
One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
Trinidad, West Indies
re: Shiva



Firion Sync 1/AASB1/AASb2/LBO
Quina -99% HP Glint+/Aegis Debuff Glint+/Sync/AASB1
Elarra Glint+/USb1/USb2/Sync/AASB
BAlthier CSB/Sync
Locke 250 gauge Glint+/Dyad/USb2/Sync1/AASB1

RW: Wall

Needed a couple tries to suss out the heavy early incoming damage, but was smooth sailing after I got everyone going. I used Quina AASb1 to counter phase 3 Slowga.



Mog Glint+1/Glint+2/AASB1/AASb2/Sync
Ace Glint+/USB2/DAASB/AASb1
Papalymo Glint+/USB/SYnc/AASB
Vincent 500 gauge Glint+/Sync1/AASB1
Cait Glint+/USB2/AASB2x2

RW: Wall

This took a lot longer than physical to get going, and it also took several tries to finish, both due to the heavy incoming damage. Even after I got going, I kept getting nuked in phase 3. I had to retreat and move characters around, putting Cait and Vincent (who didn't have enough gauge late in the fight) in slots 4/5 while moving Mog/Ace (who had too much gauge) to slots 1/2. That did the trick and I won right after.

I can probably sub-30 both physical and magic with some optimisation and good RNG, but I feel no incentive to do that now. Maybe when missions come I'll give it a try.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Sub 30d magical weak Sandworm and all it took was.....2 dual users and a 3rd with an atb sync.

Think I'm fading out of the game again. Labs have been a complete non starter for me, and getting 1 boss every 3-4 weeks that's dead in a night just isn't making for a compelling game.

I'm literally shocked that reddit hasn't been dogging on labs, oddly enough most of them love manually grinding chasing largely worthless extra 1-2% bumps on hero equipment. The levels in labs are the epitome of boring filler that is just...pointless.

We'll see what the new content brings next month I guess.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
Trinidad, West Indies
re: 10x daily campaign

Main: 77/480, 38 dupes

Total by type:

AASB: 10 - Maria, Noel 2, Galuf 1, Gogo V*, Ricard, Umaro, Dr. Mog 1*, Gilgamesh*, Lion*, Edgar*
USB: 2 - Machina*, Arc 2*
OSB: 1 - Vaan*
Glint+: 2 - Rinoa BDL+*, Fina

Glint: 6 - Cyan*, Kefka, Barret*, Elarra, Vivi*, Kain*
LMR: 24 - Seifer ATK+, Firion DC Samurai*, Ramza INstant ATB*, Minwu En-Holy*, Sarah Bard heal*, Tyro IC2*, Reno En-Lightning*, Paine ATK Up, Gabranth DC*, Paine En-Water, Rosa AoE Heal*, Gordon Stat Duration+, Arc MND+, Noel En-Water, Nine Imperil, Sabin En-Fire, Ceodore Cover*, Freya En-Wind*, Squall QC*, Bartz 3cast*, OK Rod DMG*, Minfillia Buff Duration, Echo Dance Heal, Tyro IC2*
BSSB: 9 - Vivi 2, Shantotto*, Vincent 1*, Bartz Water*, Raijin, Maria*, Matoya, Cyan 2, Gordon
SSB: 11 - Maria, Irvine 1, Sephiroth 2*, Prompto, Umaro, Sarah*, Setzer 2*, Agrias 2, Lion*, Barret 1, Gabranth

Unique: 9 - Serah Clockmaster, Irvine 2, Reno, Strago 1, Wakka 2*, Zell 1, Auron 1*, Fang 1, Bartz 2
Shared: 2 - X Auroch's Uniform, X Emerald Bracer
No SB: 1 - VI Golden Spear

Got an incredible 10 AASBs from this campaign, including two big picks up in Maria (I was able to pick up her Sync during 7A and I had her Dyad/CSB+ from before) and Galuf (physical earth chain holder finally has a BDL). Ricard might even get used in the upcoming Dragoon CD. Too bad half the AASBs were dupes.

Alt: 47/490, 14 dupes

Total by type:

AASB: 2 - Gladio*, Setzer
AOSB: 3 - Sephiroth 2, Gladio, Vivi*
USB: 1 - Fran 1*
CSB: 2 - Tidus 1*, P.Cecil rCSB
OSB: 1 - Edgar
Glint+: 3 - Cater Switchdraw*, Guy, Serah

Glint: 5 - Lulu En-Ice, Yda, Marcus Switchdraw*, Cor, Ignis
LMR: 9 - Freya En-Wind, Y'Shtola DC BLK/Witch, Amarant QC, Kefka En-Dark, Kuja En-Dark*, Vaan QC, Ysayle DC, Cait Sith QC*
BSSB: 6 - Prishe, Wakka 2, Penelo 1, Kiros*, Deuce*, Sephiroth 1*
SSB: 4 - Shelke, Marcus, Leo, Yuna 2*

Unique: 5 - Cait Sith, Balthier 2, Lenna 3, Tyro 3, Freya
Shared: 3 - XIV CObalt Katzbalger, I Diamond Shield, IX Red Hat
No SB: 1 - VII Shinra Helmet

Alt, unfortunately, got mostly rubbish. Two AASbs, but one a dupe, and the other worthless (Setzer doesn't make a dark or a VI team for me). You know things are bad when the only decent things picked up are an AOSB (Gladio) and a DC LMR (Ysayle).

Alt also had really bad luck with quantity, with a (I'm pretty sure) record 20 0/10s. Sigh. But oh well.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Broke down and did 1 pull on the poison banner. Got Quistis dual, Edgar sync and Edgar csb.

Did allow me to beat the Lab. Edgar has gone from 0 to Poison Hero in the span of like 2 months. And my FF6 team has gone from magical stacked to stacked mag and phys in the last 2 months as well.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
Trinidad, West Indies
Clutch pull on Bio banner 2 (got Quistis AASB2 and Kefka AASb2) got me this win:


D650 Green Dragon mastered in 33.18

Thief (LM1+LM2):
R5 HA, R5 Poison Weakness / Thief DMG+ / USB, AASB1
Cait Sith (QC LMR+LM2): R5 HA, R5 ACM / MM / Glint+, USB2, AASBx2
Mog (QC LMR+LM2): R5 HA, R5 Passion Salsa / DMT / Proshellga Glint+, AASB1, AASB2, Sync
Kefka (DC LM+LM2): R5 HA / Bio DMG+ / Dyad, AASB1, AASB2
Quistis (DC LMR+LM2): R5 HA, R5 Wrath / bUSB, CSB, AASB2

RW: Wall

First attempt after getting the new toys, I knew I had the victory when I got to 5% HP and got Deadended but I had accidentally not equipped Kefka Dyad. Next try, I got Deadended at 0.8% HP left. Said screw it and lensed Quistis AOSB (I had used multiple OSBs in last phase instead - too slow). BUt on the next run, I won right before she could use it (Odin got the kill shot; Green Dragon only had 1.4% left anyway).

With the new nodes, I could probably sub-30 this with Wait Mode. Regardless, won't be doing this fight again until the missions. I'm just glad to be able to clear it at all. Sub-30 can wait.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Gachas like this are pretty much always more profitable in JP than everywhere else. But I didn't expect that only the GL server would shut down.

As it looks like, JP will get 8* relics and ways to further upgrade HAs. They are not planning to end the JP side anytime soon, its really just the GL version.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty bummed about this, have a lot of good memories with this game and will definitely miss it when it's gone.


Oct 26, 2017
friends i think the next tier of content will be my ultimate goal for the game*

nothing groundbreakingly new has happened and labyrinth turned out to be a real turd of a new meat&bones mode. Figure Bahamut and <insert realm bosses here> would be a good place to call it quits

i guess it's a trip from almost-zero again considering as of writing i have two DASBs (lol) and one protag chain total

*unless DeNA pulls a 'ok we've wrapped up the nostalgia stuff here's also a wrapup of Tyro's story Coming To You In The Next Year(tm)' or some shit



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wow. Been playing daily for like 7 years now. What am I going to do with all this free time?
I hear you. I don't even know. It's too much to hope that they release Record/Realm Dungeons on the Switch for $20 or something, right? I'm gonna miss this. Granted, the gameplay had gotten super stale lately, and I do hate lab dungeons, but... free time...


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Going to miss it. Don't even know what else to play on my phone lol. Nothing scratched the same itch that I've tried :(


Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad to have my free time back, the recent content hasn't been doing it for me and it had started to feel like a job. I hated the labyrinths and how time consuming it was.


Oct 25, 2017
Disengaged from the endgame for the longest, but still log in regularly for weekly stuff/events. Gonna miss this game. First mobile game that I really sunk some time into.


Nov 19, 2017
Don't think I've ever posted in this thread, but I've played this since early 2016. The battle system was everything I wanted in a turn-based FF game. Really going to miss this game 😔


Oct 25, 2017
Oh wow, they're killing the game? I know it's pretty much lagging in content, but why not just leave it up and content lock it? Pretty sad.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Damn.... I've fallen off the game for a while, only coming back every now and then to play for a few weeks or so. It is still the gatcha game that got the most of my attention and money....


Oct 26, 2017
I've been contemplating if I wanna start a JP account just to finish RCDs but I'm not sure if I can bear the thought of going through the entirety of realm and record dungeons again just to do one tier of content then call it quits lol

it is a serious consideration for anyone who sincerely enjoyed the game and wants more, though


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think I want to go through all of that again just to fight superbosses that I know I won't beat for a long time.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, I haven't played the game in a very long time but it still saddens me to see it shut down in global :/


Oct 25, 2017
Running out of content isn't even the issue. The JP version of the game is still going. :(
I've been contemplating if I wanna start a JP account just to finish RCDs but I'm not sure if I can bear the thought of going through the entirety of realm and record dungeons again just to do one tier of content then call it quits lol

it is a serious consideration for anyone who sincerely enjoyed the game and wants more, though
I'm kind of surprised they won't have a migrate function to move global accounts over.

That said, even though the game is functionally the same as global, I don't know if I have the energy to play a game in Japanese anymore. lol


Oct 26, 2017
ok time to restart in JP and pretend its canonical


After the unbearable flash of light, Tyro blinked. "Elarra?" No response. There was an awful feeling in his gut as he looked around and saw none of his companions. Not Biggs, Wedge, or P'soon. No Cid worrying about whether he was eating well. "Wait, I recognize this!" Tyro thought to himself as a far younger Dr Mog approached. "I've somehow been sent back in time! Is this Shadowsmith's doing?!" Tyro gets more frantic as Dr Mog starts speaking in an unintelligible language for what's obviously a tutorial on how to run a record dungeon.

Tears formed in his eyes while Dr Mog prattled on, as he slowly came to grips with the implications of what had just happened. None of the good times he'd had, the festival celebrations, the struggles against overwhelming opponents, the close shaves, the victories, the relief with his friends had ever happened, and should he meet them again, they wouldn't be aware.

Still, he steeled himself. "If this is what it takes to save Elarra, I'll do it. I'll do it all again."

Tyro sets off to help Cloud against Guard Scorpion, doing his best to pretend to listen to Dr Mog to avoid being nagged...



i said i want to kill RCDs and quit after

i means what i says and i says what i means

edit: it's fest and 1/2 stamina fwiw

feel that FOMO
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Full Nines

Apr 10, 2018
Holy hell, completely blindsided. It's just so sudden; I didn't think the global version was having any kind of trouble at all. I'm going to miss this game. Gonna be weird not logging in after like seven years of it.

Not even sure what I want to do now. Maybe finish the Record Dungeons? I only recently finished Argent Odins and hardly touched DBs and Bahamuts. On the bright side, won't have to worry about Labyrinth grinding anymore.

Guess it's time to go on a spending spree with 1500 Mythril, 117 R/E tickets, and countless lenses.
Oct 25, 2017
Dropped this cold turkey a few months ago but am sad to see it go for those still enjoying it. Good times for a while for sure. The pixel versions of characters were so much fun. Too bad it doesn't seem this will be adapted into a regular game and instead will be lost to history alongside other discarded final fantasy spinoffs.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no expectation of them making the game offline, but I kind of wish people are able to do it.

I'm reminded of the guy who had thousands of simulated accounts doing draws and stuff in order to get the actual gacha rates, so at least the data is there somewhere and accessible.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Dropped this cold turkey a few months ago but am sad to see it go for those still enjoying it. Good times for a while for sure. The pixel versions of characters were so much fun. Too bad it doesn't seem this will be adapted into a regular game and instead will be lost to history alongside other discarded final fantasy spinoffs.

The pixel art and soul breaks effects just look so good. Such a pity for all of it to be lost. Even the Japanese version will shut down eventually.


Oct 31, 2017
I haven't played in a couple years. I had to get a new tablet because my old one died and I didn't even bother redownloading the game. I need to and log in one last time before the shut down.


Oct 26, 2017
omg im dying

- people proccing double XP in labyrinth farming

- back-to-back tutorials make tyro and mog look incredibly manic

- snow literally steamrolling everything



After the unbearable flash of light, Tyro blinked. "Elarra?" No response. There was an awful feeling in his gut as he looked around and saw none of his companions. Not Biggs, Wedge, or P'soon. No Cid worrying about whether he was eating well. "Wait, I recognize this!" Tyro thought to himself as a far younger Dr Mog approached. "I've somehow been sent back in time! Is this Shadowsmith's doing?!" Tyro gets more frantic as Dr Mog starts speaking in an unintelligible language for what's obviously a tutorial on how to run a record dungeon.

Tears formed in his eyes while Dr Mog prattled on, as he slowly came to grips with the implications of what had just happened. None of the good times he'd had, the festival celebrations, the struggles against overwhelming opponents, the close shaves, the victories, the relief with his friends had ever happened, and should he meet them again, they wouldn't be aware.

Still, he steeled himself. "If this is what it takes to save Elarra, I'll do it. I'll do it all again."

Tyro sets off to help Cloud against Guard Scorpion, doing his best to pretend to listen to Dr Mog to avoid being nagged...

damn this was tongue in cheek but i actually feel sad now

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Oct 25, 2017
Hope Tyro and the FFRK crew get a nod in other FF projects going forward. Then again I had similar hopes for Wol/Blank.

Also I'm glad I was able to get some of the FFXI REMA weapons in FFRK, notably Excalibur (XI) and Ragnarok (XI), my Galka bf Zeid and my gal pal Curilla deserved 'em.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Hope Tyro and the FFRK crew get a nod in other FF projects going forward. Then again I had similar hopes for Wol/Blank.

Also I'm glad I was able to get some of the FFXI REMA weapons in FFRK, notably Excalibur (XI) and Ragnarok (XI), my Galka bf Zeid and my gal pal Curilla deserved 'em.

Tyro and company should get a single player game of their own.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Installed jp for a bit, but I don't have it in me to build all that up again. Farewell FFRK. I'll still be playing til it closes, but that'll be all she wrote.

What a long journey! I think 5 years for me since I took a break when 3* magicites came out.

Full Nines

Apr 10, 2018

Yeah I kinda forgot these existed, haha. I was going to wait until the next update where they'd, presumably, add DAASBs, but... well, no point in waiting now. Down to 80 tickets after splurging a bit on IX and XII.

At the very least, I'd like to finish all the Dreambreakers. After slowly accumulating all these powerful SBs, I hardly got a chance to use many of them. Want to at least try and get my Mythril's worth.


Oct 27, 2017
Took a few days to process the information of the closure, and actually deliberately missed logging in for once for maybe only the 2nd or 3rd time since day 1. I'd fallen off a bit since DK, and was playing in spurts here and there and slowly rediscovering the fun of the game, but man, Labs really did me in for a while being super grindy.

As others have pointed out, there is now a block of free time that is FFRKless. I've started to fill that void with FFXIV, because, well it's free to level 60, so we'll see how that goes.

I haven't blown my mythril or tickets yet. I might grind it out to the end of September, I might not. I think I still need some time.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Installed Omnia again, got a truckload of gems for some reason, did all the pulls I could then quickly unnstalled that turd.

Remembered why I didn't play that shit, drawing is like a .000000000000001% of getting anything. But hey, it's ftp friendly apparently they say.

Blah, no other mobile ff game to fill this void, as Exvius is somehow worse.


Oct 26, 2017

1 week, DOdin down. Not exactly the fastest, but i'm not tunneling this game either lol

there's a lot of powercreep involved but teams definitely still need fundamentals- some kind of buff (i have tyro sync) and decent gear/dive/magicite deck. everything is a hodgepodge but there's at least A Dip(tm) into the meat and bones of character power and magicites. i'm trying to lens and dive as little as possible to save it all up because virtually everything that was taken for granted are all bottlenecks here- EX lenses, rat tails, 6* motes, water for hp, heck even gil is a massive bottleneck

hilariously enough, despite saying i'm out after RCDs, seeing the job dungeons side by side with them are psychoing me into wanting to do them to

i'm not putting my emotional stake in JP FFRK lasting though- if it goes, it goes.


Oct 26, 2017
currently working my way through 6*s, got Titan, Ramuh, Leviathan, Ifrit, Shiva down, know exactly what I need for Valefor/Alex/Diabolos, also p sure I can knock out a few Neo Bahamuts

this has been an intensely strange experience- you only need *one* good DPS relic at this point in powercreep between board dives, freely available HE via Kite, but at the same time having no real decent chance at pulling AASBs or chains (lol) except throwing tickets at the realm/elemental banners means you actually have to brute force a lot of these fights, sometimes w/o infusion, and people run out of gas incredibly quickly. add that to limited support options and virtually no chains at all means a reliance on RW chains have people hitting way lower than they should, propped up only by Kite shop

the game actually honestly is so well-designed for onboarding new players (granted, i know this game inside out and did have a shotgun blast of necessary DPS relics) in that it's a perpetual motion machine of clearing content and using the rewards from that (mainly HA lenses, 6* motes) to keep the ball rolling on the next one.

current plan is finish 6*, see what NBahas I can nab, chip away at WOdins and 580 labs for tickets/HA lenses, then switch over to realm content to snowball HAs.

i managed to nab Sazh AASB1/2 and Cait AASB/SASB as my supports, so i'm decently set on that although incredibly hesitant to hone anything at all due to the incredibly limited stash of stuff i have

i'm definitely having more of a blast than the state I was in with GL, although i'm still not sure i'd stake my bets on this game lasting till the last of RCDs are out and i actually get to finish them

instead of constantly bumping this thread, made a spreadsheet for my progress; probably bump once in a while for milestones

falk's ffrk jp wild ride

JP Progression MAGICITE,Elemental NBaha 18ele/FA,Greg 18damp/HP,omega,golem,P fakeB,M fakeB,P BahaZ,M BahaZ,Greg,P Eden,M Eden,Raiden,P Crus,M Crus MAG Eden MND/HEAL,Earth Phys,OO,OO,Wind,x,x,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O PHYS Eden MND/HEAL,Earth Mag,OO,OO,Earth,x,x,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O MAG BahaZ MAG/HP,Lightning ...

bonus: prepping Luneth for DRM break and Faris for imperils for Titan but cloud just presses DA and USB1 and wrecks the boss solo. (faris gets off 1 imperil total, and Luneth's DRM crush hits at like... 5% lol)


edit: the actual biggest progression bottleneck right now, ironically, are rat tails, of which outside weekly missions is a tepid trickle via lab runs
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Oct 25, 2017
the game actually honestly is so well-designed for onboarding new players (granted, i know this game inside out and did have a shotgun blast of necessary DPS relics) in that it's a perpetual motion machine of clearing content and using the rewards from that (mainly HA lenses, 6* motes) to keep the ball rolling on the next one.
Honestly yea, to have it this well designed and not have it lean heavily on FOMO is why FFRK is GOAT'd as far as mobile games go, for me personally at least. The fact we got this kind of game design plus the soundtrack and the pixel art. SE is so fucking stupid for ending service, as inevitable as that may have been, still incredibly stupid how little they marketed it. Especially with the dearth of turn based SE projects they have atm, and the fact that the battle system has ATB and Vancian-esque magic/abilities resources with the ability honing. I knew it's time was short when they promoted the FFBE person in CBU4. UGGGGH.
Oct 25, 2017
Well damn I was going to start getting into this again, I was just doing quests and all the sudden saw the closure thing after like 45 minutes of playing. Well that sucks…..


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly yea, to have it this well designed and not have it lean heavily on FOMO is why FFRK is GOAT'd as far as mobile games go, for me personally at least. The fact we got this kind of game design plus the soundtrack and the pixel art. SE is so fucking stupid for ending service, as inevitable as that may have been, still incredibly stupid how little they marketed it. Especially with the dearth of turn based SE projects they have atm, and the fact that the battle system has ATB and Vancian-esque magic/abilities resources with the ability honing. I knew it's time was short when they promoted the FFBE person in CBU4. UGGGGH.

Honestly I'm curious how much of the decision to shut down was made by SE and how much was made by DeNA.