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Oct 26, 2017
I noticed there were sections for kB/m control schemes in the options. Are those just weird carryovers from the PC version?

Oh, I hadn't noticed that. Maybe it is possible then.

I think you shouldn't need to worry about that though, I haven't seen anyone doing any ridiculous shots that would allude to kb/m.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there are any kB/m users on PS4. Is that even possible? If there are then I haven't come across anybody yet who has appeared to be using it.
Its natively supported, though the support supposedly isn't great. I've not played around with it myself but i've read you can't config sensitively properly, theres some odd input drag with the mouse and theres no way to interact with your inventory, though it could've been improved since. There is cross play between PC and PS4, which is why i assume they're comfortable with having it, but i'm still a bit iffy about the whole thing. Its often brought up as a criticism on the subreddit.

While things like the XIM4 exist I feel like its a bit of a moot point anyway, i know they emulate KB/M input and its not quite as accurate as the real thing, but its still quite an advantage over a controller and i do still think its cheating, though something would need to be done at the hardware level to detect it i would imagine.


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
I just ran into a bunch of players bunny hopping constantly and building stuff at a crazy rapid rate. I suppose it could come with enough practice, but between the frequency in my limited time with the game, seeing the options for kB/m, and now hearing that crossplay is a thing, I assumed it was the the keyboard thing.

Not to get forgotten, my more pressing concern:

Foremost in my mind is the intense lag and rubberbanding. This is really killing my enjoyment. I played three games-- two duos and one squad, and throughout each game, there was this incessant lag that caused me to lose footing and stop sprinting and generally fail at responding well to engagements (got a total of two kills in those three games, both due only to the element of surprise). I never have lag issues with other games, and I'm set to connect to the server nearest to me, to which it says I've got 30 ms ping, but it sure doesn't feel like it. I'll try some port forwarding, but do you folks have any suggestions for, explanations of, or just similar experiences with this issue?


Oct 25, 2017
I just ran into a bunch of players bunny hopping constantly and building stuff at a crazy rapid rate. I suppose it could come with enough practice, but between the frequency in my limited time with the game, seeing the options for kB/m, and now hearing that crossplay is a thing, I assumed it was the the keyboard thing.

Not to get forgotten, my more pressing concern:
Crossplay is limited, you have to be invited by a PC player into their lobby, and onto the PC servers. You can't run into PC players with regular matchmaking on PS4. I've been playing since launch and never been concerned with KB/M users to be honest. You'll get better at building, i can put up a base in no time, just practice a few simple structures when you've got time, you can even start the round off doing so. Land somewhere quiet, harvest a bit of resources, and build a tower or two for practice, or a basic 2x2 base. We all had to learn the same way.

When it comes to latency I ping about 60ms to my closest server and Fortnite is a low tickrate game, about 20hz, but i never experience rubber-banding, or at least extremely infrequently. I play on PS4 and on a wireless connection, you may have just been having a bit of an off night, or the servers may have been having a rough go of it, though i was playing earlier without issue. I do hope this issues doesn't persist for you, as when the game clicks it can be really quite fun, and there is nothing quite like that final 10 minutes of a round. Do keep in mind the game is in early access and sees constant support and updates.
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Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
Crossplay is limited, you have to be invited by a PC player into their lobby, and onto the PC servers. You can't run into PC players with regular matchmaking on PS4. I've been playing since launch and never been concerned with KB/M users to be honest. When it comes to latency I ping about 60ms to my closest server and Fortnite is a low tickrate game, about 20hz, but i never experience rubber-banding, or at least extremely infrequently. I play on PS4 and on a wireless connection, you may have just been having a bit of an off night, or the servers may have been having a rough go of it, though i was playing earlier without issue. I do hope this issues don't persist for you, do keep in mind the game is in early access and see constant support and updates.

All right, thanks. Yeah, I planned to keep playing and hope things get better. My friend, who lives two-ish miles away and uses the same ISP, said he wasn't having any issues, so maybe it was me. Somehow.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a Fortnite Playstation Plus Celebration Pack being listed on a few sites as a Feb.14th release, no details yet it seems (last time they did a PS specific bonus, they did do an Xbox one shortly after so fret not Xbox users). Probably just a pickaxe or something, but still cool.

All right, thanks. Yeah, I planned to keep playing and hope things get better. My friend, who lives two-ish miles away and uses the same ISP, said he wasn't having any issues, so maybe it was me. Somehow.
Perhaps, i play with a small group and one of us always seems to have latency issues, but he has them no matter what game we play, his internet is crap. Something about the wiring in his apartment building his ISP tells him. I did edit my post with a bit more info that may be helpful :).
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Oct 25, 2017
is it as simple as plugging in a usb keyboard + mouse?

Yea that's all it takes.... When I was playing on PS4 the other day I tried it just to see what kb/m was like on console but honestly using a kb/m is terrible on PS4 Fortnite (which is probably a good thing).

For starters I had no mouse cursor in menus or in my inventory. I legit was having to guess where the cursor was when trying to split ammo or shift items around. Pain in the ass.

The other thing is that the lower fps compared to PC does aiming with a mouse no favors and on top of that you still have to deal with the aim acceleration when turning so aiming/moving with a mouse feels really terrible... Even with the aim assist setting off you're still dealing with inconsistent turn speeds... Shotgun battles for example were a fucking nightmare.

Idk maybe over time someone could get used to it but I just opted to go back to playing with a controller after like 2 games with a kb/m even though I don't really know how to build well with a controller.

In the end I'm just gonna keep convincing my friends to play on PC instead of PS4 and maybe never play that version ever again :P
Nov 13, 2017
Surely you agree that double pumping, and the pump shotgun in general is OP?
I think double pumping is OP, and by extension, the pump shotgun due to how you can swap to another gun and then swap back. They NEED to force the pump animation. There HAS to be a drawback for that kind of firepower.

I think that would balance them nicely and would require people to strongly consider which shotgun to take into battle.


Oct 27, 2017
Sane ERA Fortniters.

Surely you agree that double pumping, and the pump shotgun in general is OP?

Double pumping is broken OP if you are at least somewhat able to aim. The gray pump also does the same damage as the green pump right now. I don't really double pump, but even without it, I feel like I get kills way more when using any pump over the tac.


Oct 25, 2017
Sane ERA Fortniters.

Surely you agree that double pumping, and the pump shotgun in general is OP?
Epic have said they are addressing the double pump, they just want to be careful with how they do as doing so could effect other systems negatively. I think the spread could be widened a bit and the damage in shooting test #1 was fine (85-95 x1.5 crit) even the revised (x2 crit) was fine too. I just think they're either waiting for season 3 to make the change, or after the shooting tests as they don't want that to negatively sway peoples opinions on them if that change is made around that time frame.

EDIT: Ahh, found the comment -
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Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Yea that's all it takes.... When I was playing on PS4 the other day I tried it just to see what kb/m was like on console but honestly using a kb/m is terrible on PS4 Fortnite (which is probably a good thing).

For starters I had no mouse cursor in menus or in my inventory. I legit was having to guess where the cursor was when trying to split ammo or shift items around. Pain in the ass.

The other thing is that the lower fps compared to PC does aiming with a mouse no favors and on top of that you still have to deal with the aim acceleration when turning so aiming/moving with a mouse feels really terrible... Even with the aim assist setting off you're still dealing with inconsistent turn speeds... Shotgun battles for example were a fucking nightmare.

Idk maybe over time someone could get used to it but I just opted to go back to playing with a controller after like 2 games with a kb/m even though I don't really know how to build well with a controller.

In the end I'm just gonna keep convincing my friends to play on PC instead of PS4 and maybe never play that version ever again :P

thanks for the info... i wasn't really interested in using it cause i feel like that's such an unfair advantage, i was more just curious about ps4 supporting usb keyboard/mice outright. that's pretty cool!


Oct 26, 2017
Man, two second place bullshit losses. :(

First one was a several minute long building battle with another good player and when I finally won he left me with ten health. We were fighting at the edge of the storm though, and I couldn't pick up his stuff which was consumed. Put up a good fight against the last guy by building around him and hit him three times with a tactical, but he hit me once and he died. He had 20 health left.

Second time was a solo squad game where I ambushed a squad of 3 and managed to kill them all but again, they got me down to no health. Last guy turns up and the same thing happens. Gutter.


Oct 25, 2017
Screw it. They're taking out the best version of the SMG. Might as well take out the less fun guns in the revolver and pump.

You're right! That base SMG was awesome. Only reason none of these guns shine is because of the damn shotguns. Better damage, better range, bunny hopping madness

That base SMG has gotten some good buffs, but its never worth using


Oct 25, 2017
I think they are removing the base SMG as the Tactical SMG and Silenced SMG fill slightly different rolls. The revolver was also surprisingly quite good in shooting test #1, seriously, its exactly what that weapon needed. I think they've made the right choice.

Keep in mind they've also said they will cycle weapons in and out of the "vault". It sounds like a great way to keep the game fresh and each season somewhat unique in loadouts and options as the item and weapon sets grow.
Nov 13, 2017
I don't think they'll get rid of the RPG. It's the most reliable base destroyer in the game right now. I really hope they don't remove it. People would feel a LOT safer in their forts come end-game if they do get rid of it.


Oct 25, 2017
They are only vaulting weapons that are easily replaceable to avoid bloat since they keep trying new ones. RPG is going nowhere.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, i imagine it'll just be variants and redundant weapons or items taken out just due to bloat as others are introduced to keep the game really fresh and the meta always slightly shifting. For example i imagine we'll see the smoke gone as a mini storm grenade is introduced, but a new and refined smoke (that explodes at your feet as you throw it so you can disappear easier) will make a return a few seasons later as something else is removed, or something like that.
They are only vaulting weapons that are easily replaceable to avoid bloat since they keep trying new ones. RPG is going nowhere.
They'll vault it for a day and introduce the drunk rocket launcher from Rise of the Triad for St. Patrick's Day.
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Oct 25, 2017
Man I just cannot play this at all lately. Finding it impossible to get kills and every gun seems to shoot nerf bullets. The Burst AR shoots 3 shots but only counts 2. It's maddening.


Oct 25, 2017
I think double pumping is OP, and by extension, the pump shotgun due to how you can swap to another gun and then swap back. They NEED to force the pump animation. There HAS to be a drawback for that kind of firepower.

I think that would balance them nicely and would require people to strongly consider which shotgun to take into battle.

Woo wait, you can double jump in this game? Lol


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a little surprised we've not heard about the season 3 Battle Pass yet, gotta be really soon, we're a week away. Other than we know we get the Battle Pass quests at the start of the week instead of daily now, which is a pretty good change.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As a Destiny player, it's kinda crazy to see Krafty running duos with Doc and giving him pointers.

As for S3, you don't think they'd do a week cool down or anything do you? I certainly hope not.


Oct 25, 2017
As for S3, you don't think they'd do a week cool down or anything do you? I certainly hope not.
They went right into Season 2 from Season 1, so i imagine it'll be the same this time. We didn't even really get an end date until a week before Season 2 dropped if memory serves me right, but everything was all so new, there was no battle pass or anything like that and it launched with that program so we were all excited.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They went right into Season 2 from Season 1, so i imagine it'll be the same this time. We didn't even really get an end date until a week before Season 2 dropped if memory serves me right, but everything was all so new, there was no battle pass or anything like that and it launched with that program so we were all excited.
Yeah I couldn't quite remember how S2 launched since there really wasn't a S1. I had a moment where I thought we had to wait, but maybe that was the announcement as S1 was winding down.


Oct 25, 2017

Looks like this is the Playstation Plus Celebration Pack that some sites were reporting coming to PSN tomorrow (available in some regions already).
Oct 25, 2017
It actually took a while for double pump to really catch on. I've known about it for a really long time now, it's pretty busted but I think it's largely based on how good the pump shotguns actually are. And part of that is sort of forced on it, since it's low rate of fire and relatively short range in addition to the low TTK they've decided to go with.

I think white pumps have to go. Just remove them. And then change the equip/unequip time of the pump shotgun to be longer if you just fired a weapon. It should deter double pump because you'll have a slightly longer weapon change between every shot, times 2 because you are unequiping and equipping a pump shotgun. The rarity change to be green only kinda allows it to be as strong as it is. Perhaps it shouldn't OHK max shields and that I think would be a rather minor but fair nerf. But if it OHKs 150 hp, then it's still a very strong weapon imo.

Yeah I couldn't quite remember how S2 launched since there really wasn't a S1. I had a moment where I thought we had to wait, but maybe that was the announcement as S1 was winding down.

There was also a pre-season in addition to s1, but I am pretty sure there was no gap. But if there was maybe a few days at most.


Oct 25, 2017
dang, if we have our epic account tied to PSN can we use these items on PC?
That is a very good question. In theory, yes, but i wouldn't be surprised if they put in something to prevent it. There have been Playstation exclusive heroes before for PVE, i'm not sure if they were available if you had your accounts linked. And congrats!
Do the Daily Challenges ever recycle? That is, do you HAVE to complete the 3 you have in order to get new ones?
No, once you reach the three it'll keep those three until you finish one. You can have however re-roll one challenge per day, to do so just inspect challenges and select the one you don't want and abandon it to be granted another one right away, you can do so again at the next daily reset.

Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
From the lobby screen press the select challenge button, its L3 on PS4 but it will be indicated on the HUD as to what button to press.
There is a button bottom left or right I think. I think it says inspect challenges. And then there is an abandon button which gives you a new one, similar to hearthstone it's abandon 1 a day.

Maybe you have to go to profile. It's somewhere. I've only done it once or twice so far.

Found it, thanks

oh god I got a bush and hid in the bush and then I pulled out a grenade launcher I didn't realize the grenade launchers ran on a timer so I'm just shooting wildly then I got shot from behind

this games pretty great
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Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

the PVE version of Fortnite is going free this year? Huh.

On that note

if I buy any of the 'founders' packs, does anything apply to Battle Royale?


Oct 25, 2017
Hey is there a way to change the aiming side? Its one little thing that bug me a little, constantly aiming to right is not always great in some situation. Just wondering if its not if they considering adding this to the game.


Oct 25, 2017

the PVE version of Fortnite is going free this year? Huh.

On that note

if I buy any of the 'founders' packs, does anything apply to Battle Royale?
Yes, though likely in the second half of the year is my guess. The only special thing you get is a really ugly ass Umbrella variant for owning one of the founders packs in Battle Royale. You can however grind V-bucks in PVE that can be spend in either the PVE or PVP store, however it wouldn't really be cost effective to do so unless the game was on sale and you enjoy the PVE portion. The PVE side is fun, but has quiet a few flaws and sees work done at a slower pace than Battle Royale, but you also get the sense its a more complex thing to work on. They are developed by two different teams.
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