What party member are you looking forward to playing as the most?

  • Cloud

    Votes: 228 18.7%
  • Barrett

    Votes: 48 3.9%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 307 25.1%
  • Aerith

    Votes: 55 4.5%
  • Red XIII

    Votes: 217 17.8%
  • Yuffie

    Votes: 207 16.9%
  • Cait Sith

    Votes: 160 13.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
Tried the fight again today. I said 'fuck it' and stopped trying to do this one Aeroga strat that I found on youtube, and just played like I normally do.

Got him on my first try lmao.

I equiped the accessory that gives the character their max limit break. As soon as Darkstar appeared, I used Finishing Touch on it, which removed over half of his health. Then I wailed on it with Prime Mode, summoned Odin as soon as I could, and Odin ended up finishing Darkstar shortly after. When Odin did Zentetsuken, Rufus fell. lol.

Ayyyyy nice.

My big mistake when I was doing that fight initially was when I was close to finishing, but accidentally summoned, and then suddenly had no ATB, went "oh fuck" and Rufus cornered me and it was over lol.

I have trouble with Rufus, I'm not "good" enough at the battle system, but I felt very proud of myself for not bumping it down to Easy and getting it done after a couple tries haha.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
so uh... looks like I need to do all sidequests on hard? The last side quest, Can't Stop Won't Stop, is unlocked by having done all the others. It gives a manuscript, so I need to do it on hard. But since I've already done it back on my first playthrough, it means that I can't restore my sidequest progress because the quest will be marked as complete, and you can't redo a completed quest. So the only way to redo the quest is by redoing all the sidequests...

Man. That's a real bummer. I've been super hot on hard mode so far because it's a lot faster since you don't have to bother with world intel activities. But having to go back and do the other sidequests that don't give manuscripts just so I can unlock the final one that does give a manuscript is just tedious. The game should just allow you to redo any sidequest that you've already completed without needing the unlock conditions.

Ayyyyy nice.

My big mistake when I was doing that fight initially was when I was close to finishing, but accidentally summoned, and then suddenly had no ATB, went "oh fuck" and Rufus cornered me and it was over lol.

I have trouble with Rufus, I'm not "good" enough at the battle system, but I felt very proud of myself for not bumping it down to Easy and getting it done after a couple tries haha.
You need the two blocking-related purple materia for this fight (and I've had them equiped since I started playing and never took them off, for any of my characters). That way, when you block rufus's attack, you get ATB back.


Oct 27, 2017
You need the two blocking-related purple materia for this fight (and I've had them equiped since I started playing and never took them off, for any of my characters). That way, when you block rufus's attack, you get ATB back.

Yeah, I do/did! Cloud always has them on. I miss a lot of blocks even when I'm trying, and very rarely get perfect blocks. I mostly got my ATB back that fight by dodging constantly and using the dodge projectiles (which also did some chip damage at times) and just staying the hell away from him until I was ready to move in.

I'm just not very good haha. Still managed to finish the game on normal though (was getting worried about the final phase of the last boss tho haha).


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Does ATB Assist require that you spam the same ability twice or can you use any two abilities back-to-back (such as Barret's steelskin and bonus round)?

Yeah, I do/did! Cloud always has them on. I miss a lot of blocks even when I'm trying, and very rarely get perfect blocks. I mostly got my ATB back that fight by dodging constantly and using the dodge projectiles (which also did some chip damage at times) and just staying the hell away from him until I was ready to move in.

I'm just not very good haha. Still managed to finish the game on normal though (was getting worried about the final phase of the last boss tho haha).
lol yeah I get it. As long as you have fun, it doesn't matter if you're "good". You managed to beat the game, after all. That's what matters.


Oct 27, 2017
lol yeah I get it. As long as you have fun, it doesn't matter if you're "good". You managed to beat the game, after all. That's what matters.

Yeah, I'm too old now to care about being good at games haha. As long as I get through them and have fun, I'm happy.

I did manage it! The final boss was kind of funny. I thought it was quite easy up till the last phase, and it wasn't even the thing that kept tripping people up in the last phase that was giving me trouble lol.

For like, six or seven tries, I didn't even make it to the DPS check on Seph, I kept getting overwhelmed in the last third or so when he started using more octoslash and heartless angel, and I just couldn't recover. I got it the last time because I started running Aerith away from octoslash (she kept getting stuck in it with Cloud in my failed attempts), and just let Cloud take it while I sat back with Aerith and built her ATB by chipping at Seph while he was destroying Cloud lol. Then I could heal Cloud up and keep going.

Cloud took a LOT of masamune slashes to the face lol.


Jan 2, 2020
This is somewhere I think the game lacks that hasn't been picked up on as much as it might have been. The scope of the content in Rebirth is so vast that you'd have hoped they could've put a bit more life into the world - even just 30 or so conversations sprinkled around between party members (as is common in big western AAA games) that trigger when you alight on certain locations would have added a lot. I also wish they'd been able to have a greater ratio of interesting things to pick up as against generic items and transmutation scraps, too.

I think it all boils down to them adapting to the current generation of gamers. If not, they would have left the open world completely discoverable without any checklist whatsoever. From this design choice stems the fact that you don't really discover a lot of cool useable things on the open-world (like materia and armor (though exceptions exist here)). Everything is streamlined into a materia shop and of course materials with which you craft your armors and accessories. I would have preferred it if they had turned half of the streamline rewards into exploration ones, because as a thorough explorer it would have felt rewarding for me , but I can already see the complaints "oh didn't get that, why is it so hidden away, game is not respecting my time, this is too tough"... So in that regard I can sympathize with their decision to go this route, as it does save a lot of time and people can get what they want in regards to materia and armor.

It's a bit like spoilers. All the things you know you will get from Chadley and crafting, it's not the same feeling as stumbling across Kujata on the floor, or stealing a weapon from a random enemy, using morph to get a Ribbon.
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"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Come home from work. Loaded up Rebirth for a Bonds of Friendship run. Was getting slaughtered on the early rounds but got to Odin, kept my cool and smashed him.

FINALLY! High as a kite right now. I've heard the Seph one is much easier so fingers crossed. Once that's done just Hard mode left.


Jun 5, 2018
Come home from work. Loaded up Rebirth for a Bonds of Friendship run. Was getting slaughtered on the early rounds but got to Odin, kept my cool and smashed him.

FINALLY! High as a kite right now. I've heard the Seph one is much easier so fingers crossed. Once that's done just Hard mode left.

Nice one! Seph is faster, has better materia and a good limit break so I found him more useful to fall back on for help. Now that you know the summon fights you shouldn't have to repeat this as often, I hope.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, glad I went to Rebirth. Only a few hours in but it already feels more like an RPG than Remake. While playing that I kept thinking about Uncharted. It's so linear and cinematic. I just want to run around open spaces with my party and get into fights.


Oct 25, 2017
Please tell me there are not more quests that force you to play Run Wild? How they thought this was a good mini game I'll never know...

Thankfully the time trial wasn't too strict

Edit: noooo lmao, they added another reward to Run Wild. ;_;
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Jun 20, 2022
so uh... looks like I need to do all sidequests on hard? The last side quest, Can't Stop Won't Stop, is unlocked by having done all the others. It gives a manuscript, so I need to do it on hard. But since I've already done it back on my first playthrough, it means that I can't restore my sidequest progress because the quest will be marked as complete, and you can't redo a completed quest. So the only way to redo the quest is by redoing all the sidequests...

While I agree, it is like.... 85% of sidequests that give manuscripts. The ones that don't usually have zero combat so you can blitz through very fast. So its not that much extra tedium if you are hunting all the manuscripts.

At least you don't have to do all the minigames in that quest again either, just the colloseum, which is naturally much harder on hard mode.


Oct 29, 2017
Please tell me there are not more quests that force you to play Run Wild? How they thought this was a good mini game I'll never know...

Thankfully the time trial wasn't too strict

Edit: noooo lmao, they added another reward to Run Wild. ;_;

There isn't any side quests that involve it anymore, at least.


Nov 19, 2017
After close to 230 hours, finally got the the platinum trophy! Man that was such a miserable and unfun experience. Had I walked away from the game after completing it I would have been more positive towards it, but this plat run soured me overall on the game.

I hope for the next part SE rethinks the design around the plat challenge. Less, minigames and multi guantlet challenges without checkpoints please.


Oct 25, 2017
Started chapter 2 in hard mode as I'm working on the materials for the Genji Gloves. Decided I wanted to do some of the early VR challenges I never did but then quickly realize I'm in hard mode but I can't change the difficulty now. Guess I need to do a chapter select again? Some of this stuff is so confusing.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Cleared To be a hero first try. All that practice with Zack payed off. Seph is also way better overall.

Hope they tone these down next game though. Minigames have been fine for me personally, just some practice and cleared them mostly with no issue. Bonds of Friendship though, I was so close to just giving up. Funny thing is though once you've done it once it's really easy to clear again and again.

Just hard mode left. Probably going to be a cake walk compared to the VR challenges.

Still top 5 GOAT for me.


Jan 2, 2020
crazy how some enemies will hit you with an clearly elemental attack but NOPE cant Elemental Materia + Element absorb it
wow you mean to tell me the White Terror isnt shooting fucking fire at me?

I mean just in general, I can recommend people access Enemy Intel (by pressing Touch Pad in battle) and press R1 to check out their attacks. It tells you important information like which attacks are physical or magical and if they are aligned with an element.

From what I've seen in playthroughs it's a severely underused feature, which is a bummer... aside from the fact that some of them look impressive.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
am I the only one who ships Barret x Maeve Mabel? The children's book author from that side quest. I'm really hoping that she comes back in Part 3 and that we see a romance develop between her and Barret.

I know it's not going to happen :(


Jun 20, 2022
am I the only one who ships Barret x Maeve Mabel? The children's book author from that side quest. I'm really hoping that she comes back in Part 3 and that we see a romance develop between her and Barret.

I know it's not going to happen :(

That would really mess with Advent Children and who Marlene's "mom" is, but I'm here for it!


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I mean just in general, I can recommend people access Enemy Intel (by pressing Touch Pad in battle) and press R1 to check out their attacks. It tells you important information like which attacks are physical or magical and if they are aligned with an element.

From what I've seen in playthroughs it's a severely underused feature, which is a bummer... aside from the fact that some of them look impressive.

Damn! Thanks for this tip! I assess all the time (sometimes multiple times during a battle) but didn't know about using R1.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
holy shit

So I'm redoing all the sidequests on hard. I just got to the chocobo gliding minigame in Cosmo Canyon. The second and third trials both took a lot out of me 100 hours of gameplay ago. Now... I just got all three on my first try with perfect scores. I didn't even use the cheat in the third trial whereby you go back to get more air; I just fucking did it.

insane lol.


Oct 27, 2017
holy shit

So I'm redoing all the sidequests on hard. I just got to the chocobo gliding minigame in Cosmo Canyon. The second and third trials both took a lot out of me 100 hours of gameplay ago. Now... I just got all three on my first try with perfect scores. I didn't even use the cheat in the third trial whereby you go back to get more air; I just fucking did it.

insane lol.

Hard vibing lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Man the last chapter on hard mode fucking sucks. I don't want to quit now because I'm so close but I'm also not having fun
Edit: complaining worked. I finished the last few phases right after staying I wanted to quit lol
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Oct 25, 2017
I appreciate that the Chocobo Racing is just like straight up Mario Kart but man there are just so many races and basically none of them are any real challenge to someone who is a regular Mario Kart player, lol.


Jan 2, 2020
The head case battle intel is so difficult. I can't figure out how to kill the mindflayer before one of the other side monsters (which seem to have almost no hp) gets killed by one of my team members. I don't even get him down like 10%. I've tried sleeping the others but that doesn't last nearly long enough. Anyone have any tips?

After reading a lot in this thread, Head Case seems to be one of the recurring pain points, so I'll try to add some basic tips I have not seen posted, which might also enhance your gameplay in general:

1. Problem: Team members not attacking the Mindflayer and/or attacking the sleeped enemies. Use (defensive) Synergy attacks to lure them away. First of all I would lure the Mindflayer away to a distant location, then build two ATBs, cast a single Sleep on one of the adds (it's better than using Magnify-Sleep), then immediately use a (defensive) Synergy attack to get your party member away from that sleeping minion. Repeat this step for the other minion, and that's it. Both your party members will now totally focus on the Mindflayer.

2. Problem: Not doing enough damage before the adds wake up. I can only recommend using the strongest offensive Synergy attacks (like Spellblade, Power Cleave, Spellbound Blast...), that do a ton of damage on top of giving generous amount of ATB. Get 3 pips for 2 characters asap, use a Synergy ability to put him into Pressure and then pound on him. Usually one stagger phase is not enough, so renew the steps from 1st problem and you should be safe to kill the Mindflayer. If helps if you have an accessory that extends the time of negative status effect spells, but usually the first two single Sleeps should give you ample time.


Oct 25, 2017
After reading a lot in this thread, Head Case seems to be one of the recurring pain points, so I'll try to add some basic tips I have not seen posted, which might also enhance your gameplay in general:

1. Problem: Team members not attacking the Mindflayer and/or attacking the sleeped enemies. Use (defensive) Synergy attacks to lure them away. First of all I would lure the Mindflayer away to a distant location, then build two ATBs, cast a single Sleep on one of the adds (it's better than using Magnify-Sleep), then immediately use a (defensive) Synergy attack to get your party member away from that sleeping minion. Repeat this step for the other minion, and that's it. Both your party members will now totally focus on the Mindflayer.

2. Problem: Not doing enough damage before the adds wake up. I can only recommend using the strongest offensive Synergy attacks (like Spellblade, Power Cleave, Spellbound Blast...), that do a ton of damage on top of giving generous amount of ATB. Get 3 pips for 2 characters asap, use a Synergy ability to put him into Pressure and then pound on him. Usually one stagger phase is not enough, so renew the steps from 1st problem and you should be safe to kill the Mindflayer. If helps if you have an accessory that extends the time of negative status effect spells, but usually the first two single Sleeps should give you ample time.

Thanks for the tips. I was actually thinking about trying it again now that I've completed hard mode.


Oct 25, 2017
Mini game woes continue...

The sit ups mini game is so badly designed.

Moving to t to the shoulder buttons was a terrible idea. Having the L1/R1 buttons on the bottom (when they're on the top as you hold the controller in front of you) , having yhe direction switch every other attempt, and the new green icon half press QTE? Just horrible.

I wish I hadn't committed to 100%ing this. Run Wild and this are utterly miserable experiences, and I just got into a really good groove with the game :(
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Had to look up some guides and tips on dealing with White Terror. It's one thing in the Grasslands, but the VR challenge with the Sweeper? Like I had no answers or clue and I'm still playing on Dynamic difficulty. SMH.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no options to make this easier right? The tendons in my hands are really stiff atm due to a health condition and I can't keep this up for the time you need to. If there isn't I wish developers would think of these things.

Edit: Done, thank god for that. I'm fully expecting more of these later though...


Jun 20, 2022
There's no options to make this easier right? The tendons in my hands are really stiff atm due to a health condition and I can't keep this up for the time you need to. If there isn't I wish developers would think of these things.

Edit: Done, thank god for that. I'm fully expecting more of these later though...

You can use system-level button remapping to move L1/R1 to face buttons. Might help in some other minigames too.


Oct 25, 2017
I beat this last night.

I have... very complicated feelings on this game. It kept me engaged enough, but I'm not entirely sure if I enjoyed it or just continued on out of some strange nostalgic sunk-cost mentality. I'll most likely try to put my thoughts in a coherent fashion later, and I'm not trying to downplay anybody that loved this game (which there's clearly a lot of people) but this game did nothing to dissuade my apathy towards modern SE's AAA efforts.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You don't even need them in the fight. You can select just one party member.
oh lol. That's funny. I haven't tried that strategy; I had just read it online.

I wonder if the presence of the toadified party members can help somehow? Do they attract the attention of the two grabbers, maybe?


Oct 25, 2017
Doing some cleanup before the point of no return with combat simulator and muscle head stuff, and I should probably just put the game on easy for those, right?

They can get pretty damn hard.


Nov 1, 2017
Last trophy needed now is Hard Mode and is up to Chapter 12 with it and got a question.

There is a certain boss fight with two people in the Coliseum and then one of the toughest right after separated by just a cutscene. If I had to quit during the latter one, is there and autosave right into the battle?

Or do I have to do it all over again?


Oct 25, 2017
Last trophy needed now is Hard Mode and is up to Chapter 12 with it and got a question.

There is a certain boss fight with two people in the Coliseum and then one of the toughest right after separated by just a cutscene. If I had to quit during the latter one, is there and autosave right into the battle?

Or do I have to do it all over again?
Can you check the load slots and see if it made an autosave?


Oct 25, 2017
That flowers in the field quest on hard mode is hilarious. I never got my party wiped as fast as the first few tries until I figured out a plan. Ended up having Yuffie use windstorm to group them up, then Cloud with triple strike and Tifa with chi trap


Jan 2, 2020
I personally always liked Tifa more and even in the OG I got Tifa date but narratively speaking I think the Gold Saucer date should have been a fixed event with Aerith. Looking at my playthrough the context of the tragic love almost triangle doesn't exist and Aerith is at a best a friend to Cloud, which collapses storytelling a bit.

Either nothing is canon or Aerith's date is canon, as it is shown in the credits roll. I think the kiss with Tifa is kinda bold of them, nothing I would have expected, but I guess it's good fan service for those who've really made an effort to get her date. And gameplay-wise it's not easy to obtain, because you're basically blocked by Red's date, if you don't go the extra mile in Ch.12 to do sidequests and just wanted to beeline the story because of fatique, which happened plenty here in this thread.

Aerith's date is essentially still the same, but it feels romatically watered down in comparison to the OG, because they've introduced so many Zack elements. You now know there is Aerith's boyfriend around. Maybe they will meet, maybe they wont. It's not the same feeling as in the OG, where you, up until this point, don't even have a name. So while the gondola scene with Aerith is essentially still the same, in relation to the new context, the once possible romantic tone is shifted to that of deep friendship, at best a spiritually transcendent relationship.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Last trophy needed now is Hard Mode and is up to Chapter 12 with it and got a question.

There is a certain boss fight with two people in the Coliseum and then one of the toughest right after separated by just a cutscene. If I had to quit during the latter one, is there and autosave right into the battle?

Or do I have to do it all over again?
unfortunately it's just a checkpoint. I did that boss fight this week and I had to put my ps5 in rest mode because it was late at night. First time I've ever used the rest mode to suspend a game this way lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah just did *that* fight in Chapter 12 and as fun as the battle system is in this game and Remake, it's really not built for solo character combat, and putting that at the end of an enormous boss gauntlet is just outright mean.


Oct 25, 2017
Got to Coral Mountain.

The combat system in this game is just so addictive. There's a lot more depth here than I thought there would be, I said it before but I would find it really hard going back to Remake's battle system. Synergy abilities and skill add so much.

The party switching at different points is something I thought would bother me a bit, but I really like how it forces you to try different compositions. I wasn't a huge fan of Red's gameplay at first, for example, but after playing some sections where I had to use him I really like his abilities.

Yuffie is really fun to play, and the entire mountain climb had some fun exploration. Boss fights in this game really are a highlight.


Nov 2, 2017
After a break, have got going with my hard mode playthrough.

Just reminded how exceptional this game is. One of the GOATs.


Oct 25, 2017
What's the best way to do hard mode if you want the manuscripts from the side quests? Load with my previous data and beat it on hard then reload that chapter and clear the data and complete the side quests for the manuscripts? I know I won't get them all since I'm not going for the platinum but is it easier to just do this during the hard mode playthrough the first time or after.


Jun 20, 2022
What's the best way to do hard mode if you want the manuscripts from the side quests? Load with my previous data and beat it on hard then reload that chapter and clear the data and complete the side quests for the manuscripts? I know I won't get them all since I'm not going for the platinum but is it easier to just do this during the hard mode playthrough the first time or after.

Start from chapter 12 or 13 with cleared data and knock em all out in one go. Use a cushion at a chocobo stop whenever you need MP topped up. Reset data for your story playthrough so the quests will be completed and stay out of your way.


Oct 25, 2017
Start from chapter 12 or 13 with cleared data and knock em all out in one go. Use a cushion at a chocobo stop whenever you need MP topped up. Reset data for your story playthrough so the quests will be completed and stay out of your way.
Thanks! I restarted Chapter 1 already but will go back to knock them all out in Chapter 13 then go back to Chapter 2.


Oct 27, 2017
Did the moogle mini-game for mischief level 4 and think I might be approaching my limit with these. This one wasn't terrible, but I get the sense the next one or two levels is going to be a bit much for me. Unless the end reward from this is an item that one hit kills the final boss, not sure if it's worth the pain lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Did the moogle mini-game for mischief level 4 and think I might be approaching my limit with these. This one wasn't terrible, but I get the sense the next one or two levels is going to be a bit much for me. Unless the end reward from this is an item that one hit kills the final boss, not sure if it's worth the pain lol.

Bump the difficulty down to easy, and take any extra chances they give you lol. I also found moogle mischief one of the more annoying mini games, and I'm pretty high tolerance.

I don't remember an item, but the scene you get for finishing it is SUPER worth it.

It's one of the goofiest things I've ever seen in my life.


Oct 27, 2017
Bump the difficulty down to easy, and take any extra chances they give you lol. I also found moogle mischief one of the more annoying mini games, and I'm pretty high tolerance.

I don't remember an item, but the scene you get for finishing it is SUPER worth it.

It's one of the goofiest things I've ever seen in my life.

Heh, good to know at the very least will check out the ending to it on Youtube if playing it does indeed get a bit much lol

Enjoying the game a lot, but reaching Chapter 9 now, definitely not in a 'completionist mood' with this. Combat is fine enough, but not digging it enough to take on extra fiend battles in the overworld. I'm completing most of the other side stuff for now, but also perfectly ok with not getting the gold star on some of these side quests wasn't able to stagger the tonberry king to steal his crown before killing him, and not keen on doing that fight again for the pristine crown or whatever.
Still kind of amazed how many minigames they crammed into this game, and curious how many more I've yet to see lol.