
Oct 27, 2017
I haven't watched any episodes from the new season. How's it been?

Fucking YouTube spoiled
Nick's death
to me, though. I may have clicked a Walking Dead video once weeks back, but I don't watch them regularly or care to at all.


Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy how much better these characters are developed compared to WD.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm kinda mad they didn't finish their story. I want to know what happened at the end. Its pretty good episode though. I'm looking forward the next episode.


Oct 26, 2017
Wow, that was a great, I wish tonight was two eps.

Well, aside from going up a water slide.


Oct 25, 2017
This season has been so much better than anything from Walking Dead's most recent season. Interesting characters, zombies that feel like a threat and inventive zombie action set-pieces like the waterpark this episode, actually effective intersecting storylines, etc.

Not being railroaded by needing to follow an existing roadmap means the show can do interesting stuff like actually show a community fall because it was optimistic. How often have we seen that same mindset among characters on TWD, and the community still survives? And if it does fall, it's because of outside forces like The Governor or Saviors but not from within. It looks like Fear is giving us a plotline where a group's sentiment that the community can survive leads to ruin, that maybe the leader's optimism isn't the perspective a struggling dying group should ascribe to


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, that was a great, I wish tonight was two eps.

Well, aside from going up a water slide.
Yeah good episode, but the terrible decisions never end. Why not just kill each of those walkers in the damn pool BEFORE going into the water? You know, stand along the edge and easily stab them in the head...... I don't know why they contrive these nonsensical moments when anyone living in this apocalypse should be wayyyyyyy smarter by now. Another writing choice that could have been handled better, as usual.

But yeah, I'm really liking this season so far. Solid characters.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
The documentary bits were a little clunky, but I appreciated them trying something new this week in terms of format. It was also aggravating though, because the characters kept alluding to something that happened but never quite got to what it was exactly. Hopefully we'll get to it next week.

Also, the water park set piece was really neat.


Oct 28, 2017
Nice set pieces, and the bit on the slide would be scary as hell, but once again it seems like 99% of the bad situations the characters find themselves in are purely from making boneheaded decisions.

I stand by my belief that the virus doesn't just turn you into a zombie after a die, it also reduces your self preservation instinct and decision making abilities. That's the only way I can explain why people ever get caught off guard by walkers this long after the apocalypse and constantly fucking things up. Plus, why don't people just carry a simple spear around and kill every last one they see? There were only a handful in that pool. Two people with spears could clear it out in like two minutes. There'd be no walkers left in a month if they did.


Dec 15, 2017
Fear has more interesting characters, stories and locations at this point.

I still enjoy TWD but the Negan arc dragged on too long and they could kill about 3/4 of the characters and I wouldn't really care.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
I still enjoy TWD but the Negan arc dragged on too long and they could kill about 3/4 of the characters and I wouldn't really care.

I feel the same way. I still like certain characters on The Walking Dead, but the days of me actually caring about whether any of them die or not has long since passed.


Dec 15, 2017
This season has been so much better than anything from Walking Dead's most recent season. Interesting characters, zombies that feel like a threat and inventive zombie action set-pieces like the waterpark this episode, actually effective intersecting storylines, etc.

Not being railroaded by needing to follow an existing roadmap means the show can do interesting stuff like actually show a community fall because it was optimistic. How often have we seen that same mindset among characters on TWD, and the community still survives? And if it does fall, it's because of outside forces like The Governor or Saviors but not from within. It looks like Fear is giving us a plotline where a group's sentiment that the community can survive leads to ruin, that maybe the leader's optimism isn't the perspective a struggling dying group should ascribe to

They are all doomed to fail. Multiple communities working together might survive walker hordes and invasions for a long time but the ugly side of human nature will find a way to fuck things up. Even in TWD when they are on the verge of long term peace there's a secret cabal that could ruin everything.


Dec 15, 2017
Nice set pieces, and the bit on the slide would be scary as hell, but once again it seems like 99% of the bad situations the characters find themselves in are purely from making boneheaded decisions.

I stand by my belief that the virus doesn't just turn you into a zombie after a die, it also reduces your self preservation instinct and decision making abilities. That's the only way I can explain why people ever get caught off guard by walkers this long after the apocalypse and constantly fucking things up. Plus, why don't people just carry a simple spear around and kill every last one they see? There were only a handful in that pool. Two people with spears could clear it out in like two minutes. There'd be no walkers left in a month if they did.

I give them a pass on some stupid decisions so far because things are getting desperate so they are taking more risks.


Dec 15, 2017
What's your excuse for them not standing along the edge of the pool and stabbing zombies in the head rather than wading through murky water to avoid them?

I don't think that too hard while I'm watching TV shows and movies. I leave the deep thinking for later when I've forgotten the finer details. Otherwise I'd probably just bitch about everything on social media and never enjoy watching anything LOL.


Oct 25, 2017
Nice set pieces, and the bit on the slide would be scary as hell, but once again it seems like 99% of the bad situations the characters find themselves in are purely from making boneheaded decisions.

I stand by my belief that the virus doesn't just turn you into a zombie after a die, it also reduces your self preservation instinct and decision making abilities. That's the only way I can explain why people ever get caught off guard by walkers this long after the apocalypse and constantly fucking things up. Plus, why don't people just carry a simple spear around and kill every last one they see? There were only a handful in that pool. Two people with spears could clear it out in like two minutes. There'd be no walkers left in a month if they did.

yeah I had the exact same thought about the Spears when I saw the pool


Oct 25, 2017
Nice set pieces, and the bit on the slide would be scary as hell, but once again it seems like 99% of the bad situations the characters find themselves in are purely from making boneheaded decisions.

I stand by my belief that the virus doesn't just turn you into a zombie after a die, it also reduces your self preservation instinct and decision making abilities. That's the only way I can explain why people ever get caught off guard by walkers this long after the apocalypse and constantly fucking things up. Plus, why don't people just carry a simple spear around and kill every last one they see? There were only a handful in that pool. Two people with spears could clear it out in like two minutes. There'd be no walkers left in a month if they did.
A spear could really mess you up when confronted with a horde or a small group. This episode showed that not all kills are clean stabs. It was weird seeing Madison's daughter struggle to pull the knife out, but it explains the danger of certain weapon types.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Amazing episode! I love all of these characters, damn.. It's going to be a damn shame when one of them goes at this point. John is amazing, Morgan has been a day one top tier character, Madison too, Alicia and Luciana grew on me as Fear went on, Strand is a compelling and interesting character, Daniel is great all around, Al is a wonderful addition too........... I want them all to have plot armor lol, but it won't and probably shouldn't happen.

Fear has easily outshined the past few seasons of TWD, I really hope Season 9 steps it up.