leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
I completely fell off this game after crafting level 4 equipment. I seem to have the same issue with almost every Farcry game, I just never finish them.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished this earlier tonight. It felt short but it was fun. Reeeeally don't like the weapon tiers/bullet sponge enemies though.
Oct 25, 2017
I also finished this pretty recently. Ended up really liking the game, even though I both 1) haven't played Far Cry 5, so missed a lot of references and 2) felt the powers element came in too little too late to be truly game-changing for me.

Glad I was mentally prepared for the end bosses to be bad. Literally had to sweat to kill them... at one point one of them was strafing left and right and sniping at me and I actually said out loud "Am I playing Apex Legends right now?"

If the next FC takes the powers stuff to the next level, and the coop is finally actually good, could be a great formula moving forward.


Oct 25, 2017
Can you not stealth outposts with companions anymore?

In FC5, my companion wouldn't open fire until I did, which allowed me to at least attempt a stealth approach, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Both the first girl and doggo went hostile straight away.

The aggro mechanics can be sort of wack, if you hear music the enemy has seen something and is active which means your companion will activate as well. Even walking around with a bow and silently picking off enemies it seems that randomly they will activate (or they have messed up los.) Nana is pretty good at not engaging and at least engaging silently when she does.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been enjoying New Dawn more than I expected (had a lot of fun in 5 but it didn't end up in my top 10 last year). Finished up the campaign a few days ago and started on finishing Tier 3 Outposts and then Expeditions. Really wish I had done some of that before the final bosses, having my crazy good assault rifle would have saved me a bunch of time. I definitely agree with the criticism of the game that "it's just more Far Cry", but honestly it's a fun formula. My only disappointment with the game is that you can only have 1 Gun for Hire at a time instead of 2 like in FC5. Overall though it's been a lot of fun. I really need to get around to playing 3 and 4, it still feels weird that I've played 1, some of 2, Primal, 5, and now this, missing the games that made the franchise huge.

Is anyone looking to do the 3 Expedition Co-Op achievement on Xbox? No one I know is playing this and there's no matchmaking on them (also expanded Expeditions with that and modifiers in a future game would be awesome).


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, spent the 30 Ethanol to get the Treasure Hunt map, and it appears I already found all of the Treasure Hunt locations. 30 Precious Ethanol. Haha
Just got done meeting my man
Joseph Seed so I have unlocked the new abilities
, and I was hoping to upgrade all those perks. OF COURSE Ubi decides to give you 50 Far Cry coins less than you need to get the large perk points pack on them. Unless is there another way to get those Far Cry Coins besides finding them in the Treasure Hunts?

About to upgrade Prosperity to Level 3 as well. I am assuming the shit hits the fan once I do so that is why I have held off. My Ethanol is pretty scarce as well, only at 330 something I believe, so have to go do some Expeditions and relinquish some Outposts. Reclaiming them should not be that hard though especially considering what I spoilered above.

Seriously loving this game. Think I absolutely prefer it to 5, and 5 was my fucking jam.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Damn, spent the 30 Ethanol to get the Treasure Hunt map, and it appears I already found all of the Treasure Hunt locations. 30 Precious Ethanol. Haha
Just got done meeting my man
Joseph Seed so I have unlocked the new abilities
, and I was hoping to upgrade all those perks. OF COURSE Ubi decides to give you 50 Far Cry coins less than you need to get the large perk points pack on them. Unless is there another way to get those Far Cry Coins besides finding them in the Treasure Hunts?

About to upgrade Prosperity to Level 3 as well. I am assuming the shit hits the fan once I do so that is why I have held off. My Ethanol is pretty scarce as well, only at 330 something I believe, so have to go do some Expeditions and relinquish some Outposts. Reclaiming them should not be that hard though especially considering what I spoilered above.

Seriously loving this game. Think I absolutely prefer it to 5, and 5 was my fucking jam.

Just do challenges or cannabilize outposts. You will be swimming in perk points and ethanol. I have every perk and upgraded all the upgradable ones 10x each.


Oct 25, 2017
My light ammo perk was bought a a lot. I used to try and keep it even after a while because right before that melee encounter I had invested in melee damage. Towards the end I just put everything into having more light ammo instead. Pretty happy with the decision haha
Oct 25, 2017
If theres anyone here that wants the trophy for doing some co op work, shoot me a PM, I wouldnt mind getting it at some point before the game dies down completely.


Oct 28, 2017
That has to be one of the worst ending 45 mins to a really fun game that I've played in a long time. Those final missions were awful. Wow. Otherwise really enjoyed it.


Oct 25, 2017
Just do challenges or cannabilize outposts. You will be swimming in perk points and ethanol. I have every perk and upgraded all the upgradable ones 10x each.

You can also get a perk point each time you rescue someone from a cage or from the encounter where two of them are holding a guy at gunpoint. It doesn't seem to ever end since I was doing that all the way up until the last mission.


Oct 27, 2017
Just do challenges or cannabilize outposts. You will be swimming in perk points and ethanol. I have every perk and upgraded all the upgradable ones 10x each.
Yeah, I was just seeing if there was an easy way out so to speak. So far every challenge I have done has just come naturally. So specifically doing them kind of seems like grinding to me which I was doing my best to avoid, but I did some of the Weapon II Challenges that got you 3 Perks each fairly quickly. Once I got some Elite Weapons I also unlocked a whole new set of challenges. And also just playing the game I got a bunch more. Two 5 perks each challenges which were real nice. I know one was for unlocking all the guns for hire. Not sure what the other was. But I am no longer really needing any perks although I can always use them to upgrade the ones that can be upgraded.
You can also get a perk point each time you rescue someone from a cage or from the encounter where two of them are holding a guy at gunpoint. It doesn't seem to ever end since I was doing that all the way up until the last mission.
Yep, this one is pretty awesome and just discovered it while playing the past few hours myself. Definitely will see if I can focus on it some more.

So I just got to what the game is calling
Part 3, It is right after the twins shot Rush
and I thought I was somewhat towards the end game but now I am feeling like I have quite some ways to go. Can anyone give me a clue of how much longer I may have to go if I just focus on Story Missions now? I am more curious than anything else. I am sure I will get super sidetracked with Expeditions and shit as now I want more materials to craft as many of the elite weapons that I can. I have realized I have been sticking to my go as stealth as possible formula almost the entire game so I have not experimented with many of the weapons at all. Have barely fired an SMG or LMG for instance.

Just keep going back and forth between this and Trials. The latter drives me somewhat insane though as I feel so OCD when I play it, so definitely enjoy this game more, but I am looking forward to getting it beat so I can stop going back and forth.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I was just seeing if there was an easy way out so to speak. So far every challenge I have done has just come naturally. So specifically doing them kind of seems like grinding to me which I was doing my best to avoid, but I did some of the Weapon II Challenges that got you 3 Perks each fairly quickly. Once I got some Elite Weapons I also unlocked a whole new set of challenges. And also just playing the game I got a bunch more. Two 5 perks each challenges which were real nice. I know one was for unlocking all the guns for hire. Not sure what the other was. But I am no longer really needing any perks although I can always use them to upgrade the ones that can be upgraded.

Yep, this one is pretty awesome and just discovered it while playing the past few hours myself. Definitely will see if I can focus on it some more.

So I just got to what the game is calling
Part 3, It is right after the twins shot Rush
and I thought I was somewhat towards the end game but now I am feeling like I have quite some ways to go. Can anyone give me a clue of how much longer I may have to go if I just focus on Story Missions now? I am more curious than anything else. I am sure I will get super sidetracked with Expeditions and shit as now I want more materials to craft as many of the elite weapons that I can. I have realized I have been sticking to my go as stealth as possible formula almost the entire game so I have not experimented with many of the weapons at all. Have barely fired an SMG or LMG for instance.

Just keep going back and forth between this and Trials. The latter drives me somewhat insane though as I feel so OCD when I play it, so definitely enjoy this game more, but I am looking forward to getting it beat so I can stop going back and forth.

You have about 4 story missions left although some are pretty short. If you don't fail on the boss fights you probably got an hour or two left of story content. There's a pretty tough boss fight coming up that you might want to be prepped for with rank 3 medical kits etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Just beat the game.
I would have figured there would have been a difference between both endings, but there really isn't.
I thought the game was incredibly fun, and I actually really enjoyed the new crafting and outposts are a ton of run, I did all rank 3 undetected.


Nov 24, 2017
Have been enjoying the game but two things have dented my fun. Random guys walking around randomly taking random shots with random RPG's . Pretty much the only time I get killed. And trying to get perks by completeing challanges that become very hard to do once you hit lvl 3 at Prosperity. So I didn't do many lvl 1 weapon challenges because I pretty much only used 3 weapons and got the upgrades as fast as possible. I was then left with trying to kill Highwaymen who are pretty much all lvl 3 or higher with lvl 1 weapons. Fucking pain in the ass.


Dec 13, 2017
Is anyone looking to do the 3 Expedition Co-Op achievement on Xbox? No one I know is playing this and there's no matchmaking on them (also expanded Expeditions with that and modifiers in a future game would be awesome).

I already have it, but can probably help you get it sometime this week if you still need it.


Oct 27, 2017
Also just finished it.

I actually had no beef with anything. I expected a whole lot worse with the final boss battle. Yeah it was not really memorable by any stretch of the imagination, but it was serviceable.
And it actually kind of sorta made sense in the whole fucked up family story between Joseph & Ethan.

So I was curious and looked up the different endings on YouTube.
I had to kill the sister and Joseph, and I see it did not affect the actual ending all that much. I am thinking maybe once I go back into the world something will perhaps be or not be affected.

I also was very skeptical when I heard there were light RPG elements introduced. Never been a big fan of any RPG system in an FPS, but it turns out my fear was completely unwarranted. I actually feel like I played the game damn near perfectly for my style and not wanting to feel burned out or have it feel grindy. I spent about 30 minutes grinding some Level II and Level III weapon challenges to get a few missing perk points. Otherwise I just let shit happen naturally. With a very hefty amount of exploring, which is my personal standard for a Far Cry game, I had all Elite weapons by the end. I still have a whole lot of expeditions left as well. I also only scavenged a single outpost although it was to the max I could for that one outpost. Never scavenged any others. I can easily get at least 10 more hours out of the game if I wanted. Maybe I will in the future. For now, time to move on to Trials.

Really damn enjoyable experience. Definitely worth the $40. Easily worth it.


Oct 25, 2017
I already have it, but can probably help you get it sometime this week if you still need it.

Thanks! Been working on the remainder, just need to do the Co-Op and a few Level 3 Expeditions to wrap it up. I'm around all weekend and most evenings next week if you're up for it.


Jan 25, 2019
I really wanna get this but I got bored while finishing FC5. So Era, is this game worth the $40?


Oct 25, 2017
Also just finished it.

I actually had no beef with anything. I expected a whole lot worse with the final boss battle. Yeah it was not really memorable by any stretch of the imagination, but it was serviceable.
And it actually kind of sorta made sense in the whole fucked up family story between Joseph & Ethan.

So I was curious and looked up the different endings on YouTube.
I had to kill the sister and Joseph, and I see it did not affect the actual ending all that much. I am thinking maybe once I go back into the world something will perhaps be or not be affected.

I also was very skeptical when I heard there were light RPG elements introduced. Never been a big fan of any RPG system in an FPS, but it turns out my fear was completely unwarranted. I actually feel like I played the game damn near perfectly for my style and not wanting to feel burned out or have it feel grindy. I spent about 30 minutes grinding some Level II and Level III weapon challenges to get a few missing perk points. Otherwise I just let shit happen naturally. With a very hefty amount of exploring, which is my personal standard for a Far Cry game, I had all Elite weapons by the end. I still have a whole lot of expeditions left as well. I also only scavenged a single outpost although it was to the max I could for that one outpost. Never scavenged any others. I can easily get at least 10 more hours out of the game if I wanted. Maybe I will in the future. For now, time to move on to Trials.

Really damn enjoyable experience. Definitely worth the $40. Easily worth it.

I chose not to kill Joseph and it was real fun listening to him scream from a long ways away.


Nov 15, 2017
I am going to be spending a very long time with Far Cry New Dawn. I'm 24 hours in and believe I've only touched 3/4 of the Main Story.



I've been looking for an experience that can scratch the feeling of some of the environments/visuals from the movie, Annihilation. Far Cry New Dawn does that in spades.



Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
finished the game today, all in all i liked the game for what it is and cool additions like the expeditions or the tiered outposts made it feel a little bit different. the world looked cooler than in the main game, i liked the vibrant flower look.

didn´t really care for the main story though and the antagonists where somewhat lame imo. played the game for around 30 hours, took my time and did every outpost and expedition on level 3, it was longer than expected for sure.
Oct 25, 2017
So if there's anyone able to help with the co-op trophy on PS4 that'd be great, it's basically my last one. Send me a pm if anyone can! Thanks!


Nov 13, 2017
Should I craft elite weapons or just upgrade my purple ones?

Kinda annoyed that 'reassign' didn't mean disassemble for materials like I assumed, and just move the slot...

I want the ultimate load out with a sniper, automatic and shotgun/explosive - reccos welcome


Oct 25, 2017
Denver, CO
Beat the game this morning on Hard-Ass, showing as 92% done with Story Progress, never spawned a single vehicle in-game, it was just always more fun to run to where I was going to engage in random battles with the HWM.

Overall, solid title, reminded me a bit of Primal as far as a more focused story.


Oct 28, 2017
I am going to be spending a very long time with Far Cry New Dawn. I'm 24 hours in and believe I've only touched 3/4 of the Main Story.



I've been looking for an experience that can scratch the feeling of some of the environments/visuals from the movie, Annihilation. Far Cry New Dawn does that in spades.


Damn that's some good tree. Someone post the Uncharted 3 tree!


Creative Director, Microsoft
Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
I'm trying to enjoy this, but I'm having constant crashes on PC since I reached the baby / sulfur pools raid mission. Since that point, no matter where I go and what I do, the game crashes every few minutes with no indication of what could be causing it.

Super frustrating.

Deleted member 50735

User requested account closure
Dec 10, 2018
I haven't played since the recent patch, but I've not had any crashes at all on Xbox One X and went through that mission twice (I restarted mid way through a play through).

I know that doesn't help much, but at least it says it did work fine on 2 occasions albeit on a different platform. With no stability issues at all.