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Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017

This steps far outside policy criticism and enters into dangerous rhetoric territory especially given his relative reach and prolific presence on Twitter.


Oct 25, 2017
Is everyone involved with Jeopardy cursed to plant their feet firmly in their mouths?
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Oct 25, 2017
I mean we lost the battle he's discussing long before Vaccines were available, so really the only thing getting rid of vaccines would do is mean more people die. In the first place there has and continues to be a sizable portion of the population who has never seen it as anything more than a "mild cold". He's talking about doing what China's doing, but that's literally not possible outside a totalitarian state like China because no other system is going to be able to effectively enforce that sort of lock down long term.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
i dont get it, even if he has a good way to force everyone to stay inside their house for 2 months and shoot UV rays on everything they own i'm pretty sure that covid viruses are still gonna be out there. don't deer have it now

anyway, it's one thing to be frustrated but it's another to get pissed off at the idea of a vaccine. viruses are difficult diseases, that's nothing new


Oct 28, 2017
What a fucking idiot.

Fun fact: Antivaxer never considered themselves as anti vaccine, they just "asking question".


Oct 25, 2017
What a fucking idiot.

Fun fact: Antivaxer never considered themselves as anti vaccine, they just "asking question".
Actually reading his statements, it seems like his issue is more an accelerationist one where he thinks Vaccines gave governments an out to stopping more drastic measures like the lockdown. Which is still dumb because the lockdowns reduced spread but literally no expert ever claimed they'd eradicate the disease, and that was literally never the intent of them, and they were never really super viable long term solutions. He points to China's success with lockdowns, but while I do think they've done better than us by far, it's not an unreasonable assumption to believe the totalitarian state that has a history of lying to make itself look good is fudging the numbers to some extent. And of course the measures china has taken just simply wouldn't ever be possible in any even remotely democratic system


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
What a fucking idiot.

Fun fact: Antivaxer never considered themselves as anti vaccine, they just "asking question".

He's coming at the vaccine from a pov that honestly is even more insidious than pure anti vax, because at least those assholes think it doesn't work.

He knows the vaccine works to reduce harm significantly but he believes that the vaccine is why the US isn't covid zero (lol) so he wishes he could wipe it from ever existing to force more "hardline" anti protocols... it's literally the anti-welfare conservative argument but for the vaccine... essentially the vaccine has made people too soft in his's vile


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 17, 2018
Man two years of this shit really broke a lot of people's brains, huh


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 28, 2017
"I want all the infected to be rounded up the streets and sequestered"

"Not me though. Not me".


Oct 25, 2017
That's a hell of a thing to say.

And his ideal world wouldn't even work out the way he says it would. What's happened has large part to do to decisions/lack of decisions of the elite.


Oct 25, 2017
I unfollowed this dude on Twitter awhile ago because of his singular onlineness. The underlying sentiment that we need to double down on protecting the more vulnerable among us I agree with, along with the frustration that people are taking the vaccine as a blank check for dropping all other precautions, but yeah. Frustration + myopia + tweeting 1,000 times a day makes for a helluva combination.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
And the thing is Arthur is going to tweet this for the next 7 days or more

He talked about that writer organ donation thing for at least that long almost exclusively

It's only probably going to get worse and he has a lot of enablers


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Am i reading this right but he pretty much saying governments should practice eugenics?


Oct 25, 2017
Am i reading this right but he pretty much saying governments should practice eugenics?
He seems to be saying if the virus killed more people governments would implement better policy and that the vaccine by preventing greater death tolls is preventing better policy.

Which, nah.

Also I guess he really does want a police state beyond compare to implement quarantine, which is hella not feasible at this point. Maybe he could have asked for this in the first month but its gotten way past the point that makes sense.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 17, 2018
I unfollowed this dude on Twitter awhile ago because of his singular onlineness. The underlying sentiment that we need to double down on protecting the more vulnerable among us I agree with, along with the frustration that people are taking the vaccine as a blank check for dropping all other precautions, but yeah. Frustration + myopia + tweeting 1,000 times a day makes for a helluva combination.
Also he seems to be ignoring that China did in fact develop and distribute vaccines in addition to lockdowns.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Am i reading this right but he pretty much saying governments should practice eugenics?

He's saying there should be hardcore covid zero lockdowns enforced at gun point

And for some reason believes the vaccine's existence is the reason it's not happened

Oddly he believes it's the vaccine based policy that is eugenics


Oct 27, 2017
I've heard a bunch of anti vax arguments.. I have to say this is a new one for me


Oct 27, 2017
People really love to throw the term "eugenics" around when it's completely inappropriate lately hey. Letting vulnerable people die because you don't give a shit about them isn't eugenics folks. Letting them die because you think it will breed the vulnerability out of the population, that would be eugenics.

Am i reading this right but he pretty much saying governments should practice eugenics?
No. He's saying that we should have gone all in on stamping COVID out instead of just accepting that vulnerable people just die slightly more often post 2020 and that's how it's got to be.

Dunno how you got eugenics from that?


May 17, 2018
A lot of people in this thread are completely missing what he's arguing, which is basically that the vaccines are ineffective for immunocompromised people so by "allowing" the virus to become endemic and simply vaccinating as many people as possible, rather than forcing lockdowns to eradicate the virus entirely, we've condemned the immunocompromised to eventual death by covid.

Which is a load of bullshit of course. Eradication was never a feasible outcome and pretending it is ignores basic human nature.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I kinda get it. He's wishing that COVID zero was possible since the current vaccines don't do shit about protection of infection or transmission with omicron. But blaming the vaccines that have saved countless lives just doesn't seem to be the right way to go about things my dude.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That analogy of the asteroid is hilarious because no vaccine would actually literally just be letting the full sized asteroid hit earth.

"If only we stopped COVID by -checks notes- making sure a shitload more people died to it!"


Oct 25, 2017
I think I kinda get it. He's wishing that COVID zero was possible since the current vaccines don't do shit about protection of infection or transmission with omicron. But blaming the vaccines that have saved countless lives just doesn't seem to be the right way to go about things my dude.
Yeah at best case scenario it feels like he's relitigating 2020 with 20/20 hindsight and spouting a lot of hot air in the process.


Oct 27, 2017
I think I kinda get it. He's wishing that COVID zero was possible since the current vaccines don't do shit about protection of infection or transmission with omicron. But blaming the vaccines that have saved countless lives just doesn't seem to be the right way to go about things my dude.
His plan is stupid for a number of reasons, but (when possible*) eradication will always eventually save more lives than mitigation. That's just how time works.

*which it isn't in this case.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people in this thread are completely missing what he's arguing, which is basically that the vaccines are ineffective for immunocompromised people so by "allowing" the virus to become endemic and simply vaccinating as many people as possible, rather than forcing lockdowns to eradicate the virus entirely, we've condemned the immunocompromised to eventual death by covid.

Which is a load of bullshit of course. Eradication was never a feasible outcome and pretending it is ignores basic human nature.
yeah. It ignores that any real world decision making needs to take into account the fact that humans aren't rational creatures by nature and won't always follow the best possible solutions. Like yes, better lockdowns and contact tracing and social distancing and the like might've been able to stop the pandemic. But the fact is that those already failed before the vaccines were even a thing we had available because humans fundamentally don't operate like that.
Oct 8, 2019
He's coming at the vaccine from a pov that honestly is even more insidious than pure anti vax, because at least those assholes think it doesn't work.

He knows the vaccine works to reduce harm significantly but he believes that the vaccine is why the US isn't covid zero (lol) so he wishes he could wipe it from ever existing to force more "hardline" anti protocols... it's literally the anti-welfare conservative argument but for the vaccine... essentially the vaccine has made people too soft in his's vile

Which wouldnt even work because the anti-vax community is a death cult where people with diabetes, transplanted organs, and fat 50+ year old men, constantly talk about how they trust their immune system, and how "Natural immunity is free" and then talk about all these alternate cures, except since they dont do shit, they just add to the "Cures". Self revaluation only occasionally happens once they get hospitalized, and not say when the third family member has died.

They so believe that covid is nothing more than the flu that they firmly believe that vents and hospitals are the real killers, because they dont want to admit that they only go to the hospital once they have pneumonia, and continually demand that the answer is the alternate cures that they already tried that didnt work. That people who are dying at this very moment, can be injected with 1000mg of vitamin C and then that will heal the destroyed lungs that person has. Once people are on deaths door, they reach out to the prayer warriors whose constant prayers will reach God, and perform a miracle. Of course when the inevitable happens the person is sad but happy that their family member/friend who up to this point has come off as frequently cruel, and constantly self centered has finally got their just rewards and is now hanging out with Jesus with angel wings playing a harp.
Oct 25, 2017
The people who both refuse to get the vaccine now and continue to live as if COVID is a non-issue are literally the exact same people who refused to participate in COVID "lockdowns" and basic safety policies from the very beginning because "it will go away when it's warm" and "we'll have a vaccine in a few months anyway".

A lot of people in this thread are completely missing what he's arguing, which is basically that the vaccines are ineffective for immunocompromised people so by "allowing" the virus to become endemic and simply vaccinating as many people as possible, rather than forcing lockdowns to eradicate the virus entirely, we've condemned the immunocompromised to eventual death by covid.

Which is a load of bullshit of course. Eradication was never a feasible outcome and pretending it is ignores basic human nature.
Even in the fantasy world where you somehow get the entire country on board, it also literally requires the entire fucking world to participate with no exceptions, unless he wants permanently closed borders, all the way up to 0 international trade/business. And even then, exceptions have to be possible to allow for essential work.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
I do think testing positive and then showing up in indoor public spaces should be penalized but this guy is not right about the vaccines


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people in this thread are completely missing what he's arguing, which is basically that the vaccines are ineffective for immunocompromised people so by "allowing" the virus to become endemic and simply vaccinating as many people as possible, rather than forcing lockdowns to eradicate the virus entirely, we've condemned the immunocompromised to eventual death by covid.

Which is a load of bullshit of course. Eradication was never a feasible outcome and pretending it is ignores basic human nature.
There's also the fact that at the end of the day, with or without Covid, the immunocompromised will ALWAYS be at a higher risk of death than the average person because of the nature of their condition. Like obviously we should do what we can to ease their burden, but just as the Flu hasn't killed every immunocompromised person an endemic Covid won't either. And even if we concede that the direct effects of the vaccine aren't as helpful for the immunocompromised, the existence of the vaccine almost certainly has still increased their COVID survival rate because less hospitalized vaccinated people means more resources that can go towards treating people who are immunocompromised with the virus. A situation with no vaccine where out healthcare system is completely overwhelmed would almost certainly lead to many immunocompromised people not being given treatment and dying because from the perspective of triage they're less likely to survive the treatment and so it makes more sense to give it to someone for whom the treatment is more likely to have a positive effect


Oct 25, 2017
Anti-vaxxers are always like:

"I'm not against vaccines, I'm against these authoritarian mandates."

[5 seconds pass]

"Anyway, fuck vaccines!"
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