
Oct 26, 2017
I liked the game but let's be honest, a good part of those sales came from VII success. I remember all my friends were super hyped for VIII after VII.

And now with the remaster it's going to pass 10 million so that's nice.


Oct 29, 2017


Nov 26, 2017
The real reason (not stan war'd reasons) is that IX and XII came at the very end of their respective generations, when people had already moved on to new consoles or were getting ready to. Not because VIII and X made them mad.

Both are brilliant games, btw, and deserved to sell way more.
Yep. I remember holding a copy FFIX, looking at Adelberts doll eyes and Zidane's huge head on that cover and telling myself that money was better saved for the PS2.

We can minimize this achievement any way we want but there's no denying the game has a certain Draw.
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Oct 25, 2017
I just wanted to say, because I saw that explanation frequently on the internet, that is not completely true: PS1 was an absolutely beast even with the PS2 release and was good business at least until 2003 (and even 2005 in third world countries), in fact a lot of the best selling games on PS1 are licenced shit past-2000, like the Harry Potter games or even that Stuart Little game.

The real reason why FFIX flopped was because it was not the futuristic, edgy, pretty-face fashion walkway that VII and VIII were. 90% of PS1 era FF fans in the west didn't knew a single thing about Final Fantasy before VII because RPG was an extremely niche and hardcore genre here. I clearly remember how IX was panned because it was "old fashioned" and not a "visual spectacle" like past Squaresoft games. The FFIX love is more like a retrospective than anything else and I'm okay with that, IX is by far my favorite FF title on PS1 (well... not really, is Tactics but is not in the main series so I will pass that).
This is how I see it. VII and VIII shaped people's expectations, and IX simply didn't fit them. PS1 and all related software sales didn't just vanish overnight when PS2 arrived. XII didn't line up with what people were looking for after X either, and the launch of PS3 was even less of an excuse, yet another backward compatible system (every given model with hardware-based PS2 BC back then) that unlike PS2, struggled out the gate, and had anemic early offerings specific to the platform even by launch game standards. I love XII, yet hardly consider PS3's launch of all things an excuse for the original release's underwhelming commercial performance.


Oct 26, 2017
Yuck, sad that much better games like IX, XII, and X-2 (and that's just counting games released after VIII) sold less. Though VIII really had the power of VII to help it, no wonder IX sold much less (plus late into PS1 lifetime).
Oct 25, 2017
8 sold cuz of 7, Xv sold off the ff name(even tho ppl were screaming the name lost a lot of value from the heavens after 13 and 14 vanilla) ppl never wanna give credit when it's something they don't like I guess


Oct 31, 2017
I thought XIII or XV were in the top 3, at least it feels like I remember reading it a while back...


Oct 25, 2017
8 sold cuz of 7, Xv sold off the ff name(even tho ppl were screaming the name lost a lot of value from the heavens after 13 and 14 vanilla) ppl never wanna give credit when it's something they don't like I guess
Yup. They always have some excuse to explain something they dislike doing well.

It's always from threatened fans of the other games as if this diminishes the quality of what they like. It's okay if the entry you liked didn't sell as well as the one you dislike. It's not a personal attack on you or the game people.


Oct 31, 2017
Yuck, sad that much better games like IX, XII, and X-2 (and that's just counting games released after VIII) sold less. Though VIII really had the power of VII to help it, no wonder IX sold much less (plus late into PS1 lifetime).
X-2 is horrendous. They tried to retcon one of the best endings ever.


Feb 23, 2019
I see this tossed around all the time, with the level scaling this game has... Did Canada get some kind of easy version? Or are people REALLY bad at this game? I got people in FFXIV linkshells that swear up and down that FFVIII is impossible to beat if you level past 35. I swear everything in that game can be steamrolled with just physical attacks.

Also pretty impressed this game is still 3rd despite only having the PS1 release, the original PC release and steam. You'd think the way people praise IX and XII that they would be higher now especially that it's also on more platforms. Not to nention if "IX did horrible because of VIII", why would anyone bother with X after skipping IX, and X being the second best selling.


Oct 25, 2017
I see this tossed around all the time, with the level scaling this game has... Did Canada get some kind of easy version? Or are people REALLY bad at this game? I got people in FFXIV linkshells that swear up and down that FFVIII is impossible to beat if you level past 35. I swear everything in that game can be steamrolled with just physical attacks.

Also pretty impressed this game is still 3rd despite only having the PS1 release, the original PC release and steam. You'd think the way people praise IX and XII that they would be higher now especially that it's also on more platforms. Not to nention if "IX did horrible because of VIII", why would anyone bother with X after skipping IX, and X being the second best selling.
People struggling with VIII and blaming the level scaling sounds more like they didn't know how to Junction to me, especially given how many complaints the magic system tends to get among the game's detractors (the game can be made as difficult or as easy as one wants it to be if they know how). So yeah, I'd go with them just being really bad at the game.

As for X, it has more in common with VII and VIII in terms of sensibilities than the old school FF throwbacks (traditional fantasy, super-deformed character models) of IX, even with VII and VIII still being more contemporary. And while I wouldn't consider end of console life releases for IX or XII excuses for their limited commercial success, I would consider X being the first FF for PS2 and an early showcase for the hardware significant.
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Nov 26, 2017
I see this tossed around all the time, with the level scaling this game has... Did Canada get some kind of easy version? Or are people REALLY bad at this game? I got people in FFXIV linkshells that swear up and down that FFVIII is impossible to beat if you level past 35. I swear everything in that game can be steamrolled with just physical attacks.

Also pretty impressed this game is still 3rd despite only having the PS1 release, the original PC release and steam. You'd think the way people praise IX and XII that they would be higher now especially that it's also on more platforms. Not to nention if "IX did horrible because of VIII", why would anyone bother with X after skipping IX, and X being the second best selling.
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but didn't they announce IX's release date, X's release window and XI all at the same event?

I remember Tidus's model's clothes bouncing.


Oct 26, 2017
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but didn't they announce IX's release date, X's release window and XI all at the same event?

I remember Tidus's model's clothes bouncing.

And having black hair. That really was a magical time to be an FF fan, since you got 2 amazing games back to back within a short period (and FFXI if you wanted an MMORPG).


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I see this tossed around all the time, with the level scaling this game has... Did Canada get some kind of easy version? Or are people REALLY bad at this game? I got people in FFXIV linkshells that swear up and down that FFVIII is impossible to beat if you level past 35. I swear everything in that game can be steamrolled with just physical attacks.
No, it's super easy. The difficulty in VIII comes from people not understanding the game and approaching it like a traditional JRPG/FF game where leveling up and getting stronger weapons was the way to success. That's a trap in VIII, and one that many players - presumably younger ones - fell into. The game actually clearly explains the Junction system. But people will either ignore it or go auto or not bother building up spells through GF abilities and rely entirely on Draw, which is super slow and inefficient.

If you're exploring the game mechanics and not just trying to Force Your Way through it it's a very easy game.


Oct 28, 2017
I see this tossed around all the time, with the level scaling this game has... Did Canada get some kind of easy version? Or are people REALLY bad at this game? I got people in FFXIV linkshells that swear up and down that FFVIII is impossible to beat if you level past 35. I swear everything in that game can be steamrolled with just physical attacks.

Also pretty impressed this game is still 3rd despite only having the PS1 release, the original PC release and steam. You'd think the way people praise IX and XII that they would be higher now especially that it's also on more platforms. Not to nention if "IX did horrible because of VIII", why would anyone bother with X after skipping IX, and X being the second best selling.
The first boss of Disc 4 will shatter your mind if you don't understand the junction system and have been over relying on Guardian Forces. I think a lot of people gave up there because they just assumed it was hard and needed to grind but that isn't the case with this one. The final bosses of VIII are actually some of the hardest in the series if you do level to 100 and don't Armageddon Fist yourself to victory though.


Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X.

The legend.



Dec 14, 2018
FFVIII is great. I love all the PS1 games, but 8 will always hold a special place in my heart.

I beat the game at level 100. If you think the game is hard it's only because you didn't understand the junction or limit systems.

Also Triple Triad forever, best minigame


Mar 3, 2018
Sure, Final Fantasy VIII got a sales boost from Final Fantasy VII, but pretty much every sequel gets a bump from its predecessors. That's why companies sell games as sequels. Still, Final Fantasy VIII is a game that was well-received upon release, even if it definitely is not the game the masses expected, as the game's divisive nature attests to.

The game actually clearly explains the Junction system. But people will either ignore it or go auto or not bother building up spells through GF abilities and rely entirely on Draw, which is super slow and inefficient.

Uh, near the start, the game does suddenly throw in some tutorials that explain Junctioning on the player. The tutorials are rather overwhelming and don't do much to tell the player that playing Triple Triad, modding cards, and refining items into magic is by far the most efficient way to get stronger (or that you can't ignore the Draw command entirely or else you'll miss some GFs). I don't take that much issue with the Junction system (I've had fun with it, but it's not my favourite levelling mechanic), but I think Final Fantasy VIII could have eased players into the system a lot better. I don't feel like I really got it until my second attempt at finishing the game, as it's not very intuitive.


Oct 29, 2017
Never played FFVIII but I do have memories from since my friend played it for a long time... those summons... :P


Oct 31, 2017
Well deserved. Like FF7, it's one of those exceedingly rare projects that introduced revolutionary ideas AND was backed with a huge budget to match.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I know I only bought it because of VII and came away thoroughly unimpressed.
For me it's definitely the FF with the weakest Story and characters and the most jarringly disjointed world. Best soundtrack and fun, exploitable gameplay though.


Dec 8, 2018
I don't get why people hate FF8 , it's a great game , I love the junction system and Triple Triad is the best side game in any FF.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Uh, near the start, the game does suddenly throw in some tutorials that explain Junctioning on the player. The tutorials are rather overwhelming and don't do much to tell the player that playing Triple Triad, modding cards, and refining items into magic is by far the most efficient way to get stronger (or that you can't ignore the Draw command entirely or else you'll miss some GFs). I don't take that much issue with the Junction system (I've had fun with it, but it's not my favourite levelling mechanic), but I think Final Fantasy VIII could have eased players into the system a lot better. I don't feel like I really got it until my second attempt at finishing the game, as it's not very intuitive.
It's funny you mention this, considering a huge complaint in modern gaming is hand holding. I believe the game does run you through GF abilities, it just doesn't specifically tell you to card mod and refine items. At that point the game would have no challenge because then you'd just be handing everything to the player. All you have to do is look through the abilities and experiment a little for yourself. The one that should be easiest to stumble on is L Mag-RF from Siren. Available as soon as you get her, only 30AP, and if you use the skill you should immediately notice it'll give you Curaga from Tent, an item you're basically guaranteed to have. At that point you have two GFs with HP-J, and putting that Curaga on there will give you a huge boost beyond anything you will have drawn that early on in the game. Big eureka moment. I don't expect people to be doing Disc 1 Lionheart easily, but the game does a good enough job to subtly leading you through the Junction system. If you're a kid just mashing through the tutorials and not reading abilities - which I suspect a lot of people who first played the game two decades ago were - you'll probably struggle.

Plus everybody has internet now. The answer to everything in the game is literally a google away.


alt account
Aug 25, 2019
Vancouver, BC
My first FF game and probably my favourite since I kind of grew apart from the series after FFIX.
I have no nostalgia regarding FFIX's more traditional setting since FFVIII was my first FF. I really wish they would patch in updates to the pre-rendered scenes later by using those algorithms to make everything high resolution.


Oct 27, 2017
Not surprised at all. FFVII, FFX and FFVIII are clearly the most popular FF games and well deserved too.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I remember VIII sold a lot on PSX following the tail of VII, it makes sense. It's also a fucking fantastic game, so well deserved


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Not surprising to me considering its status as FFVII's follow up, and the marketing was SUPER effective on me back then -- the graphical fidelity over VII felt like a huge leap to me as a kid. Full scale character models, more vibrantly detailed pre-rendered scenery, and to be even the CG cutscenes looked better. It was so easy to get excited about it!

Upon its release, the story largely went above my head, but I still adored the art style and personality quirks of the cast enough to see myself through most of the game, and only grew to appreciate it even more as I got older and saw more and more appreciation write ups and such thru forums.

Can't wait for Remastered!


Oct 26, 2017
Michigan, USA
Well deserved and still my favorite FF title.

I don't think any hype for a Final Fantasy title has come close to VIII honestly. Those moments and marketing through 1998 with that banging E3 trailer to every Weekly Famitsu having some reveal or new GF information in the 6 months to release were something. I still have the various mag articles from EGM etc when the game was announced. lol

Lawd and then importing Brave Fencer Musashiden for the demo that had that wicked melody remix, and then I imported a Dual Shock controller and couldn't believe it when my controller when nuts during the Leviathan sequence in the demo...lol


Nov 13, 2017
Also pretty impressed this game is still 3rd despite only having the PS1 release, the original PC release and steam. You'd think the way people praise IX and XII that they would be higher now especially that it's also on more platforms. Not to nention if "IX did horrible because of VIII", why would anyone bother with X after skipping IX, and X being the second best selling.
VIII has also outsold IX on Steam according to SteamSpy, well after VIII's "reputation" would be well-known by players. Just a bunch of excuses from salty IX fans who seem to love attacking VIII for some reason.


The Wise Ones
The Fallen
May 22, 2018
Well it is an pretty great game, so well deserved. September can't come soon enough to replay it again.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
i mean this was been known for about 15 years, It sold 8.15 million in 2003.

it was the fastest selling game in the series before 13
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Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Well and truly deserved. VIII is such an exceptional game that spoke to me in so many ways, so I'm glad it's in the top three sales wise.

I'm enjoying all the salt from the IX fans struggling to come up with any reason as to why VIII being in the top three totally isn't because it's a good game that has its own deserved fan base. Stay salty losers.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
Well and truly deserved. VIII is such an exceptional game that spoke to me in so many ways, so I'm glad it's in the top three sales wise.

I'm enjoying all the salt from the IX fans struggling to come up with any reason as to why VIII being in the top three totally isn't because it's a good game that has its own deserved fan base. Stay salty losers.
FFVIII was a very good game and it deserves its success. It was also helped out my a massive marketing push, along with the popularity of Final Fantasy being at a peak following VII.

Amazingly, there can be multiple reasons as to why things succeed.