
Apr 20, 2018
"Only people mentioned by Andre Segers can reply"

Rofl of course. Otherwise people would be calling out his shit apology. It basically amounts to "sorry they feel like I treated them wrong." Literally took no responsibility for his actions. Trash.


Nov 12, 2017
God damn it.

It genuinely feels like it's missing paragraphs. I'm not big on overanalyzing apologies but there's no apology here, no accountability, no promise to do better- only a pledge to stay as committed as he believe he's already been.

What this says to me is that there is a strong clashing of stories, that Andre does not agree with the statements made by Steve, Ash or Derrick. And if that's not true, and he genuinely does feel remorseful or introspective, then this is the worst apology he could have made. He lays all blame on the industry and pressures of maintaining a YouTube gaming channel. And that is valid but only if you also take ownership for your own actions.

I'm so disappointed. I've always rooted for Andre.

This is not going to reflect well on him.
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Jan 10, 2018

An "apology". But turning off comments, and releasing only a written statement rather than getting on camera.

I am usually someone that sees guilty until proven innocent, won't resubscribe until I see some openness back onto the former members of the channel. He didn't even mention any of their names
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L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Andre, if you're reading this, try adding:

- The names of the people you harmed so that we at least know that you're aware of the subject matter​
- Specific descriptions of what you did wrong​
- Explanations of how what you did was harmful​
- Goals that you have set with regards to making right on this​
- Goals that you have set with regards to preventing this from continuing in the future​
- Action plans with regards to making right on this​
- Action plans with regards to preventing this from happening in the future​
- Descriptions of the discussions you've since had with the people you've caused harm, including what you've learned and what you're going to do as a result​
- Descriptions of the actions you've already taken as a result of this​

Because a lot of this is about you and how you feel, but you and how you feel aren't really the important things in this scenario.

Granted, I don't know if you get a second shot at this, but the next time you screw up, I guess.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"Open Communications" *Turns off replies*


Oct 27, 2017
This was his one shot to own up to his past behavior and genuinely apologize for his actions...and he drops this ?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
People saying this is a bad apology. This isn't one at all.
He doesn't actually admit to anything.



Oct 25, 2017
I have seen quite a few apology images on Twitter in my time. This one is the shortest so far.


Aug 5, 2018
Andre was and always will be a very charismatic gaming commentator, but this statement is nothing short of gaslighting. This was an opportunity for him to correct himself and go forward with a new sincerity that could have helped begin to restore his reputation with many longterm fans and recover from an off-putting first impression for others. However, as viewers, listeners or else simple consumers of gaming media know, there is no shortage of alternatives and personally speaking that statement has made it easy for me to not reinstate my YouTube subscription with that community.

I thought it was rather telling in many was that one of the new presenters referred to what was going on as "drama". Well no, it's not drama at all, it is grown adults with partners and children needing to make a living and both over working and having to campaign to even get their under-paid wage. The comment was innocent of course, but it struck me that this is what makes them a good candidate for this type of boss who clearly wants to reap the rewards at the cost of friendship, reputation and other people's unabashed joy for videogames.

As a lover of theme parks, I hope he enjoys the ride he's paid for.

My best wishes to GVG and the new talent recruited onto this team - you know the worst of what can happen and let this inform you as you navigate what will hopefully continue to be an exciting time full of opportunities.

Game over.


Jun 29, 2020
He says he will pay timely from now on.

That's kinda vague as hell, and also doesn't address one of the main concerns regarding the amount of pay in proportion to time/effort.

In addition, all statements seem to be focused on the new team, and not on fixing/resolving situations with the old team that was the victims in this scenario.

I get your point but still, it is kinda yikes...


Apr 20, 2018
When the title is updated, I'd recommend having apology in quotation marks. At least then those just browsing by will know it's a whole lot of empty words.

Plastic Shark

Nov 17, 2017
I never read these word dumps, mostly because they're never genuine and not well thought out.

I gave this one a read tho, and I remain unimpressed. Guess he'll never post here again?


Nov 12, 2017
It's not an apology. It's a statement.

Either for legal protection or because he genuinely doesn't believe he did anything wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
That sure is something, but I'm not sure what that something is. It sure doesn't look like an apology.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
"Only people mentioned by Andre Segers can reply"

Rofl of course. Otherwise people would be calling out his shit apology. It basically amounts to "sorry they feel like I treated them wrong." Literally took no responsibility for his actions. Trash.
Take a moment to think about the fact that it says "only people mentioned by Andre Segers can reply" underneath a statement that names nobody except Andre Segers.

One of the hallmarks of bad apologies is that you can take almost the entire thing and just dump it into a completely different context.


May 29, 2018
This is the nail in the coffin for me. I wanted to continue supporting GX for the sake of the new members but this statement is so insincere, I can't in good conscience do that. I can't trust him to improve things when what he says is as hollow as that. Maybe things will get better but for now, this is just too disappointing.


Jun 29, 2020
Tis a shame really, but had to go through my subscriptions and unsubbed to Gamexplain. If Andre ever reads this, just note that I had a lot of fun times watching your content, but the treatment you had to your friends (at least, I thought they were your friends) is not acceptable and reeks of unprofessionalism. If you truly want to do what's right, you already know what you have to do. But I don't think you will, since you probably will never read this.

To the GVG team, good luck, you earned a new sub, and hopefully, you will all be at peace.


Oct 25, 2017
How come it was never his "intentions" to pay an unfair compensation or crunch people to unrealistic deadlines, what an embarrassment of a person.


Oct 25, 2017
How come it was never his "intentions" to pay an unfair compensation or crunch people to unrealistic deadlines, what an embarrassment of a person.

He never intended to not pay people unless they asked. Like, how on earth do you fuck that up? But he makes sure to pull the isolated "independent contractors" remark which is always used by companies to justify injustices when it comes to statements. Absolute fuckin' clown shoes.

It's quite clear he knows what he's done and he's in the "sorry that I got caught" phase. He probably let the popularity of his channel go right to his head, and now he's tainted the entire thing.


Feb 3, 2020
The way he uses contractors feels like it's for legal reasons. It's a load of shit. A very shallow statement. He doesn't even apologize for what he did, he apologizes for how they felt.


Mar 22, 2019
What a fucking assclown.

Describes them as contractors before calling them friends and has the gall to say "sorry you felt that way."

This is the shittiest attempt at gaslighting I've read. No one is buying this.