
Being sued right now, please help me find a lawyer
Oct 25, 2017
AMuS says Ferrari. Hamilton has the best luck making moves if it's true.


Mar 14, 2018
As a Ferrari fan, I kind of want to see Ferrari succeed without him. I know you want the best people but I dunno, I'm keen to see Ferrari continue on their current path and trajectory.

I'd love to see him at Aston you know. Stick him with Fernando and Honda for 2026.


Oct 27, 2017
if its ferrari:

Fixed current car tyre deg,
massive new sponsors
did thanos join ferrari and start assembling the F1 infinity stones?
fred thanos?


Oct 30, 2017
Lets be honest with ourselves... it would be peak Ferrari for them to get nigh on the best team possible and yet still completely fuck it up.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
BBC say they have independently verified the German story - could all be from the same source though


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
AMuS says Ferrari. Hamilton has the best luck making moves if it's true.
I would imagine it would have been part of the conversation when he talked with Fred.

I highly doubt Lewis would be like "oh well that's a complete surprise"

I doubt it's Ferrari anyway. Man's probably on a 2 year gardening leave or some shit.
Oct 28, 2017
I always wonder how this kind of feedback is communicated and why it was Hülkenberg's feedback that was the key for Haas' years-long struggle with tyre deg.

Haas having year long tire issues is a cause of selective memory because everyone remembers that they had tire issues back in 2019. Tires weren't their biggest issue from 2020-2022. It just became that again in 2023.

And unlikely it is Hulks input that changed much. The Haas car follows the direction of the Ferrari car. When Ferrari fixed their tires issues this year, Haas did as well.

On a bigger note, let the Red Bull implosion begin. I'm so here for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy moly.

Damn this season has been silly season since Hamilton announced his movem

I imagine it has to be Ferrari right?
Oct 27, 2017
I doubt it's Ferrari anyway. Man's probably on a 2 year gardening leave or some shit.

BBC article:
Newey's contract with Red Bull lasts until the end of 2025 but he is said to believe he can negotiate an exit that allows him to work with another team from next season.
I was surprised, too. The phrasing is interesting, I can't divine whether it's invoking that rumoured exit clause — that morality or conduct or whatever it was that was whispered about when the Horner accusation was blowing up.
Oct 28, 2017
I was surprised, too. The phrasing seems to indicate a clause - maybe that morality or conduct or whatever it was that was rumoured when the Horner accusation was blowing up.

Haha, that would be perfect in this whole insane saga. I remember insiders talking about how a lot of top Red Bull employees apperantly having weird exit clauses, so it's possible I guess.


Oct 27, 2017
Not too surprised by Newey having a looser "gardening leave" leash than other exec-type employees. He's given RB so much that he's more than earned a free pass on that.


Oct 25, 2017
I would imagine it would have been part of the conversation when he talked with Fred.

I highly doubt Lewis would be like "oh well that's a complete surprise"

I doubt it's Ferrari anyway. Man's probably on a 2 year gardening leave or some shit.

Isn't it about time the EU banned non-competes? Can't let the Americans have all the socialist wins :P


Oct 29, 2017
I hope he goes to Aston. Ferrari is already on a very good path, I don't want a dominant team to be replaced by another dominant team a'la Merc->RedBull.
Oct 27, 2017
Alonso committing to the new contract the other week out of nowhere and this happening now makes me think Newey is going to Aston for insane money.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
Haas having year long tire issues is a cause of selective memory because everyone remembers that they had tire issues back in 2019. Tires weren't their biggest issue from 2020-2022. It just became that again in 2023.

And unlikely it is Hulks input that changed much. The Haas car follows the direction of the Ferrari car. When Ferrari fixed their tires issues this year, Haas did as well.

On a bigger note, let the Red Bull implosion begin. I'm so here for it.
That's a pretty good point, thanks for this!


Resident Thread Mechanic
Oct 26, 2017
Newey to Aston also means he gets tonwprk with Honda again who it would seem were receptive to his packaging requests. Have to wonder how well they'll do with the new unit as a lot of their engine staff went to RBPT I think after they "left".

Alonso committing to the new contract the other week out of nowhere and this happening now makes me think Newey is going to Aston for insane money.
To be fair, Alonsos options were limited. It was either Merc, RB, Aston or Audi. Each of the non Aston options are really easy to see why it either wouldn't appeal (audi likely being shit for a few years since its Sauber they are buying) or that the doors were not open in the first place.
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Oct 27, 2017
Already starting to see the downplaying of Newey's contributions in corners online.

The same people who previously would say a departure of anyone else would have no effect on the team's success, because Newey himself was still there.

Schrödinger's engineering acumen, I guess.
Oct 27, 2017
Was it out of nowhere though? Where else was he going to go? Toto seems hell bent on Antonelli and RB is unlikely to pair Alonso with Max.

Not unexpected for him to sign, but it's not really the time of the season we were expecting people to start tying down contracts. Of course if he just found out Newey was coming then he'd want to get signed up before say Sainz found out and offered his services.