Jun 5, 2020
Not that I'm complaining about the inspiration. I personally think the game looks great but a lot of people seem to be angry that it's not a traditional Worms game.



Oct 29, 2017
while I understand having a fully destructible environment would be hard, couldn't they least have specific places that could break (like if the floor in the fountain area could break and result in a flood in the lower area).


Oct 27, 2017
Seems cool, although I personally thought the cute worms would have been shooting lasers or fruit rather than everything sounding like Call of Duty. Like a 2d Plantz vs Zombies where everyone is having fun swiftly zipping and flipping around and ducking into books and crannies trying to get the bead on opponents.

I'll check it out though.
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Oct 26, 2017
The gun sound effects are shockingly good for a game like this lol, though I'm not sure if they really fit. Otherwise this looks.. I dunno, I guess I might check it out if it's free? It looks too floaty and chaotic.

Sir Hound

Oct 28, 2017
I do think it needed to mix up, there's not much you can do with Worms that hasn't been done. The lack of scenery destruction is understandable but jarring.

And yeah the gun effects are weirdly great.


IT Tech
Oct 28, 2017
London, UK
I've played the beta a bit, I didn't get a great amount of enjoyment out of it.
The map felt to small to warrant 32 players inside it.


Oct 25, 2017
On the one hand, they've been doing the same worms thing for so long that it's super boring

but on the other hand, I was bored of this before I even reached the 2 minute mark


Jan 21, 2020
Looks like it could be fun. Think it needs a mode with traditional worms level destruction, maybe the level could slowly regenerate back so the stage won't be completely destroyed in a minute.
May 22, 2018
As a huge Worms fan, this doesn't look that great. I'm happy they're trying different things like they did with Worms 3D, but this ain't it.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Seems cool, although I personally thought the cute worms would have been shooting lasers or fruit rather than everything sounding like Call of Duty. Like a 2d Plantz vs Zombies where everyone is having fun swiftly zipping and flipping around and ducking into books and crannies trying to get the bead on opponents.

I'll check it out though.

That's part of the humour, that they're comic characters who are heavily armed with real weapons. In all prior games, the guns they fire sound like realistic weapons.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People aren't dismissing the game simply because it's different. The 3D games were different, and while there were definitely purists snubbing them, they were solid games in their own right, so much that they've made various ones in that style too. One issue with the Worms franchise is that every single time they bring it back, it's with a neat little addition like different kinds of worms, real-time physics on particles affecting gameplay and craftable weapons. These are all excellent ideas, the issues are two: the games are not as polished as the classics in terms of movement and general gameplay, and more importantly they allow for far less customization and features.

Worms World Party from 2001 had such wacky modes. Armageddon from 1999 still gets patches every once in a while and has so many features they added to it later, including a proper replay system. Worms 2 from 1997 still allows you to customize practically every aspect of each weapon. And most importantly, they all share a pixel perfect gameplay loop that is used to this day in professional tournaments, with people bouncing back and forth with ninja ropes or navigating through the tightest mazes with a jetpack.

All recent games lacked that sort of polish, that customization. This is why they fail to gain the traction the old ones did. Why stick to the new games when the old games do more and better? So as fans are still waiting for a game that lives up to 20something years old games, they now announce a now one that has a visual style that seems closer to Fortnite and Garden Warfare than Worms, one with massive multiplayer-focus (don't know if bots are there but 32-player bot matches don't sound exciting, and who knows if the game catches on at all?), real-time gameplay, superacrobatic gameplay that really has nothing to do with the way worms move normally, no destruction, levels that have nothing to do with the style of the series, and so on. I think it's clear why people aren't too hot about the idea.

Is making something new automatically bad? No, it isn't. But Worms sits in a position where fans are asking for a quite specific thing, and the games have the chance to land close to that, but they always fumble on something, be that a lack of a feature, the pricing or the general variety. So now they make a Worms game, had it not had this name and these characters, nobody would have realized it was one. I registered for the beta, I'll probably play the full game, I won't claim it's trash because I did not play it and will do so with a fresh mind. I enjoyed the series' ventures into different genres: 3D games were okay, Blast was decent, the Golf game was really fun, and so was the Pinball. But this does not sound exciting, or something that, like this, looks to be complementing the Worms experience well. I reserve judgment to a later time of course. But dismissing issues with "people don't want innovations" is simplifying a more complex problem.
Waluigi's World
Jun 5, 2020
People aren't dismissing the game simply because it's different. The 3D games were different, and while there were definitely purists snubbing them, they were solid games in their own right, so much that they've made various ones in that style too. One issue with the Worms franchise is that every single time they bring it back, it's with a neat little addition like different kinds of worms, real-time physics on particles affecting gameplay and craftable weapons. These are all excellent ideas, the issues are two: the games are not as polished as the classics in terms of movement and general gameplay, and more importantly they allow for far less customization and features.

Worms World Party from 2001 had such wacky modes. Armageddon from 1999 still gets patches every once in a while and has so many features they added to it later, including a proper replay system. Worms 2 from 1997 still allows you to customize practically every aspect of each weapon. And most importantly, they all share a pixel perfect gameplay loop that is used to this day in professional tournaments, with people bouncing back and forth with ninja ropes or navigating through the tightest mazes with a jetpack.

All recent games lacked that sort of polish, that customization. This is why they fail to gain the traction the old ones did. Why stick to the new games when the old games do more and better? So as fans are still waiting for a game that lives up to 20something years old games, they now announce a now one that has a visual style that seems closer to Fortnite and Garden Warfare than Worms, one with massive multiplayer-focus (don't know if bots are there but 32-player bot matches don't sound exciting, and who knows if the game catches on at all?), real-time gameplay, superacrobatic gameplay that really has nothing to do with the way worms move normally, no destruction, levels that have nothing to do with the style of the series, and so on. I think it's clear why people aren't too hot about the idea.

Is making something new automatically bad? No, it isn't. But Worms sits in a position where fans are asking for a quite specific thing, and the games have the chance to land close to that, but they always fumble on something, be that a lack of a feature, the pricing or the general variety. So now they make a Worms game, had it not had this name and these characters, nobody would have realized it was one. I registered for the beta, I'll probably play the full game, I won't claim it's trash because I did not play it and will do so with a fresh mind. I enjoyed the series' ventures into different genres: 3D games were okay, Blast was decent, the Golf game was really fun, and so was the Pinball. But this does not sound exciting, or something that, like this, looks to be complementing the Worms experience well. I reserve judgment to a later time of course. But dismissing issues with "people don't want innovations" is simplifying a more complex problem.
People were writing the game off before they even saw pure gameplay. This game was made for fans of Soldat and Crash Commando.


Nov 6, 2017
I don't know how much I can say about the beta, but I just gave it a try and I think they can actually pull this off. The skill ceiling is higher than I was expecting.


Nov 27, 2017
Meh would have preferred a return to 3D's gameplay

Not that it's horrible on its own merit but it lacks full destruction and turn based gameplay and those have been major staples of worms since day one. This doesn't really benefit from the worms name