
Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
(for better thread experience, open this in a tab)

Alright beautiful people, we're doing this. I'm going to lay out how a multi-volume remake of FF8 would be an easier project to plan and manage by Square than FF7's.

With the remake of FF7, there's a lot of speculation about the level design outside of Midgar. What will the world look like? Full to-scale open-world like FF15? A linear design like FF10 and 13? Some in-between like FF12? A return to an instanced chibi overworld as it was before FF10?

Lots of people would love a big open-world à la 15, but most are aware that it would pose issues because of how the level design and the game's story are designed together. Narratively, it would make sense for the second volume to end at the Northern Crater, but that would mean that Square would have to design like 90% of the game's world to get there. That's an insane task for the second volume of a game that will assuredly have more, and it defeats the purpose of splitting the game into multiple volumes in the first place.

The second volume could end earlier than Northern Crater to alleviate the amount of assets the devs would have to make, but everyone agrees that it makes less sense narratively. Not only that, but it still poses some challenges in the level design department. If you end the game, say, in Nibelheim, how do you design the world of the second continent? Do you only make half of it? Two-thirds? If you don't fully design the world, how do you gate the player?

Despite these issues, some keep hoping that the following volumes will indeed be like FF15, because it allows for a more immersive experience, and, perhaps more importantly, it allows the game to offer to the player an airship that can be fully controlled, just like it was in the original game. Except for the chibi overworld, the other options don't allow an airship to be in the game. Personally, I think the lack of an airship would suck big time.

Enter Final Fantasy VIII Remake.


The game, as it is currently designed, is ripe for a remake like its older sibling, and I think would actually be easier to manage as a project than 7-R, precisely because of how the narrative and the level design go hand in hand (for the most part).


The first volume of FFVIII-R is the original game's first disc in its entirety. It makes perfect sense narratively. You have the prologue at Balamb Garden and Dollet, followed by the main plot revolving entirely around your first mission as a SeeD: the assassination of the sorceress Edea. That story, just like the Midgar arc of 7, is already structured into your regular three-act narrative. So that's taken care of.

As for the level design, all of disc 1 take place exclusively on Balamb Island and Deling Continent (no idea if that's the continent's official name). In the game's prologue, you have Balamb Island that serves as a smaller sandbox area, similar to the plateau in Breath of the Wild, for the player to be introduced to the game's design and systems. For the attack on Dollet, the city would be heavily gated, since that part of the game is very linear anyway. Then after Squall and co become SeeDs and are dispatched on their mission, the true open-world is given to the player.

If you want to picture exactly what I'm talking about, take the world of FF15; its design and size: that would essentially be the world of FFVIII-R volume 1. The devs would not even need to consider anything outside of that. So that's taken care of as well.

I'm not going to dwell too much on how Volume 1 would be expanded or populated with content. If Square was able to make a full-game out of Midgar, I'm sure having a whole continent at their disposal would make their job much easier.

Then you have disc 2. Disc 2 of FF8 reuses a lot of areas already introduced in disc 1 (first continent world map, Balamb City, Balamb Garden, Galbadia Garden mainly), so those assets are already done. The other mandatory points of interest are Fisherman's Horizon, Trabia Garden and Edea's Orphanage. That's not a lot of new areas. Disc 2 of the original game is where I think you would see the most amount of changes, both to the world and the story. I'm not going to spend much time on this topic since it's purely conjecture and fantasy (though I am inviting you to do so!), so I'm going to stick to the main story beats of the original game.

Before I do that though, we have to talk about Balamb Garden and its use as a vehicule. I'm using my brains real hard here, but I don't think that would work in a to-scale open world. Balamb Garden alone would be like... three or four times the size of the giant adamantoise from 15. You can't use that as a vehicule to just go anywhere you want. Even if next-gen console could handle it from a technicale point of view, I just don't think it would be good design because the entirety of the world/level design of the game would have to accomodate the player using this skyscraper-adjacent thing as a vehicule to roam the world. I don't think that works. The only thing I could see is letting the player use it while navigating the seas. If you confine the Garden to the oceans, with pre-determined drop points on each continent, then that removes a giant headache for the devs in regard to the level design of the continents.

Anyways. Regardless of how they proceed, I think the level design of volume 2 would have to differ substantially from the new stuff of disc 2 of the original game. Fisherman's Horizon is in the middle of nowhere in the sea, so that's not an issue. But Edea's Orphanage is on a desolate continent that has nothing on it except for an optional dungeon. As for Trabia Garden, it is on a secluded part of a new continent, with nothing really to explore or do there.

Basically, the level design would have to change substantially because you can't sell an entire new game that does not offer some vast and new environments to explore. You just can't (at least not one that's not the final game in the saga). Personally, I'd create a new continent on par in surface area with the one from Disc 1. That new continent could be home to both Trabia Garden, Edea's Orphanage, as well as brand new areas/cities. I'm not going to spend much time here (though I invite you to do so) other than saying that there absolutely needs to be a "Trabia City" of some kind. Even back in the original game, I always thought it was weird that Trabia Garden was in the middle of nowhere with no city next to it. A remake could fix this.

As for the story part of Disc 2, I think if you expand it, it makes perfect sense. You start with your characters in a hard spot, the context of the world having changed around them. And it ends with the (in)famous plot twist, as well as the revelaiton that Edea is possessed by the game's true villain. Last but not least, Rinoa falls into a fucking coma.

Onto volume 3. The entire Esthar continent would not be featured in Volume 2 of the game. Those assets are saved for the 3rd and final volume of the game. Most of the work for Volume 3 would be focused on making Esthar the most impressive city ever built in a JRPG. Personally, I'd be content if like 90% of the continent consisted of the city itself. I wouldn't need new environments to explore; I would take a gigantic city that is as impressive to the player as it is to the characters who see it for the first time. To make it easier for the devs, it would probably be smart to make Esthar only partially explorable, and have the non-explorable part of the city be inaccessible to the player, both by land and by air. They could deal with it similarly to how they dealt with Insomnia in FF15, by having the game forcing the player to turn back when they try to go over the city by airship. Stuff like that. Anyways.

With all the continents realized in Volume 3, the player can finally have a fully-controllable airship, letting them visit every area of the previous two volumes. The other areas like the space station and Ultimecia's Castle are instanced, so that would make it easy for the devs to design them.

That's pretty much it. That's how I see it, anyway. I think partitioning the game in such a way seems realistic, and would lead to new story elements are new areas that would enrich the world of the game.

Let me know what you think!


I didn't think this could be well-integrated into the previous text, so I'm putting it here. In Disc 2 of the original game, I always thought it was disppointing that the game didn't do much with the idea of having the party be split in two, each team going for different objectives. More specifically, I always lamented the fact that, after the prison, the player regains control of Squall once he's already reached Balamb Garden. I wanted the game to show us (and make us play) how he got there. He's got the full army of an entire country on the lookout for him. Did he steal a boat? Did he have to sneak through Dollet to get one?

Here's an idea. The original game doesn't do anything with Dollet after the prologue is done. Dollet is just there to explore optionally, with basically nothing to do there except play cards. I always thought that sucked. The remake could do something there. I'd love for that part of the game to have Squall and company infiltrate Dollet to find a way across the sea, similarly to Locke in FF6 when he infiltrates South Figaro. There's potential there for cool game design (sneaking past guards, stealing costumes, etc.) and for cool set pieces.
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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't understand why you would want a FF8 with 30 hours of Balamb Garden filler before you even get to meet most of the cast.

Deleted member 419

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This theoretical remake would definitely be interesting, but I'm happy with what we got in the Remaster. That being said, I would have faith in a Square Enix VIII remake now, which I 100% did not have pre-VIIR.

Deleted member 2317

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'd be all for an FF8 with an entirely non-trash-garbage-fuckwit cast and story if that's what you're proposing. I'd buy that in the next twenty years once it was all released and on sale.

Lovely systems for a game! One of the worst stories I think that's been committed to page.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, Balamb has to be used as a vehicle. Just make the concession and split the Balamb flying sections into their own scaled down world map. Have transitions be hidden by non-interactive scenes that properly scale and transition from static element to flying object, zoom the world map similarly, and so on.

And when you land, it just returns to being a static object in the distance that you can run over to. Given that they'd have to shift and adjust the camera angle anyway, they might as well just go ahead and cheat.

Hell, games should cheat like this anyway.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Sounds great to me. I'm all in like a good Triple Triad hand.

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
I feel a Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy XI remake are bound to happen just to complete the PlayStation trilogy of Final Fantasy games.


A Big Deal
Nov 2, 2017
Hated 8 at first and still don't particularly care for it but I'll admit it probably has the most to gain from another pass at it. Weirdly enough the some the plot points of 7remake make more sense in the context of 8's world so that alone is a big hit against 8's chances.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
I want one because this game deserves to be better than what it was. The story was fun as hell for the first two discs. The aesthetics hold up and work well with modern graphics. They can even change the battle system to be better. There's so much upside to this. Plus, I miss Balamb Garden. It's my favorite chill spot in any game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I have mentioned a few times recently that FFVIII would benefit the most from a multi-part Remake ala FFVII.

The only notable hurdle is that they would need to significantly flesh out and expand the original cast.

Unlike FFVII Remake, which managed to beautifully flesh out the main party without actually adding much to what was already part of their character development in the original, most of FFVIII's main cast was very underdeveloped.

It would be a major positive to overhaul underutilized characters like Quistis and Irvine, but again, it would require a lot more additional development and details they didn't have originally.
Oct 27, 2017
An FFVIII Remake on the scale of VII would put a nail in the coffin of any future Square remakes and wouldn't make it past the first episode.

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I mean, I guess it would be fine, but aren't we expecting FF7R to be 5-6 parts? It's probably going to be such a long time it's something to not even think about for the moment since there's no way they'd be having multi-volume remakes going on at the same time.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
We'd forget all about it after we played the first episode though :(. Damn GFs.


Apr 25, 2020
I think Square should absolutely remake every single Final Fantasy game on the same caliber as FF7Remake. However, I don't think that it's financially feasible.

The original FF7 is their highest selling title ever, and is basically a legendary IP for many gamers. I think every FF remake going forward is going to just be either an HD facelift (Zodiac Age/FFX) or a reimagining that fits within one game/part. The only FF game that might get a multi-part remake in the future is X, and only because of its enduring popularity.


Oct 25, 2017
Truly love the game and would play the sheeeyut out of a remake, but it definitely didn't hit the zeitgeist like FF7 managed to, so I doubt we'll see a big budget attempt anytime soon.


Oct 31, 2017
No thanks. If they're not able to do a remake in a single game, then don't even bother.
Oct 25, 2017
don't wish pain upon yourself to want current day Square to do that to FF8, as the best final fantasy i'd hate to see it fall like that

i also don't want to see characters looking like asset flips from FF15


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
It would be criminal if they remade this before/instead of FFIX. With that said, I do not seem them fully remaking many/any other old-school FFs.


Oct 25, 2017
What? There's no way it's only going to be 3 if the pace of the first game is any indication. 4, maybe I guess, but my assumption was 6
Nothing official has been stated about how many parts FFVIIR will be. Either way, 5 or 6 installments would be a colossal failure of management.
It would be criminal if they remade this before/instead of FFIX. With that said, I do not seem them fully remaking many/any other old-school FFs.
Realistically, I don't picture IX being popular enough to get a remake on the scale of VII (VIII is still much less so than VII of course, but it does seem more plausible between it and IX).


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017

...but we are probably lucky we got what we did with the "remastered version".

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
Nothing official has been stated about how many parts FFVIIR will be.

Yeah? Never really said otherwise.

Either way, 5 or 6 installments would be a colossal failure of management.

I don't know. Just taking into account how they did Midgar, unless they plan to either not do the same or outright cut areas and stuff from the original, I can't imagine it being less than 4. I guess it's hard to say with how things end up, but if the first game is any indication 4 would be the absolute bare minimum I would expect.
Oct 27, 2017
It's crazy SE has conditioned people already to wanting games that could easily be a single one, and just filled with more content, be broken up into multiple full priced titles over who knows how many years. We still have RPGs that take ~75-100hrs. In a world where we have Persona 5 and Xenoblade, which are chock full of content, this strategy isn't needed. At all


Oct 27, 2017
Theres always people in threads like these whining that they hate viii and contributing nothing to the actual discussion and only derailing the actual conversation.

Anyway I totally agree that FFVIII would be an easier game to do because its much more sectioned off than 7 is. You get a large piece of the pie in 7 after you get past midgar. 8 really sections everything off until the final part of the game where you get the Ragnarok.

Also, FFVIII rules.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this has even more potential than the VII Remake(which I loved) with the setting, concepts and system. The battle system upgrade would please a lot of people who didn't enjoy it in the original and there is quite a few areas that would benefit heavily from expanded development such as characters and story hints. You have cities like Esthar which were already massive and jaw dropping. Being able to fully explore that with the level of technology advancement they have? Then you have things like Garden where you could add social aspects, training and missions to it? I can already see the gunblade being one of the most fun playstyles in the game.

There is only two major fears I have for a remake and that is them butchering Squall and Rinoa's designs(Dissidia shit) which would really upset me. The rest I can't seem them doing anything that would ruin how they look but Rinoa and Squall did not look amazing in Dissidia. If the character designs are top notch and they don't really add as much anime level stuff to it like they did in VII then I will be overly excited and probably die being able to play a Remake.

Also OP I'm disappointed. Blue Fields orchestrated is the way to go for a thread discussing a remake. It's the song we actually hear during part 1. ; )

though I could go for the XIV version

- YouTube

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Oct 27, 2017
Los Alfheim
Your post is long and I'm going to read it. But I'm already IN!

Make it five, six parts even. So much backstory to be explored.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've always been fond of the idea Squall died after getting hit by that giant icicle so if they remake it they should make that canon.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
It's got arguably the best environments and setting in the entire setting. It's not argument that it has the best music, though. There's a ton of potential for growth in seeing VIII realized with next-gen consoles.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It does divide up rather perfectly. Yes! Absolutely, let's do it!

Just imagine it... Rinomecia could finally get the development she deserves.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
I'd love for a remake that fixes up and improves some of the story elements w/ the whole orphanage stuff, adds in more Laguna & co, and such but I don't really care for the multi-part release structure.

Just give me the full experience in one go. Improve and add to the areas of the game that need it. Don't cut the game up into parts and tack on a ton of bloat to pad it out and justify the 3+ separate standalone releases.


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
I really think Final Fantasy VI should be the main contender for a remake, honestly. That recent fan art thread had my imagination running wild.

I struggle to see how appealing the cast of FFVIII would be in a remake, and Squall is just a terrible main character. A recent playthrough had me constantly wishing Rinoa would tell him to eat shit, and she'd date Zell instead. What an awful douchebag.

I really don't understand why you would want a FF8 with 30 hours of Balamb Garden filler before you even get to meet most of the cast.

I'd beaten this game twice when I was a kid but it was only during my recent playthrough where I realised how they constantly re-used Balamb Garden over and over again for the game's story beats. It was clear that this game needed more time in development. Also, what an awfully dull cast of characters that do very little to elevate the plot (like what, exactly, was the purpose of Selphie, Irvine, and Zell??). I feel like Laguna, Kiros, and Ward should've been the main cast instead.

Still, I love this game. Maybe it's just down to nostalgia but many of the locations combined with the soundtrack and outstanding cutscenes still hold up really well. It's a shame that the cast and overall plot are kinda shit.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd beaten this game twice when I was a kid but it was only during my recent playthrough where I realised how they constantly re-used Balamb Garden over and over again for the game's story beats. It was clear that this game needed more time in development. Also, what an awfully dull cast of characters that do very little to elevate the plot (like what, exactly, was the purpose of Selphie, Irvine, and Zell??). I feel like Laguna, Kiros, and Ward should've been the main cast instead.

Still, I love this game. Maybe it's just down to nostalgia but many of the locations combined with the soundtrack and outstanding cutscenes still hold up really well. It's a shame that the cast and overall plot are kinda shit.
Uhhh what?

For disc 1 the moment you leave BG you don't return until disc 2. In disc 2 you have the orphanage twist revealed at Trabia and you reunite with your friends while Garden is immobile at Fishermans Horizon. Even the concert and date between Squall and Rinoa takes place at Fishermans Horizon. The end of disc 2 all takes place in Galbadia Garden. Then disc 3 leaves BG and you spend the rest of your time in Esthar/Space/Memorial/Lunatic Pandora. Disc 4 doesn't have BG at all.

The most time you spend in Garden is disc 2 lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Uhhh what?

For disc 1 the moment you leave BG you don't return until disc 2. In disc 2 you have the orphanage twist revealed at Trabia and you reunite with your friends while Garden is immobile at Fishermans Horizon. Even the concert and date between Squall and Rinoa takes place at Fishermans Horizon. The end of disc 2 all takes place in Galbadia Garden. Then disc 3 leaves BG and you spend the rest of your time in Esthar/Space/Memorial/Lunatic Pandora. Disc 4 doesn't have BG at all.

The most time you spend in Garden is disc 2 lmao

In Disc 1, you start at Balamb, then leave for Dollet, and return to Balamb afterwards before leaving again for the Forest Owls mission. Disc 2 has you returning to Balamb, only to leave for Trabia and return to Balamb once again for the 'clash of the Gardens'. Each of those four sections at Balamb are pretty significant chunks of story and gampeplay that take up large parts of both Discs 1 and 2.

It's boring, though admittedly I didn't feel this way when I was younger.