
533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
"enclave but good" is a terrible idea, even worse than "brotherhood but good" from F3. the reason the remnants work in fnv is 1) theyre not a major faction 2) they're trying to move from the enclave and just have normal lives

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
I made the rockets crash during the Come Fly With Me in New Vegas. I'm a horrible human being.


Aug 26, 2018
Like others, I decided to follow the Fallout TV show up and play some of the games. I never finished New Vegas (I really dislike the factions in the game) so I decided to give it a serious go this time and play it on my Steam Deck.

The first 8 hours were fun but the last 3 hours have been a nightmare. Tons of bugs and technical issues. The worst issue has been the game just eating my most recent save and never loading it. It just hangs on the loading screen forever. This happens about 9/10 times I reload my save in the last three hours. It's horrible. I usually have to revert to the previous save (or even the save before that to get it to load). It's super frustrating and causing me to lose 20+ minutes of progress for no reason.

Couple that with the terrible time I had with the "Beyond the Beef" quest line where I had to reload my save about 30 times due to a variety of bugs and the questline issues. That quest was needlessly complex and confusing too. It had a great set up and was ruined by all the issues. I went with faking the recipe, exposing the head guy during his speech and rescuing the "kid" (even though the dude was a grown ass man). It took me about 20 tries of walking though a door during the speech before I could complete it as designed. That's because the people in the room would instantly turn hostile and bum rush the guy and I. Even if we were stealthy or hidden from view, they zeroed in on us like bloodhounds. I often had to wait for the speech to get to the end with a stealth boy and then haul ass to talk to the guy before the two enemies in the room turned hostile and teleported behind me to whack us. Shit was so damn frustrating. And even after all the work to finish the quest, nobody reacts to the big reveal and all I get is a few measly caps from the beef guy. That's it? I could have just explored for 10 minutes, killed a few guys for their guns and sold them for 500 caps. Really disappointing result. The beef guy and his son are now permanently just standing in the lobby and everybody else in the banquet hall is sitting there forever. It's bizzare.

All of it is adding up to another game drop in the future. I don't have much tolerance for these bugs as I used to.


Oct 26, 2017
Newport, South Wales
Been replaying Fallout 4 the past couple of weeks on/off. Got the settlements i wanted to do something with done (nearly), all connected with trade routes. Just hit Far Harbor, can't join the CoA to get their unique weapon. Tempted to just nuke them out of existence if the bug doesn't sort itself out.

But we'll see.

Still need to finish the TV series, which is what got me back into Fallout 4 in the first place.


Oct 29, 2017
I had tried to play Fallout 3 on PS3 and dropped it

Same with Fallout 3 on PS3

I've watched the show and loved it.

I have a few questions.

Is the lore canon? I think it's supposed to take place after the games, but are the main characters and the details about the creation of the vaults made up?

Should I play the games in chronological order or release order? Am I missing out a lot of lore by skipping Fallout 1, 2 and 76?

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
I've been consuming New Vegas like a jet addict.

I'm 35 hours in, and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what this game's got to offer.

I haven't even been to Vegas yet. Just wandering around from place to place, exploring, reading everything I find, and getting into fights with Caesar's Legion and the Fiends.

I found an entrance to the Honest Hearts DLC. Would anyone recommend doing it before continuing with the story? I'm at that point in which I need to go into Vegas and confront Benny.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I've been consuming New Vegas like a jet addict.

I'm 35 hours in, and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface of what this game's got to offer.

I haven't even been to Vegas yet. Just wandering around from place to place, exploring, reading everything I find, and getting into fights with Caesar's Legion and the Fiends.

I found an entrance to the Honest Hearts DLC. Would anyone recommend doing it before continuing with the story? I'm at that point in which I need to go into Vegas and confront Benny.
What's your level? Honest Hearts is the easiest, so at 35 hours I imagine you should be good to go.

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
What's your level? Honest Hearts is the easiest, so at 35 hours I imagine you should be good to go.

I'm level 28! I struggled a lot around level 12 when I accidentally got into Old World Blues, but I leveled up a lot in there lol. I'll give Honest Hearts a go then. I just don't like leaving most of my equipment behind, and I kind of scared one guy away before the DLC even began, but hey, this is New Vegas.


Oct 28, 2017
I had tried to play Fallout 3 on PS3 and dropped it

Same with Fallout 3 on PS3

I've watched the show and loved it.

I have a few questions.

Is the lore canon? I think it's supposed to take place after the games, but are the main characters and the details about the creation of the vaults made up?

Should I play the games in chronological order or release order? Am I missing out a lot of lore by skipping Fallout 1, 2 and 76?
The lore is canon. The show elaborates on a few things and introduces a few new details (it also hasn't yet brought up other details) with regards to the creation of the Vaults.

But no, it wasn't made up for the show. The Vaults were built as experiments. Some of the Vault experiments are way, way weirder/sillier than anything in the show (like one Vault that was just a single guy and a box of puppets). Vault-Tec was always shadowy and unethical and connected to the US government.

There is only one character in the entire show that's in any of the games (he's from New Vegas and appears in the final episode).

As for what order to play them in, the release order is the same as the chronological order, with the exception of Fallout 76 (which takes place first in the timeline):

2077 — The Great War
2102 — Fallout 76
2161 — Fallout (original video game)
2241 — Fallout 2
2277 — Fallout 3
2281 — Fallout: New Vegas
2287 — Fallout 4
2296 — Fallout (TV show)

Personally I couldn't get into Fallout 1 or 2 because I'm not a huge fan of turn based games and they also have a pretty steep learning curve, and Fallout 2 in particular has a pretty bad, quite difficult tutorial level if you don't build your character correctly. I ended up watching Jon from Many A True Nerd on YouTube play through both games to get that experience. There's some really cool story and lore stuff in both games.

A lot of people feel that Bethesda has really turned Fallout 76 around and that it's actually pretty decent now. So it's up to you if you wanna skip it or not. There's certainly been no better time to play it in terms of multiplayer population as it's got more people playing now than ever before.


Jun 11, 2020
Recently discovered this source port for Fallouts 1 and 2 called Community Edition that lets me play the games on my phone and I've been giving the original game a shot. It's a little cumbersome to control on the touchscreen (you have to move the mouse cursor with your finger and can't just touch areas of the screen directly) but it's a super neat little thing.


Oct 29, 2017
The lore is canon. The show elaborates on a few things and introduces a few new details (it also hasn't yet brought up other details) with regards to the creation of the Vaults.

But no, it wasn't made up for the show. The Vaults were built as experiments. Some of the Vault experiments are way, way weirder/sillier than anything in the show (like one Vault that was just a single guy and a box of puppets). Vault-Tec was always shadowy and unethical and connected to the US government.

There is only one character in the entire show that's in any of the games (he's from New Vegas and appears in the final episode).

As for what order to play them in, the release order is the same as the chronological order, with the exception of Fallout 76 (which takes place first in the timeline):

2077 — The Great War
2102 — Fallout 76
2161 — Fallout (original video game)
2241 — Fallout 2
2277 — Fallout 3
2281 — Fallout: New Vegas
2287 — Fallout 4
2296 — Fallout (TV show)

Personally I couldn't get into Fallout 1 or 2 because I'm not a huge fan of turn based games and they also have a pretty steep learning curve, and Fallout 2 in particular has a pretty bad, quite difficult tutorial level if you don't build your character correctly. I ended up watching Jon from Many A True Nerd on YouTube play through both games to get that experience. There's some really cool story and lore stuff in both games.

A lot of people feel that Bethesda has really turned Fallout 76 around and that it's actually pretty decent now. So it's up to you if you wanna skip it or not. There's certainly been no better time to play it in terms of multiplayer population as it's got more people playing now than ever before.

Excellent post, thank you very much! I'll make good use of that Summer break as a teacher in my vault.


Feb 4, 2020
I've been bitten by the settlement building bug again on my current FO4 playthrough. Sim Settlements 2 makes it a lot more interesting, and with some add-ons for it you can more importantly create settlements that look more established than people huddling in shacks made from debris.

For the next Fallout, I hope Bethesda take to heart the frequent criticism around their aesthetic portrayal of Fallout 4 that the world doesn't feel like it's been over 200 years - it often feels like it's been about six months. The "skeleton in the bathtub" issue, I like to call it. Even if its something as simple as people rediscovering the lost art of.... cutting planks of wood, and building wooden homes that aren't made out of cobbled together road signs and shipping pallets.

SS2 gives the world that sense of forward progress that the vanilla game is missing. As do the various mods that actually bring back trees and other foliage.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
I hope they take the feedback that fallout is a rpg and not post apocalyptic the sims and really cut back on settlement building and actually make cities with people around tbh. Or at least make it truly optional and not half of the dlc content geared to it


Oct 25, 2017
Playing the PS5 version, went full Raider, 8 Raider Settlements, high Charisma so there are 26 Raiders thereabouts in each settlement. Thought I'll see what Open Season is like now, kill all Leaders and then everyone in each settlement, etc. Anyhoo, killed everyone at Nuka World easy enough. Quest Complete. Return to the Commonwealth and thought I'll go and liberate the nearest settlement...except apparently PS5 cannot handle you killing 26 enemies in the same spot, crashed twice when I tried it. I am not up to babying it, killing a couple, run away, hide, save, kill a few more, repeat. I wasn't going to turn but that the PS5 can't do it without crashing, or rather BGS game engine can't do it, is, well I was going to say surprising, but I've had so many crashes with this version it's like playing BGS games on PS3 all over again. Also, I lost my Nuka World Power Armour, not the Quantum set, the paint job Nuka one lol, can't for the life of me find it, unless it fell through the ground.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I've been bitten by the settlement building bug again on my current FO4 playthrough. Sim Settlements 2 makes it a lot more interesting, and with some add-ons for it you can more importantly create settlements that look more established than people huddling in shacks made from debris.

For the next Fallout, I hope Bethesda take to heart the frequent criticism around their aesthetic portrayal of Fallout 4 that the world doesn't feel like it's been over 200 years - it often feels like it's been about six months. The "skeleton in the bathtub" issue, I like to call it. Even if its something as simple as people rediscovering the lost art of.... cutting planks of wood, and building wooden homes that aren't made out of cobbled together road signs and shipping pallets.

SS2 gives the world that sense of forward progress that the vanilla game is missing. As do the various mods that actually bring back trees and other foliage.
Yup, I'm in the middle of chapter 3 of SS2 now and I just couldn't recommend it enough to people. It really elevates the game in almost every way, especially in relation to settlements and the threat of the Gunners. The story and characters are so well written, I love everyone in my HQ. Speaking of HQ, it's such a big surprise to me since I never read/watch anything about this mod beforehand. Witnessing everything from zero to what it is now has been such a great revelation to me.

Before I knew it, I actually established a new faction in the Commonwealth, and I just picked a name for it. I wonder what happens if I chose Minutemen.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm attempting a no mod Fallout 4 run on survival but the load times are still somehow horrible despite SSDs on PC. Is there a mod solution to this? Loading the main world just takes... way too long.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I'm attempting a no mod Fallout 4 run on survival but the load times are still somehow horrible despite SSDs on PC. Is there a mod solution to this? Loading the main world just takes... way too long.
I use most of the essential mods like fixes and stuff, I never had a problem with loading times. Not sure which mod that fixes it, but most probably "High FPS Physics Fix".


Oct 25, 2017
Rebuild the Capital for Tale of Two Wastelands I think has to be one of the few times I've ever played a mod and went "Why did this mod's description undersell this?"

I went in expecting a "make the numbers go up" side game with occasional effects on the capital wasteland here and there, and instead I found myself grabbing all the Luck boosting gear I had so I could gamble in the rebuilt Rockopolis casino until I got banned from playing any further.

Like the mod will just hit me with "Hey this new location you built or invested in has a bunch of new quests now" repeatedly and so far my experience has been like, the only major downside is that it's all unvoiced content, since it appears to be a solo dev effort when it coms to the actual quest content.


May 21, 2018
Been really itching to replay 3 and New Vegas. I've been holding out in case remasters come along but idk how likely that is. Should I just play them? Do they run well on Series X?


The Fallen
Feb 22, 2019
Been really itching to replay 3 and New Vegas. I've been holding out in case remasters come along but idk how likely that is. Should I just play them? Do they run well on Series X?
There doesn't seem to be any word on a NV remaster in the pipelines and the 3 remake probably is a year plus away (probably 2026 at least imo) so I'd say go ahead. I think both run well enough on XSX

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
The Riot Shotgun is absolutely broken in New Vegas lol. I just finally decided to go and clear the Quarry, and the Riot Shotgun destroyed the Deathclaws in there.

I think it's time to finally search for the BoS.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Has there been comments about another update for Fallout 4 yet? The bugged out VATS is really bothering me.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm up to the vertibird brotherhood of steel section in Fallout 4. On Survival mode, this section just seems unbeatable. If you don't burn down the behemoth quickly, you get shot down. If you do, most of the other enemies are alive and the vertibird slowly lands while you get pelted and drops you off in an incredibly bad spot with 3-5 super mutants, include 2 high levels, just firing from several directions. Even with popping all my chems I am having a really hard time. I think last time I got this far in a survival run I just turned down the difficulty for this part - which is lame. Maybe I should be a higher level... I'm already like 21 though.

The bug cause VATS mode to spazz out, targeting enemies through walls and at long distances. The bug also makes VATS actions unusable.

Oof, I never seen that.


Nov 2, 2018
One of my biggest hopes for Fallout 5 is a redone apparel system. Shirts, pants, boots, gloves, coats, etc. And armor that shows up properly over everything.

I'd also dig it if they added some friction back regarding weapons and power armor. It should be a relatively big deal to have a gun. It should be a big deal to have a gun that has a lot of ammo. It should be a really big deal to have a good gun with lots of ammo. And power armor should be hard to get.
Jan 4, 2018
An interesting tidbit : the story of the Fallout TV show was initially set to take place in Colorado.

Amazingly, the Los Angeles locale that is so central to "Fallout" was not the original locale as scripted — according to production designer Howard Cummings, the initial concept was to set the story in Colorado. A location scout changed that, however, providing not only some fantastic environments for Cummings but inspiration for a whole new setting. "Switching to set the show in L.A. was really a response to finding a beautiful location," Cummings said. That location was an abandoned mining town in Namibia that provided Cummings with sweeping landscapes and decades-old wreckage that could be used to build a post-apocalyptic world. "When they abandoned the town they also blew up all the processing buildings, so that was great for us — there was twisted steel that was over a hundred years old eaten by windstorms and rust." When Cummings looked at the ocean he had a vision of the Santa Monica Pier placed there, and as soon as that idea came to him he ran to one of the showrunners to suggest setting the show in L.A.

‘Fallout’ Builds a World Unlike Any Other — Including the Video Game

Fallout (Prime Video) builds a post-apocalyptic L.A. thanks to Goggins' missing nose, more. How production design, VFX, and prosthetics teams did it.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like the natural evolution of a project with a scale like this. Things change, especially early in the planning phases.
Oct 25, 2017
I just had a moment in FO4. I'm on survival mode, searching house to house to find a decent sleeping spot. I look thru the window of one house and there is a goddamn GLOWING deathclaw there. Slowly I back away and of course... codsworth was detected and goes into battle and shortly after deathclaw sees me anyway since I am in power armor.

But then a BOS vertibird comes outta nowhere and helps me kill it. That was just so damn random to get help in that moment of crisis. I'm not sure I can take a hit from a deathclaw even in power armor, but likely not more than 1.


Feb 4, 2020
One of my biggest hopes for Fallout 5 is a redone apparel system. Shirts, pants, boots, gloves, coats, etc. And armor that shows up properly over everything.

I'd also dig it if they added some friction back regarding weapons and power armor. It should be a relatively big deal to have a gun. It should be a big deal to have a gun that has a lot of ammo. It should be a really big deal to have a good gun with lots of ammo. And power armor should be hard to get.

Weapons I'd be okay with just requiring some maintenance now and again, kinda like the guns in RDR2 that needed to be cleaned and oiled periodically or their stats went to shit.

Power armor should definitely be less abundant than it is in FO4 - in my current playthrough I've got ten bare PA frames stashed in the Red Rocket garage, plus another seven at my primary settlement, and I could have way more if I was actively trying to get them. If you know where to look, you can just find random suits all over the place out in the world - many of which don't even require you to fight something. The fusion cores also become incredibly common, though they're initially quite scarce.

I like the idea in FO4 of the power armor as an actual exoskeleton you get in, where you mount the various armor pieces to the common platform underneath instead of previous games where it was just really good body armor. But I think the decision to tie using it to fusion cores and have those cores burn out comically fast was a bad decision.

For the next game I'd keep the fusion core concept but make them last like 4X longer and be harder to get in the first place, and I'd make it so you MAYBE find 2-3 usable PA chassis' over the entire game. And I'd make the rare PA actually incredibly rare - you shouldn't be finding X-01 armor all over the place simply because of your level. In fact finding it at all should probably be tied to a quest.

For ammunition I think it might be interesting if, like, you had officially manufactured pre-war ammo but it was also possible to buy or create post-war shittier ammo in common calibres that is worse but more plentiful. And maybe it wears down your guns faster, because it's more crudely made. I just don't want a situation where you're sticking to melee as often as possible because bullets are a precious resource, for example. For the most powerful weapons? Sure, make the ammo scarce and/or expensive. And obviously for stuff like the Fat Man you'd only have manufactured ammo as an option.

I just had a moment in FO4. I'm on survival mode, searching house to house to find a decent sleeping spot. I look thru the window of one house and there is a goddamn GLOWING deathclaw there. Slowly I back away and of course... codsworth was detected and goes into battle and shortly after deathclaw sees me anyway since I am in power armor.

But then a BOS vertibird comes outta nowhere and helps me kill it. That was just so damn random to get help in that moment of crisis. I'm not sure I can take a hit from a deathclaw even in power armor, but likely not more than 1.

These are the best moments in Fallout 4 - when you just happen across some crazy ass fight between the various factions, and it almost feels like you stumbled into a scripted battle because there's a couple of vertibirds circling overhead laying down fire, then one starts spinning out of control and crashes in a massive explosion. They needed to do more with this kind of thing in the actual missions.

Being in downtown Boston at midnight is also always pretty awesome, because it's dark, you're surrounded by ruined skyscrapers, you can hear random gunfire and stuff in the distance all over the place, and you know it's all real fights happening around you.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
An interesting tidbit : the story of the Fallout TV show was initially set to take place in Colorado.

‘Fallout’ Builds a World Unlike Any Other — Including the Video Game

Fallout (Prime Video) builds a post-apocalyptic L.A. thanks to Goggins' missing nose, more. How production design, VFX, and prosthetics teams did it.
Hmmmmmm, I wonder if they stuck with it if we would've seen Denver? Would've been interesting seeing the place seeing as its overrun with dogs


Oct 28, 2017
Colorado would probably not have had as many lore complaints too. Not so many people read the bible compared to played FNV, and it's not canon anyway

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
Over 50 hours and 2 DLCs later, I finally made it to the Strip. This is where New Vegas begins, baby.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Yep, they are an established thing throughout the series. They started as a weirdo gag in the early games, but since F3, they've been more present. Congratulations on keeping that unspoiled for so long, haha

I remember reading about aliens but I didn't quite know if it was a real thing or just mutations and stuff. But when you find a crashed ship and literal alie n technology you gotta believe it's real.
Oct 25, 2017
Colorado would probably not have had as many lore complaints too. Not so many people read the bible compared to played FNV, and it's not canon anyway

FNV is canon. Not sure where people heard it isn't. People are misinterpreting a single shot from the show. The shot says "the fall of shady sands" - 2077. Then has an arrow, showing an explosion. These are two separate events, separated by around 4 or more years.

It's also been confirmed in interviews. FNV is canon.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
FNV is canon. Not sure where people heard it isn't. People are misinterpreting a single shot from the show. The shot says "the fall of shady sands" - 2077. Then has an arrow, showing an explosion. These are two separate events, separated by around 4 or more years.

It's also been confirmed in interviews. FNV is canon.
I think they're saying the lore Bible isn't canon


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i have a lore question: did American culture freeze in the mid 50s or did it progress as normal and then swing back around to 50s-kitch bullshit by the mid 2050s?


Oct 28, 2017
i have a lore question: did American culture freeze in the mid 50s or did it progress as normal and then swing back around to 50s-kitch bullshit by the mid 2050s?

In the first two games, the world was supposed to be how people of the '50s imagined the future would be a hundred years later, and if it then got nuked — it's only in later Bethesda titles that they started going ham on the '50s aesthetic.