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Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
just wanted to chime in and maybe get people to think about not derailing threads in the future
Oct 28, 2017
Sucks that he still has his whole life in front of him, but this shit is so heinous that I want the FBI to make an example out this twits. Let the hammer come down HARD.


Oct 28, 2017
Wohl is a fraud, chronic liar, possible sociopath, and a goddamn idiot. He and his family NEED to face consequences for this, for the insidiousness of the plan, the illegality of the attempt, the stakes involved, and for how fucking stupid are careless they were. Make an example of him.

And sorry you were treated poorly by another poster in this thread, Tahnit. When this was all going on yesterday, I was confused who this little shit was also. His Twitter feed was eye-opening, and his financial crimes even more so.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not saying it is, just some people might remember when they 20 year old sheltered fools and see themselves in someone going down the wrong path. Its a bit of a thoughtless thing to post but the dogpiling shit is as always fucking ridiculous. Spoiler alert; dog piling someone on Era isn't making you a better person in RL and isn't a an accomplishment.
Who among us hasn't tried to influence an investigation into the president by making false accusations of sexual assault against the investigator?


Oct 26, 2017
I knew a kid that called in a bomb threat to the White House years ago and waited on the line while they sent out cops to arrest him. This is even stupider than that.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Ah yes I too attempted to frame the ex-director of the FBI for sexual assault at 20.
1. I'm 22.
2. Fuck off.
He was not talking about Wohl but about a poster calling another Era member "trash".

That said, I would very much like this derail to stop, right now, so please move on everyone.


Sep 21, 2018
a bit off-topic but..
ok twitter, you cannot ban every inbred posting stupid/racist/nazi/doxxing/hoax/homophobic shit, ok, i can admit that, it's difficult.
But having a team of people scanning trending topics and ban such people on the fucking spot is not.
It's sad twitter are starting to be profitable, i wish they weren't.
Nov 1, 2017
I have no idea what connections Wohl could possibly have to not get his card pulled on this

Because this is the kind of tabloid nonsense that would just get a signal boost if you pressed charges. It's better to just not dignify it with a response and let the story go away. Plus, the scheme is labyrinthian enough that he might be able to concoct excuse to worm himself out of any charges. And he's a well-off white kid.

Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Because this is the kind of tabloid nonsense that would just get a signal boost if you pressed charges. It's better to just not dignify it with a response and let the story go away. Plus, the scheme is labyrinthian enough that he might be able to concoct excuse to worm himself out of any charges. And he's a well-off white kid.

He's trying to interfere with an active investigation and the scheme got found out in like 28 minutes by Twitter

I dunno


Oct 25, 2017
Because this is the kind of tabloid nonsense that would just get a signal boost if you pressed charges. It's better to just not dignify it with a response and let the story go away. Plus, the scheme is labyrinthian enough that he might be able to concoct excuse to worm himself out of any charges. And he's a well-off white kid.
He has actually committed crimes here, with malicious intent the whole way through.

Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Mainly he's 20 and just making a really dumb mistake. Hopefully knock some sense Into him.

Trying to make up rape accusations about someone like Meuller in an attempt to derail a high profile investigation (into corruption at the very top of our system) and get them fired or worse is some seriously scummy shit. He needs jail time, then he'll learn.


Oct 27, 2017

Trying to make up rape accusations about someone like Meuller in an attempt to derail a high profile investigation (into corruption at the very top of our system) and get them fired or worse is some seriously scummy shit. He needs jail time, then he'll learn.

I don't care if he learns, and I'm thrilled that he won't be able to tweet from prison.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Can we take a moment to thank the gods that allowed this idiot to GO THROUGH with his non sense ?

I can't wait honestly.


I so want him to bring in a woman and make her lie on camera. Pls


Oct 27, 2017
Considering Jack Burkman's MO... he'll say the person backed out due to all the fake news coverage of this Lorraine Parsons person who the media (and/or Mueller) invented to try and disparage her like totally for realz encounter with Mueller.

I'd place money on nobody actually speaking tomorrow.

This whole thing is a ruse.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Can we take a moment to thank the gods that allowed this idiot to GO THROUGH with his non sense ?

I can't wait honestly.


I so want him to bring in a woman and make her lie on camera. Pls
I sincerely hope, that whatever women they plan on dragging out in that conference room has been paying attention, to all the charges and crimes these jokers face. And that she will go down right with them if she goes through with this. No amount of money will be worth it

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I'm not saying it is, just some people might remember when they 20 year old sheltered fools and see themselves in someone going down the wrong path. Its a bit of a thoughtless thing to post but the dogpiling shit is as always fucking ridiculous. Spoiler alert; dog piling someone on Era isn't making you a better person in RL and isn't a an accomplishment.
"Tried to create a conspiracy to implicate the head o the FBI. Just a prank bro"


Oct 25, 2017
Mainly he's 20 and just making a really dumb mistake. Hopefully knock some sense Into him.

I see this sentiment sometimes and I'm like, if you don't know the basic difference between right and wrong - or if you've committed multiple high profile public frauds that smear good people and are knowingly built on ever more disgusting lies and been caught out many times - by age 20 -- then you probably SHOULD be in jail or serious trouble for your own good.

20 is not a reckless teen. 20 is grown ass man. Sounds like his family are enablers too.

But he doesn't get youth as an excuse at 20. That's a bizarre infantilizing thing to think. And if he were a black guy, 20 would be 45 in the media and justice system.

This kind of age related cosseting has enabled and encouraged hi too so it's not even harmless. We have to hold each other responsible.

Sympathy for Wohl is a bizarre position to take. Understanding is even weirder and should probably lead to self reflection. Conservatives should be pissed at this guy too.


Oct 27, 2017
I sincerely hope, that whatever women they plan on dragging out in that conference room has been paying attention, to all the charges and crimes these jokers face. And that she will go down right with them if she goes through with this. No amount of money will be worth it
They've been looking for women that used to work with Mueller, which would include former and current FBI agents, and the FBI has been aware of what they're doing for at least a little while. I'd say there's a chance the woman they got for the press conference is just going to walk up to the mic and tell them they're under arrest.


Oct 25, 2017
"I see you've created a felonious clusterfuck, is it too late to implicate myself?"

Dude prolly thinks that because he was pardoned once, he has an unlimited amount in reserve. Hope he gets fucked one way or another for real

Hasan Minhaj dunking on him during his Shitty Indians segment was like chicken soup for the soul


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
This isn't this kids first time at the rodeo. His dad also seems complicit with this and his previous "hedge fund manager" scams.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Stupid and dangerous. Throw the fucking book, don't look back.

How anyone could have sympathy for this is beyond me.


Oct 30, 2017

I thought it was crazy for people to defend Filip Miucin for rampant, unapologetic plagiarism, but going to bat for Jacob Wohl, a weird little sycophant already guilty of securities fraud, for arranging a conspiracy against the ex-head of the FBI who is investigating a sitting president to discredit the investigation, the media, and the metoo movement all at once is some next level stuff.

You truly are a saint.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Because this is the kind of tabloid nonsense that would just get a signal boost if you pressed charges. It's better to just not dignify it with a response and let the story go away. Plus, the scheme is labyrinthian enough that he might be able to concoct excuse to worm himself out of any charges. And he's a well-off white kid.

Awww another "let's just ignore the bad actors and they'll disappear" take? Did this work in 2016, or 2017?


Oct 25, 2017
Jacob Wohl is dumb as shit and has been dumb as shit and will continue to BE dumb as shit

but hell if it ain't hilarious

Dinesh getting involved and being exactly the type of person to fall for Wohl's bullshit is also good

Even fucking Giuliani is like "Mueller is impeccable and would never do what they said"


Oct 25, 2017
When living in the Republican bubble goes to far.

They've been looking for women that used to work with Mueller, which would include former and current FBI agents, and the FBI has been aware of what they're doing for at least a little while. I'd say there's a chance the woman they got for the press conference is just going to walk up to the mic and tell them they're under arrest.
I would fucking scream is that happened, oh my god
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