
▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Yeh Summoner at level 90 feels really undercooked as a job to me. It's like they basically stretched out a level 70 job if that makes sense.

It is extremely boring (to me, at least) in its current form.

Luckily Black/Red Mage exist.
Hope Pictomancer is going to be fun.
Oct 25, 2017
i think there is space for some classes with lower skill complexities, but it's sacrificing classes that already exist to turn them into something they weren't is where it becomes such a sour point. summoner was one of the more difficult classes prior to its rework (regardless of if it was earned difficulty or just awkward clunk) which had that entire identity erased in favour of an incomplete thought that may take multiple expansions to get anywhere close to what prior summoner mains might appreciate. personally it's just way too brain off for me to enjoy even as a casual dps player, so that class functionally no longer exists for me. i think the team does need to be asked to hold themselves a little accountable for removing player options like that, especially when it takes them an entire expansion cycle to do anything about it

going into the live letter, i am a little apprehensive about what ast will look like headed into dawntrail. my only doses of copium were some interviews discussing wanting to keep "the feel" of ast (and drg) relatively the same, and the considerable amount of time he's spent talking about restoring difficulty to the content that they went a little too far smoothing out over the last couple of expansions. i've mained the class through each of its iterations and mostly found the changes comfortable and sensible within the context of the combat design for each expac since, but endwalker ast came off like a confused stumble and being next on the rework schedule after what they did to smn doesn't fill me with the most confidence that they know what to do with it


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Also… rework for 8.0 to get away from the 2 minute dps window for all classes please…


Oct 25, 2017
RDM has the added complexity of keeping your mana balanced, multiple OGCDs, the melee/ranged phases, clutch healing, and being stylish as fuck. It's not hard by any means but wringing maximum deeps out of it requires some degree of skill. SMN is me being no.2 aggro in my alliance by pressing one button over and over again.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
I've never really gone back to update my perception of red mage, I know at launch it was the "easy"/ prog job that did low damage because of "res tax" back from when it launched, and it sounds like it's a bit different now.


Oct 30, 2017
Finished arr and started heavensword.
Wow at the arr ending and credits music.
It was really worth (58 hours to reach It). Still cannot understand grasp the BS, yet It was glorious plot wise. Thanks to all those people aiding and winning Crystal tower raids for my 52 low damage plaladin (without heal).
Now ishgard

Stone Ocean

Oct 25, 2017
Red mage is fun but is it really all that much more complex than summoner? Or am I doing it wrong?
When people talk complexity in this game they are almost certainly talking about skill ceilings and yes, RDM's is way higher.
I've never really gone back to update my perception of red mage, I know at launch it was the "easy"/ prog job that did low damage because of "res tax" back from when it launched, and it sounds like it's a bit different now.
It's still a prog job that gets taken for the raise, that hasn't really changed, SMN just got shoved into the same niche while being easier.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
i tried red mage and it was so many buttons and things to look out for it felt so overwhelming, specially getting all skills at once instead of one at a time

if yall calling it "simple and boring" then jeez louise i aint touching anything else and just ride my humble bard to the end


Oct 25, 2017
I hope they change Acceleration for RDM in Dawntrail. My favorite aspect of the job in past expansions was the sort of iambic pentameter of the spellcasting, but by adding a free "third" cast periodically Acceleration breaks up the rhythm.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

Hey I called it! Except they went with floor 100. I have a save sitting around at Floor 91, so that was a freebie, assuming my teammates kept it too. Though Palace with the disconnects is... not ideal. So hopefully they get that stabilized very soon.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Milky Way Ghetto
i tried red mage and it was so many buttons and things to look out for it felt so overwhelming, specially getting all skills at once instead of one at a time

if yall calling it "simple and boring" then jeez louise i aint touching anything else and just ride my humble bard to the end
Bard has a higher skill ceiling than Red Mage. If you can do Bard, you can do Red Mage if you ever just take some free time to learn it


Oct 25, 2017
i tried red mage and it was so many buttons and things to look out for it felt so overwhelming, specially getting all skills at once instead of one at a time

if yall calling it "simple and boring" then jeez louise i aint touching anything else and just ride my humble bard to the end

When I first unlocked red mage I went WHAT THE FUCK and didn't touch it for ages. Then I took into a low-level dungeon to learn the basics and realised it rules.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017

Hey I called it! Except they went with floor 100. I have a save sitting around at Floor 91, so that was a freebie, assuming my teammates kept it too. Though Palace with the disconnects is... not ideal. So hopefully they get that stabilized very soon.

And I was 100% wrong lol. I give them credit for not just going back to ocean fishing, I just completed up to level 50 too I wonder if I can convince the rest of my group to go to 100.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Bard has a higher skill ceiling than Red Mage. If you can do Bard, you can do Red Mage if you ever just take some free time to learn it

mind you i'm far from end game/max lvl and super raids, havent even finished ARR yet (think im close tho), i'm talking about regular play. i probably cant play bard either, its just a lot easier to understand to me. arrows go brrrrr and i sing for buffs sometimes, life is simple and good

When I first unlocked red mage I went WHAT THE FUCK and didn't touch it for ages. Then I took into a low-level dungeon to learn the basics and realised it rules.

yeah i'm on the "what the fuck" stage
having to balance white and red magic and then melee and ranged is probably too much to me little brain. hate the casting times and interruptions as well (and yes i know there are skills to counter that but its even more buttons in my mind), guess casting is just not for me


Oct 27, 2017
RDM has the added complexity of keeping your mana balanced, multiple OGCDs, the melee/ranged phases, clutch healing, and being stylish as fuck. It's not hard by any means but wringing maximum deeps out of it requires some degree of skill. SMN is me being no.2 aggro in my alliance by pressing one button over and over again.

Pretty much this, the quick decisions about what to cast depending on mana levels, whether to pop Acceleration since proc wasn't proccing, being able to save myself on rare occasions, and on even rarer occasions saving an entire run by raising both healers, and the ever even more rare occasion raising someone in a different alliance that's been on the floor for a while since they're on the opposite side of the arena from their own healers.

I just find it a very fun combo of buttons to press with a bit of quick decisions making sprinkled in. I have no idea whether I actually play optimally though, at the very least I use a lazy opener since I honestly can't parse the couple of openers that I've looked up online, but I"m not doing serious raiding with a group or anything so who really cares.

Then again I'm thinking I may switch back to Dragoon to do Dawntrail story since I haven't played it regularly in a while. I'll need to get muscle-memory back for it though.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope the AST rework makes sense, because trying AST now as a SCH main it doesn't really make a lot of sense.
I could probably wrap my head around it with enough time, but there feels like a higher initial barrier of memorizing which cards go where and have what signs, tracking signs and cards used, so on. I like SCH basically having a dashboard of assorted "ohfuk" buttons.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I hope the AST rework makes sense, because trying AST now as a SCH main it doesn't really make a lot of sense.
I could probably wrap my head around it with enough time, but there feels like a higher initial barrier of memorizing which cards go where and have what signs, tracking signs and cards used, so on. I like SCH basically having a dashboard of assorted "ohfuk" buttons.

For the card assignments it's really just blue outline -> melee, red pink outline -> ranged/caster. Can completely ignore the names and main symbol. For the signs for Astrodyne, as long as you get 2/3 of the seals, you're fine. 3 is nice, but is a pretty minor difference.


Oct 25, 2017
For the card assignments it's really just blue outline -> melee, red pink outline -> ranged/caster. Can completely ignore the names and main symbol. For the signs for Astrodyne, as long as you get 2/3 of the seals, you're fine. 3 is nice, but is a pretty minor difference.
I hadn't realized the outline thing. Good to know.


Oct 25, 2017
lol This event is a bust for me. I'll be mostly getting mgp.
I made peace over a year ago that these events will never again be for me until I take a 2 expansion long break and all these moogle events later it seems that was the right hunch.
I'm getting antsy about the job live letter. I already kinda am preparing myself based on that statement they didn't wanna rock the boat too much in current combat design that nothing is gonna happen to alleviate 2 min and that there won't be enough interesting shakeup for me to get invested in the act of playing, leading to what I've already been kinda thinking about since the ananas tier ended that I probably won't raid next expansion at all.
Which is fine but deep down I'm still coping on something being said in the job action LL to make me excited about pressing buttons for the next expansion raids.


Oct 25, 2017
Man I literally don't know what I'm doing wrong with DRG. I'm hitting all the buttons in the right order but I'm getting out-DPSed by bards and RDMs.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been a Bard main since ARR. I selected Summoner as my Magic DPS to complete all the role quests just because I heard it was easy. I am now going through the process of maxing out the remaining jobs and am in the middle of leveling Red Mage. I'm enjoying it so much, I may use it as my main for the expansion. For normal play, its not complicated once you get used to it. I just wish the heal and resurrect were available at lower levels. Its frustrating not being able to do anything when a new player makes a mistake in a low level dungeon during a daily roulette.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Live letter snuck up on me. Hopefully we actually get some comprehensive job details and the trailer and not them saving most of it for content creators


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
What you hoping for on Monk?
We know they are getting upgraded animations for the basic combo so that's nice. I mainly want more oGCDs to fill out their rotation more outside of burst windows. The EW rework was the first time they got a good baseline for the job. Just expand on that mostly. My heart also wants more positionals again but I know that will never happen lol


Oct 25, 2017
In preparation for tomorrow's new glam, get this (weirdly named Water Imp in English ??) 10k MGP at Gold Saucer.



Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
I'm leveling warrior as my first tank class. Everything has been fine until I did a level 35 dungeon and the first boss just kept one shot in me. Is there a way to view when a single target attack is coming? I am okay at keeping enmity but yeah I just couldn't figure out why I just suddenly died.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
I'm leveling warrior as my first tank class. Everything has been fine until I did a level 35 dungeon and the first boss just kept one shot in me. Is there a way to view when a single target attack is coming? I am okay at keeping enmity but yeah I just couldn't figure out why I just suddenly died.
Teratotaur uses that full-room AOE and puts Doom on you, and you have to stand on the glowing panel to cleanse it, or you die

Also, check your gear, and it may also be the bees using Final Sting on you


Aug 31, 2019
Everett, Washington
Teratotaur uses that full-room AOE and puts Doom on you, and you have to stand on the glowing panel to cleanse it, or you die

That makes sense. I really am at a disadvantage without being able to read the chat log I'm sure my entire party was telling me that.

I really wish DPS wouldn't pull. I'm getting used to pulling groups but I'm terrified of losing Enmity or biting off more than I can chew.
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Oct 25, 2017
That makes sense. I really am at a disadvantage without being able to read the chat log I'm sure my entire party was telling me that.

I don't know how well you can navigate the UI, but if you can, I'd make a macro telling your condition about not being able to read chat logs to the party and fire it off in any multiplayer session. Most people will understand and just use gesture if they want you to do something. Not that there are many things to do in later dungeons anyway, ARR optional dungeons are just unique with its gimmicks. The most troublesome "gimmick" dungeon in the entire leveling roulette is Dzemael Darkhold. All MSQ dungeons were streamlined for Duty Support.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
That makes sense. I really am at a disadvantage without being able to read the chat log I'm sure my entire party was telling me that.

I really wish DPS wouldn't pull. I'm getting used to pulling groups but I'm terrified of losing Enmity or biting off more than I can chew.

Not sure if it would help you at all but they do have the option to make the text size in the chat window super big.


Oct 25, 2017
And finally done with Eureka leveling, boy what a grind this was. It was almost 5 AM and yet 2 people were in my grinding spots *-*
Still need to do Krile's quest but I ain't touching BA for sure, haha.

Also first Mogtomes day and I already got 132 thanks to GATEs, I only need 270 for all the stuff I'm missing, guess I'll farm even more MGP.


Oct 27, 2017
Try again! Qarn can be kinda nasty, the bees have an ability called final sting that *may* not one shot a tank but it'll hurt if it goes off. The cast is pretty long, but if people aren't focusing the bees it'll go off.


Oct 27, 2017
Ohhh, I think that boss is a little tricky. There's the boss' body and a gem on the boss. If I'm remembering correctly you want to make sure you have threat on the gem to keep aggro. I think that boss does do some attacks on random targets, but as long as both enmity circles (small UI element that shows where are you on threat with enemies in combat) are showing red then you have threat on them. Not much you can do about the random attacks as a tank.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay AST started making sense after one dungeon. That's good.

Though now is gonna be the time of grinding GATEs so idk if I'll remember to get it to 70 by the time the expansion comes out. I know EXP gains have steadily been inflated by a lot, so I'm curious how effectively I could level two healer jobs at once through the Shadowbringer and Endwalker MSQ's.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Oof. Tried the dungeon again. Eventually got past the first boss, but the healer died during the second boss. I died after pulling trash mobs and quit in shame.
Don't quit in shame! If you let people know you're just starting out Tanking in most cases people will be cool and understanding, especially in a low level dungeon like Qarn.