
Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
When Aerith was acting sweet and coy, then shouted "shit!" when she tripped had me laughing. I knew they did these characters right.


Oct 26, 2017
I think I remember you, you are another Clerith shipper, I hope that this thread does not deviate with themes of hatred towards Tifa, for that you have a private discord.

I think if you had a problem with Tifa's character before you're not going to change your mind now.

I liked Tifa more than Aerith in the OG, I agree word by word with what Wazzy said in all her posts her.

the only thing Tifa was banging in the OG was Johnny


23 years later people still think these two had a thing lol


Alt Account
Apr 16, 2020
When Aerith was acting sweet and coy, then shouted "shit!" when she tripped had me laughing. I knew they did these characters right.
Very cute. She's an absolute Angel, but they have their flaws too. :)

Another moment similar to that. There's a part where Aerith joins in the middle of a Boss Fight, Cloud says the Boss is tough and Aerith says "Yeah well screw him!".
May 9, 2019
I still can't believe they got Aerith so right after doing her wrong for dirty for nearly twenty years. :')

It's too bad Tifa is still just as reliant on Cloud and as generally mopey as the original. They neglected to develop her own perfect drive to take down Shinra when its own product killed her father and destroyed her town.

Her relationship with Aerith though is perfect and when she shines most. Can't wait to see their relationship develop.

That and for her and Johnny to finally get together
I'm up to chap 14 but Tifa cries and says that this is the second time Shinra ruined everything. I guess they could've shown Tifa swearing vengeance but with this scene and the previous scene of her and Barret, after the plate collapsed, I thought her motivations were clear. She's just really conflicted imo and doesn't want any more casualties.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
there sure is a lot of Tifa hate/disappointment in here. Loved her key moments with Aerith, I loved the way she fights in cutscenes, and she just felt more like a real character to me. She's mortified when they are about to drop the plate on sector 7, she has true emotions when her home gets destroyed literally a 2nd time. They can work on her reactions in the final chapter, sure. There's still lots of development to be seen but right now I think she's got it good. Great voice actress like Aerith but it's definitely undeniable that Aerith got the best character development out of the whole group alongside Barett imo. Anyway, you've all seen how much ass Tifa can kick and i'm sure she will be kicking more in the next parts.


Community & Social Media Manager
Oct 23, 2019
Apparently Tifa is otaku bait because Cloud is handsy with her. Well its more like they're handsy with each other the entire game. Lets just ignore how they improved on her characterization and her motives within Avalanche. How despite working at the bar, decides to help the people of Sector 7 with their problems. How she's thinking about Marlene the entire time in Ch 11. How quick she was to befriend Aerith without any drama.

The scene with the plate was to show how devastated she was about what happened, that she cares that much. It wasn't just a simple damsel in distress waifu moment.

Both Cloud and Tifa suffered the same trauma and are trying to recover from it in their own ways. She doesn't just serve Cloud's character any more than Aerith ends up a guilt trap for him later on.

I'm just reading this stuff as people are salty that they added so much non optional or hard to miss shippy scenes with her while forgetting that Cloud himself flirts like a hound dog with Tifa right from the beginning and is the one who ends up jealous like the scenes with the item shop guy.

As for Aerith, I think people are missing out on some of the avoidance she does with her positivity to mask how she's feeling. We get a glimpse of it at the start of ch 17 until Tifa pulls her out of it.

I do feel like Aerith is skirting manic pixie dream girl just a tiny bit but I expect them to definitely tone that down in part 2 with the backstory stuff.

They're both already much better written at this point than in the OG.

I agree so much, especially with how I actually get more clingy/handy vibes from Cloud's side than Tifa's.

Tifa looks to me like she's being gentle but keeping her distance, the way you'd do with a wild animal you care about, but Cloud seems to be trying to bring her closer in ways that I feel he doesnt yet understand and isn't emotionally equipped to handle.

Strangely enough I didn't feel the characters here all revolved around Cloud (except maybe a bit Aerith but she seems intentional in involving him in that way).

They all felt like they had full lives of their own and personal reasons for joining Cloud on this journey.

Also, just one point I notice a lot on this forum: A female character doesn't need to be angry/brash or even physically strong to be a "strong" or well written female character. I think in general this game did pretty well with having the female characters feel on even footing with the male ones, and i'm usually pretty vigilant on these things.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I remember you, you are another Clerith shipper, I hope that this thread does not deviate with themes of hatred towards Tifa, for that you have a private discord.

Pretty sure at least 95% of everyone criticizing Tifa are doing so because they want her done right by. They want to cheer her on but Remake made that difficult to do.
Oct 27, 2017
Very cute. She's an absolute Angel, but they have their flaws too. :)

Another moment similar to that. There's a part where Aerith joins in the middle of a Boss Fight, Cloud says the Boss is tough and Aerith says "Yeah well screw him!".

There was also another scene as well, during the Don Corneo scene, where Aerith says, "I'll rip 'em off!"


Specialist at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
The cast is the best part of the game, which is not at all a slight against any other aspect when the soundtrack is superb, the gameplay systems range from solid to spectacular, the graphics (sans the rough areas) are extraordinary, and the story -- though it does swing a few misses -- is largely quite enjoyable.

But it's the characters above all else that shine here. And I think that's perfect. They're what needed to work the most in order for people to feel invested in this (sub)series for years to come. If the characters didn't get a good response, the project could have truly been in trouble.

FF7's crew has always been my favorite JRPG crew ever -- favorite game crew, really -- so to say that I'm delighted with Remake is rather an understatement.


Oct 26, 2017
Leslie goes to save her and Aerith, but they take care of the goons themselves.

Tifa and Cloud both save each other multiple times.
I believe they're referring to the second fight against Abzu. Leslie pushes Tifa out of the way when Abzu goes to attack, that's what ends up knocking Leslie out of the arena for the fight.

From my perspective on Tifa, I also don't like her portrayal in the remake, even though her English VA is great! I was really looking forward to her, but she was my least favorite of the whole cast.

Yeah, Tifa and Cloud do save each other a few times, but Cloud saves Tifa way more and in ways that make Tifa just come across as... incompetent. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if Tifa was getting into tough fights and they were helping each other out back and forth, but Tifa is just constantly in need of being pushed out of the way by whatever random garbage or attack. It's just over and over where she's incapacitated or used as a prop to show Cloud or another character as a masculine hero. Like when they find the destroyed Seventh Heaven sign, and some random debris starts falling towards Tifa so that Cloud can pull her out of the way. It means nothing, it adds nothing to the scene beyond making her look weak and Cloud being strong and protective. And as Wazzy pointed out, everything at the pillar with her was infuriating to me because it just made her seem so useless.

I'd be fine with her having confidence issues, or just being gentle or her personality being like this. That's completely fine, and isn't the issue. My problem is that it feels like it infantilizes her by making her incompetent and constantly needing a man to save her from situations that she should be able to handle herself, and which there is no justification given to why she couldn't besides so they could show one of the male characters being strong or courageous or chivalrous or whatever.
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Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
23 years later people still think these two had a thing lol

I'm staring at the quoted screenshot and I can't for the life of me recall it. Strange what people cling on to and remember. When I started reading everyone claiming that they "included Johnny!!!!" in threads before I got to that part of the game, I had no idea who they were talking about. Even after meeting him, it's not like I remembered him from the original.


Nov 2, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Barrett and Biggs annoyed me, but that was more to do with their VA's rather than anything else. Barrett admittedly grew on me, but I didn't enjoy him as much as I did in the original. But the rest were vastly improved, especially Aerith who I used to find so boring. Jessie & Wedge were excellent and I'm surprised I cared about them.

But yeah the majority of this game was excellent, much to my surprise as I expected them to mess it up entirely. If they didn't end it like they did I'd be positively glowing about it. People might enjoy the journey, but it's the ending that'll be remembered.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm staring at the quoted screenshot and I can't for the life of me recall it. Strange what people cling on to and remember. When I started reading everyone claiming that they "included Johnny!!!!" in threads before I got to that part of the game, I had no idea who they were talking about. Even after meeting him, it's not like I remembered him from the original.

That dialogue only shows if Tifa is not in your party during Costa del Sol. People have been misinterpreting that scene since release where there's a girl next morning in the showing thinking it's Tifa and they made up even though it's not her but Johnny new's girlfriend (which later proposes marriage if you check back his dialogue during different points of the game).