
Oct 27, 2017
The OP and tweet is misleading because it is actually a stat email that is sent wether you've done poor or well. It's supposed to be in the villians voice and he's rating your progress vs him and gives various stats you have in the game even if its praiseworthy or not. It's true that does mock you, but it isn't purely for that solitary purpose. It's like those Switch emails I get that give me play stats sometimes and those are kind of cool. The only difference is this one's trying to have personality which I don't think is bad personally.


Oct 27, 2017
This is hilarious lol. Ubisoft might be skimming the tide of creative bankruptcy but this is really fun


Oct 25, 2017
I think this is pretty clever of their marketing team. Issues with the actual game arent really productive being directed at their marketing team, they aint gonna change shit.

If you dont want these type of marketing emails... can you just unsubscribe? the only issue I can see is if theres no way to do that.


Oct 25, 2017
That dude's tweet about normalizing people taking breaks from games is ridiculously pearl clutch-y.
I kinda understand some of the concern with games (that's a larger discussion for another thread), but this is basic marketing rather than something darkly sinister. And OP even mispresents the issue, it's not about people leaving the game. And let's pretend it was what OP claims it is, it's hardly the first or last service that would email their old customer. I get plenty of emails from services and storefronts in manner of "hey we haven't seen you for a while, come check this out!". It never gives me any strong feelings, not sure why this seemingly gets under some people's skin, or why they think of it as pathetic or apparently even feel slighted by the "mocking".
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Oct 25, 2017
Here is one of the quotes I got.

"You have taken two regions from me, guerrilla. It's time to take a breath and look at the bigger picture. I have Esperanza. My army is strong. My son, Diego, is alive and well. I am still alive. You have done nothing. I will take it all back. I will remove you from history. No one will know your name."


Jul 11, 2018
New Jersey
Honestly, Ubisoft is very dumb about this whole thing.

I would pay actual money to be insulted by Giancarlo Esposito and here they are just giving it away for free.


Jan 6, 2018
in a different world i would say thats clever, and an imersive way to breach the distance between art and real life, ...

but in the reality we live i would like this to be illegal and cooperations that are already leching off of people and fucking huge amounts of people over with predetory tactics should just shut up.


Oct 30, 2017
This sorts of data is being collected by every game out there nowadays, how else would devs get reliable data? There's a ton of telemetry going on. How long you play, what you do in what order, where you die, etc. Seems like a minor thing to be concerned about.. it's just gameplay data that's helpful for the devteam.

Right, I get that and I understand that they do that. It's just still a bit unnerving seeing that a computer has recorded, dissected, analyzed and reported on 35+ hours of your life.

At the same time though I do hope they learn what sort of things I avoid in their game.


Oct 28, 2017
The ads for this game were funny, obviously the video game industry got to take it a bit too far.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
The amount of pubs that send me emails within a few hours of me starting one of their games has grown a great deal over the past few years, so it's not surprising that at least one would start sending emails about your progress in the game.


Oct 26, 2017
Pensacola, Fl
This is the best thing about far cry 6.

Jokes aside I'm enjoying the game somewhat but this shit is hilarious. Even funnier if someone actually gets upset for being mocked by Ubisoft via a fictional villain.

Returnal should've done this. 🤣

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
If it does only go to people who have signed up for promotional emails, I really don't see the issue.


Oct 29, 2017
Put me in the "this is funny and creative" camp. It's a glorified stat tracker creatively using the villain to perpetuate the marketing campaign of him constantly gloating and goading the player. It works. It's not about unhealthy amounts of time spent on a game, or about not taking breaks or whatever the fuck… it's just a fictional villain taunting the player when the stats show him on top, and clapping back when you take something from him. I think that's neat. And just another level of engagement. If people don't like it, unsubscribe.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The way people in this thread are talking you'd think the Twitter poster was threatening to burn down a Ubisoft building or something. Why are people acting like there's some great moral outrage being sparked over this? The Twitter replies and replies in this thread are 98% people saying either "This is annoying" or "Wow, triggered much?".

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
That tweet in the OP genuinely reads like a parody that someone made to make fun of how often people distort information and offer faux outrage for likes on social media. Especially given that it's literally a stat tracker and not at all what the very misleading thread title implies.


Oct 27, 2017
Ha ha I think it's kind of fun. Looking forward to that implementation in dark souls 3 remake:

Hi, watching you fail to beat lord of cinder 300 times was just painful. Just give up. Sincerely From Software


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Jun 24, 2018
Not sure if people realize they can unsubscribe from emails so they don't receive them from certain places. This isn't an issue at all.