Oct 25, 2017
So shipping thing that I'll note now but I noticed that they gave some scenes that you would think they'd use to build romantic tension between Cloud and Aerith to Tifa and Aerith.





The cynical part of me thinks that in their heads, they felt that had given Cloud and Aerith enough shippy moments between Chapters 8 and 9 already so their go to after that is to give those moments to Tifa and Aerith.

(Tifa and Aerith look so good together. Jesus!)

the Remake twist is they end up marrying each other in the end.


Jan 2, 2020
I don't want to get too lengthy about it, but does anyone else feel like there is something different, something impressive about that Sephiroth in the last scene? I can't point out the details, but he looks more alive. Like 100% black, while the others are different gray scales of him.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't want to get too lengthy about it, but does anyone else feel like there is something different, something impressive about that Sephiroth in the last scene? I can't point out the details, but he looks more alive. Like 100% black, while the others are different gray scales of him.

Sephiroth the actual entity wasn't too prominently featured in the original and he wasn't interesting in AC. He was a bit better represented in CC. The final scene with him is quite different from all previous scenes; not preachy, in full control with no hostility, but not aloof either. I thought doing a Sephiroth fight this early was jumping the gun a little but that scene was really nice, and would have worked perfectly fine right after harbinger too.


Oct 28, 2017
Sephiroth the actual entity wasn't too prominently featured in the original and he wasn't interesting in AC. He was a bit better represented in CC. The final scene with him is quite different from all previous scenes; not preachy, in full control with no hostility, but not aloof either. I thought doing a Sephiroth fight this early was jumping the gun a little but that scene was really nice, and would have worked perfectly fine right after harbinger too.
I thought the Sephiroth fight and scenes would have been perfect right after the Harbinger, if only they toned down the party's high-flying antics, or at least Cloud's. Cloud felt too over powered.

Also, do we know yet what was the Sephiroth that we fought, precisely? He disappeared into Whispers after Cloud delivered the final blow.

Would be nice for one of you people to do a frame-by-frame analysis.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow Bri just smashed the squats mini game like she did the darts. Aerith a mini game master confirmed.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Wow Bri just smashed the squats mini game like she did the darts. Aerith a mini game master confirmed.

I'm watching her stream now. She got all the Johnny quests and they're hilarious.

Johnny(heaving sick on the ground): I would've....loved to....with Tifa....just once.

Well, that debunks that old theory also lol, how do I not remember these Johnny scenes? They're all gold.

Also how do I not remember Cloud telling Johnny that he's not gonna whip it out and insinuating that he's a real man to the Sauce dude.

I must've been fried when I went through this part.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
Someone made a Reddit post of some scenes that were subbed in Mandarin and translated them to English. It's closer to the Japanese than the English version albeit stiffly worded:

Chapter 14 - Resolution Scene

(Cloud asks Aerith if she prefers staying in Shinra)
A: That's mean.
(Aerith tells Cloud she's happy to have met him)
A: For every word you have said to me,
for everything you have done for me,
all of it have brought me joy.
Being with you, has made me so happy.
But... you cannot fall in love with me,
even if you already have, it is just an illusion.

C: You are having a conversation with yourself.

A: It's morning, I have to go.

C: I am coming to get you.

A: Although I am unwilling, I am glad. (She is happy against her own wishes)

Chapter 17 - In her childhood bedroom

Tifa: So what you're saying is,
the path ahead is already predetermined?

Red XIII: Yes, and it seems like the planet is running out of strength.

Barret: And the Whispers want to send us into that dark future?

A: No matter what, I want to save
all of you, the planet...

T: Aerith, what do you know?

A: Right now, I am lost. The more I move, the further I am from the path. Every time the Whispers touch me, a shard (shattered piece of me) falls away."The yellow flowers mark the way".

Chapter 18 - Confronting Sephiroth

Sephiroth: Life encircles this planet
when the planet disappears
so too will the cycle come to an end.

S: Here it comes. The screams of destiny.

A: Freedom. But, freedom is terrifying - just like the sky.You heard the wailing of the planet, right? Those are the voices of people past, the wailing of the life that encircles the planet.

Cloud: Sephiroth caused this?

A: Mmm (nods), he doesn't care at all about their sadness, ordinary but irreplaceable days, happiness and bliss, these mean nothing to him either.

Even losing someone important, there will be no anguish or grief. Sephiroth only cares about the planet and himself, to protect these, he is capable of anything.

That's wrong.

The planet's true enemy - is Sephiroth.
That's why I want to obstruct, I hope Cloud,
I hope everyone can help. If we fought side by side, I am sure we can do it.

But... this barrier is an obstacle of destiny's,
Once we enter, passing through the barrier,
everyone will change.

So... I am sorry, I held you back (Cloud).

Cloud: Be confused no more, let's defeat Sephiroth together. I don't want to hear the wailing again.


Community & Social Media Manager
Oct 23, 2019
I'm watching her stream now. She got all the Johnny quests and they're hilarious.

Well, that debunks that old theory also lol, how do I not remember these Johnny scenes? They're all gold.

Also how do I not remember Cloud telling Johnny that he's not gonna whip it out and insinuating that he's a real man to the Sauce dude.

I must've been fried when I went through this part.

LMAO wait WHAT???

Where/when was this????


Community & Social Media Manager
Oct 23, 2019
Okay, I'll go over everything here to clear these things up for you. I'll use the official quotes too.

But to actually answer your question, I have to go through one thing first.

Jenova is an organism that the creators based on the Thing. Every piece of it is alive and independent. Hojo has a theory that's later proven correct that Jenova Cells will seek to reunite with the main body and influence the minds of those that they're inside.

So Sephiroth wasn't lying about what Jenova could do. It, like the Thing, can mimic others and read through their minds to copy their knowledge and imitate although those with only Jenova Cells have a weaker form of this.

Onto Cloud.

The events before FFVII had completely broken Cloud's and shattered his personality. The 5 years of experimentation, Mako Poisoning and if you go to Nibelheim Manor in OG FFVII soon, you'll see another memory of his. The last straw that broke the camel's back:

OG spoiler:

Zack's death in front of Cloud is what finally broke Cloud and shattered his personality.

So no, Cloud never died. He just broke as a person. The real Cloud never went away fully though. He's just inside the current Cloud. He pokes out every once in a while though.

Sometimes, Cloud hears a pretty friendly voice in his head. That's the real Cloud talking to Cloud:

You see the real Cloud in Remake in this scene talking to Cloud:

Anyways, to go back a bit. The minute that Cloud's personality shattered. the Jenova Cells in his body reacted. Jenova created a separate personality for Cloud using bits from Zack, Tifa and his own ideal self.








This is probably why Cloud comes off as more of muppet at first in the Remake. That Jenova-created personality is still new.

Anyways, Tifa doesn't find the real Cloud in the Lifestream or anything. She enters Cloud's subconscious and repairs Cloud's mind from the inside bringing back the real Cloud for good. The real Cloud isn't some edgy badass spewing one liners. That's just Cloud's idea of cool.

Also thank you SO MUCH for this write up, super compelling and helpful!


Oct 25, 2017
LMAO wait WHAT???

Where/when was this????
There are two different set of quests in chapter 9 depending on some of your answers leading up to leaving Aerith with Madam M. The quest involving Johnny is part of the Chocobo Sam requests. You must have gotten Madam M's requests on your playthrough.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
So someone other than Audrey has all the Ultimania interviews translated their own way:

Final Fantasy VII Remake Ultimania Interview With Tetsuya Nomura | English Translation | FF7 Remake|Game8

This is an English translation of an interview with the developers of Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on for insight into the development of Final Fantasy 7 Remake from Director Tetsuya Nomura, Producer Yoshinori Kitase, and Scenario Writer Kazushige Nojima, with details into the mysteries...

Some things come off different.

Especially during the resolution scene in Chapter 14 where she says "But whatever happens, you can't fall in love with me. Even if you think you have... It's not real." Those who are familiar with the original will understand the weight behind her words.

Honestly I got a lot of pushback for putting that line in. Apparently some of the staff thought she might seem like she's looking down on Cloud. If we work under the assumption that Aerith knows the future then it's a powerful line, but if not then the meaning changes completely. I thought the contrast there was pretty interesting. On those same lines, I recall watching the same scene but with Tifa instead and thinking Cloud was pretty lame. Cloud and Tifa are about the same age, but Cloud is missing 5 years of his life and lacks life experience so he probably hasn't quite matured yet. I wanted to show how Cloud, who has the mind of a 16-year-old, would try and behave like the rest of the group who are in their 20s. Cloud learned from seeing the way Barret comforted Tifa after the Sector VII Plate fell but ends up mucking it up. I wanted to show that kind of side of Cloud.

So in this translation, it's a little different from Audrey said. This translation is saying that Aerith might know the future.

Here's the other stuff:

Nomura: In a similar fashion, we made it so that the way Cloud talks is dependent on who he's talking to. While talking to Aerith he stands taller and tries to act cool, with Tifa he acts more like himself, and with Jessie you can see his annoyance. Specifically with Aerith he overthinks things and ends up acting a little strange.

Nojima: Cloud really can't find the right distance with Aerith (laughs). When it comes to Jessie you can tell he's flustered so she takes advantage of that and keeps going.

Nomura: The thing is when editing the voices we found that at the start Jessie comes on stronger than we thought and worried she might be seen as too persistent. To offset that, every time Jessie flirted with Cloud, she'd end it with something like "Psyche!" to show it's just for fun and she's really a charming character.

Compared to the original Sephiroth appears a lot more as well.

When we started we didn't intend for him to show up as much as he does, as our initial goal was to just hint at his existence, but midway through development we changed things around to have him appear more often so we added more scenes.

Nomura: At one point Naoki Hamaguchi (Co-director) came to me in a strange way and said he wanted to talk. He said "I want to have a fight with Sephiroth in Midgar," but because Sephiroth's first true appearance in the original is in a different location I thought players might not be too happy. Apparently he had prepared things to convince me but I just said "Sure" and went with it (laughs).

Did Audrey's translation mention that Hagamuchi specifically came prepared to convince Nomura that Sephiroth needs to be a fight in Midgar?

Here's other translated stuff that I was interested in:

And then the words "The Unknown Journey Will Continue" appear before the credits roll.
At the beginning we actually had something different, but due to a variety of factors we changed it. Kitase came to me and said "I'd like to use words that connect to what comes after the ending," and I too wanted to add a little more meaning to it, so we went with what you see now. When you think about the meaning it may seem a bit out of place, but we accounted for that.

With part 1, players expectations for future parts are pretty high. Have you decided how many parts you want to have?
We have a good idea of how we want to do it but no concrete decisions have been made yet so we can't make any announcements at this time.

Everyone seems to believe there will ultimately be 3 parts.
We haven't confirmed anything about how many parts there will be, so I think it's just rumors spreading.

We're also curious about when the next part will be announced.
That also is dependent on how many parts we decided to make. Large parts will take longer while smaller parts could be released sooner.

Kitase: That being said, in order to maintain the quality and volume established with this release, it wouldn't be realistic for an announcement in, say, a year's time.

[quote]Nomura: Personally I would like to release the games quicker to make things easier... The fans likely feel this way as well (laughs).[/quote]

Here's the important one:

Building upon part 1, is it possible that subsequent parts will stray further away from the original's story?

I've talked with Nomura about this quite a bit. There are a lot of locations and scenes that fans of the original are looking forward to seeing in the remake so I'd like to avoid removing them. So for the following parts we have no plans of making something completely new and continue with FFVII staying FFVII.

Nojima: When writing the story I, for the most part, followed the story of the original with changes here and there. Personally I'd like to try and add some cities and locations that debuted in Crisis Core as well.

But yeah, they want people to play the OG FFVII:


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
Fuuuucckkkk, got to Sephiroth where Aerith joins and he kicked our asses. Hit up and X out of habit not realizing it was one of those Start at First Battle / Start at Last Battle prompts and it took me all the way back to Aerith's portal. I think I'm done lmao, considering just watching the end on YouTube, I'm drained.
Oct 25, 2017
Why put cait sith in this game? I dont get it.

He brings nothing to the story at that point in time, and just confuses the fuck out of everyone whose never played ff7 before. I would understand if he shows up later, but he doesn't.

What a bizarre intro in an emotional scene.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Why put cait sith in this game? I dont get it.

He brings nothing to the story at that point in time, and just confuses the fuck out of everyone whose never played ff7 before. I would understand if he shows up later, but he doesn't.

What a bizarre intro in an emotional scene.

Definitely a weird scene to put him into, for new players, but for people familiar with the original I think it kinda works. People might like it more in hindsight I guess, since they'll most likely give Reeve a bunch of more scenes just like any other character.
Not everything in the remake is for new players, clearly.


Oct 27, 2017
Why put cait sith in this game? I dont get it.

He brings nothing to the story at that point in time, and just confuses the fuck out of everyone whose never played ff7 before. I would understand if he shows up later, but he doesn't.

What a bizarre intro in an emotional scene.

Yeah, I wished they'd set-up Cait a bit more thoroughly if they were going to introduce him early. It was a pleasant surprise to see him, but his appearance is absolutely bizarre if the player has no context from the original game. It could have maybe worked if you saw him briefly selling fortunes, or something.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Recently finished the game again (3rd time now), still not a fan of that ending.
Trying to give them the benefit of doubt since the rest of the game was so fantastic but really can't get behind the introduction of time travel, timelines and all that.. bullshit IMHO.
Still looking forward to the sequel to see what's included and what's new. But if what's new is just gonna be a bunch of stuff related to Zack's adventures in another dimension or whatever I'll definitely not be anticipating it nearly as much.

You who actually are interested in the new direction, are you usually a fan of stories about alternative realities and timetravel? Because as someone who actually likes timetravel as a concept, I can probably count the number of timetravel stories that are done well on like 2 hands. That doesn't really give me confidence that Square of all companies can deliver on those concepts, even if the first remake was really impressive.

Anyway, don't wanna be a downer but just had to get it outta my system. Again lol
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
OH MY GOD Thanks for that informative OP
I just finished the game right now and that explains everything for me lmao

these Whispers are symbolic representations of zealous fans who want nothing but a REMAKE that is entirely unchanged from the Final Fantasy VII OG, since the Whispers appear to want to preserve the original timeline of events found in Final Fantasy VII OG.

This is all I thought about this whole game.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Recently finished the game again (3rd time now), still not a fan of that ending.
Trying to give them the benefit of doubt since the rest of the game was so fantastic but really can't get behind the introduction of time travel, timelines and all that.. bullshit IMHO.
Still looking forward to the sequel to see what's included and what's new. But if what's new is just gonna be a bunch of stuff related to Zack's adventures in another dimension or whatever I'll definitely not be anticipating it nearly as much.

You who actually are interested in the new direction, are you usually a fan of stories about alternative realities and timetravel? Because as someone who actually likes timetravel as a concept, I can probably count the number of timetravel stories that are done well on like 2 hands. That doesn't really give me confidence that Square of all companies can deliver on those concepts, even if the first remake was really impressive.

Anyway, don't wanna be a downer but just had to get it outta my system. Again lol
I'm expecting the sequel to be much like what we got here: For the most part the game will follow the same basic plot that the original had, with a bunch of small changes, but hinting towards bigger changes that will reveal themselves towards the end.
Every interview I've read since release goes along with this. The devs know what the fans expect, and they want to deliver. At the same time they are creatives, and they also want to take the opportunity to surprise us as well.
I doubt they're going to completely ditch the plot so that we can play Crisis Core Redux or whatever. We aren't going to be going back in time to stop Lucretia from falling in love with Hojo and thus stopping the creation of Sephiroth or anything wild like that.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I'm expecting the sequel to be much like what we got here: For the most part the game will follow the same basic plot that the original had, with a bunch of small changes, but hinting towards bigger changes that will reveal themselves towards the end.
Every interview I've read since release goes along with this. The devs know what the fans expect, and they want to deliver. At the same time they are creatives, and they also want to take the opportunity to surprise us as well.
I doubt they're going to completely ditch the plot so that we can play Crisis Core Redux or whatever. We aren't going to be going back in time to stop Lucretia from falling in love with Hojo and thus stopping the creation of Sephiroth or anything wild like that.

I think they foreshadowed what they were going to change in an NPC convo where talk about the new Loveless play or whatever and mentioned that it was still great but they changed the ending.

I expect that from the Remake. A different ending.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm expecting the sequel to be much like what we got here: For the most part the game will follow the same basic plot that the original had, with a bunch of small changes, but hinting towards bigger changes that will reveal themselves towards the end.
Every interview I've read since release goes along with this. The devs know what the fans expect, and they want to deliver. At the same time they are creatives, and they also want to take the opportunity to surprise us as well.
I doubt they're going to completely ditch the plot so that we can play Crisis Core Redux or whatever. We aren't going to be going back in time to stop Lucretia from falling in love with Hojo and thus stopping the creation of Sephiroth or anything wild like that.
I agree with this. To add, I a completely on-board with the changes so long as they root them deeply in the lore (for example, the Lifestream can provide knowledge of the past or future, or for example, one can even visit new worlds through the Lifestream). So long as they do that, I am cool with whatever. In fact, I think if they just explained the ending better or alluded to it in a better way, it would have enjoyed it more. I was actually impressed with the cinematography and framing. The Zack reveal had incredible music and presentation. Felt epic.

What I'm hoping for is for Square to release a patch that will do two things:
1) fix some small technical problems, like with textures
2) do something that at least shows the Harbinger is a WEAPON or some sort of servant of the planet. Maybe have it talk to Aerith and demand that she do as she has been commanded by the Planet (and that's why she was given knowledge of the other possible time-lines). This would maintain the mystery of the ending (which is what they were clearly going for) but would help us situate the insanity.


Oct 25, 2017
The OP is really good and cleared a lot of things up for me. I finished the game yesterday but couldn't stomach all the consequences of the last two chapters until I read here and listened to the spoiler cast on ign. To be honest I like the changes from the og and that they play with expectations.


Jan 2, 2020
Someone made a Reddit post of some scenes that were subbed in Mandarin and translated them to English. It's closer to the Japanese than the English version albeit stiffly worded:
Chapter 17 - In her childhood bedroom

Tifa: So what you're saying is,
the path ahead is already predetermined?

Red XIII: Yes, and it seems like the planet is running out of strength.
I want to highlight this one, as the english version doesn't bring that across at all (everything else is kinda the same). I mean this would at least explain why the planet is resorting to these whispers to get things straight, when it usually has so many other defense mechanisms. The butterfly effect of Sephiroth and Aeris knowing about what's to come and trying to mess with it has far reaching consequences, so it's best to stop these sort of things as early as possible.

Recently finished the game again (3rd time now), still not a fan of that ending.
Trying to give them the benefit of doubt since the rest of the game was so fantastic but really can't get behind the introduction of time travel, timelines and all that.. bullshit IMHO.
Still looking forward to the sequel to see what's included and what's new. But if what's new is just gonna be a bunch of stuff related to Zack's adventures in another dimension or whatever I'll definitely not be anticipating it nearly as much.

You who actually are interested in the new direction, are you usually a fan of stories about alternative realities and timetravel? Because as someone who actually likes timetravel as a concept, I can probably count the number of timetravel stories that are done well on like 2 hands. That doesn't really give me confidence that Square of all companies can deliver on those concepts, even if the first remake was really impressive.

Anyway, don't wanna be a downer but just had to get it outta my system. Again lol
I mean, if it helps there is an interpretation that avoids parallel timelines, in that the OG is a vision of how things play out. In the beginning of the OG, you're right in Aerith's vision, she has her eyes opened the whole time. The final shot of the ending Aeris has her eyes closed, and then opened so as to say, ok she has seen how it plays out. The beginning of the remake starts exactly how the OG ended: Aerith opening her eyes. It begins. But soon you notice there is a change in the music: Sephiroth's theme enters. It's because this is real now, and Sephiroth also having gained knowledge of these visions has also started to make his move.
I mean it kinda fits. For the developpers one game must have been the vision of the other under the respective technological conditions.


May 1, 2020
Someone made a Reddit post of some scenes that were subbed in Mandarin and translated them to English. It's closer to the Japanese than the English version albeit stiffly worded:

Chapter 14 - Resolution Scene

(Cloud asks Aerith if she prefers staying in Shinra)
A: That's mean.
(Aerith tells Cloud she's happy to have met him)
A: For every word you have said to me,
for everything you have done for me,
all of it have brought me joy.
Being with you, has made me so happy.
But... you cannot fall in love with me,
even if you already have, it is just an illusion.

C: You are having a conversation with yourself.

A: It's morning, I have to go.

C: I am coming to get you.

A: Although I am unwilling, I am glad. (She is happy against her own wishes)

Chapter 17 - In her childhood bedroom

Tifa: So what you're saying is,
the path ahead is already predetermined?

Red XIII: Yes, and it seems like the planet is running out of strength.

Barret: And the Whispers want to send us into that dark future?

A: No matter what, I want to save
all of you, the planet...

T: Aerith, what do you know?

A: Right now, I am lost. The more I move, the further I am from the path. Every time the Whispers touch me, a shard (shattered piece of me) falls away."The yellow flowers mark the way".

Chapter 18 - Confronting Sephiroth

Sephiroth: Life encircles this planet
when the planet disappears
so too will the cycle come to an end.

S: Here it comes. The screams of destiny.

A: Freedom. But, freedom is terrifying - just like the sky.You heard the wailing of the planet, right? Those are the voices of people past, the wailing of the life that encircles the planet.

Cloud: Sephiroth caused this?

A: Mmm (nods), he doesn't care at all about their sadness, ordinary but irreplaceable days, happiness and bliss, these mean nothing to him either.

Even losing someone important, there will be no anguish or grief. Sephiroth only cares about the planet and himself, to protect these, he is capable of anything.

That's wrong.

The planet's true enemy - is Sephiroth.
That's why I want to obstruct, I hope Cloud,
I hope everyone can help. If we fought side by side, I am sure we can do it.

But... this barrier is an obstacle of destiny's,
Once we enter, passing through the barrier,
everyone will change.

So... I am sorry, I held you back (Cloud).

Cloud: Be confused no more, let's defeat Sephiroth together. I don't want to hear the wailing again.
Wow, this is so much different than the official translation.
Guess i'll have to start learning japanese.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I'm expecting the sequel to be much like what we got here: For the most part the game will follow the same basic plot that the original had, with a bunch of small changes, but hinting towards bigger changes that will reveal themselves towards the end.
Every interview I've read since release goes along with this. The devs know what the fans expect, and they want to deliver. At the same time they are creatives, and they also want to take the opportunity to surprise us as well.
I doubt they're going to completely ditch the plot so that we can play Crisis Core Redux or whatever. We aren't going to be going back in time to stop Lucretia from falling in love with Hojo and thus stopping the creation of Sephiroth or anything wild like that.
But that makes the ending even worse kinda? What's the point of all this of they're not gonna do anything with it? What's the point of showing Zack now and teasing some Advent children Sephy if it's Still gonna be the same game again?I'm open to changes, just like with the first game I just think it's stupid of them to do it in this way. They could just have made changes and I wouldn't care on bug, but giving themselves this reason why there can be changes just feel really messy. But I've seen some of the translations from the ultimania as well, seems like it might turn out fine in the end. The whole thing is just very weird to me

in that the OG is a vision of how things play out. In the beginning of the OG, you're right in Aerith's vision, she has her eyes opened the whole time. The final shot of the ending Aeris has her eyes closed, and then opened so as to say, ok she has seen how it plays out. The beginning of the remake starts exactly how the OG ended: Aerith opening her eyes. It begins. But soon you notice there is a change in the music: Sephiroth's theme enters. It's because this is real now, and Sephiroth also having gained knowledge of these visions has also started to make his move.

Urgh I hate all these theories floating around haha. Sorry. Doesn't that sound super tacky to anyone else?


Oct 31, 2017
Finally reached the ending, and my mind is blown. Damn, SE really proved me wrong and did a fucking amazing job with the remake. Loving all the discussions spawning from the twist at the end. EZA Spoiler Mode video, in particular, was a such a joy to listen to.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, if it helps there is an interpretation that avoids parallel timelines, in that the OG is a vision of how things play out. In the beginning of the OG, you're right in Aerith's vision, she has her eyes opened the whole time. The final shot of the ending Aeris has her eyes closed, and then opened so as to say, ok she has seen how it plays out. The beginning of the remake starts exactly how the OG ended: Aerith opening her eyes. It begins. But soon you notice there is a change in the music: Sephiroth's theme enters. It's because this is real now, and Sephiroth also having gained knowledge of these visions has also started to make his move.
I mean it kinda fits.

No, it doesn't. If Remake Aerith is seeing the future that is the OG it means it happened and is real, even if it's another timeline.


Oct 25, 2017
I recall reading that previously so I think at least one of the initial translations stated it as such.
It did, yes.
Recently finished the game again (3rd time now), still not a fan of that ending.
Trying to give them the benefit of doubt since the rest of the game was so fantastic but really can't get behind the introduction of time travel, timelines and all that.. bullshit IMHO.
Still looking forward to the sequel to see what's included and what's new. But if what's new is just gonna be a bunch of stuff related to Zack's adventures in another dimension or whatever I'll definitely not be anticipating it nearly as much.

You who actually are interested in the new direction, are you usually a fan of stories about alternative realities and timetravel? Because as someone who actually likes timetravel as a concept, I can probably count the number of timetravel stories that are done well on like 2 hands. That doesn't really give me confidence that Square of all companies can deliver on those concepts, even if the first remake was really impressive.

Anyway, don't wanna be a downer but just had to get it outta my system. Again lol
I've often seen people arguing in favor of those aspects being introduced say they are fans of such concepts, at least around here.

I still want to play again to see and do what I didn't the first time, but dwelling on that ending/speculating on its implications regardless of what Kitase has said has sapped a lot of my motivation.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
But that makes the ending even worse kinda? What's the point of all this of they're not gonna do anything with it? What's the point of showing Zack now and teasing some Advent children Sephy if it's Still gonna be the same game again?I'm open to changes, just like with the first game I just think it's stupid of them to do it in this way. They could just have made changes and I wouldn't care on bug, but giving themselves this reason why there can be changes just feel really messy. But I've seen some of the translations from the ultimania as well, seems like it might turn out fine in the end. The whole thing is just very weird to me

The answer is easy. It's to create suspense and certain expectations. Now things can happen in a different order, iconic scenes can happen later or sooner, different characters can get introduced at different times and these things can influences how characters act.

Aerith, for instance, knows or has ideas of what happens in the OG timeline. So maybe, in this iteration, she follows her destiny to her death to protect the planet. Or with fate averted, she thinks she no longer has to die as do the players which turns even more-heart-breaking when we realize, we still can't save her. Aerith's knowledge of the future also influences how she treats Cloud.

Maybe, we'll have two Sephiroths running around . Like, we still have to beat Northern Crater Sephiroth and perhaps AC! Sephiroth doesn't show up until after said Sephiroth is already beaten.

We're definitely getting a new finale so maybe AC! Sephiroth's demise in the singularity will be what erases Sephiroth in all timelines and perhaps that's where AU! Zack and Cloud's stories converge for one final team up.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The answer is easy. It's to create suspense and certain expectations. Now things can happen in a different order, iconic scenes can happen later or sooner, different characters can get introduced at different times and these things can influences how characters act.

Aerith, for instance, knows or has ideas of what happens in the OG timeline. So maybe, in this iteration, she follows her destiny to her death to protect the planet. Or with fate averted, she thinks she no longer has to die as do the players which turns even more-heart-breaking when we realize, we still can't save her. Aerith's knowledge of the future also influences how she treats Cloud.

Maybe, we'll have two Sephiroths running around . Like, we still have to beat Northern Crater Sephiroth and perhaps AC! Sephiroth doesn't show up until after said Sephiroth is already beaten.

We're definitely getting a new finale so maybe AC! Sephiroth's demise in the singularity will be what erases Sephiroth in all timelines and perhaps that's where AU! Zack and Cloud's stories converge for one final team up.

...I really hope this isn't it. To me it very much sounds like bad fan fiction. But it all depends on the execution I guess. I like that we don't know exactly what to expect, I just wished they'd done it in a different way. Like keeping Biggs and Wedge alive would've been enough to show that stuff is gonna be different this time without introducing concepts that Square has had problem executing in a good way before.

Anyway, I don't wanna ruin the mood or anything because ultimately I really enjoyed the remake so I'll try and not post any criticism anymore.
Oct 26, 2017
What in the world is Aerith's plan here.

Final Fantasy 7 ended fine, why do you need to change destiny.

Also, Nomura/Toriyama/Nojima forgot to give Tifa lines about how she also... clearly wants revenge against Sephiroth and should be traumatized by him as well? They do know that Tifa's everything was killed by Sephiroth?


Oct 25, 2017
After watching a bunch of streamers, they really put those HP weapon upgrades to fuck with noobies didn't they? So many completely wasted weapon builds on more HP because people think it's the most important and don't know you can level up HP Up materia.
Oct 26, 2017
I just really don't understand Nomura's thought process in making such a mechanically complicated story be told in a story where the main character and narrator is totally unreliable due to his severe mental illness. It's really hard to tell what is happening in reality and what's in Cloud's head at the end of the game.

This could be clarified a bit by Tifa's reactions but Nomura/Nojima seemingly forgot to give Tifa any reactions in the last two chapters of the game.

I really liked most of the game, but I just don't understand the thought process of making the story mechanics so complicated and I have no idea what Tifa, Aerith, and Red XIII are trying to do.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
What in the world is Aerith's plan here.

Final Fantasy 7 ended fine, why do you need to change destiny.

Also, Nomura/Toriyama/Nojima forgot to give Tifa lines about how she also... clearly wants revenge against Sephiroth and should be traumatized by him as well? They do know that Tifa's everything was killed by Sephiroth?

My guess is Aerith does not have a clear vision of the future like Sephiroth she just knows the timeline is being fucked with.

Sephiroth is feeding them very specific visions: Aerith dying, meteor about to hit, red with his pups and no humans around to make them think they don't win.

We won't know until next game. Maybe it's something more stupid.
Oct 26, 2017
Tifa is hiding her knowledge of stuff, just like in the original.

Hiding her reactions to the man who killed everyone she knew?

There's not a single point after Sephiroth shows up where Tifa looks furious or traumatized, I think Nomura/Nojima just straight up forgot to do that. She doesn't even look like she's hiding her emotions behind a poker face.
Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
Hiding her reactions to the man who killed everyone she knew?

There's not a single point after Sephiroth shows up where Tifa looks furious or traumatized, I think Nomura/Nojima just straight up forgot to do that. She doesn't even look like she's hiding her emotions behind a poker face.

Yeah it was a serious missed opportunity. For what it's worth, there is a 1-1.5 second shot before the start of The Drum where she sees Sephiroth for the first time and clearly has a moment, stumbling back a step. But to then not have her mention it at all after that and with Barret getting stabbed and Jenova and on and on, it's not anywhere close to enough.


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
Actually, its heavily implied that FF7 does NOT end up fine. That the earth eventually wipes humans out.

Even red 13 in the remake acknowledges that the vision he saw of him and his children running to a destroyed midgar is the bad ending.
This is a misconception, he recognized the vision as what would come to pass if they failed to beat the Harbinger.

He didn't say it was bad. But to be fair, they were fighting fate to change their future, and his line reflected that intent. People keep repeating this and parroting the wrong intent, and I'm just trying to set that straight.

The only place that future was said to be "all humans died" was in that one interview, not saying it couldn't be true or that it doesn't represent the real stakes of the remake, but it's misinformation like this that makes these that much harder to interpret.