
User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Like even with the specific parodies on the first page, those don't work because Kratos/Kiryu/John Bloodborne wouldn't make wacky quips and aren't strangers to the fantastical elements of their universe. Kiryu wouldn't go "so let me get this straight, you're trying to take over the Tojo clan? Awkwaaaard" because guys who try to take over the Tojo clan grow out of the mildew.

Forspoken Lady gets isekai'd into a magical world of dragons and shit and is reacting to that with a buttload of "I'm gonna go save the world! Fuck yeah!" A normal person sarcastically reacting to fantastical scenarios can still be well written, Ethan in REVII essentially goes through less of a character arc and more becoming progressively over this these zombie hillbilly shit, but that growing self-awareness is used to highlight his mundane nature until he ends the game as a Resident Evil protagonist with all the one-liners that entails.

I'm just gonna say again that this forum doesn't get to pull backsies now after pretending the MCU isn't the entire death of cinema across a few dozen movies.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2020
The memes are a goldmine

I think if they just had dialogue from within the game with these shots of gameplay then it would be a lot better received

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
TBH it's nowhere near as bad as a lot of VA in video games. Extremely on the nose and cheesy, but at least the voice sounds good and doesn't hurt my ears or make me want to crawl into my skin and die like the voices in Star Ocean 4. I'd take this over another game filled with excessively wordy awkwardly paced speeches and weirdly sexualized dialog like is present in most JRPGs.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly wonder if they are making the same mistake they did with Guardians of the Galaxy.

The trailers made that games writing look awful, but the actual game was fantastic with the writing being the best part.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
Poor Forespoken lol.

Yeah this writing appeals to younger people, I wouldn't have batted an eye at this style and would have been more focused on the content of the ad at that age.

The memes are funny though. I hope they're made in good faith


May 14, 2020
Oh these memes are about authentic Black expression in video games? That's deep.

I'm talking about this


During A Preview, Forspoken Devs Described Their Black Protag In Cringe-Inducing Ways

Black folks were surprisingly absent during the Forspoken hands-off event

My newfound fears weren't helped when Rymer and Stashwick described Frey's origin story, which came off as a tired amalgamation of Black stereotypes. Those stereotypes included her "being very angry," her having "fallen through cracks of society," and being "on the verge of prison," before being teleported to Athia. The cherry on top of my newfound dread was motion capture and voice over director Tom Keegan describing Balinska's mannerisms during her motion capture performance as having a "very hip-hoppy kind of walk."
Oct 25, 2017

View: https://youtu.be/NYYgSs2RkJQ

Here's the longer story trailer for people wondering how the dialog sounds less cut up. It's still a bunch of phrases cut together probably not all in one scene. It was criticized here quite a bit at the time too. I don't think it's quite as bad to warrant all the parody but they are funny.

There is definitely a level of earnestness to the dialog that I thinks gets to people. Reminds me of the videos of gen Z kids making fun of millennials and using all common phrases from like 2010.


May 3, 2021
Yeah, this is what I think whenever there is a big commotion to criticize a game's story presentation for some reason. There are so many games with terrible writing that people love, including a lot of the people with anime avatars that are leading the charge
Because it's a tentpole release from Square Enix. Nobody cares about random AA or indie game with bad writing, just like no one is going to come here and talk about how Procedural Crime Drama 8162 has shit writing. Also there's been a rise in this kind of writing in games and people are getting tired of it. 🤷


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
The reaction to this game continues to be embarrassing. Like, I'm not about to hand out the Pulitzer for this stuff, but people are out here acting like this is some affront to God, meanwhile…*gestures at 99% of story based games*

Yuuuuuuup. I'll keep saying the same thing that the reactions are so embarrassing. There was discourse already back when it was first shown and she said "motherfucking dragons". I've lost count of trailers of other games showcasing actual terrible dialogue and no one bats an eye. This forum when it comes to Forspoken is actually embarrassing to behold.


May 1, 2019
meh it's not that bad. if you can handle the dialogue in something like ff7 remake i don't see how this is any worse even if has more western sensibilities to it. just recently neon white came out and that shit had some of the worst dialogue imaginable but the game was fun so who cares. i feel like if you slapped a more anime aesthetic on that dialogue jrpg fans would not bat an eye.


Dec 19, 2019
Probably doesn't help that that specific bit of dialogue seems ripped from a part of the game and just draped over B roll. I don't think the delivery is doing the writing any favors either.


Oct 25, 2017
A japanese studio making a title aimed at west starring a black woman and written by white people.

If only they had black people in the writing department or someone with a strong understanding of black culture we wouldn't have to deal with this shit.
If only but I guess we're not there yet.
I blame the fact that it's an isekai.
That reminds me, we haven't seen how she gets transported there. Hopefully it's not by truck again.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I can't find the tweet right now, but I read one recently that said something about how much they disliked this kind of "uh well, THAT just happened" kind of writing because it just makes the writers sound insecure. Listening to this, I understand exactly what they mean. The "wow, isn't this all so unbelievable?" style of dialogue is exhausting to listen to. Just be confident in what you're writing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
The moment where I officially got tired of this kind of writing was probably around the Voltron Netflix remake.

Paraphrasing a bit, I rolled my eyes over the constant examples of:

"Uh oh, that monster has lasers! Lasers confirmed!"

"Do you think my Lion can shoot missiles? I'd like a Lion that can shoot missiles."

I found it especially cringe in the latest He-Man Kevin Smith series, where we have this one semi-audience surrogate character who constantly remarks over all the weird shit that goes on in Eternia, and I'm like "You LIVE in Eternia! None of this should be weird for you!". It got to the point where I was wondering if she was actually a traveler from Earth (wouldn't be the first time, that's a regular thing that happens in He-Man).

Admittedly, I am a sucker for "comparing thing to popular media thing", as long as it's done in a humorous anecdote and not just a Ready Player One "Oh wow it's just like pop culture thing!". I especially like when it's used as an action, like "Scooby Doo this shit".

I even had an IRL moment with this when me and my sister were originally going to spend the weekend at a resort with our parents, but bailed out when she wasn't feeling well. Couple days later our parents caught COVID from the trip, and over dinner my sister mentioned how she had "a bad feeling" about going to that trip.

To which I reply, half-seriously: "Did you just Final Destination me?"

To each their own, but I find it amusing. The shit above about just reacting to the thing we're seeing? Not so much.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
The memes are pretty fun but, I've gotta say, this feels like exactly what id expect from Forspoken from what we've seen so far. I'd say the marketing folk who put this together probably nailed the brief they were given and, if you're the type of person who has been excitedly following the game based on what we've seen up to this point, this is probably the exact thing you're into or think is cool.

It's peak young adult, MCU, wheedon style 'I'm just a teen in a craaazy situation!' and I can't say it doesn't have its place for a certain crowd.


Oct 25, 2017
Whitta loves this sort of writing so I'm not exactly expecting the full game to be much better. It'll probably play well, though.


Apr 26, 2018
It's usually a mistake to draw too much of a conclusion from PR. There have been a lot of great games with cringey ads. Given who's involved in the writing of Forspoken, I do expect it to be pretty sassy, but hopefully, there will be good characterization and storytelling underlying it all.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Cheesy dialogue can be good but cheesy dialogue that's presented as a wink wink fourth wall breaking nod to the audience is never good. This kind of dialogue would be fine if it sounded like she was talking to herself and not to the player

Deleted member 20986

Oct 28, 2017
The only consolation here is the lines are most probably cut and spliced from different points in the game. So it seems more like a marketing fail here. It might not be this tone in the actual game. I hope.
Anyway game still looks bad to play so whatever.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
I see why this was rated M for strong language. Freaking dragons?! Whoa, calm down there!


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't really help Morbius.
Morbius memes didn't have anything to do with the movie, is the thing. He does not actually state that it's Morbin' Time at any point, and Morbin' Time is the only reason anyone on Earth would care about Morbius and all those memes came into existence in the first place because Sony's so desperate to cash in on capeshit that they made a movie about a minor Spider-Man villain.

Final Fantasy Origin's legendarily dunked on trailer had the word 'Chaos' spoken every eight seconds and then the trailer after that had the protagonist revealed as beloved Final Fantasy villain Garland (and play his own walking away music, that last one is what got me in) and it all wrapped up with a trailer set to Frank Sinatra. Everyone who bought FFO started off laughing their asses off, but what we ended up with was a spectacular game where the protagonist hurts his friend's feelings so he immediately declares that he's not mad and just has resting bitch face.


Oct 26, 2017
Sarcasm y'all. It is my firm opinion that the cringe-inducing writing showcased thus far does not bode well for the game's upcoming prospects.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Before folks go to bat with "there's no such thing as 'MCU humor,'" there is, and this is it. I physically recoil every single time I hear the "YEAH, THAT'S ME" shit.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
Cheesy dialogue can be good but cheesy dialogue that's presented as a wink wink fourth wall breaking nod to the audience is never good. This kind of dialogue would be fine if it sounded like she was talking to herself and not to the player
Yeah, this is my least favorite brand of fourth-wall acknowledgement. It's never very clever and it's never very funny, and every time it happens it just gets that one bit more stale for me.

I think it's the ad format that's making it worse, though - if I heard these as one-off lines in the game I'd probably just roll my eyes a little and quite happily keep playing, but all bundled together for this ad, they compound into one big cornball.


Mar 18, 2020
It's fine, seems like an ad designed for TikTok. All ads ain't gonna appeal to everyone *shrug*
A huge and enduring trend on TikTok currently is the relentless mocking of this exact kind of writing and humour by everyone between the ages of 12 and 40. This stuff is for disney adults and nobody else.

It's a shame because the actual gameplay and movement and combat actually looks kind of dope, I want to play it, but I'm considering it might be the first game I ever play where I just skip cutscenes instantly and turn the dialogue audio down to 0, I could barely make it through this trailer.


Alt Account
Jul 22, 2022
The game looks so... boring. At least Strangers of Paradise had entertaining bad dialogue, this just seems bad.

Will hold out till we see more of course but so far the game has shown me nothing worthy of a purchase.