
Oct 28, 2017
Wow... some folks are freaking miserable.

You're all 18, 24, 32, 40+ year old adults. Yes, you're right... it's not that exciting as a grown-ass man or woman. But for an eight year old? The son who loves minecraft or the nice that loves to draw or the grandkid that adores Barbie's play house? This is awesome.

And, this is a great litmus test to determine who has been enjoying this hobby for 8 years vs 20+. This is what Nintendo does when they're at the TOP of their game. This is stuff like R.O.B or the GameBoy Camera or the e-Reader for AGB.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017
Kids probably are not into this apart from in schools, kids like minecraft and plastic legos, we need to survey kids to see if they would want this

It will be a cool fad like sphero BB-8 i am thinking, but it's not gonna be what shifts 22 million unites like someone claimed earlier

I'm sure Nintendo have done zero market research before launching this product.

Deleted member 36622

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Dec 21, 2017
Prices are maybe a little steep.

A one little game with its related cardboard thing at 19,99$ would have been such a nice package.

69,99 it's less an impulse buy, but still what a cool concept.


Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking trash. This isn't even me being salty because I didn't expect anything to begin with. It is a legitimate trash idea and it will review terribly. Cardboard? Fucking cardboard? Who the hell is gonna be arsed to build their own thing that will inevitably break in 5 minutes? It goes against the concept of the Switch since you can't take it outside due to rain, it is just fucking trash.
Because without the cardboard you can play your Switch in the rain ? lmao
Oct 27, 2017
Great ideas, but man those prices are bad.
Ahhh, what the hell. I'm already 3 deep on Switch. My goblin squad is gonna go nuts for this thing.
Gonna be rough when they destroy 80$ worth of cardboard? Would have been nice to have been plastic for that cost.

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
Switch is selling really well but there's a limit to that. I don't think this will blow up unless the base hardware see's some form of price drop. The price of entry for this is massive if you don't own a Switch. I question whether or not parents are willing to spend $400 to en-masse to get their kids into this. I can see it selling really well amongst Switch owners, but whether or not it helps Nintendo reach those lofty hardware targets is a tough call. Essentially, I actually don't believe it's success us as sure a thing as other people seem to.
Yep, thank you, you get it. It's a super cool idea, but $300 for the Switch, plus $70 (at least) for this, plus taxes? Too expensive.


Dec 22, 2017



Nov 22, 2017
You got to have a really fucking broke brain to watch that video and come away with "it's just cardboard wtf"
Oct 25, 2017
This is really cute!! The robot kit made me think back to when Lego Mindstorms were first coming out, and how crazy it was to me as a kid that we were able to build our own toys with tiny computers and motors.

Future sets could be really interesting, and a fun way to take advantage of the portability and modular features of the Switch.


Oct 26, 2017
I did not expect THAT. To be honest, it looks awesome. I wonder how much these packs will cost and how durable they are. I could have a lot of fun with my nieces playing with these things.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
This is an interesting idea, but it doesn't seem like the initial two sets allow for a great deal of creativity. I would imagine/hope that future sets would allow for more open-ended construction.
Oct 27, 2017
Really cool, definitely see how kids would be into it (I'd love this if I was a lot younger). I really didn't see this one coming.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread makes me realize people have absolutely no odea how sturdy cardboard can be.

It's not a paper tissue folks.


Oct 25, 2017
It all comes down to how full featured these games are. I mean if this is a reasonably substantial fishing game and not just some toy demo then this sort of thing could be fantastic for older gamers beyond the "put it together yourself" cardboard novelty.


Oct 25, 2017
People will print up free replacement cardboard templates in no time if this takes off. Will be fun to see all the customization from the maker communities.


Oct 27, 2017
No kid is playing with this shit when they have a thousand other far better things to play with. Second, it's fucking cardboard!!! Makes all those ebay auctions look good in comparison and won't it all just break under the weight and pressure? Third, why would ANYONE want to put their $300 handheld into cardboard? Unless of course, you're just waiting for an excuse to buy another Switch cause chances are that's what's going to happen.

And someone beat me to took 35 years but ROB has finally been surpassed!!! LMFAO!!!


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
Neat concept and the fact that these are smaller games that Nintendo can probably put smaller teams on means they can focus on putting out the bigger games without any time or resources lost. Pretty smart!
Yup. These Labo items will require small software (and therefore small dev teams), while it sells itself due to the cardboard designs. This product should be a relief for us hardcore gamers, as this won't take any significant dev efforts away from our biggest franchises.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't think this will be a big hit with kids. The second coming of Wii this is not. Ultimately, it'll probably just be forgotten. Think it'll have a worse fate than the Move and Kinect. They should've included this in the Direct.


Oct 27, 2017
Milano - Italy
Cool idea, problematic execution.

I'm guessing they had *very* polite Japanese kids testing this. Any kid *I* know will tear this to pieces in 30 minutes flat.


Oct 30, 2017
Nintendo Labo would make sense on every holiday toy guide I saw last month. Really smart idea.


Oct 25, 2017
The price isn't too bad if you get multiple builds out of one kit, plus the software. Gotta hope the cardboard is durable for kids who really use it.