
Oct 25, 2017
Area out now.


Improvements to Netplay Matches
-> The Netplay has been improved, along with additions and adjustments to the UI.

New Online Mode added for Testing.
-> A mode that allows you to spectate matches (Spectator Mode) has been added
*For PS4 and Steam versions only.

Spectator Mode (In Testing)
This mode allows a Player to create a Lobby and spectate the matches of other Players who join.

Game Balancing

The input for Shirase, Sanane, and Hokuto's special move 「Ryuusui」has been standardized, and the startup has increased.

Bug Fixes and Balancing

Fixed an issue with Sharon where using Half Moon does not trigger the Critical Gougi.

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Oct 26, 2017
As it was mentioned in this thread, the Steam version of Fighting EX Layer will soon be receiving rollback netcode in a future update!!

The ETA of this update is currently unknown, as is whether or not the PS4 version will also receive this rollback update. Personally, this will be a big boon for this fun fighting game! While we might not see a big uptick in players, interest for this game will definitely rise!


Nov 30, 2017
It's a good thing, maybe even great, ha. Local meetings are at an all-time low for much, so focusing on network infrastructure can become even more of a priority now.

The best thing is, when companies get over this hump... they should be past it, once and for all. The deals have been made, the makers have been met, and the improvements will hopefully be strong enough to them, to prove the worth.

Do hope it makes the PS4 version. Heck, I'd love to see it ported to other consoles as well. I hope a lot of past-but-still-awesome titles can jump into the semi-limelight due to a willingness to improve further distanced play.
Oct 26, 2017
The supposed netcode update is not happening. There was something lost in translation:

While it's not happening currently, it's good to hear that at least ARIKA was experimenting with rollback. So, it may yet happen one day.