Deleted member 51789

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Jan 9, 2019
I mean the overwhelming majority of indie games are overpriced flash games, but to offer those instead of some high quality triple a titles is nonsense. That's like going to a buffet and all they have to eat is iceberg lettuce.
I'm someone who thinks PS Plus needs to offer better monthly games, especially after removing PS3 and Vita games from the service, but Edith Finch and Overcooked are high quality titles. The only way that they're the 'lettuce' of the buffet is if you mean that they're refreshing and healthy, because indie games can certainly be that.

If they're going to stick with just two games, maybe Playstation need to look at a more traditional 'AAA' game alongside a smaller title (indie or not)


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I mean the overwhelming majority of indie games are overpriced flash games, but to offer those instead of some high quality triple a titles is nonsense. That's like going to a buffet and all they have to eat is iceberg lettuce.

I'm sad that people genuinely view videogames through this lens. If it ain't got a multi-million dollar budget it apparently ain't shit, disregarding the fact that the majority of AAA games has been generic and focustested tripe while the most engaging experiences are invariably found in the indie scene.

That said, it shouldn't hurt for Sony to add a 'AAA' game in there just to offset these kind of opinions. Even though there's a bigger chance that the games offered will be even worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Edith Finch is SO DAMN GOOD. Seriously, that one will stick with you for a while.

Never played Overcooked but I've only heard good things for those looking for local co-op games.


Dec 4, 2017
I find it so odd when people are like "I'm not resubbing this month". Do people really wait for games reveal every month to decide whether to sub or not? Its much more financially viable to buy an annual sub on sale haha. I really don't understand?

(own both games, sad times for me)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Dang, was hoping Metal Gear Survive would've been one of the games, but I'm excited that more people will be able to play Edith Finch

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
If you don't like PS+ don't pay for it.
I gave it up over a year ago because I just couldnt see the value.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm someone who thinks PS Plus needs to offer better monthly games, especially after removing PS3 and Vita games from the service, but Edith Finch and Overcooked are high quality titles. The only way that they're the 'lettuce' of the buffet is if you mean that they're refreshing and healthy, because indie games can certainly be that.

If they're going to stick with just two games, maybe Playstation need to look at a more traditional 'AAA' game alongside a smaller title (indie or not)
They don't really need to offer any games at all, almost all Plus subs come from paywalling online access. If they stopped offering monthly games entirely, they would lose little to no subscribers.

The issue with this month's games is that both of them are very cheap and one of them has a sequel that replaces the original. The value given here is about 10 bucks, and that is just if you look at the sale prices of the games - there is the additional restriction of losing access to the games if you stop subscribing.

If you don't like PS+ don't pay for it.
I gave it up over a year ago because I just couldnt see the value.
For the vast majority of players out there, a PS+ subscription is mandatory to operate a PS4. Not being allowed to use online features in any game is a huge restriction. It would be nice if we could unsub from this shitty "service" when the games suck, but it's not a realistic option.

nel e nel

Oct 27, 2017
I don't know what I would do without my monthly "PS+ is the worst best service on the planet" thread.


Oct 25, 2017
All y'all shitting on Overcooked are going to suffer at the hands of the glorious Onion King.

Peasants don't know good gaming if it slapped on your ass like your mammy did when you were born.

#1 defender

Oct 27, 2017
I almost bought Overcooked a couple of week ago while looking for a fun couch co-op game, so this is great timing. Don't mind trying Edith Finch either. They could offer us some bigger titles more often though, now that we're down to two games a month, or give us three titles per month.
Jan 3, 2019
I find it so odd when people are like "I'm not resubbing this month". Do people really wait for games reveal every month to decide whether to sub or not? Its much more financially viable to buy an annual sub on sale haha. I really don't understand?

(own both games, sad times for me)
It's more financially viable to not spend money on games you're not going to play. If you can delay your membership purchase for a month, why shouldn't you?


Nov 2, 2017
PlayStation plus is worth it for the discounts alone. For me the games are just a bonus. Only reason I buy ps plus is for the game discounts.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
All y'all shitting on Overcooked are going to suffer at the hands of the glorious Onion King.

Peasants don't know good gaming if it slapped on your ass like your mammy did when you were born.

I don't think anyone is shitting on Overcooked, but (even if I understand why) why would they give us 1 when Overcooked 2 is amazing sauce.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Very shitty stingey service lately, Sony.

This is how I feel.
Granted, Edith Finch was in the discussion for my GOTY in 2017, but with only two games a month now (Edith Finch has had deep sales recently, Overcooked, a mid-2016 game, has as well), I can't help but feel disappointed in this element of the service lately.

I don't play a lot of online games, so I basically hold on to the service for various games in my library that I would no longer be able to access if I cancel my sub. However if this keeps up I'll have no choice. Very disappointed.


Oct 26, 2017
Bad month for me, already played Edith Finch, thought it was good, but didn't love it, has some really great moments though. And Overcooked, which I also didn't love.


Oct 26, 2017
Already have overcooked and not keen on Edith so hopefully there'll be some PS+ discounts worth looking at this month.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
I think this might be the first month where I own both Plus games. Edith Finch is good, except I got lost more than a couple of times and it ruined the story flow for me. It's a good game but definitely not for everyone.

Overcooked is great, and well worth being in anyone's collection.


Oct 25, 2017
Nice, been wanting to try Overcooked since that Jablinski video a few weeks ago
Nov 4, 2017
I'm sad that people genuinely view videogames through this lens. If it ain't got a multi-million dollar budget it apparently ain't shit, disregarding the fact that the majority of AAA games has been generic and focustested tripe while the most engaging experiences are invariably found in the indie scene.

That said, it shouldn't hurt for Sony to add a 'AAA' game in there just to offset these kind of opinions. Even though there's a bigger chance that the games offered will be even worse.
Perfect post. Most AAA games are vapid subscription services aimed at the lowest common denominator nowadays. Once you've played several over this gen especially, you've played them all. Since playing some of this gens indie titles I've never been more emotionally invested & moved. I think the beauty is in the simplicity of the likes of Rime, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Unravel, Journey etc. All at much more reasonable prices and even have been on PS+ which makes the service alone worth it to me.

With that being said, alluding to your closing comment and my statement about lowest common denominator, it's surprising that Sony, knowing that most of their customers complain about a AAA not included don't try to please all contingents by giving away 1 AAA & 1 Indie.

RE Edith: I loved, Everybody's gone to the Rapture... Sounds like i'll enjoy Edith Finch? What's the consensus on Gone Home, The Witness & Ethan Carter? Thinking of picking them up too.


Oct 27, 2017
A game that goes to 7.99 when on sale and the Overcooked 1 instead of Overcooked 2?

PS+ has been horrible for awhile. I already own both of those games... but still... they eliminated games and now we get budget already typically discounted old games.


Oct 27, 2017
Looking forward to Edith Finch and Overcooked. Good month though still sour at the loss of the number of games we get. Boo that man [Sony].

Brainiac 8

Oct 27, 2017
I'm quite happy about this month. I've already beaten and own Overcooked, but that game is fantastic if anyone hasn't played it. One of the best multiplayer games ever.

As for Edith Finch, I won't pay cash money for walking simulators but I love when PS+ gives them to me to play for free. Neat experiences but so far there isn't one of them I would have been happy paying for. Quite excited to finally play this one.


Oct 28, 2017
I got Overcooked on PSN when it was on sale for <$5 back in October. Great co-op game.

Interested in seeing what Edith Finch is like. Not a bad month. /looks at April's PS+ games


Oct 26, 2017
Crap month for me since I have both of those.

But those are two great games, especially What Remains of Edith Finch. That one was just tremendous.


Nov 28, 2017
Played Overcooked on Xbox Game Pass (as well as just got it with GwG) and had hella fun, and purchased Edith Finch and did not like it much 2 hours in (PS4).

Both games are a bit stale. Comes off bargain bin.

Sony really has lost the plot with PS+ games, imo.

I've said this before, but the launch ad campaign for PS4 was about losing yourself in immersive worlds (with multiplayer.)

Both these games could be PS2 games, essentially. Overcooked could be PS1.

Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4 should really be on PS+ at this point.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Horizon Zero Dawn and Uncharted 4 should really be on PS+ at this point.

That's my main issue. Why does Sony not support this service better with their first party titles? Like I don't even want to play Knack 2, but why not just throw it out there, same with GT Sport, or The Order. There is no way those games are still selling, and they own them anyway. At least they don't have to pay some other publisher to put their game up there for a month. Every month should have at least one Sony first party title added. By the time a game is a year old it should be on PS+ for free. I don't get how they are able to sell third parties on this being worthwhile for them, when they refuse to put their own games.

Anyway, I own both these games (though I haven't played Edith Finch), but Overcooked might be my favorite couch co-op game ever. If you have someone you want to play some local games with, don't skip out on OC.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm starting to feel like it's pointless to have both Humble Monthly and PS+... the last few months of PS+ have been games that I already have, and a good chunk of them were from Humble a month or two before.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I'm starting to feel like it's pointless to have both Humble Monthly and PS+... the last few months of PS+ have been games that I already have, and a good chunk of them were from Humble a month or two before.

Twitch Prime
Free with EGS
Humble Bundle

They all seem to have a major overlap, so if your platform agnostic and just care about the games, then no, it doesn't make much sense to subscribe to a multitude of services.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
First time I have all the plus games already bought. They are both awesome, though, so can't complain!


Oct 28, 2017
This has to be the worst subscription service ever. Two games that usually cost around $5 or less on sale for a monthly fee of $6. And if you bought those games in the past for around $10 because you sometimes pay for games you are interested in, you get zero value.
PS Plus was so good last gen and now it's just a rip off, basically a monthly paid loot box with common items and duplicates.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably late to the party on this one, but got the usual PS+ email, where they put the total price of the games on offer.

It was 27€ this month, which I think is the lowest it's ever been ?

It's hilarious that they still tout the "value" of the service when it has clearly fallen off a cliff.
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