
Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017

Eva-09 Synchro


Oct 27, 2017
I can't really explain why, but this scene just cracks me up every single time. It's like it just tickles my brain or something.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S47gxS3wPo

Gotta mention Tendi's holodeck test too.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkReLxbJiWE

Star Trek Lower Decks: Medical Ethics of The Federation

Star Trek Lower Decks' Tendi's medical dilemma as a klingon requests a gruesome death in line with Klingon customs. Tendi must agree to the patient's wishes ...
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe I'm basic, but Death Note's ending is still one of the most cathartic moments in fiction for me. The entire episode finale is a goddamn delight, but seeing the exact moment Light's house of cards finally crumbles was one of the most satisfying goddamn things on this earth. I know people want to smarm in with "it's actually two goddamn idiots sparring with each other, part 2 sucked" but let me have my thing. His expression on his face realizing the fatal error, he'd finally been outsmarted, it's perfect:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdH7LyR03kQ



Oct 25, 2017
Some good ones posted, especially the scene LostSkullKid posted (also, why you gotta start us off that way?).

I'll opt for the following (forgive the small size):


Lazengann, OVERLOAD! You could also pick any other scene with Lazengann.


Also, kind of a cheat, but pick a scene from the 86 Transformers movie. Unicron's intro, the shuttle attack, the reformatting scene, Unicron's transformation. I'd post the entire fuckin movie if I could.
Oct 27, 2017
Always a first that comes to mind.

Adventure Time when Finn loses his arm.

View: https://youtu.be/BR9CDu6MDe4?feature=shared

This was a children's show with some heavy themes and because we were watching it while it was current with my son, it hit really hard as someone who went through a divorce as a kid. Finn meets his deadbeat dad and the fucker boogies out as his son is in anguish doing whatever he can to prevent him from leaving and his Lovecraftian infected arm transforms and eventually shreds off in the effort. I remember my holy shit reaction. My son loved dressing up as Finn and I'd draw on the grass sword wrapped around his arm when this arc was current.

Plastic Shark

Nov 17, 2017

Lemonhope's Song | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

Princess Bubblegum sings a song she wrote to celebrate Lemonhope taking his place as champion of Lemongrab!CN GAMES: http://bit.ly/CNGames SUBSCRIBE: http://...

The end of the penultimate episode of Adventure Time's fifth season (and its best, imo). i cry evrytim
Oh man, this is actually my favorite sequence in any animated series. Do somber yet surreal. Just gives off some vibes.