Oct 25, 2017
I suffer from it but it varies a lot. Usually, I get a slight headache or dizziness on the first day and then it improves, but it's sporadic for some games.

From the games that I've played this gen that are first-person perspective:
Dishonored 2 - sporadic
Deus Ex - slightly dizzy at start
CoD IW single player - headache nearly all the way through
Alien Isolation - none
Fallout 4 - nausea at the start
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - heavy nausea at the start

But there are some 3rd person games which can give the same effect. The Witcher 3 motion blur made me really dizzy sometimes.
Oct 28, 2017
I haven't been able to play and FPS in years do to motion sickness. Ironically I developed this after 5 years at sea on a warship (I don't get sea sick, go figure) So hearing that CP2077 is First Person is a bummer.

A few years ago I heard that most players get motion sickness do to the size of the screen they play on vs. their sitting distance. For me I have to play on something 23" or smaller and sit at least a foot away which is not ideal and its far too cumbersome to move consoles from room to room just so I can play COD or DOOM.


What a joy it's been to be able to play console shooters again. DOOM on the Switch was a joy since the screen is small enough for me not to get sick but I'm close enough to still enjoy the game. It is my preferred choices for FPS style action from now on.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't been able to play and FPS in years do to motion sickness. Ironically I developed this after 5 years at sea on a warship (I don't get sea sick, go figure) So hearing that CP2077 is First Person is a bummer.

A few years ago I heard that most players get motion sickness do to the size of the screen they play on vs. their sitting distance. For me I have to play on something 23" or smaller and sit at least a foot away which is not ideal and its far too cumbersome to move consoles from room to room just so I can play COD or DOOM.


What a joy it's been to be able to play console shooters again. DOOM on the Switch was a joy since the screen is small enough for me not to get sick but I'm close enough to still enjoy the game. It is my preferred choices for FPS style action from now on.

So thats FOV issue, on PC its no problem.


Nov 13, 2017
The only first person game to ever get me the slightest bit queezy was The Whitness. I still have no idea why.

That said... there are numerous 3rd person games that will hit me right in that nauseous area where i'll start to get warm and feel a little "off" then if i try and power through i'll get slammed and feel like shit for the rest of the day... VERY much the same thing i'll get in some fast moving (or poorly done) VR games on my Rift. It's weird that most 1st person games dont do it to me though... i'm assuming it's because in the 3rd person ones i can whip the camera around ultra quick and i'm seeing almost too much FOV as the landscape zips by. Not sure but it's weird and sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just really not a fan of FP open world games that have platforming, and stealth aspects like a Deus Ex. Games like that want you to experience it that way so you'll be " immersed" in that world. But that's simply impossible. For one I can't really gauge the distance I'm jumping from a ledge, and two no matter how big the monitor is you don't have 20/20 vision, so you can't see from the corner of your eye if something is shifting away from your main view of vision. So that immediately immediately kills whatever immersion the game wants you to feel. I've accepted it because I want to play a game in that genre, but if another studio offered me the consumer a very similar game in the genre, and wasn't first-person, I'd jump at the chance to play it instead.

Deleted member 24118

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Explain Please? I played Bioshock Infinite on my 27" Mac a few years back and it wasn't bad but I couldn't stick with it cause the sickness would creep up and last for hours after I played.

Most PC fpss have extremely customizable FOV.

Keyword is "most." Overwatch, for example, has extremely low FOV even when maxed out (iirc its max fov is the equivalent of 70 in CSGO).


Oct 27, 2017
Knoxville, TN
Have you tried dramamine? I couldn't play either Halo or Halo 2 on console due to the motion sickness. When Halo 3 came out I took dramamine before playing and it worked. Slowly I winged myself off it (multiplayer first than single player). 95% of the time now I no longer get sick, but there a few exceptions:

- if I watch someone else play a FPS game for too long.
- certain VR games like Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, but I am perfectly fine with games Superhot in VR.
- Firewatch of all things made me miserable (I still beat it but had to do short spurts) . It was really bad.

To be clear in the 90's I played things like Doom, Quake, Half-life including mods like TFC (I played it for over 3 years) and DoD, and even Halo on PC without getting sick. But on console almost sick everything. I think part of my problem was I just sucked with controllers which caused me to exaggerate my movement. The only console games that were exceptions to this at the time were Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, and Timesplitters (these all have something in common) Still even using keyboard and mouse, I couldn't finish Half-Life 2 due to the boat part. I just kept getting sick.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
For me, it'll come down to the way, the game is going to handle motion. I have issues with like Half Life 2 (get a headache after a while) but with games like Deus Ex. I commend them for trying something new that fits with their world vision and sticking to their conviction, although when I first heard about it, I felt bummed out. My heart goes out to the MadQueen on YT. I follow her channel for Cyberpunk lore because of her passion and knowledge on the subject. She's been one of biggest fans of genre and was keenly anticipating this game.
Oct 25, 2017
It varies for me what games trigger my motion sickness. I ended up having to play Stanley Principle in a tiny window to stave off the nausea...and it wasn't perfect. Also, I have no idea what sort of black magic was used but the PS3 version of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion does not give me motion sickness (except for riding horses up inclines. I know...weird). All other versions do give me motion sickness, even my decently powerful desktop PC. It's why I stopped playing Rime on PS4. Watching a friend play FarCry 5 on an Xbox 1X did it. Hellblade on my PS4 Pro started to, but for some reason it went away. It's usually triggered by unstable frame rates and/or a rubber bandy camera whipping around...usually. MechWarrior Online is one of the few FPS games I can play with no problem (It's slower and more deliberate, so I imagine that has a lot to do with it.)

I tried the wristbands with Hellblade, but ended up not needing them. I have some ginger tablets on hand for when I get to a game I want to try out that may cause a problem. OI just bought a PSVR, so I may be trying remedies more in earnest in the near future.


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
In my case it's a combination of things that helps mitigate this (though obviously not everyone): framerate, FoV, and reducing head bob and motion blur (if any). Sometimes I've found playing at smaller 1:1 resolutions (ie: with black bars) further helps as well, such as scaled 21:9 on a 16:9 monitor.
Yeah, I suspect that a lot of FPS sickness comes form these factors not being sufficiently customizable (or plain sufficient in the case of framerate).


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get motion sickness but really bad headaches from games with low FoV, increasing it always fixes that for me. A major contributing factor to motion sickness is screen size/distance, and having an adjustable FoV so that you don't need to change the former should be a standard for all games.

Also it's not just first person, third person or over the shoulder games can cause the same problems too.

Problem is for consoles is that very few games ship with the option to adjust the FoV, a lot of people can completely alleviate accessibility problems if more developers cared more about accessibility.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm just sad that a game that seems to be so concerned with its unique style will only be letting me look at my OWN character during cutscenes, driving segments, Etc. I will almostacertainly get this anyway, but u typically avoid first person titles unless they offer something VERY special.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
The only time this ever happened with me was Half Life 2. I had to stop around Ravenholm because I was getting so sick.


Apr 23, 2018
In FPS for me head bobbing is the worst offender by a mile, not in every implementation, but if i can turn that off i'm good (stupid low fov may require shrinking the image though).

I might be the odd one out, but i'd say it's about 1 in 3 games with heavy movement that gives me issues and it's across all perspectives/genres (top down, first person, third person, racing, side scroller...), FPS being the worst isn't true for me at all, it's top down if anything (straight top down, isometric is much better).


Oct 26, 2017
For me it's all about low FoV. Anything less than 70 and I'll get a bit sick. Funnily enough this includes TP as well, for instance Horizon in the city actually got me stopping the game. So the only way I'll play Cyberpunk would be after I have built a new rig.

On the flip side absolutely no sickness at all in VR, Wipeout was a joy for instance.
Oct 28, 2017
Most PC fpss have extremely customizable FOV.

Keyword is "most." Overwatch, for example, has extremely low FOV even when maxed out (iirc its max fov is the equivalent of 70 in CSGO).

OK this sounds like it would legit be helpful if I knew what FOV meant and how it translates to the game? I think it means "Field of Vision" but could someone explain what that means? Am I seeing too much of the screen and not enough of the person or is it like a fisheye lenses? I've only played Diablo III on PC for any length of time so I'm not familiar with the terms being used.


Deleted member 14192

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
OK this sounds like it would legit be helpful if I knew what FOV meant and how it translates to the game? I think it means "Field of Vision" but could someone explain what that means? Am I seeing too much of the screen and not enough of the person or is it like a fisheye lenses? I've only played Diablo III on PC for any length of time so I'm not familiar with the terms being used.

Basically, it's how zoomed in the camera is. For many people, including me, low FOV is really disorienting and leads to headaches.



Apr 23, 2018
For me it's all about low FoV. Anything less than 70 and I'll get a bit sick. Funnily enough this includes TP as well, for instance Horizon in the city actually got me stopping the game. So the only way I'll play Cyberpunk would be after I have built a new rig.

On the flip side absolutely no sickness at all in VR, Wipeout was a joy for instance.

Does this apply to something like Skyrim VR (just an example, anything else with some real motion really) as well? because Wipeout is just voodoo magic, i can play that for hours while anything else is somewhere between 5 and 30 minutes and i need a break and i know several others with a similar experience.


Oct 30, 2017
My partner gets motion sickness watching me play pretty much any game, regardless of perspective. First, third, even as far as top down RTS games. The camera movement does it for her when she's not in control. It sucks, we've tried ginger tablets, pressure wristbands etc. Nothing sorts it, so she just can't watch me play games for more than tiny bursts.

Yep my wife is the same way. It limits the games I can play when she's in the room as it'll make her physically ill. Oddly Rocket League doesn't affect her so I can play lots of that around her and that's great because I want to play that a lot.

While it sucks for those who do get nauseated by the POV, POV is a pretty important element from a technical, narrative and art/aesthetic perspectives. While I applaud games that manage to find ways to include both views I understand why that's not always possible.


Mar 2, 2018
I can't play any FPS games, like at all. so it sucks that I have to pass on Cyberpunk because it decides not to implement TPV for people like me.


Oct 26, 2017
Does this apply to something like Skyrim VR (just an example, anything else with some real motion really) as well? because Wipeout is just voodoo magic, i can play that for hours while anything else is somewhere between 5 and 30 minutes and i need a break and i know several others with a similar experience.

I get a bit sick with Skyrim VR with the teleport system but nothing using the smooth control.


Oct 27, 2017
So we recently have the news that Cyberpunk 2077 is a first person perspective game, and there are some controversies around this. Many people assumed this stems from people simply preferring third person angle over first, but in fact, there are actual people who actually has difficulty enjoying games with fast-paced first person gameplay as a result of motion sickness. I myself cannot get into games like this (tried Bioshock and Borderlands), even after tinkering with fov settings.

Is optional third person camera like Skyrim a feature that is generally too much of a hassle to implement? If it is, depending on how fast-paced the gameplay is, someone such as myself would probably need to wait for mods to change the perspective and stuffs.

This is all well and good, as it's a legitimate issue and an unfortunate circumstance that these gamers can't experience these types of games, HOWEVER, the majority of complaints in the other thread had nothing to do with that. just reread the thread. The majority of complaints were "I want to see my character and the animations he does throughout gameplay because that's what RPGs are!" That's why there was so much back and forth on it.

And I don't think tacking on a third person camera akin to Skyrim is the proper route to take.


Oct 28, 2017
It is better these days, but any game that has the camera bob when walking or too many hallways/caves can still get to me.

Funny thing is I never get it in VR.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried to play the new Doom on Switch (friend let me borrow it) recently and got sick almost immediately. I'm interested in trying it out on PS4 to see if it has the same effect. I thought maybe being on such a small screen so close to me might have been the problem.


Oct 27, 2017
For me i get huge headache from games with a lot of movement and low FOV, doesn't matter if the game is 3rd person or 1st person.
Games made by Guerilla games does this to me along with some others like Resistance fom and Half Life 2. It actually took me a long time to figure out what was causing this because Horizon ZD was doing the same so I had to google it to see if other ppl were experiencing the same thing and found out that low FOV causes all this. Like back then, I could play Halo or COD for hours without any trouble but as soon as i would play Killzone 2, I would get a huge headache.

Deleted member 1594

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
It was hard for me to come to terms that every game I want to play will not cater to me.
I love Bethesda's RPGs. I also played the crap out of Fallout 3 and 4 (bit of a letdown but still). Now Fallout 76 is online... and it's just not at all for me. They've been making singleplayer RPGs for ages and now Fallout is... online? Well, for me that sucks. But I've also come to the realization that not every game is for me, and sometimes developers want to do something different.


Oct 26, 2017
Funny because I made a similar thread last month or so.

I really hate first person perspective, especially in shooters and/or action. I actually got a motion sickness playing Vermintide last month and I had to install a 3rd person mod. However, if it's anything like Deus Ex (the newer ones) then it won't be a problem for me. People forgot (or ignorant) that Cyberpunk 2077 is an RPG first and foremost. It'll be much slower paced compared to action FPS. I'll reserve my judgement until I see/more information of the game.
Slower pace has nothing to do with it though... it's about environment, color schemes, frame rate... for instance I have some motion sickness with furst person games, i can endure about 30minutes to an hour of them before getting headaches, but surprisingly Overwatch, a very fast paced game with tons of motion blur and stuff gives me no nausea at all, but some tps games eith the camera close to the character's back, such as The last of us, makes me want to puke on it's SLOWER, EXPLORATION sections, looking at you sewers '-'

I hope they release a demo so we can ser if the game is going to kill us or not, I had to stop TLoU midway because it was literally killing me :/, I also had a terrible time with portal and a somewhat decent time with destiny 2 when there were no cramped spaces. I simply stopped playing those games until I got addicted to OW because of the simple fact that I can play it :/
I'd love to see some proper research on video games and motion sickness.
me too, i wanna know what the hell is wrong with me :(
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Have you played FPS games with high FPS?
I rarely hear about motion sickness with pc gamers, but here in ERA where most people are console gamers it seems to be big issue.
So I just cant believe its coincidence, its something related to bad fps + bad fov and maybe something else (above my post, view bobbing that makes you feel like you are in boat middle of storm).

This. I have NEVER even heard about motion sickness from playing FPS before reading this forum (and the old one).

And I am beyond elated that there is no 3rd person mode. It means that they are making a proper FP game. Usually with both modes something feels off, no matter which mode you use.

It is the same if I'd complain AC or anything else having only 3rd person. I can't stand it, always hated 3rd person. It is just so... Console way of playing.

(of course sucks for the disabled people who can't play FP games)

Deleted member 18857

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I am extremely weak to motion sickness, to the point that this news made the game go from "I will build a new PC when it's released to experience it to the fullest" to "I will never play it".
It sucks hard.
Oh well, I'll use these 300 hours on something else (still building a new PC in the next two years).


Oct 26, 2017
This. I have NEVER even heard about motion sickness from playing FPS before reading this forum (and the old one).

And I am beyond elated that there is no 3rd person mode. It means that they are making a proper FP game. Usually with both modes something feels off, no matter which mode you use.

It is the same if I'd complain AC or anything else having only 3rd person. I can't stand it, always hated 3rd person. It is just so... Console way of playing.

(of course sucks for the disabled people who can't play FP games)
It's not the same, you complain because you don't like a camera, we complain because we can't enjoy games we like because of a poor implemented camera/camera settings. If your game is going to be FP only it's your duty as a designer to make it confortable for these people too. We're not disabled and most of these problems can be solved in the game itself. Sure, there will be always one or two players that can't do FP at all, but for most of us there are some exceptions we can play and that should be studies in order to improve FP games.

Try to have some empathy bro. You basically said you are beyond elated because less people can play a game because you feel a camera is console like :|


Oct 26, 2017
It's not the same, you complain because you don't like a camera, we complain because we can't enjoy games we like because of a poor implemented camera/camera settings. If your game is going to be FP only it's your duty as a designer to make it confortable for these people too. We're not disabled and most of these problems can be solved in the game itself. Sure, there will be always one or two players that can't do FP at all, but for most of us there are some exceptions we can play and that should be studies in order to improve FP games.

Try to have some empathy bro. You basically said you are beyond elated because less people can play a game because you feel a camera is console like :|

Im not sure you can blame devs either, people would not play their games on consoles if they were made ugly for high fps.
Consoles are what they are, 1 size fit all kinda.
If you want to make it fit best possible for you then you have to play on pc.

Its been always like this, on FPS games it just shows more because of the fast camera movement that you cant trick if the fps is low.


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of this has to do with being acclimated to it. Those of us that have been gaming on PCs our whole lives and grew up with Doom and Descent seldom have this issue. Meanwhile, it was known to be a huge problem for Japanese gamers who overwhelmingly played third person console games. When first person games started becoming really dominant in the west it created something of a rift in the markets, and that's lessened as time goes on.

Anecdotally, this is something many people have been able to overcome, but people don't really push themselves to knuckle through unpleasantness, when they can just play something else. We see this with VR a lot -- people that buy this expensive hardware often build up their VR legs, but the average user that puts it on and has a bad experience just says "Not for me."

I've been playing first person games for as long as they've been a thing, and VR since CV1, and I'm pretty impervious to motion sickness. In VR, I find spinning motions to be vaguely jarring and I don't like it, but it's never translated to physical discomfort or sickness, it's more like "This feels wrong and is breaking the illusion."


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
I can play for like 30 mins to an hour, give or take, but after that I have a really bad headache when dealing with FP. Anytime beyond that and I just can't do it. This is why Cyberpunk 2077 bums me out a bit. I was looking forward to it. These types of game you wanna sit down for a few hours at least to just explore and engage with the game world. I will not be able to that here...
Oct 25, 2017
I sometimes play with someone that suffers from motion sickness and yeah, he basically won't be able to play Cyberpunk. He tries playing Sea of Thieves but about 10 minutes into it he has to stand in a corner doing an emote to force a third person view.

It's not matter of getting used to it, or messing with the FoV or other things like that. He's tried everything and nothing works, he just can't play FPS games.


Oct 26, 2017
Im not sure you can blame devs either, people would not play their games on consoles if they were made ugly for high fps.
Consoles are what they are, 1 size fit all kinda.
If you want to make it fit best possible for you then you have to play on pc.

Its been always like this, on FPS games it just shows more because of the fast camera movement that you cant trick if the fps is low.
Why can I play overwatch then? I don't really buy the "you are playing on console" as an excuse anymore seeing how Destiny and OW turned out to be... I wonder how hard is putting a field of view option there for the games and tuning the lighting/movements to be more confortable on consoles when their pc counterpart have it, too. I played CS, Portal and stanley parable on pc and had motion sickness, I played Ow and destiny on console and didn't have it. Battlefield 1 on ps4 allowed me to tweak all options until I found something that worked for me, it's clearly not a pc vs console thing, it's about devs not allowing to tweak camera options and games with art direction that doesn't account for motion sickness.

At least for me, the thing that least impacts this issue is playing on sub 60fps. As some players stated, having a stable 30 option already helps with the issue a lot, but it's not all about performance. I've noticed most games I can play without feeling bad have more variated color palletes(destiny/ow are pretty colorful compared to CS and Black), less cramped spaces(destiny's 2 beta intro almost killed me but once it moved for more open spaces I played with no problem) and motion blur/head bob camera... none of these are related to performance. You guys are kinda bringing up a platform war where it isn't called for, console isn't the real issue here :/.

I hope they at least study these issues in Cyberpunk, because these small things can make a world of a difference for whoever has these issues :/

A lot of this has to do with being acclimated to it. Those of us that have been gaming on PCs our whole lives and grew up with Doom and Descent seldom have this issue. Meanwhile, it was known to be a huge problem for Japanese gamers who overwhelmingly played third person console games. When first person games started becoming really dominant in the west it created something of a rift in the markets, and that's lessened as time goes on.

Anecdotally, this is something many people have been able to overcome, but people don't really push themselves to knuckle through unpleasantness, when they can just play something else. We see this with VR a lot -- people that buy this expensive hardware often build up their VR legs, but the average user that puts it on and has a bad experience just says "Not for me."

I've been playing first person games for as long as they've been a thing, and VR since CV1, and I'm pretty impervious to motion sickness. In VR, I find spinning motions to be vaguely jarring and I don't like it, but it's never translated to physical discomfort or sickness, it's more like "This feels wrong and is breaking the illusion."
I believe this is a factor too, pc gamers have usually more fps playtime and, honestly, i feel like I wouldn't have so many issues with FPS had I grew up playing them... But it isn't just not wanting to deal with the hassle of getting used to fp/bad cameras... I played through portal and TLoU with tears in my eyes because of how these games hurt for me to play, and didn't see any improvement regarding my issues... Crash coursing your way brings nothing but pain... the best way I can see to training yourself to play FPS is finding a game that gives you less headaches and grinding through it, but you'll still have titles that are going to be impossible for you to beat :/
Last edited:
Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden


Oct 26, 2017
Why can I play overwatch then? I don't really buy the "you are playing on console" as an excuse anymore seeing how Destiny and OW turned out to be... I wonder how hard is putting a field of view option there for the games and tuning the lighting/movements to be more confortable on consoles when their pc counterpart have it, too. I played CS, Portal and stanley parable on pc and had motion sickness, I played Ow and destiny on console and didn't have it. Battlefield 1 on ps4 allowed me to tweak all options until I found something that worked for me, it's clearly not a pc vs console thing, it's about devs not allowing to tweak camera options and games with art direction that doesn't account for motion sickness.

At least for me, the thing that least impacts this issue is playing on sub 60fps. As some players stated, having a stable 30 option already helps with the issue a lot, but it's not all about performance. I've noticed most games I can play without feeling bad have more variated color palletes(destiny/ow are pretty colorful compared to CS and Black), less cramped spaces(destiny's 2 beta intro almost killed me but once it moved for more open spaces I played with no problem) and motion blur/head bob camera... none of these are related to performance. You guys are kinda bringing up a platform war where it isn't called for, console isn't the real issue here :/.

I hope they at least study these issues in Cyberpunk, because these small things can make a world of a difference for whoever has these issues :/

I believe this is a factor too, pc gamers have usually more fps playtime and, honestly, i feel like I wouldn't have so many issues with FPS had I grew up playing them... But it isn't just not wanting to deal with the hassle of getting used to fp/bad cameras... I played through portal and TLoU with tears in my eyes because of how these games hurt for me to play, and didn't see any improvement regarding my issues... Crash coursing your way brings nothing but pain... the best way I can see to training yourself to play FPS is finding a game that gives you less headaches and grinding through it, but you'll still have titles that are going to be impossible for you to beat :/

I mean consoles have less options and since it can be combination of low fps, wrong fov and who knows what there is higher chance it doesnt fit a person on console.
On other hand on PC you usually have at least 60fps and fov slider, config file or mod to tweak it to fit you, or any other kind of tweaks if you are sensitive to colors, head bob etc.

Again devs have very limited space on consoles because of their performance and what people want.
If they give fov slider then fps will drop even more.

Im not doing any console wars, im just stating the obvious what is causing motion sickness for most people, its the limits of consoles, the end.


May 5, 2018
My partner gets motion sickness watching me play pretty much any game, regardless of perspective. First, third, even as far as top down RTS games. The camera movement does it for her when she's not in control. It sucks, we've tried ginger tablets, pressure wristbands etc. Nothing sorts it, so she just can't watch me play games for more than tiny bursts.

I relate with your experience. My wife can only handle small doses of watching me play or playing co-op with me. Even Minecraft will make her feel ill after a while.

Deleted member 2340

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
This is all well and good, as it's a legitimate issue and an unfortunate circumstance that these gamers can't experience these types of games, HOWEVER, the majority of complaints in the other thread had nothing to do with that. just reread the thread. The majority of complaints were "I want to see my character and the animations he does throughout gameplay because that's what RPGs are!" That's why there was so much back and forth on it.

And I don't think tacking on a third person camera akin to Skyrim is the proper route to take.

I was one of the few even bringing up motion sickness and headaches in the last thread over and over.

After awhile it felt like I was beating a dead horse and felt like I was holding back discussions on the rest of the game that quite frankly seems phenomenal.

This game being FPP doesn't diminish it at all. If that was their vision for it I hope it's a runaway success for CDPR. I'm almost at the point where I can put this game out my mind and stop talking/thinking about it after years of being hype and creating awareness for this game amongst my friends and family.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean consoles have less options and since it can be combination of low fps, wrong fov and who knows what there is higher chance it doesnt fit a person on console.
On other hand on PC you usually have at least 60fps and fov slider, config file or mod to tweak it to fit you, or any other kind of tweaks if you are sensitive to colors, head bob etc.

Again devs have very limited space on consoles because of their performance and what people want.
If they give fov slider then fps will drop even more.

Im not doing any console wars, im just stating the obvious what is causing motion sickness for most people, its the limits of consoles, the end.
Putting graphics over comfort would still count as a design choice, there are more games with FoV sliders on consoles nowadays so there's no real excuse for developers to keep not putting them in games, I'm sorry, you blame it on consoles being limited but the console is simply a platform, what is made for them is on the devs, you are going to make these compromises anyway as not everyone will have a high end pc, and making your game only playable with comfortable framerates in higher end pcs is a poor choice as well.

Not accounting for these options on console is a design choice, in an ideal world you would either optimize your game to account for that, or you make compromises for them to be possible, what most devs do nowadays is pretty cruel on that regard.

Also I don't think you should assume it's all about the framerate for most people and call it the end, especially when there are much more factors involved and not enough studies to draw conclucions from. If we were talking abot VR I'd mostly agree, though.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm alright with most FPS games, but i can't tolerate Borderlands, gives me bad motion sickness after 5 minutes.


Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
I got motion sickness while playing Resident Evil Revelations 2 as well and that game is 3rd person. I had to use CheatEngine to get a wider FOV and the problem was solved.


Oct 26, 2017
I never get motion sick but low FoV (70-80) can definitely give me a headache after a longer period of play...


Oct 25, 2017
Having a high FPS (60+) and a wide FoV will solve it. If you can get your hands on a Gsync/Freesync monitor it will fix everything, all games I play on mine are ultra smooth even when the FPS fluctuates.

Nope it doesn't solve it at all, at least not with everyone.

I feel for these people, but CDPR should not budge on it's vision. First-person drastically alters how a game plays and to me it's such a huge boon to immersion.

They should perhaps offer an optional third person camera angle but I feel this outrage is overblown. Games are not made according to what a vocal minority of folks think should happen. CDPR knows what the fuck they are doing.

Nobody is being toxic about it or harassing them AFAIK, however people are entitled to express their disappointment or provided criticisms with the decision (just an aside though, bigotry is not criticism).

Let's not forget that CDPR is a business and as such getting feedback from their customers is natural, what they end up doing with it is up to them.

In my opinion being inclusive and providing options is the definition of being customers' friendly and business oriented, if the 17% of people around the world cannot play first person, well it's 17% of sales' loss and people who aren't going to enjoy the labor of love you put in.

Having a TPP is just like having a colors' blind option or inverted controls, that aspect isn't altering anybody's enjoyment, or destroying the vision of the game, as a matter of fact, it enable some of us to partake in the said enjoyment.

And let's be real, the game is a single player RPG, it's not a competitive FPS where people playing in TPP will get an advantage and so on and thus destroying the enjoyment of others.

At the end of the day though, it's their choice to add it or not but honestly it's just a shame that some of us cannot play it as well.

I am not bitter about this situation though, I hope that all of you lucky mofos enjoy the game and for CDPR to get the success they deserve.