
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

Developer - DeNA
Publisher - Square Enix
Platform(s) - iOS & Android

Price - Free
Release Date -

  • Japan - September 24, 2014
  • Canada - March 17, 2015
  • US/Europe - March 26, 2015
2022 Edit
Unfortunately FFRK is no longer available Globally as the servers shut down late September 2022. The game is only available in Japan.

Tyro is an apprentice Record Keeper, a group that maintains the paintings that store the history of the world, who studies under Dr. Mog. Although he is the youngest member of the group, Dr. Mog views him as his most promising pupil. Thus, when a mysterious force begins to cause the records to disappear, he is chosen to investigate the cause and to restore the records by entering the paintings to reenact famous battles alongside prominent figures from the history of the Final Fantasy series.


The player assembles a party of up to five members consisting of the main character Tyro as well as various named popular Final Fantasy characters. With their party, the player visits various worlds from the Final Fantasy series, and progresses through the game by clearing the dungeons within "Realms", which are each based on its associated Final Fantasy game.

Each dungeon consists of one or more locations, which have one or more Active Time Battle. These battles use pixel art sprites against a 2D background, with sprites being taken from the 2D games in the series while creating unique ones. Uniquely for the sideline game, Final Fantasy Record Keeper has animated boss and summon sprites.


Do I need to spend money to progress in this game?
No. The only dungeons that are now substantially harder are elite dungeons (on an event, at that). Unlike classic dungeons, that require you to beat a previous dungeon to open the next, you do not unlock any levels by clearing an elite dungeon. They are each opened by mastering their respective classic version.

What's the drawback?
The game has a stamina system. Though keep in mind that as you progress the story, you will obtain stamina shards that increase how many stamina you have. Stamina pots coming out in the near future.

How do I unlock a certain character?
Luckily you don't need to roll for characters in the game. By progressing through the story or participating in events you can unlock characters. If you have a memory crystal lode, your able to unlock any character at any given time.

How's the Gacha in this game?
This game gives at least one guaranteed 5* equipment if you do a ten-pull. How the "rolling gacha" mechanics work is as such: each time you pull, if you don't get a 5* relic, a very small amount of probability is shifted from (either 3 or what you pulled) to 5, giving you a slightly better chance that your next relic on the same banner is a 5. This resets once you get a 5, regardless of what it is.

What is Orbfest?
It's basically a quarterly (approx. every 3 months) farming opportunity for players to stock up on EXP, orbs, gil, and upgrade materials. Every dungeon has increased EXP and gil rewards, while the orbs and upgrade materials are distributed among distinct farming phases.

Just did an 11 pull and my 5 star was off banner, what happened?


  • Back up your game! We read our fair share of stories about people accidentally losing their save data. To prevent this, you can go to Menu > Manage Account > Manage Account link > Pick how you want to back up (Facebook, Google Account, Game Central). On this same page you can see your User ID. It might be a good idea to note the code somewhere in case anything ever happens and you need to contact support.

  • Characters can be placed in either the front or back row. Those in the front row deal more damage but also receive more damage from enemies. Being in the back row reduces damage dealt and received. Characters that focus on close-range attacks should be placed in the front row. Mages, bow users and so on should be placed in the back row, since the damage from magic and long-range attacks is not reduced when used from the back row.

  • A good medium term goal is to get Black Mage, White Mage and Summoner to 50, to unlock their 2nd Record Materias, which recharge 1 use of each school per stage. This is bread and butter for lv80+ dungeons and events to have enough gas left in the tank when facing the boss. On the flipside, BM/WHM/Summoner themselves really, really suck, so this is a huge chore.

  • If you are unable to complete a certain dungeon, try repeating previously completed dungeons to level up your characters. One of the Daily Dungeons gives large amounts of EXP and is perfect for leveling up characters.

  • You receive characters by defeating certain dungeons. For some of the high profile ones, they'll have a weekly dungeon that comes up and stays around for awhile. So do not worry about not getting Tidus or whatever now or spending money on Mythril to restore your stamina. Take it slow as you'll have time. Also, the game periodically has mega-events that give you wildcards to unlock from a plethora of characters and Memory Crystals.

  • Record Synergy is a significant power boost. Characters, as stated above, but more importantly gear. The numbers work out that a 2++ (farmable 2* equipment combined twice and upgraded to the maximum) with Record Synergy generally is on the power level stat-wise as a non-Record Synergy 5* item. A 4* Synergy item will often outright outclass a non-Synergy 5*.

  • THE FIRST RULE OF FIGHT CLUB IS: Never, ever pull relics (especially with cash) with the intent of getting a specific item.

iOS Download Link
Android Download Link
FFRK Subreddit
Official ENG Strategy Site
Official JP Strategy Site
Official Facebook
Quick Info Spreadsheet
FFRK Character chart
Battle Mechanics & Formulas
Battle Multipliers Database
Buffs and Debuffs Timing: Knowing Your ATB guage
Auto-updating (& underused) 4* Orb Droprate spreadsheet
Endgame Ability Creation/Honing guide
Diving Deep: A guide on Record Dives/Record Spheres
A guide to Magicite effects aka passives
Elemental Forces: Guides for one-element teams
Kongbakpao Calender of Events
Torment Farming Cheatsheet

Special thanks to WarAdept for helping out with the OT!
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Oct 25, 2017
Alright fess up, who performed the black magic sacrificing the past so we could get collabs?


Oct 25, 2017
Glad to be back!

We're most likely getting FFD2 which means we get Morrow and his entrust battery Legend Dive


Oct 25, 2017
Music banner was kind to me and I picked up Edward BSB in a stroke of luck last week.

I'm stocked up on Bard/Dancer stuff for the time being.
Oct 25, 2017
Welcome home everyone.

I keep telling myself to take the time to spam some magicite while we still have 1/2 stamina, but I dunno. I actually don't like magicite battles that much.


Oct 25, 2017
Fresh new forum but with the same attempt to pull VIII relics. I hope Hours Left makes it over here! One of my favorite original RK members. Also great looking OP!


This one is for you Falk

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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll be updating more info in the op tomorrow. If you guys have anything in mind to make it better, feel free to suggest your ideas!


Oct 25, 2017
Here we go. Hope we won't lose anyone during the move.

Halloween title screen is cute!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Nearly at 150 mythril as I meticulously go through each renewal dungeon. My eyes are going out of focus as I continue to hit every zero challenge dungeon to collect all characters and snazzy outfits.

Anyway, is the current melody banner worth rolling? Per suggestions from the previous thread, I was holding off rolling any of the renewal banners, but now I'm eager to spend spend spend.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The melody banner is worth pulling if you need team support relics. If your content with all the boost in your team it's not worth pulling.
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Oct 25, 2017
Anyway, is the current melody banner worth rolling? Per suggestions from the previous thread, I was holding off rolling any of the renewal banners, but now I'm eager to spend spend spend.

It's probably one of the better banners for party buffing relics in a long time and at least until the next music banner. Worth it if that's a need for you.


Oct 25, 2017
I need to start finishing up the rest of the renewal dungeons I never completed. I think XI and up I've missed some of the events or never completely finished them.

Also it's cool they added different Halloween items this year. I was tired of the pumpkin and witch hat.


Oct 25, 2017
Did an 11 pull on FFXV just because there was some stuff I wanted
Iris LMR
Noctis SSB

Since Noctis SSB enables some degenerate stuff I'm pretty okay with it.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
175 mythrils with most renewal dungeons still up. That's a good chunk of mythrils for the next Super or OSB Fest.


Oct 25, 2017
313 Spirit / 13 Dex / 361 Vit / 407 Wis / 75 Brave

More Dex/Brave 5* motes plz DeNA

283 Spirit / 63 Dex / 161 Vit / 307 Wis / 445 Brave

Currently missing:
30 Spirit motes from FFIV Torment CM
30 Bravery Motes from VIII Torment CM
50 Dexterity Motes from Sephiroth event that will never recur (._.)

Fully Legend Dived: Bartz, Cloud, Squall, Cid Raines, Y'shtola
Oct 25, 2017
I almost feel like there's too much to do lately and I'm not even doing the renewal banners since I've already completed everything. Weird thing to complain about, but as a person with a complete amount (all events ever mastered, all Cid missions complete), I'm just struggling to find the time to get through it all.


Oct 25, 2017
Lame, did 2 11 pulls on the FF8 banner because I am in desperate need of Ice based soul breaks and I got 2 of Rinoa's legend materia armor (already had 1) and her Crystal Cross (had that too).


Oct 25, 2017
Holy crap! Fenrir finally down! No regrets in grabbing Edea's BSB during the 30th anniversary pull.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty low on mythril currently so I'll save my 50 pull for the second relic banner. I have too many on the first and while it would be nice to grab some new Edea and Laguna gear(plus all the Kiros and Ward relics) I'm would rather try for Zell's new relic.

Glad to see this community make the jump.


Yessss you're here! Had to use Raijin for the welcoming gif.


Oct 25, 2017
Pulled on VIII Renewal and went 1/11 but I got Squall's USB.

The only relic I'm missing from him now is his Legend Materia.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Dang, an 11/11. I didn't think it was even possible. What banner pull was this?


Oct 26, 2017
That was back when the one banner was glitched I think? Herro btw, still deciding on new avatar.
Oct 25, 2017
Blasted through 6 fire magicite runs right before half stamina expired and I managed to get 6 3-star salamander drops in a row. What the hell. Still not a single mom bomb drop.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Huzzah, my registration went thru!

Magicites are back to full stam now, unfortunately. I've got most of the 3*s farmer to make 99s or at the very least 80s, but just don't have the time to level them.

That and I need more slots for magicite.

The next S - level tier banner is the FFTA one right?
Oct 27, 2017
Huzzah, my registration went thru!

Magicites are back to full stam now, unfortunately. I've got most of the 3*s farmer to make 99s or at the very least 80s, but just don't have the time to level them.

That and I need more slots for magicite.

The next S - level tier banner is the FFTA one right?

And the FFX banner before FFT.

Tidus' USB, chain and water BSB, all in one.

I lack water soul breaks but I'm going hard on the FFT banner. Agria's BSB is my only dupe there and I have the chance to complete husbando ramza.


Oct 27, 2017
And the FFX banner before FFT.

Tidus' USB, chain and water BSB, all in one.

I lack water soul breaks but I'm going hard on the FFT banner. Agria's BSB is my only dupe there and I have the chance to complete husbando ramza.

Right, I've neglected FFX for so long, I really need to do at minimum 1 pull there. I'm in serious need of some Water SBs.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, the X and Tactics banners back to back is going to be a pain. I'm leaning more towards X as the real next good Tactics banner is TGC USB. Dat Shout 2.0 though...


Oct 25, 2017
Except for Paine's USB and the Tidus stuff the FF X banner is terrible: Yuna's SSB, Paine's SSB, Wakka's LMR, Paine's LMR and the BSBs for Rikku, Wakka and Paine. Compared to FFT: March SSB (and even if you consider this the bottom end it's still a nice SB), Meliadoul and Agrias BSB.