt completely exhausted and defeated by it. Thankfully I wasn't doing a formal review because I think I don't think I could put myself through 50+ of it.


Oct 28, 2017
NMS got destroyed in people opinions, but jumped back with a legendary resolve.
I doubt a AAA game like F76 can achieve that same feat. This game is done - Will never rise to a respectable active users.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe they should have given Obsidian the assignment to to do a Fallout 4.5 in West Virginia.
Fallout: New Vegas was a success back then and I think it could have worked again.
Not only was it a success, it straight up out did BGS at every turn. Better story, better levelling, better characters, better glitches and bugs...>.> <.<

And they made that game in one year.

New Vegas is my favourite Fallout game.


Oct 28, 2017
Added that one just now. Damn, they don't give that rating often, usually they just give no rating tag to mediocre games.

But 76 is both mediocre AND broken. Avoid suits it very well. I wouldn't recommend the game right now to anyone as well. If they fix it? Then yeah, sure, grab it for the quite cool world itself, maybe for the lower price.


Nov 15, 2017
This experiment should've been included in Fallout 4. Like GTA V with its online mode, for example. We wouldn't have seen all this backlash, and Bethesda would've had its gaas model with microtransactions. Fallout 76 alone doesn't hold up. It feels like an online mode, and a bad one.

Deleted member 22585

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I can't believe how they keep releasing games with bad performance on consoles. It's getting ridiculous.
Other than that, after reading some reviews, all of the little hype I had, is gone.


Nov 17, 2017
Imagine a world where they actually put in time and effort instead of one last cash grab with yet another Oblivion Overhaul Mod.


Nov 15, 2017
Why is there even a review in progress at IGN? You've seen everything after 2 hours, what are they waiting for? Seriously.

Don't know who's reviewing the game there. But yesterday in a Twitch stream IGN was very positive (compared to what we're reading everywhere) about the game:
"People don't realize that this isn't Fallout 5, that's why they're mad"
"It's not my goty but it's a lot of fun"
"It has some problems, yes, but since this is an online game it can be fixed, unlike offline games that once released that's what you get".
I expect nothing lower than a 7 from IGN.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't know who's reviewing the game there. But yesterday in a Twitch stream IGN was very positive (compared to what we're reading everywhere) about the game:
"People don't realize that this isn't Fallout 5, that's why they're mad"
"It's not my goty but it's a lot of fun"
"It has some problems, yes, but since this is an online game it can be fixed, unlike offline games that once released that's what you get".
I expect nothing lower than a 7 from IGN.

Ah, I see they're going for the whole "let's judge the product on what it could potentially be rather than what it is".