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Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Question to anyone who's played a lot of it - is there a lot of fetch questing/backtracking? That's the only thing I'm not really digging from the hour or so I've played.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
I don't remember many fetch quests. There's one at the start, another soon after that (which is completely optional, but tied to an achievement), and maybe one more later in the game? Something like that.

There is some backtracking, however. The game has many elements of point and click adventure games, so occasionally you'll go talk to some character a couple of times to accomplish a goal. You'll also revisit many locations in the second half of the game, but you'll be doing different things in them.


Oct 29, 2017
This game looks great, really charming and with good animation too, a couple of questions for the people playing the game, is there any combat or just platforming and puzzles?, how long is it?


Dec 19, 2017
Just picked this up and can't wait to dig in. The lack of interest in this is insane, it seems like a game resetera would love and champion seeing how it's a cinematic platformer and has an awesome, ghibli-like art style.
Oct 25, 2017
Played my second session today, still so good. It's funny how at first I was thinking "wait, every character will be an object? I'm not sure how I feel about this", and now I'm like "oooh, that's so cool, he's a fridge!". Stopped early for the night because I was reaching what seemed to be a very important moment in the story, so I don't want to have to stop halfway through some key moment.

Question to anyone who's played a lot of it - is there a lot of fetch questing/backtracking? That's the only thing I'm not really digging from the hour or so I've played.
Not much.

There is some cool optional content in the form of puzzles you didn't have to do, though.

I hope you enjoy it!

I don't remember many fetch quests. There's one at the start, another soon after that (which is completely optional, but tied to an achievement), and maybe one more later in the game? Something like that.

There is some backtracking, however. The game has many elements of point and click adventure games, so occasionally you'll go talk to some character a couple of times to accomplish a goal. You'll also revisit many locations in the second half of the game, but you'll be doing different things in them.
Oh, really? I guess I'm not halfway through the game, then.

This game looks great, really charming and with good animation too, a couple of questions for the people playing the game, is there any combat or just platforming and puzzles?, how long is it?
No combat, according to ObvItsAmy , who worked on the game, it's supposed to be from 7 to 10 hours long.

Just picked this up and can't wait to dig in. The lack of interest in this is insane, it seems like a game resetera would love and champion seeing how it's a cinematic platformer and has an awesome, ghibli-like art style.
Right! I hope that changes soon, the game so far has been such a great experience, more people should play it. And going by Williams' impressions, I guess it doesn't lose steam until the end, and continues to be that good all the way through.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
Oh, really? I guess I'm not halfway through the game, then.

Going by what you said, I think you're roughly at the halfway point now. The first playthrough took me a bit more than 9 hours, although I still missed several collectibles along the way. As far as I'm concerned, the game goes from strength to strength all the way to the end, and some of my favorite, and most unexpected sequences were in the latter half.
Oct 25, 2017
Going by what you said, I think you're roughly at the halfway point now. The first playthrough took me a bit more than 9 hours, although I still missed several collectibles along the way. As far as I'm concerned, the game goes from strength to strength all the way to the end, and some of my favorite, and most unexpected sequences were in the latter half.
Man, I can't wait to see how it unfolds!

I wasn't expecting
to meet the rebel leaders with so much game left. I thought that encounter would be saved for later on. Now that the story is going in that direction, I can see what they're doing, but to give us so much time with the game before bringing you to the heart of the resistance and showing you these characters was pretty surprising, when it comes to how much story content the game has.

I also loved the trial scene! The presentation of that moment really justified all of the moral choices, they fit in so nicely to the scene and made everything feel a bit more special, even if I doubt they would make any difference to how the scene ended. I stopped in the save point that comes right after that, when you wake up in the Blanket's house and your walk cycle animation changes. Didn't do anything after that.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
Man, I can't wait to see how it unfolds!

I wasn't expecting
to meet the rebel leaders with so much game left. I thought that encounter would be saved for later on. Now that the story is going in that direction, I can see what they're doing, but to give us so much time with the game before bringing you to the heart of the resistance and showing you these characters was pretty surprising, when it comes to how much story content the game has.

I also loved the trial scene! The presentation of that moment really justified all of the moral choices, they fit in so nicely to the scene and made everything feel a bit more special, even if I doubt they would make any difference to how the scene ended. I stopped in the save point that comes right after that, when you wake up in the Blanket's house and your walk cycle animation changes. Didn't do anything after that.

I finished my second full playthrough yesterday, and I also got all the achievements, and collected all the mementos, but there are still things to be done, and I have no idea how to accomplish them. Searching for clues on the internet didn't help much, so I'm hoping maybe you'll have some ideas when you're done.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
Finished the game tonight. Liked it, but didn't really care much for the puzzles. They were more or less all trivial and served more as a time waster. Regardless, great presentation and enjoyable story.

Finished in 7 hours, playing exclusively on Vita with Remote Play.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
Finished the game tonight. Liked it, but didn't really care much for the puzzles. They were more or less all trivial and served more as a time waster. Regardless, great presentation and enjoyable story.

Finished in 7 hours, playing exclusively on Vita with Remote Play.

Which ending "score"/portrait did you get?


Dec 19, 2017
A couple hours in and really liking it! The story and choices are very interesting and the art is pretty. What a shame there isn't more buzz. Is anyone making an OT? This game deserves one.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
Hmm nor sure I follow. As for the ending,
I picked the one where the realm was saved

After you choose one of the endings, and watch the final cutscene and credits, you'll be scored according to the way you played the game. There seem to be four different grades/titles, Caretaker, Enforcer, Rebel, and Master, and each comes with a corresponding image resembling a tarot card. From the main menu you can choose Storylines, and boot into the post-game hub world. There you can choose to replay any chapter, and find a few other things, like a shack in which you'll find your ending picture(s) hanging on the wall. So far I've only managed to acquire Caretaker and Enforcer titles, and I'd like to figure out how to acquire the remaining two.

Also, when you choose the other ending, after the credits sequence the game loops back to the beginning, which is peculiar, and perhaps leads to some changes on a subsequent playthrough?


Oct 25, 2017
Finished this last week, and I liked the developments during mid-to-late game. The ending I got was okay I guess, but the storytelling around the end was poor.

You fight this alarm clock as a final boss battle, but there was absolutely no build up to this character. There also weren't enough scenes with Bonku and the young Anne.

One of the puzzles near the end was also a little obtuse (that white screen where you match your reflection's poses - got stuck there for one pose where you had to climb down a ladder). Also, when you go back to your house near end game, I didn't have any Arca for the door puzzle (all cylinders in the house were empty, and I used my Arca on reviving that one character that I distilled) and had to go back all the way down to get Arca and then back up to do the puzzle. Devs really should have made sure that players do not encounter such issues.

Anyway. The ending I got was sacrificing myself to restore the forgotten world to its initial state, and Anne and Bonku crystallised. I guess it was a nice little ending, but I still didn't feel satisfied after it. Not really going to bother doing other endings though.

Overall, it was an average game.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
You fight this alarm clock as a final boss battle, but there was absolutely no build up to this character.

That's true, but I actually somewhat liked it. Having a character introduced early in the game, only to have it turn into a bad guy later on has become such a widely used trope that I found this approach refreshing (even if in reality they've done it because of budgetary concerns, which is rather likely).

Devs really should have made sure that players do not encounter such issues.

They have everywhere else in the game, so this is probably an oversight that might be fixed with a patch. There are more issues that I could mention (the biggest one probably being occasional problems with the sound mix, and intonation of some dialogue lines), but they pale in comparison to what I think the game does right.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
That's true, but I actually somewhat liked it. Having a character introduced early in the game, only to have it turn into a bad guy later on has become such a widely used trope that I found this approach refreshing (even if in reality they've done it because of budgetary concerns, which is rather likely).

They have everywhere else in the game, so this is probably an oversight that might be fixed with a patch. There are more issues that I could mention (the biggest one probably being occasional problems with the sound mix, and intonation of some dialogue lines), but they pale in comparison to what I think the game does right.[/QUOT
After you choose one of the endings, and watch the final cutscene and credits, you'll be scored according to the way you played the game. There seem to be four different grades/titles, Caretaker, Enforcer, Rebel, and Master, and each comes with a corresponding image resembling a tarot card. From the main menu you can choose Storylines, and boot into the post-game hub world. There you can choose to replay any chapter, and find a few other things, like a shack in which you'll find your ending picture(s) hanging on the wall. So far I've only managed to acquire Caretaker and Enforcer titles, and I'd like to figure out how to acquire the remaining two.

Also, when you choose the other ending, after the credits sequence the game loops back to the beginning, which is peculiar, and perhaps leads to some changes on a subsequent playthrough?

Thanks, but

when I pick storylines, game loads to what I assume is the last save point before moving up the final set of stairs. Did I manage to quit the game before finishing it was recorded? I recall returning to the main screen when the credits rolled.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
Thanks, but

when I pick storylines, game loads to what I assume is the last save point before moving up the final set of stairs. Did I manage to quit the game before finishing it was recorded? I recall returning to the main screen when the credits rolled.

If you just press the normal confirm button (A on the Xbox controller, X on DS4), it will load the last save, but

if you press the X button (on the Xbox controller; I suppose square on the DS4), it should load the Ether Bridge hub.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
If you just press the normal confirm button (A on the Xbox controller, X on DS4), it will load the last save, but

if you press the X button (on the Xbox controller; I suppose square on the DS4), it should load the Ether Bridge hub.

Thanks, perhaps I'm stupid, but I can't reproduce.

Square doesn't do anything and GUI doesn't indicate that I have any other option than to load the save as normal.

Remo Williams

Self-requested ban
Jan 13, 2018
Thanks, perhaps I'm stupid, but I can't reproduce.

Square doesn't do anything and GUI doesn't indicate that I have any other option than to load the save as normal.

Interesting. I won't be near my console for a few days, so I can't post screenshots, but
when I go to Storylines there's my save game in the top-right, and near the bottom of the save game rectangle it says "Press X to enter the Bridge" (you can see what it looks like here at 44:30 if you don't mind having that spoiled). When you finished the game, did it not say something like "the bridge unlocked" after the credits? That's also when it should've shown your score/title.


Oct 27, 2017
So I was going to wait for a sale, but said Fuck it, and just bought it. Can't wait to play it today.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, I got a major bug that occured during a very important, pivotal scene when the voice acting stopped working and only the music and background vocals play. I thought it would go back to normal afterwards but this bug has continued into gameplay. I'm afraid to start it over and replay it out of fear it may happen again. I hope the devs are aware and a patch is being mage.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Finished it last night, and that was the first time I went looking for a thread.

First off, loved it. Felt like Limbo and Inside, but with more direct storytelling, and I loved the anime/80s cartoon feel of it. I would love more games like this, both in style and design. Game took me about seven hours, but felt much longer. For $20, I'm pretty satisfied, and I might go back for the platinum. Most of the puzzles hit a sweet spot for me, where they were interesting and required though, but not so complicated that I had to beat my head against them. The only one that stumped me was one toward the very end, and once I looked up the answer, I said, "Oh, yeah, duh, of course that's how you do it." (I was over complicating the problem in my head.)

Going to through the rest of my impressions behind spoiler tags.

It's always kind of bittersweet to me when a game builds a really outstanding world, but then tells the story so completely that a sequel isn't really feasible. Undertale fits this mold, and so does Forgotton Anne. I could easily see a sequel to this game, maybe with a two-player co-op mode where one player controls Fig and another controls Anne, and the two work together to solve puzzles, Lost Vikings style. More than anything, though, I love this world and these characters, and I would love to see more stories about them. But, alas, one ending kills off Anne, and the other ending kills off everyone else. (Unless we interpret that ending as just creating a time loop, which is a whole other ball of wax.) The story is over. And that's nice in one way, because too many franchises get beaten to death, but... yeah. I'd love to see more of Anne and Fig and all of the other characters.

The story was a touch predictable. Ten minutes in I knew exactly what the Plant was and that I was going to be going up against Bonku at the end. That's okay, though. Just because a story is rote doesn't mean it can't be compelling.

The Lost Pieces were creepy, but then I realized that aside from keeping me from using my wings, they didn't do much, and so they weren't actually much of a threat.

So the ending where I went back with Bonku implies that the game became a time loop? I guess going back just put Anne back to being an unwanted baby and Bonku back to being a failed clockmaker?

I had one major bug, when I was fighting Tink. I leapt out of the container and wound up under another platform, which threw me down to the bottom of the area, but the camera didn't follow, so I couldn't find a way back up.

I only really had one really major complaint about the game - Please let me skip cutscenes, or at least speed them up. Any time I had to reload, either because of a bug, or to make a different choice, or even just because I was coming back to the game after being away, I kept having to sit through ten minute cutscenes I'd already seen.

I think that's all I can think of right now. I should have written this last night, when I had way more thoughts about the game.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished the game a couple of days ago. I have rather mixed feelings about it but i'm glad i played it. I will not remember the game for it's gameplay, which i found ok at best. I will however remember the game for it's rather unique and imaginative world and characters, it's wonderful visual presentation (great visual style, other than the bland menu screen) and a very enjoyable soundtrack. I'm convinced that the developers put a lot of hard work and passion into this project, which might have been a tad too ambitious. It's rather polished, given it's scale and presentation quality, but there were a few bugs (which needed me to restart from save) and some issues with the sound mix (some voices being oddly silent/loud compared to others). Also, while it's impressive that the game had full voices for most characters, i found the delivery of the lines somewhat mixed in quality.

Gameplay wise, it's very much a cinematic puzzle and platform adventure, with the emphasis on cinematic. I understand why the developers opted for a very animated style for the characters (it fitted very nicely into the visual style) but that also pretty much determined that the platforming would at best be a way to traverse the world (in other words, don't expect a Celeste, Ori or Rayman kind of platforming). I would have preferred less animated and snappier controls. And to be honest, i felt a bit indifferent towards the puzzles. As cinematic adventures go, games like Limbo and Inside did it better.

All in all, a mixed bag but i found it worth playing. The developer, Throughline Games, is a new studio (founded in 2014) and this is their first game. It's a promising start and i can't wait to see what they are working on next.
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Oct 25, 2017
Only now finished it, got sick last week and wasn't really in the mood to continue. Lovely game, really enjoyed it.

Maybe a tad predictable, as I've seen others saying, but I feel like they already nailed the execution, which is the really hard part. I'm definitely in for whatever this studio makes next.

Loved the world and characters, to the point where I feel like the story could be bigger without any issues, but that's a good thing. Better to want for more than to hit the final hours looking at the time and hoping it'll end soon.


Oct 28, 2017
Game has new language support, a demo on Steam, as well as some bug squashing. What's really interesting, at least for me, is the part at the end of the announcement:

"As for our Japanese fans, we have a special treat planned for you later this year. Stay tuned!"

This has gotta be a Japanese dub, right? I really hope so. Even though the VA was better than expected, I think I'd just feel so much more at home if I could play with English subs and a Japanese dub. That way I wouldn't have to hear Inspector Magnum and I could truly get lost in the "lost 80s anime" vibe this game gives me.

It's been a couple of months since I beat this game, but a few of its set pieces/narrative moments are still stuck in my head.


Oct 27, 2017
So I ended up deleting and redownloading my game and I didn't encounter that bug in my new playthrough. I really enjoyed my time with Forgotten Anne and it was well worth the price.


Oct 27, 2017
I finished the game today. I'd give it a 3/5. It's a refreshing puzzle platformer. It has really nice visuals, interesting puzzles and a good story. Voice acting though is hit and miss. - a lot of side characters sound awful. And the platform isn't controls/elements are not great. It takes very long to recover from any failed jump. The animations in the game are elaborate to the detriment of game play. It takes so long to roll out of a long jump or climb into a ledge. That was pretty frustrating. But overall the game was good and I'm glad I played it. If you're a fan of puzzle platformers you'd like this game.


Having said all that i have what looks to be a LOT of bigger achievements. Did anyone else encounter this? I'm playing on Xbox. I've turned on the lamp by the main character's bed at the beginning of the game half a dozen times and I still can't get the achievement. Tried all sorts of fixes, hard restart, fresh save file etc... I'm seeing similar behaviour with other achievements.

Any known fixes?
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Oct 27, 2017
I am planning to go blind into this game. Can someone tell me if it is child friendly so my 6 year old could watch (or even play)?